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ID NO: EITM/UR121739/09




This project becomes a reality with the kind support and help of many individuals. I would like to extend
my sincere thanks to all of them.
Foremost, I want to offer this endeavor to my god almighty for the wisdom he bestowed upon me, the
strength, peace of my mind and good health in order to finish this project.
I am highly indebted to bruhtesfa Plc Company for their guidance and constant support as well as for
providing necessary information regarding this project and also for their support in completing this

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to my adviser, INS. AREGAWI
GEBREYOSUS. For imparting his knowledge and expertise in this project.
Finally I would like to thank to my coordinator merkeb of BruhTesfa Irrigation Company and the
company workers those who give me their full support and those who have been positive in which I can
accomplish the project in an understandable and more concrete assistance through the whole project.


High class quality and its management have become the key aspect and have a big impact on
production system of the companies especially on the product sector rather than in the service
sector. Continuous quality improvement helps to attain customer satisfaction and overall system
improvement. It is important to choose the right one for the right organization. In the current
plastic production system of bruhtesfa irrigation and water technology PLC there is higher
wastage or scrape during the production process. Thisresearch can help to recognize what are the
main cause of high scrape rate using application of statistical quality control tools and cause and
effect diagram. And what step should take to eradicating such problems. The main aim of this
project to apply statistical quality control tools and to reduce wastage rate of the production
system of bruhtesfa irrigation and water technology PLC.According to the data analysis the
80%of wastage rate is due to HDPE 01 and HDPE 02 Machines and the main cause of the higher
wastage rate are operational and power interruption cause which is about 83%. Thus this project
try reduce the effect of these causes.
And this project recommends the company should apply statistical quality control tools and
Regular training should be given for the operator to improve their skill, continous follow up and
training session should be made by the management, and the company should taken an action of
punishement and reward for the employee’s. and applying or instaling diferent kind of power
source with minimum cost inorder to reduce the effect of power interaption ex solar power
source or instaling automatic generator.


List of tables and figure

Figure 1 the process flow of the main factory...............................................................................................7
Figure 2 the main products of the company...................................................................................................8
Figure 3 the main services of the company...................................................................................................9
Figure 4 organizational structure of the company.......................................................................................10
Figure 5 relationship between quality and productivity..............................................................................15
Figure 6 graphical representation of fishbone diagram...............................................................................17
Figure 7graphical representation of Pareto chart.........................................................................................19
Figure 8 data analysis of the different machines using Pareto chart............................................................24
Figure 9 data analysis of the cause of the scrape using Pareto chart...........................................................27
Figure 10 analysis using fishbone diagram of the high scrape rate machines.............................................28

Table 1 scrape rate produced by different machines for month 1................................................................22

Table 2 scrape rate produced by different machines for month 2................................................................22
Table 3 scrape rate produced by different machine for month 3.................................................................23
Table 4 cumulative distribution of the scrape rate produced by different machines...................................23
Table 5 cause of scrape rate produced for month 1.....................................................................................25
Table 6 cause of scrape produced for month 2............................................................................................25
Table 7 cause of scrape produced for month 3............................................................................................25
Table 8 cumulative distribution of the cause of scrape rate.........................................................................26

List of abbreviations
BT…………….. Bruhtesfa

PLC…………….private limited company

SQC……………statistical quality control

SPC……………statistical process control

CS……………cheek sheet

PC……………Pareto charts



List of tables and figure...............................................................................................................................3

Chapter one................................................................................................................................................5

1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................5

1.2 Vision of the company.............................................................................................................6

1.3 Mission of the company...........................................................................................................6
1.4 Objective of the company........................................................................................................6
1.5 Raw materials used by the company........................................................................................6
1.6 The process flow of the main factory.......................................................................................7
1.7 The company’s main products and services.............................................................................7
1.8 The company main customers................................................................................................10
1.9 Organizational structure of the company...............................................................................10
1.10 Problem statement.................................................................................................................11
1.11 Objective of the study............................................................................................................11
1.12 Scope of the study..................................................................................................................11
1.13 Limitation of the study...........................................................................................................11
Chapter two.............................................................................................................................................12

2 Literature review...........................................................................................................................12

2.1 The basic introduction of quality...........................................................................................12

2.2 The basic of productivity.......................................................................................................14
2.3 The relation between quality and productivity.......................................................................14
2.4 Statistical quality control.......................................................................................................17
2.5 Statistical quality control tools...............................................................................................17
2.6 Role of industrial engineer in quality control.........................................................................20
Chapter three.............................................................................................................................................21

3 Research Methodology....................................................................................................................21


3.1 Data collection methods used................................................................................................21

3.2 Data analysis tools used.........................................................................................................21
Chapter four............................................................................................................................................22

4 Data analysis....................................................................................................................................22

4.1 Data analysis using Pareto chart............................................................................................22

4.2 Analysis the causes of scrape using fishbone diagram...........................................................28
4.3 Data analysis after implementation of Pareto chart of scrape rate..........................................30
Chapter five...............................................................................................................................................31

5 Result and discussion.......................................................................................................................31

5.1 Result and discussion of the different machines scrape rate using Pareto chart.....................31
5.2 Result and discussion of the causes of the scrape rate in HDPE machine PARETO chart.....31
5.3 Result and discussion of the cause of the scrape using fishbone diagram..............................31
Chapter six...............................................................................................................................................33

6 Conclusion and recommendation.....................................................................................................33

6.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................33
6.2 Recommendation...................................................................................................................33
Chapter six................................................................................................................................................35

7 The overall internship experience....................................................................................................35



Chapter one
1 Introduction
In this chapter summarize the background, vision, mission, objective, organizational structure
and the manufacturing process of the plastic and the technologies found in the company.

1.1 Background of the company

Biruhtesfa irrigation and water technology plc is an Ethiopian company engaged in surveying,
study and design, manufacturing and consulting, supply and installation of compressive
irrigation and water supply system, maintenance and after sales of services. The company was
found in 2004 GC under Dejenna endowment which is now merged to be under endowment fund
for rehabilitation of Tigray (EFFORT). Its first intension as its starting point was used by the
government as industrial zone which is used as storage room for a commodity of products.When
it was constructed there was no more analyses given out to conduct throughout work to give out
things that were stored and brought from places, some plastic industry raw materials that were
imported from Eretria. But, now a day the company uses the port of Djibouti.
BruhTesfa plastic products PLC become operational in January 2005 GC with the mainobjective
of producing:different pipelines, fittings, drippers for application of drip irrigation and hi-tech
technologies to transform agricultural
1.2 Vision of the company
To be competent and the leading technological pioneer company in the modern irrigation and
water supply technology development, by offering best quality products and service (i.e. study,
design and installation) at competitive price in east Africa.

1.3 Mission of the company

To maximize shareholders interest, contribute its share in agricultural transformation and create
massive job opportunity and there by eradicate poverty in the country by bringing about
technological breakthrough in irrigation and water transport systems.
1.4 Objective of the company
 Toproduce drip of irrigation plastic pipes, drippers, fittings and distribute to users
 To produce and distribute poly ethylene pipe and nursery polyethylene tube and
construction materials.
 To import and export various plastic product for irrigation systems.
 To sale pre and post irrigation services.
 To participate in business area that can directly or indirectly related to within the
above objectives.

1.5 Raw materials used by the company

BRUH TSFA irrigation & Water Technology plc Produces High Density Polyethylene Pipes
(HDPE pipes) and Low density Polyethylene pipes (LDPE pipes) from 100% Virgin raw
materials PE 80 or PE 100 based on the application and customer interest. Theses raw material
are bought from internationally known sources such as SABIC and BOROUGE. The raw
material contains carbon Black 2.5+.03 by mass in accordance With ISO 6964 and is pre mixed


in the raw material supplier’s factory. There are also different color master batch for stripes
which are of the same resin as raw material of the pipe.

There are three types of material:

1) High density polyethylene: that is used for production of different type high thickness pipe
for water supply system and gas transmission. This raw material have high density which
gives strength to the end products.
2) Low density polyethylene: that is used for production of different size and thickness of
tabular films. This raw material have low density and high flexibility
3) Mixture scrape of the high density and low density polyethylene is used for production of
different size conduits. The high density polyethylene gives strength for the conduits and the
low density polyethylene gives flexibility to the products.
1.6 The process flow of the main factory
1. The polythene (raw material) is added in to metal made vessel and using sucker tube. The
polythene is moved to the hopper in which intern provides a smooth flow of raw material
through funnel-shaped hopper to the excluder.
2. Then the excluder melts the polythene at high temperature at which make it liquid with
high viscosity.
3. After the polythene melts by the excluder the die head and calibration makes it to have
required level of length and shape and diameter.
4. Then after a lot water is added in to horizontally placed container which allows gradual
cooling of the polythene and pave the way of solidifications.
5. The operation before cutting, the solidify polythene with the required length and diameter
taking off. The cooled and solidified polythene moves in to cutting area.
6. Then it can be cut according to the required length.
7. Immediately after cutting the conveyer high density polythene tube that substitute any
type of pipe for water transport and gas distribution winder and the winder warp up it in a
circular way release it to the ground.


Figure 1 the process flow of the main factory

1.7 The company’s main products and services
The company produce quality and complete set of:

1. Modern irrigation technology:- Complete pressurized irrigation system (both drip and
sprinklers), complete gravitational irrigation system (family drip kit) and other irrigation
related accessories and equipment’s
2. Water supply system: -HDPE (high density polyethylene pipe) that can substitute any type
of pipe for water transport and gas distribution networks such as GI pipe and UPVC, PE
fitting, water meters, filters and accessories, and Welding machine as special order.
3. Other plastic products:-Polythene tube (tabular films), Rigid and flexible conduit, and Bag
and sheets
4. Services:-Provide complete sets of products and services in both irrigation and water
supply systems, and Adequate and reliable supply of fitting and other accessories from
very prominent European companies (AZUD, AGRU, BAUER, IRR, AL, TAL,

Pictures of the company products

Drip lateral and plain pipe HDPE pipes

Flexible conduits Tabular films


Figure 2 the main products of the company

Pictures of the company services (installation of the different product)


Figure 3 the main services of the company

1.8 The company main customers
The company have a number of customers these are : Agriculturebureaus and water resource
enterprise, REST, ORDA, USAID and kobo girana, Investors, Water resource and sewerage
supply office, Textile industries, Laundries ,Tannery companies, Housing agencies , Construction
companies and whole sellers of conduit, Private farms and Flower industries and green houses.

1.9 Organizational structure of the company

 A present the firm is well organized and equipped by the following departments and

General manager

secretary Internal audit

Planning & it

Marketing Study & Production Supply Human Quality A/A branch

Dep’t design Dep’t Dep’t resource assurance office
Dep’t Dep’t service
Resea Prdn
rch Store G/service Sales & dist
Design divisi Cost &
Mngt division
on budget
Cont personne
ract procur l Sdi division
tion mainte
admin ement Genera
nance l group
Finance &
sales rch IPC logistics


Figure 4 organizational structure of the company

1.10Problem statement
For any manufacturing firm the main objective is to increase the quality of their products.
Manufacturing companies uses different quality control to increase their productivity and
increase benefit. The current quality control system which is applied in biruhtesfa leads to many
wastage and that wastage of the production system affect the overall objective of the company.
So Appling some of the seven statistical quality control tools to find out the cause of these type
of wastage and try to reduce the effect of these cause.

1.11Objective of the study

1.11.1 The general objective of the study
The general objective of the study is to reduce the frequency of wastage which occurin the work
station. In order to increase the production line of the plastic processing and productivity of the
1.11.2 The specific objective of the study
 To minimize the number of scrapes of the end products.
 To find out the main root cause of the defect
 To minimize the production losses due to defects
1.12Scope of the study

Inbruhtesfa irrigation and water technology plcscrape rate is occur in different machines of the
company like HDPE 01, HDPE 02, IR 01, IR 02, INJECTION, and FB machines.Myarea of
study is focus on scrape rate minimization highest scrape rate machines and on the highest scrape
rate causes in bruhtesfa irrigation and water technology plc.

1.13Limitation of the study

 Shortage of available data.duo to small tame interval
 Stoppage of the production system which affect the reliability of the data


Chapter two
2 Literature review
2.1 The basic introduction of quality
Quality is important issue in modern competitive business world. Like the theory of relativity
quality is sometimes expressed as relative concept and can be different things to different people.
Sometimes people visualize quality in Absolut term and for them it can be compared with beauty
and sweetness. According to them it can be compared with certain absolute characteristics and
the products and services must achieve a preset standards in order to obtain a quality rating.

Quality can be defined in many ways ranging from satisfying customers’ requirements to fitness
for use to conformance to requirements. It is obvious that any definition of quality should include
customer’s satisfying whom must be the primary goal of any business. Experience during the last
two decades in the U.S. and world markets has clearly demonstrated that quality is one of the
most important factors for business success and growth. Business achieving higher quality in
their products enjoy significant advantage over their competition. Hence it is important that the
personnel responsible for the design and development, and manufacture the products understand
properly the concept and techniques used to improve the quality of the products.
Quality has been defined in different ways by various authors:-

 Crosby 1979 :Quality is conformance to requirements or specifications

 Juran 1974 :Quality fitness for use or purpose
 Garvin 1984 divide the definition in to five categories
1. Transcendent:transcendent definition excellence
2. Product based:product based product based definition: quantities of product attributes
3. User based user based definition: fitness for intended use
4. Manufacturing: manufacturing based definition: conformance to specifications
5. Value based value based definition: quality Vs price
 ISO 9000:2000: Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics to fulfil
 Quantified:Q=P/E P=performance


2.1.1 Dimension of product quality

As described by garuin there are eight dimensions of product quality

1. Performance: this is the basic characteristics of products “will the product did the intended
2. Feature: what does the product do beyond the basic function?
3. Aesthetics: how the product looks, feels sounds, tastes and or smells“what the product look
4. Durability: a measure of product life“how long the product last”?
5. Reliability: probability of the product falling with in specified period of time “how often the
product fails”?
6. Serviceability: the speed, courtesy, competence, and ease of repair and recovery“how easy
is to repair the product”?
7. Perceived quality: varies tangible and intangible aspects of the product which quality
inferred “what is the reputation of the company selling this products”?
8. Conformance: the degree to which a product meets acknowledged standard “how the
product meet the requirement or is the product made as a design”?

2.1.2 Quality control

Quality control as we know it probably had a beginning in the factory system that developed
following the industrial revolution. Products were made from nonstandard materials using non
standardized method the result were with different quality. The only real standard used were
measure of dimension weight and quality (ross1998). The most common form of quality control
was inspection made by purchaser were poor quality product found would be separated from
acceptable quality products and then would be scraped, reworked and sold as lower quality.
Inspection took place mainly to ensure that the string of conformance and nonconformance
products can be done mostly involved visual inspection or testing the following the
manufacturer. Inspection analysis and action applied to portion of the products in the
manufacturing operation to estimate the overall products quality and determine what, if any
change must be made to achieve or maintain the required level of quality. Moreover
manufacturing companies applying different quality control methods like SQC tools and six


2.2 The basic of productivity

Productivity usually defined as ratio between outputs to input. It is fundamental concept
considering this efficient and effective use of resource productivity improvement is seen as a
critical success factor and foundation of profitability. Productivity also defined as the human
efforts to produce more and more with less input of resources, as a result of which the benefits of
production is distributed more equally among maximum number of people.Productivity is the
multiplier effect of Efficiency and Effectiveness. So productivity havedirect relation with

Productivity can be increased when:

 Production is increased without increase in inputs.

 The same production with decrease in inputs.
 The rate of increase in output is more compared to rate of increase in input.

At the individual level, stress, fatigue, absenteeism, demotivation and poor moral were identified
as indirect results of rework. At the organizational level, reduced profit, diminished professional
image, intra organizational conflict and loss of future work were identified as the indirectly
linked to rework (love, 2002b).

One of the productivity elements that could be affected by rework is the dilution of supervision.
It had been suggested that rework lead to diversion of which in turn diluted.

2.3 The relation between quality and productivity

Today highly competitive world, quality play a vital role as it leads to improvement of
productivity. Productivity, quality and cost of operation relatively depended to each other. The
relation of productivity, quality and cost are shown below. By improving the productivity, the
quality must be improved and hence lower the rejects or defects (Jafri and Chan 2001).

Higher quality goods take more time and labor and higher quality raw materials to produce and
drive to greater productivity almost always means diminution a quality. An exception is in cause
where standardization and precision mean a significant increase of a quality, as in machine parts,
which can be made more standard and more precise by machine which is also more efficient.
And productivity is the relationship between a given amount of output and the amount of input


needed to produce it. Profitability results when money is left over from sales after costs are paid.
The expenditure made to ensure that the product or services meets quality specification affect the
final or overall cost of the products and services.

Figure 5 relationship between quality and productivity

Improve quality productivity up costs down prices down markets increases

stay in business jobs + return on the investment.

2.3.1 Quality and productivity improvement techniques

1. Value engineering’s:-is the process of improving the value of products and quality at
every stage of product life cycle. At the development stage we improve the value of the
product by reducing the cost without reduce the quality. At maturity stage we reduce the
cos by replacing the costly component by cheaper component. VE also tries to improve
the value. Value is the satisfaction with the customer gets by using the products.VE tries
to give maximum value for lowest price.
2. Quality circle:-the concept of quality circle introduce in 1960 japan. QC is small group
of employee who meet regularly to identify analyze, and solve problems in their
departments. The QC member advice the management to implement new methods to
solve work related problems. QC increase productivity
3. Financial and non-financial activities: - the organization must motivation the
employee by providing financial and non-financial incentives. The financial incentives
include better wages and salaries bounce etc. the non-financial incentive include better
working condition, welfare facilities worker participation in the management etc.


4. Operation research(OR):-operation research uses mathematical and scientific method

to solve management problems, including of problems of productivity or techniques uses
scientific method to study the course of action and to select the best alternatives. OR
uses techniques such as linear programming game theory make the right decision
thus OR help to improve the productivity.
5. Training:-training is the process of increasing the knowledge and the skill of employee.
Training is a must, for new employees and experience employees. Training increase the
efficiency of the employee. Thus training increase the productivity.
6. Job enlargement:-is the horizontal expansion of job. It is done to make jobs interesting
and satisfying. It involves the increase of the variety of duties.
7. Job enrichment:-is the vertical expansion of job more meaning full and satisfying. It
involves provides more challenging task and responsibilities.
8. Inventory controls:-there must be a proper level of inventory, over stocking and under
stocking, of inventory, over stocking of inventory will result in blocking of funds and
there are a chance to spoilage or misuse of materials.
9. Material managements:-it deals with optimum utilization of materials in the
manufacturing process. It involves scientific purchasing, systematic store keeping proper
inventory control. At the right place at the right time, to maintain favorable relation with
the suppliers, to reduce cost of production etc.
10. Quality control:-the main objective of quality control is to produce goods at reasonable
price, reduce wastage, to locate the cause of quality deviation and to correct such
deviations, to make the employee quality conscious.
11. Job evaluations:-a process of fixing the value of each job in the organization. It is done
fix the rate wage of each job. A proper job evaluation increase the moral of the
employee. This increase productivity and product quality.
12. Human factor engineering:-refers to man- machine relationship. It is design to match
the technology to human requirements. The term ergonomics has originated from Greek
word “ergo” meaning work and “nomices” law so it means law of work it tell as how to
fit job to man’s physiology and psychological characteristics in order to increase
efficiency and wellbeing.


2.4 Statistical quality control

Statistical quality control is a term used to describe the set of statistical tools used by quality
professionals. Statistical quality control can be divided in to three broad categories:

1. Descriptive statistics: are used to describe quality characteristics and relationships.

Included are statistics such as the mean, standard deviation, the range, and a measure of
the distribution of data.
2. Statistical process control: involving inspecting a random sample of the output from a
process and decide whether the process is producing products with characteristics that fall
within predetermined range. Spc answer the question of whether the process in
functioning properly or not.
3. Acceptance sampling: is the process of randomly inspecting a sample of goods and
whether to accept the entire lot based on result acceptance sampling determines whether a
batch of good should be accepted or rejected.

2.5 Statistical quality control tools

1. cause and effect diagram
 The cause and effect diagram is also called the Ishikawa diagram or the fishbone diagram.
 It is a tool for discovering all the possible causes for a particular effect.
 The major purpose of this diagram is to act as a first step in problem solving by creating a list
of possible causes.
 This tool helps workers spend time on concentrating on the causes of problems rather than
focusing on improving the indications of problems.

Cause 1 cause 2

Effect due to the


Cause 3 cause 4
Figure 6 graphical representation of fishbone diagram
Steps of constructing cause and effect diagram

1. First, clearly identify and define the problem or effect for which the causes must be
identified. Place the problem or effect at the right or the head of the diagram.
2. Identify all the broad areas of the problem.


3. Write in all the detailed possible causes in each of the broad areas.
4. Each cause identified should be looked upon for further more specific causes.
5. View the diagram and evaluate the main causes.
6. Set goals and take action on the main causes
Note This is called the fishbone diagram because it looks like the skeleton of a fish. The
problem is the head, the major causes of a problem are the “ribs”, and the detailed causes are the
small bones.
2. Check sheet
The check sheet is a form or document used in real time at the location where the data is
generated. The data it captures can be quantitative or qualitative. When the information is
quantitative the check sheet is sometimes called a tally sheet.

 Tools that used for collecting and organizing measured or counted data.
 To check the shape of the probability distribution of a process.
 To quantify defect by type.
 To quantify defects by the location happen.
 To quantify defects by the cause machine or worker.
 To keep track of the completion of steps in a multistep procedure
Types of check sheet
1. Defective cause check sheet
 Used to identify cause of problem or defect.
 More than one variable or attribute is monitored when collecting data for this type of check
sheets ex we could be collecting data about the type of machine, operator data, and time in
the same check sheet
Operators T i m e Machine 1 Machine 2

Operator A M o r n i n g X X
Afternoon X x X x x x x
Operator B M o r n i n g X X x
Afternoon X x x x x x x x x x
As we can see mot of error is occurring at machine 2 and at the afternoon shift. This could
suggest that machine 2 has problems when it is run in the afternoon.
2. Defective item (attribute) check sheet
 Used to identify what type of problem or defects are occurring in the process
 Usually these check sheets will have a list of defects or problems that may occur in the


 When each sample is taken, mark is placed in the appropriate column whenever a defects or a
problems has been identified.
 Countable data is used in the defective item check sheets.

Month example January

D e f e c t 12 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 T o t a l

Wrong NSN l l L 1 1 1 L L 8
Faulty material l L l 1 L 5
PMs not done l l L l l 1 l 1 l l L 111 L l 1 6

Install problems 1 L 2

3. Pareto charts

 Pareto charts are used to identify and prioritize problems to be solved.

 They are actually histograms aided by the 80/20 rule adapted by Joseph Juran.

Note Remember the 80/20 rule states that approximately 80% of the problems are created by
approximately 20% of the causes. This is the economic concept that Juran applied to quality
problems. The meaning behind that 80/20 rule is that there are vital few causes that create the

Series 1
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1

Figure 7graphical representation of Pareto chart

Steps of constructing Pareto chart:


 First, information must be selected based on types or classifications of defects that occur as a
result of a process.
 The data must be collected and classified into categories.
 Then a histogram or frequency chart is constructed showing the number of occurrences

2.6 Role of industrial engineer in quality control

Industrial engineering is an approach with strong tradition, and have significant effect on
productivity measurement and improvement (maisn and vytlacil 2001). According to lo and
sculli 1995 industrial engineering concerned with design, improvement and installation of
integrated system of the men materials and equipment’s. industrial engineers work to make
things better, be they processes, products or systems, typically focus area include: project
management, manufacturing, production and distribution, supply chain management,
productivity methods and process engineering, quality measurement and improvement, program
management, and ergonomics, technology development and transfer, strategic planning, and
management of change and financial engineering.

The role of industrial engineer in quality measurement and improvement:Resolve quality related
issues in all aspects of the business. Work with design and production teams outsources
manufacturers to ensure quality products is maintained during the design and production. Audit
defined process and procedure to ensure that they are being allowed. Coordinate and facilitate 3 rd
party quality audits. Provide refresher training on the procedure of the company personnel on
quality and process related issues. Including the use of analytical tools and techniques such as
SQC, SPC, and Six Sigma.


Chapter three
3 Research Methodology
This chapter summarizes the techniques employed in carrying out this internship project. It
describes the data collection and analysis technique used.
3.1 Data collection methods used
The data collection method employed are described below.
3.1.1 Primary data collection
 Direct observation
During the four months internship time in biruhtesfa watching how the company works and try
to see what are the main bottlenecks and try to figure out some solution to the problems in the
 Unstructured interview
The data was collected by conducting interview with production manager and the representatives
of the production manager who have a role of managing the operation of the plant and maintain
plant records and the daily operator.
3.1.2 Secondary data collection
 Written materials in the organization like reports, plans, manuals, feasibility research of
the company etc. and the historical data collect from their manual.
 Referring to some books and Handouts related to the study.
 Using website
3.2 Data analysis tools used
 Using application the different SQC tools

1. Pareto chart :
First in order to analysis using Pareto chart in order to find the appropriate amount of scrape or
wastage that is contributed by which machine is the highest amount of scrape. Then according to
the rule of Pareto chart the 80% of the cause of the wastage or scrape is the main contributor to
the wastage of the company. So I try to find out the main machines that contributes to the higher
part of the wastage.
Secondly using the same procedure of Pareto chart analysis I try to figure out the main cause of
the higher scrape or wastage rate with in the higher scrape rate contributor machine. Then try
traduce the effect of these contributor using different recommendation.
2. Cause and effect diagram
Using the cause and effect diagram try to find out the main cause of the of the higher scrape rate
of the higher scrape rate machines. This cause and effect diagram helps the operators easily
understand the main cause of higher wastage rate.


Chapter four
4 Data analysis
This chapter summarizes the information which was collected through a questionnaire. Data will
analyzed using Pareto charts, and fishbone diagram.

4.1 Data analysis using Pareto chart

4.1.1 Data analysis of the different machines using Pareto charts
This data shows the scrape rate produces by the different machines that found in bruhtesfa.
Table 1.

S / N Machine type Total produce d s c r a p o f p i p e s

1 H D P E - 0 1 2 1 , 1 0 8 9 2 5

2 H D P E - 0 2 1 3 7 , 2 6 0 1 0 9 0

3 I R - 0 1 No production -

4 I R - 0 2 4 5 5 0 9 8

5 F B 5 5 , 0 1 3 , 8 5 3 1 . 8

6 I n j e c t i o n No production -

Table 1 scrape rate produced by different machines for month 1

In month one the main causes of the higher wastage rate are HDPE 01, HDPE02, FB, and IR 02.
Table 2
S / N Machine type Total produced d e f e c t o f p i p e s

1 HDPE-01 5 2 0 1 6 1 9 0 0

2 HDPE-02 1 7 8 4 8 6 1 8 5 0

3 I R - 0 1 No production -

4 I R - 0 2 5 1 3 2 2 8 0

5 F B 4 6 4 7 9 1 8 7

6 I n j e c t i o n No production -

Table 2 scrape rate produced by different machines for month 2

In month two the main causes of the higher wastage rate are HDPE 01, HDPE02, FB, and IR 02.


S / N M a c h i n e t y p e Total produced scrap of pipes

1 H D P E - 0 1 No productio n -

2 H D P E - 0 2 No productio n -

3 I R - 0 1 4 3 6 0 2 3 0

4 I R - 0 2 5 7 0 0 3 8 2

5 F B No productio n -

6 I n j e c t i o n No productio n -

Table 3 scrape rate produced by different machine for month 3

In month three the main causes of the higher wastage rate are IR 01 and IR 02.
 Cumulative distribution of the scape produced by different machines

S / N Machine type Scrape rate Cumulative % cumulative

1 H D P E 0 2 2 9 4 0 2 9 4 0 3 9 . 4
2 H D P E 0 1 2 8 2 5 5 7 6 5 7 8
3 I R 0 2 7 6 0 6 5 2 5 8 8
4 F B 7 1 8 . 8 7 2 4 3 . 8 9 7
5 I R 0 1 2 3 0 7 4 7 3 . 8 1 0 0
6 INJECTION 0 7 4 7 3 . 8 1 0 0

Table 4 cumulative distribution of the scrape rate produced by different machines


Chart Title
3250 110
2750 90
2250 70

persentage of distrbution
1250 50
750 30
scrape rate

250 10

T 2940 2825 730 718.8 230 0

i type of machines
s Type of machines Cumlative sum
C 39.4 78 88 97 100 100

Figure 8 data analysis of the different machines using Pareto chart

The result shows that about 80% of the scrape rate is produced due to the HDPE machines so the
best solution to reduce this effect the company should concentrate in those machines since
contribute the greater amount. The Pareto chart rule suggests 80% to 20% rule, this means the
main cause are the 80%.
Thus the company should try to concentrate on HDPE machines.
4.1.2 Data analysis of the causes of the scrape using Pareto chart
Table of the cause of the scrape rate produced in the HDPE machines

Table 5
s / n Cause of scrape& SL Number of SL Short length M. Amount of scrape % of the scrape

1 Power interruption 2 7 5 0 8 5 3 . 8


2 Operational 9 1 2 3 1 3 . 1
3 Machine set up 1 2 8 5 3 0 . 2
4 Mechanical 2 0 0
5 e l e c t r i c a l 1 2 8 2 . 9
In this month the main causes of the scrape rate during the production time of HDPE machines
are power interruption, operational error, and machine set up.
Table 5 cause of scrape rate produced for month 1

Table 2
s / n Cause of the scrape Number of SL Short length M. Amount of scrape % of scrape rate
1 Power interruption 5 0 9 0 5 4 3 . 8
2 Operational 1 9 1 0 4 9 5 0 . 7
3 Machine set u p 0 0 0
4 Mechanical 1 3 6 1 . 7
5 e l e c t r i c a l 6 7 8 3 . 8
In this month the main cause of the scrape rate during the production time of HDPE machines
are electrical cause, power interruption, and operational cause.
Table 6 cause of scrape produced for month 2
Table 3.
s / n Cause of the scrape Number of SL Short length M. Amount of Scrape % of the scrape

1 Power interruption 3 2 2 8 2 2 1 . 9
2 Operational 2 0 9 1 1 7 0 . 7 3
3 Machine set up 0 6 5 5
4 Mechanical 0 0 0
5 E l e c t r i c a l 1 3 0 2 . 3
In this month the main cause of scrape rate during the production time of HDPE machines are
electrical causes, operational and power interruption.
Table 7 cause of scrape produced for month 3


NOTE: In order to know the frequency of the scrap rate the data should organized according to
highest to lowest in cumulative table and the Pareto chart construct based on the cumulative data.

Table 5
Cumulative distribution of cause of scrape
S / N Cause of scrape Scrape in KG Cumulative % cumulative
1 Operational cause 2 0 8 3 2 0 8 3 4 8 . 5
2 Power interruption cause 1 6 9 5 3 7 7 8 8 7 . 9
3 Machine set up cause 3 5 0 4 1 2 8 9 6
4 Electrical cause 1 3 6 4 2 6 4 9 9 . 2
5 Mechanical cause 3 6 4 3 0 0 1 0 0
Table 8 cumulative distribution of the cause of scrape rate

Chart Title

2250 110



persentage distrbution
scrape rate



250 10

cause of scrape

Series 1 cumlative sum


Figure 9 data analysis of the cause of the scrape using Pareto chart
In this data analysis of the different causes of the scrape rate about 88% of the scrape is produced
due to operational cause and power interruption causes. Thus the company should more
concentrate on reduction of these causes using different methods
During the three months’ time index from the first three tables about the higher scrape rate is
produced in the HDPE machines.From the summarized data table the total scrape rate produce
with in this index time is about 4300 KG. From the above cumulative data table about the 48.5%
scrape are produced due to the operational problems. And about 39.4% of the total scrape rate is
produced due to the power interruption.

Thus from the total scrape rate about the 87.9% is produced due to the operational and power
interruption causes.

Thus the scrape rate about 3778 or about 87.9% is produced due to the operational and power
interruption causes.

Thus using application of the SQC which is like Pareto chart the company can reduce the
wastage rate or scrape rate about 3778 KG. If the company reduces the wastage which increase


4.2 Analysis the causes of scrape using fishbone diagram

Based on the data that arranged according to the highest to lowest frequency in cumulative table
operational and power interaption, machine set up, and electrical these are the main constrain
that contrbuit to high scrape rate

operationand power interaption machine set up and electrical are the most main cause that have
high scraper (wastage) of production, and affects quality,and reduce the earning and efficient of
production operators.Therefor,the cause and effect diagram is shown below.

Power Operational
interruption cause

Care less ness of operator

Financial cause Negligencepoor work ethics
Lack of skillLack of skill
Lack of punctuality problem of lack of generator
Care less ness of
scrape or
Operatorlack of process skill
Fatigue rate
Poor work ethics HDPE
Machine set up

Figure 10 analysis using fishbone diagram of the high scrape rate machines
Fishbone or cause and effect diagram is a visualization tool for categorizing the potential causes
of the problems in order to identify its root causes.
In this fishbone diagram the operators and the organization easily understand the main cause of
the higher scrape rate and try to solve the problems. The operators try to develop their skill since


operational cause one of the causes of high scrape rate, and the organization try to solve the
power interruption causes.
In biruhtesfa many workers of the company their main concern on the amount they produce that
leads to decrease the quality of production of the company. The cause and effect diagram shows
that the main cause of the higher rate of scrape is mainly due to the following reasons.
1. Power interruption: lack of additional generator in the time of power interruption, and
maybe lack of skilled operators knows how to fix when the power supply is outage.
2. Operational:care less ness of the operator, lack of training,fatigue, poor work ethics, and
lack of process skill.
3. Machine set up: lack of punctuality, care less of operator, problem related to machine
itself, negligence, and lack of skill.
4. Mechanical: due to failure of mechanical part of the machines.
5. Electrical: due to failure of the electrical part of the machine.
6. Other unknown causes


C h a r t T i tl e
375 110

cummlative distrbution
225 70
175 50
scrape rate

25 10
machine set up electrical mechanical machine set up electrical mechanical

c 350 136 36



cause of scrape rate
u causes of scrape rate
c 67 93 100


S / N Cause of scrape Scrape in KG Cumulative % cumulative

1 Machine set up cause 3 5 0 3 5 0 6 7
2 Electrical cause 1 3 6 4 8 6 9 3
3 Mechanical cause 3 6 5 2 2 1 0 0

4.3 Data analysis after implementation of Pareto chart of scrape rate

The cumulative distribution of the cause of scrape rate after implementation of


Pareto charts
Pareto chartdiagram after the implementation of a preventive method:
This Pareto chart shows that if the company apply statistical quality control (Pareto charts) the
scrape rate is reduced to 522 KG but before the application of statistical quality control (Pareto
charts) the scrape rate is about 4300 KG.

Chapter five
5 Result and discussion
5.1 Result and discussion of the different machines scrape rate using Pareto chart
The HDPE 01 machine contribute about 39.4% scrape rate and the HDPE 02 machine contribute
about 38.6%.both the HDPE 01 and HDPE 02 contribute about 78% which is the highest value
of scrape.

Thus as the result shows that about 78% of the scrape rate is produced due to the HDPE 01 and
HDPE 02 machines so the best solution is to reduce the crape rate produced in these
machines.The company should concentrate in those machines since contribute the greater
amount. The Pareto chart rule suggests 80% to 20% rule, this means the main cause are the
80%.Thus the company should try to concentrate on HDPE 01 and HDPE 02 machines.

5.2 Result and discussion of the causes of the scrape rate in HDPE machine PARETO chart
During the three months’ time index from the first three tables about the higher scrape rate is
produced in the HDPE machines. From the summarized data table the total scrape rate produce
with in this index time is about 4300 KG. From chapter four cumulative data table about the
48.5% scrape are produced due to the operational problems And about 39.4% of the total scrape
rate is produced due to the power interruption.

Thus from the total scrape rate about the 87.9% is produced due to the operational and power
interruption causes.

And the scrape rate about 3778 kg or about 87.9% is produced due to the operational and power
interruption causes.

Thus using application of the SQC which is like Pareto chart the company can reduce the
wastage rate or scrape rate about 3778 KG. If the company reduces the wastage which increase
5.3 Result and discussion of the cause of the scrape using fishbone diagram
Fishbone or cause and effect diagram is a visualization tool for categorizing the potential causes
of the problems in order to identify its root causes.
In this fishbone diagram the operators and the organization easily understand the main cause of
the higher scrape rate and try to solve the problems. The operators try to develop their skill since
operational cause one of the causes of high scrape rate, and the organization try to solve the
power interruption causes.


In biruhtesfa many workers of the company their main concern on the amount they produce that
leads to decrease the quality of production of the company. The cause and effect diagram shows
that the main cause of the higher rate of scrape is mainly due to the following reasons.
1. Power interruption: lack of additional generator in the time of power interruption, and
maybe lack of skilled operators knows how to fix when the power supply is outage.
2. Operational:care less ness of the operator, lack of training,fatigue, poor work ethics, and
lack of process skill.
3. Machine set up: lack of punctuality, care less of operator, problem related to machine
itself, negligence, and lack of skill.
4. Mechanical: due to failure of mechanical part of the machines.
5. Electrical: due to failure of the electrical part of the machine.


Chapter six
6 Conclusion and recommendation
This chapter presents summary of findings in chapter four, the conclusions and recommendations
made there from.

6.1 Conclusion
According the data analysis using Pareto chart about 87% of the scrape rate is produced due to
the operational and power interruption causes

And using the fish bone diagram the causes of wastage rate are operational, power interruption,
and machine set up.

Currently biruhtesfa irrigation and water technology PLC applies quality management but there
are some quality problems in the production process. In the company there is high rate of scrape
rate. There are some main causes for this high scrape rate and some unknown cause.
Those are: Operational, Power interruption causes are the main causes of high scrape rate that
contribute about 87% which about 48% is due to operational cause and about 39% is due to
power interruption and the other causes are mechanical,electrical, machine set up and other
cause are contributes only about 13%.
6.2 Recommendation
Inbiruhtesfa irrigation and water technology PLC the causes of the higher scrape rate is
operational cause, mechanical cause, electrical cause, machine set up cause, and power
interruption cause and other cause source.

But the main causes are operational and power interruption causesso the company should give
concern to these causes to reduce the effect of these causes.
Recommendation is applying statistical quality control tool that Pareto chart can reduce the
scrape rate by 87% and applying cause and effect diagram can help the workers easily
understand the main cause of the scrape rate and they try to reduce these cause e.g. try to make
skilled themselves.
According to the results of the Pareto chart the main causes are operational and power
interruption, so the company should try to reduce the effect these by using the following methods
1. For the operational cause the company:
 Regular training should be given for the operator to improve their skill.
 Continous follow up and training session should be made by the
 The company should taken an action of punishement and reward for the
 Improving the work ethices of the employer’s.
 Check and Set up the machine properly before production starts.
 The different machine parts are should check regularly and change on time.


2. Power interruption:
 First, we need to designate a person in the shop become familiar with electrical
distribution system layout and design in the company
 Identify critical loads that will require emergency power in the event of an
outage. Decide which equipment in the manufacturing company is critical during
outage. Clearly indicate the emergency loads on the line diagram.
 Consider installing a permanent emergency generator dedicated to the equipment
marked as emergency load. This may be a better solution than relying on portable
generator that require being hooked-up after power has gone out. It is important
to know the running load of emergency circuit so you know what size generator
will be required. The kilowatt and voltage ratings of each generator needed
should be readily available before the outage to facilitate the response.
3. Appling the defective cause check sheet to identify the less skilled operators:
 That can be used to identify cause of a problems or a defect and the operator who
cause many times scrape which help to give a training for those unskilled


S H I F T A Operator #1 M o r n i n g x X

Afternoon x x X x x x x
S H I F T B Operator #2 M o r n i n g x X x
Afternoon x x x Xxxxxxxx
S H I F T C Operator #3 M o r n i n g x x x -
Afternoon x x x x x Xxxxxxxx

In this chapter summarizes the overall internship experiences gained during the four months
internship time which include: practical skill, problem solving capabilities, team work, and
leadership skills.

7.1 Total observation in the company

In my project work four months in biruhtesfa (BT). According to my choices and by the idea of
my advisor worked in quality management or wastage reduction in the company after that simply
observed over all profile of biruhtesfa for three weeks works in production department.
Meanwhile I was try to understand if any problems departments for one months.
7.2 In terms of theoretical knowledge


From the internship different benefits gained interns of theoretical knowledge in the biruhtesfa
company the general flow of the process in the company from the material preparation through
heating zone in to cooling zone then to extrusion to winding.
Theoretical knowledge is the information, understanding and skill concerned with ideas and
principles on which a practical subject is based. The internship upgrades theoretical knowledge
 Working mechanism of different machineries.
 Knowing the general safety rules of each operation.
 Referring different manuals of machines.
7.3 In terms of practical skills

In terms of practical skill I am working with the production department for about four months so
I am generally gathered the practical skill how the plastic production takes place. Thus in terms
of practical experience know how I can operate the HDPE machine.

And I got some skills:-

 It enables us to improve my practical skills in quality control and reduce the
scrape rate of the production.
 Improve my practical skills in the operation of different machine.
7.4 In terms of improving problem solving capability

From the internship interims of improving industrial problem solving capability I gained how to
minimize the defective of in the production off line inspection, on line inspection. How to
increase the production capacity in order to increase the production in the company first to aware
the workers operators, supervisor, quality checker / inspector/ in all lines in the garment

In the quality inspection the different minimize to know how the defective are presented in the
inspection whether man problem, machine problem, and input problem in the inspection.

7.5 In terms of improving team planning skill

In terms of improving team playing skills by discussing the idea which are presented problems in
the BT then how to solve them according to the previous the theoretical course of that we take
theoretical knowledge.


Team planning skills means the activity of working well together as team to solve or share the
ideas and challenges. I gain the following:
 I and my friends as a team player tried to modify and give solution for some technical
calling that exposed in the company.
 During team planning, our concept may be varied at this moment respect others idea.
Idea disputes were solved through peaceful communication

7.6 In terms of improving leadership skill

Leadership means the position of being a person who leads and group of people in an
organization ,even though I’m not on the position of leader ship I’ve understood how the leader
should act so here are some of characteristic as mentioned below:-
 Self- confidence is the requirement of good leadership I have seen amazing confidential
leader ship skill from those leaders.
 Good understanding of things than the others.
 Be open mind.
 Be logical, when you are in a group of colleagues and tried to clarify the issue by relating
with since.
7.7 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skills

I have got the following interims of improving inter personal communication skills. I was
interested in the supervisor when she gives clarification, since she has much better experience
than me. People are more attracted to those who are interested in them, and will pay more
attention to what they are saying, smile and use eye contact; it is the most positive signal you can
give up.
 Ask question :-it’s a great way to show people that you are really interested in them , I
have been asking some question after the explanation is end.
 Be assertive:-by this we mean try to value their input as much as my own, don’t be pushy
and don’t be push over, try for the right balance.
 Learn from my interactions if I had a really good conversation with someone try and
think why it went well and remember the key point for the next time .if it didn’t go so
well ,again try and learn something from it.
7.8 In terms of improving work ethics

Work ethics are standards or values that generally are based on consciessioness. Mostly work
ethics are thought to a benefit a person morally, thereby improving their character. work ethics
is the core idea when you are in some staff, so understanding of work ethics is crucial ,the
internship give the following:-
 Respect the entrance and out time of work in the company, being punctuality, I almost try
my best to be on time.


 Give respect others in work place; I respect all the workers without regarding their
Our work habit must be changed always being eager to know something new should be our
habit. I’m developing the work habit.
Give respect and love your work. I love my discipline when I have seen on the practical world.
Generally in five month internship program at biruhtesfa private limited company. I have gained
and improved the above skills and knowledge’s .the overall environment of the company is
suitable for all discipline of industrial engineering I have tried to see the core concepts including
thermo dynamics, Material since, maintenance engineering, production planning, workshops and
principle of management.


Fundamentals of total quality management, and introduction to statistical control Douglas c.

Statistical quality control M, Jeya Chandra

Statistical quality control handout and slides


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