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ISFT No 191 Inglés I 2do 2da Adm.


Present Simple Assignment

1. Present Simple Affirmative and Negative. Read the paragraph below and underline 3 examples of
affirmative forms and 2 examplesof negative forms.
(Leer el párrafo y subrayar 3 ejemplos de formas afirmativas y 2 de formas negativas).

Mónica’s day starts early. She gets up at 8.00 and has breakfast. Before work, she has a shower.
Late in the afternoon, she goes to football practice. She is in a team and she has matches on
Mondays and Wednesdays. After the matches, she relaxes with her friends. They don’t eat
dinner together. Mónica has dinner at home and watches TV. She doesn’t go to bed late.

Mónica's day starts early.

She gets up at 8:00 and has breakfast.
Negative forms:
They don't eat dinner together.
She doesn't go to bed late.

2. Present Simple Affirmative and Negative. Complete the text with the correct verb forms.
(Completar el texto con la forma de Present Simple correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis).

David and Tessa´s parents have got a restaurant: ‘The International’. David and Tessa 1 LIKES
(like)international food and they 2 EATS (eat) in the restaurant every Saturday. David
3 DOESN'T EAT (not eat) meat. He 4 PREFERS (prefer) vegetables. He
5 DOESN'T EAT (not eat) salad, but he 6 LIKES (like) rice. His favourite food is fruit. Tessa 7 DOESN'T EAT
(not eat) chicken or rice. She 8 EATS (eat) meat and she
9 LIKES (like) Spanish and Italian food. Her favourite food is soup.

3. Present Simple Negative. Write the following sentences in the negative.

(Escribir las oraciones en forma negativa).

1 They go to the shopping mall at weekends. They don't go to the shopping mall at weekends.
2 Anne walks the dog in the park. Anne doesn't walk the dog in the park
3 We study in the evening. We don't study in the evening.

4. Present Simple Interrogative. Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it.
(Encontrar el error en cada oración y corregirlo).

E.g.: Do you watchesfilms? Do you WATCHfilms?

1 DoMery speak Italian? Does Mery speak Italian?

2 Do Laura and Bill likes Italian food? Do Laura and Bill like Italian food?
ISFT No 191 Inglés I 2do 2da Adm. Contable

3 Does the boy does the homework? Does the boy do the homework?
4 Do Carol listen to music? Does Carol listen to music?
5 Do you walks to work? Do you walk to work?
6 Does your teacher drinks coffee? Does your teacher drink coffee?

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