The Experiences of Adults With

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The experiences of adults with

learning disabilities attending a
sexuality and relationship group:
“I want to get married and have kids”
Matthew Box,1 Jill Shawe2

Specialist Practitioner – ABSTRACT
Community Learning Disabilities Background People with learning disabilities are KEY MESSAGE POINTS
Nursing, Department of Learning
Disabilities, Surrey and Borders frequently denied or restricted in their right to
Partnership NHS Foundation express their sexuality by restrictive policies, ▸ Sexuality and relationship groups can
Trust, Kingsfield Centre, Redhill, negative attitudes or lack of awareness of their offer people with learning disabilities a
2 needs. They also tend to have differing and beneficial and positive experience to
Senior Research Associate,
University College London unrecognised sexual health needs to those of the explore sexuality and relationship issues.
Institute for Women’s Health, general population. Evidence suggests that ▸ The experiences of participants attending
London, UK acquiring a greater knowledge and awareness of such a group were unique and individual.
Correspondence to sexuality and relationship issues helps to ▸ A person-centred approach needs to be
Mr Matthew Box, Department of decrease these disadvantages and to promote a adopted to improve participants’ experi-
Learning Disabilities, Surrey and greater sense of well-being for this group. ences of attending such groups.
Borders Partnership NHS Methods The experiences of eight adults with
Foundation Trust, CTPLD East,
Kingsfield Centre, Philanthropic learning disabilities attending a sexuality and
Road, Redhill RH1 4DP, UK; relationship group, based on a mixture of validated and established sexuality and the right to express their sexuality,1 2
relationship programmes, were explored using a including the desire for same sex relation-
Received 10 October 2012
Revised 10 April 2013 case study approach. Participants’ experiences ships.3 Although attitudes are changing,
Accepted 23 April 2013 were gathered through semi-structured they still experience difficulties in expres-
Published Online First interviews and analysed using qualitative content
20 June 2013 sing their sexuality4–6 and in developing
analysis supported by participant observation and meaningful relationships.1 They also
pre- and post-group assessment of knowledge. tend to have differing and unrecognised
Results Participant experiences were unique and sexual health needs to those of the
individual, with few shared opinions. All general population.7 8 They require more
participants demonstrated increases in their total support, including sexual health promo-
knowledge scores in the post-group assessment tion, for their needs to be met.9
and felt that attending the group had changed The term ‘learning disability’ in this
their views on relationships; they felt that they article relates to a significant impairment
were more able to talk to others, to trust of intelligence (IQ score below 70) and
someone, to feel confident to want longer social function, which commenced before
relationships and to be married with children. adulthood and which is life-long.10 The
Conclusions Sexuality and relationship groups degree of learning disability can be
can offer participants a beneficial and positive further subdivided into mild, moderate,
experience to explore such issues. The severe and profound.10 People with learn-
experiences of participants could be enhanced ing disabilities may also have other
through adopting a person-centred approach co-morbid diagnoses (e.g. Down’s syn-
and through recognising that participants have drome, autism, physical disabilities,
individual experiences that may not be shared neurological and mental health disor-
within the group environment. ders), which are not always formally
To cite: Box M, Shawe J. INTRODUCTION As a result of past and present atti-
J Fam Plann Reprod Health Historically people with learning disabil- tudes, people with learning disabilities
Care 2014;40:82–88. ities have been denied and restricted in are often reluctant to develop their

82 Box M, et al. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:82–88. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100509


sexual lives.4–6 Structural and organisational problems changes in individuals’ attitudes towards their sexual-
restrict relationships from forming and/or develop- ity4 32 and to that of their carers.34 People with learn-
ing,1 contributing to social isolation11 and small social ing disabilities therefore need to be provided with
networks.2 These individuals have fewer opportunities meaningful sexuality and relationship education that
to engage in consenting sexual relationships12 and are reflects their unique needs.35
less likely to develop positive experiences in their This study aimed to build upon the evidence base
sexual lives.13 regarding the sexuality and relationship needs of
As a consequence of these attitudes and experiences, people with learning disabilities, through exploring
many people with learning disabilities feel that they their experiences of attending a sexuality and relation-
have a lack of privacy in society,14 15 thinking that ship group. In particular it aimed to discover what
they are constantly being monitored and judged. participants liked and did not like about the group,
Hingsburger and Tough14 describe how a couple think how attendance at the group made participants feel,
they cannot have sex in their bedroom as “we’d get and how it affected their views and feelings about sex
killed”, and instead engage in intimate behaviour in and relationships. The aim was to improve and tailor
the park as it is seen as somewhat private and safe, the facilitation of future groups to meet the needs of
and away from staff and others who might punish participants.
Many parents are also reticent for people with METHODS
learning disabilities to engage in sexual relation- The study used case study methodology36 following a
ships.16 Despite normally recognising this as their qualitative theoretical perspective to explore the
right17 they are fearful of their vulnerability.18 Indeed experiences of adults with learning disabilities attend-
numerous parents still support sterilisation as a form ing a sexuality and relationship group. Data were pri-
of contraception,4 especially as they do not trust their marily obtained from semi-structured interviews and
child to use reversible contraception and they fear supported by participant observation and assessment
that pregnancy might result from sexual abuse.18 of pre- and post-group knowledge. Participants for
This concern is justified, as people with learning the study were recruited from adults referred to the
disabilities are at high risk of experiencing sexual Community Team for People with Learning
abuse,19 either as victims or as perpetrators. This may Disabilities (CTPLD) requesting sexuality and relation-
be due to their lack of knowledge regarding capacity ship input. The CTPLD is a National Health Service
to consent and the law,20 their vulnerability,7 21 (NHS) organisation, commissioned to work with any
limited sexuality and relationship education13 and lack adult with a learning disability requiring specialist
of adequate policies.22 There is a higher rate of abuse health input. Referrals can be made by anyone and
for women with learning disabilities compared to can include self-referrals.
men, and nearly all the perpetrators are men who Ethical approval was obtained from Surrey Research
themselves have a learning disability.23 Ethics Committee and the local NHS Trust.
People with learning disabilities have also been The researcher approached participants only when
shown to have decreased levels of knowledge and it was agreed by professionals within the CTPLD that
understanding of sexuality and relationship issues24 the individual’s needs could be appropriately met
and fewer sexual experiences25 compared to the through attendance at a sexuality and relationship
general population. They are less likely to be offered group. As the study explored a vulnerable group’s
sexual health screening26 and are more likely to experience of a sensitive subject, special consideration
engage in unsafe sex.27 was given to the ethics of conducting the research and
Many parents and carers are fearful that providing obtaining informed consent from participants. This
sexuality and relationship information for people with followed advice from the British Psychological
learning disabilities will lead to unwanted sexualised Society’s Professional Practice Board37 in relation to
behaviours28 and will evoke feelings of discomfort.5 17 the Mental Capacity Act,38 as well as guidance from a
In contrast, many people in society1 5 17 and many clinical psychologist and speech and language therap-
health professionals29 view people with learning dis- ist from the CTPLD. A participant information sheet
abilities as asexual and consequently not needing and consent form were devised in an easy-to-read
sexual health promotion. format covering all aspects needed to display
Recognition of the need for, and benefits of, sexual- informed consent.
ity and relationship education for people with learn- Prior to the group starting, participants met with
ing disabilities has been demonstrated to support the researcher (who was also the male facilitator of
them in developing their needs.9 30 This is further the group) to discuss the topics the group intended to
promoted by reports of group programmes31–33 that cover and to assess what participants hoped to get out
have been facilitated to help achieve this; these led to of attending the group. A social and sexual knowledge
increases in knowledge,34 decreases in incidences of assessment39 was also completed. This is a standar-
inappropriate sexualised behaviour,34 and positive dised questionnaire containing 111 questions over 16

Box M, et al. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:82–88. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100509 83


sections. During this visit the researcher discussed completed, after which semi-structured interviews
what participation in the research study involved, were conducted at a subsequent meeting. Both of these
namely observations within the group and a recorded typically lasted 1 hour, and took place without carers
interview of their experiences of the group. It was being present. Interviews followed a topic guide and
stressed that if group members did not wish to partici- used open-ended questions, to reduce acquiescence.43
pate in the study, this would not affect their attend- Pictures were also used as prompts to address commu-
ance at the group. Participants were then visited at nication difficulties and help participants remember
least 24 hours later to complete the consent form, different aspects of the group.43 Participants were
which was completed in the presence of a person encouraged to discuss issues and experiences pertinent
independent of the study (e.g. carer) to ensure that to themselves. The interviews were recorded and tran-
there was no duress or coercion. This allowed partici- scribed verbatim and analysed using qualitative content
pants time to weigh up the information, demonstrate analysis.44 This involves the analysis of transcribed
they were able to retain information and decide if speech and takes into account how words are said (e.g.
they wished to participate. repetition, elaborative speech). Transcripts are analysed
Participants were informed that the research study by repeatedly reading through them for any themes
would be confidential, but that if they disclosed any- that emerge and identifying any substantive statements,
thing that might indicate a safeguarding concern, this which are categorised. Emergent themes are then
would be reported to the relevant authorities. placed on a grid for thematic analysis.
The sexuality and relationship group met for ten
weekly 2-hour sessions at a local day centre for adults RESULTS
with learning disabilities. The sessions were Group participants
co-facilitated by a male and a female Learning A profile of the participants who took part in the
Disability Community Nurse from the CTPLD, with study is shown in Table 1. The CTPLD is based in an
past experience of running sexuality and relationship area that is not ethnically diverse and so participants’
groups. Two participants (P2 and P3) were previously ethnicity reflects the lack of diversity in the local
known to the researcher, who had completed an population. Participant diagnosis was obtained from
assessment of their health needs when they were psychiatric, social and medical records. Although P2
referred to the CTPLD. None of the participants were had no formal diagnosis, from the researcher’s own
previously known to the female facilitator. experience it was evident that he displayed autistic
Sessions were based on validated and established sexu- tendencies. None of the participants in the group
ality and relationship programmes for people with learn- were engaged in paid employment and all received
ing disabilities.40–42 Topics included: basic anatomy and benefits as their means of income, which is typical for
body differences, puberty, hygiene, menstruation, meno- the vast majority of adults with learning disabilities.11
pause, sexual activities including same-sex relationships, The group consisted of six regular participants
conception, contraception and safe sex including abstin- (three females and three males), and one female and
ence, masturbation, wet dreams, self-examination, attrac- one male who only attended two sessions each. These
tions, different types of relationships, forming and two participants were experiencing personal difficul-
managing relationships, emotions, attitudes including ties (e.g. bereavement) when the group ran and there-
stereotyping, good and bad touch, consent, public and fore requested to attend the next group. One of the
private places, abuse and assertiveness. regular group participants was unable to demonstrate
Participant observation was undertaken by facilita- capacity to give valid consent and was therefore not
tors to capture group interaction and behaviour, included in the study.
content of language, knowledge and understanding,
emotional experiences, and session events. Social and sexual knowledge assessment
Following the final session, individual and group All study participants demonstrated increases in their
social and sexual knowledge assessments39 were total knowledge in the post-group assessments (Table 2).

Table 1 Participants’ profiles


Attribute P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Gender Male Male Male Female Female
Age (years) 20–24 45–49 20–24 30–34 25–29
Ethnicity White British White Other White British White British White British
Diagnosis Moderate LD, autism Mild LD, cerebral palsy Mild LD, Asperger Mild LD, epileptic Moderate LD, paranoid
syndrome, ADHD schizophrenia, depressive disorder
ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; LD, learning disability.

84 Box M, et al. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:82–88. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100509


Table 2 Participants’ pre- and post-group social and sexual knowledge scores

Parameter P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Assessment Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Total score 55/111 70/111 80/111 98/111 92/111 99/111 93/111 98/111 49/111 63/111
Score change +15 +18 +7 +5 +14

Participants who had a lower pre-group score available if needed. Both participants appreciated this:
achieved a larger number of correct answers in their “I feel like I’d have liked to have a support worker
post-group assessment scores. Participants generally there anyway just to make sure but, mm, now I’ve
had better knowledge of social aspects of the assess- done it on my own and they go next door just to make
ment (social behaviour: kissing and sexual assault; sure that … I’m glad I did it anyway”. [P4]
marriage and caring for children), and tended to not Most of the participants felt that the group was
score as well in the sexual knowledge sections about the right size and that the group benefited from
(masturbation, menstruation and contraception). In being mixed gender. They enjoyed sharing the experi-
particular the only form of contraception most partici- ence with other group members and some participants
pants were aware of was the condom, despite different formed close relationships, feeling supported by one
forms of contraception being covered in the sessions. another. “It’s easier to learn things with different
The quality of responses to questions also tended to kinds of people.” [P2] “It was really quite cool having
improve in the post-group assessments, with partici- men and women in the group.” [P5]
pants giving more detailed answers. As expected, One participant would have preferred an all-male
participants with a mild learning disability achieved group, suggesting he feels more comfortable in an
higher scores than participants with a moderate learn- all-male environment: “Because men are more, [...] I
ing disability. mean they are different, you know, to women”. [P1]
Participants with milder learning disabilities appeared
Sexuality and relationship group assessment to benefit from having people with more significant
Participants’ individual post-group assessment learning disabilities present as they tended to be more
responses were largely positive and similar to their open about their feelings and they felt that they could
responses as a group, stating that they liked meeting help each other. “I suppose it felt comfortable ‘cos
new people and being around people. Participants erm … unlike other people, they don’t hide if they
tended not to have negative comments except P2 who don’t understand everything, they don’t pretend.” [P2]
found the group too noisy and busy. “It made me feel proud actually … I felt I could help
others … And it felt good….” [P4]
Semi-structured interviews Participants generally commented favourably about
Previous experience of sexuality and relationship education the organisation, venue and time of the group but felt
The participants could not recall having had any sig- that it was very important to have consistent group
nificant sexuality and relationship education before facilitation. When one facilitator was replaced for two
attending the group, apart from P3 who remembered sessions by another female facilitator the group felt
having input at school, “They just talked about differ- disrupted. “Sometimes if they were different you start
ent [contraceptives] … like condoms, not much else”, all over again … because people don’t know what we
and P4 who had been visited by someone at home. have talked about.” [P2]
Participants appeared to have preferred the group
Experience of participating in the sexuality and relationship group being facilitated by a male and female together,
Participants’ general experience of the group was feeling this added to the overall experience and if they
positive, with most participants feeling nervous and had something personal they wanted to discuss they
scared before they attended their first session, being would talk to a facilitator of the same sex privately: “I
uncertain about what was going to happen and who have to go to a lady if I wanted someone to talk to
would be there, but glad that they attended, feeling someone privately”. [P4] This was in relation to dis-
happy and safe in the group: “I preferred it in a big cussing sexual attractions she had for someone, which
group … It makes me calm and safer – and safe in she later discussed within the group as a whole.
that room”. [P4]
The two female participants initially both wanted Content of programme
their support workers to attend the session with them, Participants felt that 10 sessions was about the right
but were informed that the group was a private and amount, but the male participants would have liked
confidential arena and so non-participants/observers the sessions to be longer, “as things often became
were not allowed, but could sit next door and be rushed”. [P3] The group had agreed on ground rules

Box M, et al. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:82–88. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100509 85


for conduct within the sessions and most participants interviews. Observations indicated that participants
felt these were beneficial. benefited from attending the group, showing
Participants in the main talked favourably about increased insight into sexuality and relationship issues
session content, and worksheets were thought to be a as the group progressed. This was shown through par-
good to aid communication. They enjoyed the more ticipants using more appropriate terminology for
participatory and energetic activities, such as the parts of their body, increasingly responding correctly
attractions exercise where participants discussed why to questions and activities and, most importantly,
people may fancy one another from pictures they had gradually feeling more able to discuss sexuality and
cut from magazines. “I felt it was great because you relationship issues.
get, you know who you like and don’t like. That way Observations also indicated that all but one partici-
you learn.” [P4] “I think it was fun.” [P5] pant enjoyed the shared experience. Participants
All participants liked using DVDs, with P1 mention- showed respect for one another and frequently
ing the DVD exploring safe sex: “That was helpful encouraged and praised each other when they did
because … for me … I could just see what that is”. something well. Participants with milder learning dis-
Participants would have liked more role play in the abilities tended to support and encourage participants
sessions. They talked about how they enjoyed dressing with more significant learning disabilities, who often
up and feeling they were relaxed, fun and more realis- lost concentration during more discussion-based exer-
tic. Although some participants said they did not cises. All participants appeared to benefit from using
enjoy role play, as they felt embarrassed, they appre- pictorial aids to support teaching, which allowed them
ciated participating, acknowledging that it was good to gain a better understanding of what was being dis-
to practise these skills: “the way we learn is to show cussed and then to formulate their thoughts.
other people”. [P5]
Participants generally preferred having the sex edu- DISCUSSION
cation sessions before the relationship sessions, as this Participants’ experiences of attending a sexuality and
helped them to better explore the more abstract rela- relationship group in this case study were unique and
tionship sessions through having a knowledge base of individual, with participants often sharing positive
sexuality topics and terminology used. experiences of one aspect of the group and not of
another. This was highlighted in the semi-structured
Post-group views about sexuality and relationships interviews where participants tended to talk more
All participants felt that the group had positively about subjects important to them, which differed for
changed their views on relationships. “I now feel more each participant, and the reasons why they did or did
confident in relationships … I want [...] to be married not enjoy a particular aspect of the group also often
with children.” [P3] “I can trust someone … more differed for each participant. Although this may
able to talk to others.” [P5] suggest that it is difficult to have fixed rules in the
Participants appreciated being able to discuss sexual- facilitation of a sexuality and relationship group,
ity and relationship issues. “People always talk to me the findings from the data can assist in improving the
about a lot of things now.” [P1] Another felt he now facilitation of future groups, through adopting a more
had a better understanding regarding the rules of rela- person-centred approach.11 45 Thought should there-
tionships: “I can work out now about relationships … fore be given to changing the recruitment procedure
work out how they work”. [P2] for future groups and improving the assessment
The majority of participants stated they now felt process. This would include gathering more informa-
more confident in relationships, with P3 discussing tion of potential participants’ wants and needs before
how he now felt more assertive: “I found it hard to the course, including their past experiences of attend-
say no to people in the past”. He stressed how the ing groups and their preferred learning styles.
‘Rules for Saying No’ exercise3 allowed him to prac- However, it is acknowledged that this would be more
tise assertiveness techniques that he could transfer time consuming and there may not be sufficient
outside the group. numbers of potential participants to make up groups
Participants in general did not comment upon with similar needs.
whether the group made any difference to how they The data indicate that the general experience of the
thought about sex and their bodies, although one group was positive, which is reflected in participants’
female participant commented: “I now know my body high attendance record. The fact that the two partici-
is changing and that I can talk to someone about sex” pants who knew the researcher prior to the group did
[P4], demonstrating an awareness that bodies change not mention this in their semi-structured interviews
through ageing. would indicate that this had little significance regard-
ing their experience of the group. Participants talked
Participant observations favourably about session content, with the majority
Participant observations generally correlated with the saying they enjoyed the sessions that tended to be
views they had expressed in their semi-structured more practical. The male participants commented that

86 Box M, et al. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2014;40:82–88. doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100509


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