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Dates Element Modality

August 23 - September 22 Earth Mutable

How you do the small things — attentively — is how you do everything. You know that winter
always turns to spring. During the darker times in life, you put your head down and attend to the
work in front of you to sustain yourself and your loved ones. You love a daily routine, and a good
day to you is when you fit every activity into its assigned time slot.

You prefer to perceive the world, to soak up all the words and colors and feelings and sounds
that the world has to offer, processing this information at their own pace and reporting back only
the carefully curated insights.

You’re an incredibly sensitive person who is more likely to listen than you are to speak. This
orientation drives your success in areas of your life that move in a straight line: finishing school,
running a quadrathlon (or whatever is harder than a triathlon), finding a job, and absolutely
crushing it. What’s more important than winning for you, Virgo? perfection.

Whoever the first person to be called a perfectionist was, they were probably a Virgo. This, of
course, is a trait that causes a lot of unnecessary suffering, because as we know, nobody’s
perfect. Remember that people are not projects, Virgo, and that includes yourself. It is beautiful
that you are always striving to be better than you were yesterday, but you do not have to be
constantly perfecting yourself in order to be loved, valued, and whole. You’re worthy and
wonderful in the present moment, too!

You need to kick back on occasion and embrace some flaws so that you can balance all your
effort with rest and decompression.
You’re a natural helper with a generous, loving heart. Make sure to regularly put yourself at the
top of your priority list and get back some of the love you give out.

You can be a hard nut to crack. Virgos need to feel safe to open up and demonstrate all their
mushy feelings. You have to be sure that the energy you put into a relationship will be worth
your time. You want to take your time in love and make careful choices about who you open
your heart to, and when. Once you open up, though, you’re a devoted partner. Virgos prefer
stability to spontaneous flings. With a fling, they never get to see their vulnerability rewarded
and transformed into deep intimacy. Highly methodical, you have every relationship all mapped
out in your head, and at times you can seem as if you’re trying to analyze your partner. You
want to know if they will fit into the role you dreamed up for them. If Virgo rules the relationship
area of your chart, you’ll spend a lot of energy looking for the right person. It’s important to
separate the fantasy of who your partner is from reality. No relationship is perfect, Virgo, but
love is worth the risk of failure.
Your organized way of looking at the world is a high-value skill in any career that deals with
complex systems, problem-solving, and clear, concise thought. Virgo’s inherent aptitude for
dealing with the material world also makes you very good with your hands. You can turn
blueprints into skyscrapers (metaphorically and literally — lots of excellent Virgo architects in
the history books!). You’re a superstar when it comes to saving money. You demonstrate an iron
will with your personal budgets and excel at saying “no” to frivolous spending. The growth point
here for you, Virgo, is to learn to indulge more in the things that give you pleasure outside of
work and to take more risks professionally. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Get
after it!

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