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Made from oil, simple chains of molecules linked together. That’s what a polymer is.
Many plastics begin with “poly” such as polyethene or polypropylene.
These polymers are made by:
1. Fracking
2. Fractional distillation (done in chemistry)
3. Polymerisation

Thermoforming polymers:
- Reformed with heat.
- Therefor are recyclable.
- Malleable and bendy
- Do not resist heat well, can melt and be easily moulded.

Thermosetting: (Always contain the word resin)

- Thermosetting polymers “set” with heat, once they are heated, they undergo a chemical
change that cannot be reversed.
- Non-recyclable
- Rigid and resistant to heat.
- Ideal for electrical fittings, pan handles etc etc…

- Rubbers – priestly noted on how well it removes pencil.
- Developments in technology has vastly increased the creation of more elastomers.
- Can be stretched and then return to its original shape.
- Used in elastic products to increase grip strength, such as drills and razors.

Stock form:
- Sheet, granules, rod, filament, foam, powder.

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