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How the Robens report Forestry and arboriculture Five steps to champion
changed OSH forever face a thicket of problems social sustainability

C O L L A B O R AT E / I N F L U E N C E / E N H A N C E

Five years on from the Grenfell Tower fire,

we assess progress in tackling safety failings

1 Cover_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 1 13/04/2022 16:47


"A very well designed
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p02.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 2 08/04/2022 11:33


Press for

The Institution of Occupational Safety

and Health (IOSH) is the world’s leading
professional body for people responsible

for safety and health in the workplace. e’re fast approaching the fifth Like other tragedies that have cost
anniversary of the Grenfell many lives, Grenfell was entirely
Tower tragedy, which provides avoidable. There were similar incidents
Published by Redactive Publishing Ltd
an opportunity to remember, in the years leading up to it – including
Fora, 9 Dallington Street, London, EC1V 0LN take stock, reflect and consider what has the Lakanal House fire in south London, in
EDITOR happened since then – and what needs to 2009 – but lessons weren’t learned. We
Emma Godfrey happen to ensure we never see a repeat of cannot afford to miss this opportunity to
that terrible night. implement new, robust measures around
Katie Smith The public inquiry into the fire, now building and fire safety.
CONTENT SUB-EDITOR in its second phase, is still ongoing. IOSH has contributed regularly to this
James Hundleby Phase 1 looked at the events leading up discussion, and we need to press for more
D I G I TA L E D I TO R to the fire, identifying the origin, the progress on areas that OSH professionals
Kellie Mundell spread and the emergency response, have previously highlighted. These
DESIGNERS and provided recommendations. Now include the removal of unsafe cladding,
Craig Bowyer, Gary Hill in phase 2, it is focusing on areas of the retrofitting of sprinklers and the
PICTURE RESEARCHER particular interest and importance, accrediting of fire risk assessors. We’d
Claire Echavarry
seeking to determine why the fire also like to see the implementation of the
Display sales +44 (0) 20 7880 7613
happened, and what can be done to new building and fire ‘safety case regime’, prevent it happening again. an increase in fire safety capacity and
Recruitment sales +44 (0) 20 7880 7662
Dame Judith Hackitt was commissioned widespread promotion of good regulation
to lead a separate review into building and as an investment rather than a cost.
Rachel Young +44 (0) 20 7880 6209 fire safety. Her report, published in 2018, Of course, fire safety issues are not
recommended a number of measures, unique to the UK. There are high-rise
Aaron Nicholls
many of which were included in the buildings the world over and we have
Building Safety Bill, which is currently to question how safe they are. It is
Redactive aims to provide authoritative and accurate
information at all times. Its publications are, however, for going through the UK Parliament. unacceptable that fire risk management
guidance only and are not an official information source.

The inclusion of advertisements and inserts within IOSH

This issue’s cover story (page 24) looks in these buildings is still so lacking.
magazine and does not constitute an
endorsement of the organisation or its products/services
in detail at what progress has been made What is clear is that we all, including
by IOSH or Redactive. All advertisements must adhere to
the British Code of Advertising Practice.
and, drawing on the expertise of people OSH professionals, have a role to play
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be from a variety of backgrounds, explores when taking action to prevent harm and
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical what more needs to be done to ensure protect people’s lives and livelihoods.
or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the
publisher and editor. people living – and working – in high-rise So it is clear there is still work to do,
For changes to your address, please contact IOSH accommodation are safe. and we must continue efforts to ensure
membership team on or
0116 257 3198. health and safety professionals have a

WE HAVE A ROLE TO PLAY major role to play in prevention, learning

ISSN 2396-7447 © IOSH 2022

lessons, improving standards and driving


IOSH magazine is printed by
ISO 14001 certified printers. a culture for change.
Lives depend on it.
Printed by Warners Midlands
plc, The Maltings, Manor Lane,
Bourne, PE10 9PH


Ruth Wilkinson


3 Welcome_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 3 14/04/2022 08:41

M AY/JU NE 2 02 2

Contents SA F E T Y, H E A LT H A N D W E L L B E I N G I N T H E W O R L D OF W O R K



How are organisations and
OSH professionals tackling
the pandemic’s mental
health crisis?


Key facts about the
Grenfell Tower fire



What to expect
from the second
Vision Zero summit
in Japan, and how it
will drive change


4-5 Contents_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 4 13/04/2022 15:57


Never again?
As the anniversary of
Lord Robens
the Grenfell Tower fire
approaches, we look at
progress made and the
wider OSH lessons 70 FUTURE LEADER
Saravanakumar Natarajan
We speak to one of IOSH’s
youngest Chartered Members
50 FORESTRY Rehab and return to work
Not out of the woods How to help colleagues with
Storms and financial cuts readjusting to the workplace
have seen continued needless
C O LLA B O R ATE deaths in the arboriculture 74 TALKING SHOP
Mental health
and forestry sector
32 ROBENS REPORT Thoughts on how to encourage
50 years on 54 POLICY SHORTFALLS staff to talk about mental illness
We look at how the health 10 pitfalls to avoid

and safety world has been Scott Crichton identifies
transformed since Lord Alfred common health and safety
Robens’ seminal report in 1972 policy mistakes and explains
how not to repeat them
Help on hand
The Helpline and dedicated
Legal Line are two lesser-
known perks that could
prove invaluable
Hot topics 64 CATCH THE WAVE
IOSH members share Championing people
their thoughts about IOSH’s new social sustainability
important talking points model aims to revolutionise
people-centred business
The wider view 68 MEMBER INTERVIEW
Online content, including a James Pretty
podcast on OSH inspiration Globe-trotting Chartered
and a webinar on the benefits Member recalls his experiences
– and future – of hybrid training in the UK, Australia and Oman


4-5 Contents_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 5 14/04/2022 14:36

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p06.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 6 08/04/2022 10:53


IN THIS New mental health website to tackle stress in farming P9 | IOSH forges stronger links across Europe P10 | The deep impact
of the pandemic on mental health in the workplace P12 | The key facts and figures of the Grenfell Tower disaster P18 |
S E CT I O N Appeal over ladder death dismissed by court P20 | Sainsbury’s fined £1m after woman injured by baler twine P22

6 in 10 favour
2 law giving
right to ignore emails
outside of work hours
New research published by Ipsos
shows that 60% of the 1050 UK
adults surveyed would support the
introduction of legislation giving
employees the right to ignore work-
related communications outside of
their official working/on-call hours.
For more about the research,
go to

How the Robens report
influenced safety
in Singapore

The risk-based OSH regulatory system

TfL, Croydon tram operator introduced by the Robens report,
and driver face prosecution which celebrates its 50th
over fatal crash anniversary this year, has
inspired other countries to
WHO? The UK-based Office of Rail and Road (ORR) revamp their legislation. IOSH
has launched a prosecution of Transport for London, magazine spoke to Ho
Tram Operations and Alfred Dorris, the driver of the Siong Hin, senior director at
International WSH, to find
tram involved in the fatal derailment at Sandilands
out how Singapore has taken
tram stop in Croydon in November 2016.
Robens’ philosophy forward. See
WHY? After carrying out its own investigation into
the overturning of tram 2551, which left seven people Check out our feature on page 32,
dead and 19 seriously injured, the ORR has identified and our video marking 50 years
a number of health and safety failings that contributed since the report at
to the tragedy. videos/robens


7 News_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 7 14/04/2022 14:36

Don’t just protect your eyes.
Improve what you use them for
with Comfort Sense Perception
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p08.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 8 08/04/2022 10:54


The GB Health and Safety Executive has issued
two safety notices for offshore crane boom hoist ropes
and the maintenance of industrial uninterruptible
power supply (UPS) systems. The move follows several
dangerous incidents.
Failures with the UPS systems identified that
manufacturers’ standard operating and maintenance
instructions did not provide adequate information to
allow the safe and reliable operation of equipment.

The Health and Safety Executive
for Northern Ireland (HSE NI) has
launched a new interactive website
aimed at helping the local farming
community identify and deal with the
stresses and pressures of farming life. is a confidential

website developed by Rural Support, the
Farm Safety Partnership and the Workplace
REPORT OUTLINES SITE Health and Leadership Group (NI). Users can

complete a questionnaire developed by the World
Health Organization to help them establish the level

REDUCE FIRE RISKS of stress they are experiencing.

All construction site staff and those with

site responsibility should receive specific HSE R E V EALS COVID
fire safety training to help limit or
mitigate the damage caused by fires
Who? Figures published by the GB
on future construction or restoration Health and Safety Executive reveal that
projects, argues the Scottish Fire and 446 workers may have died as a result of being exposed
Rescue Service (SFRS). to COVID-19 in the workplace.
What? Total suspected occupational COVID-19 report
The call forms one of the principle
information, in the period 10 April 2020 to 5 February
recommendations in the SFRS report 2022, indicate 42,059 disease notifications.
on the Glasgow School of Art fire at the Why? Research undertaken by HR software provider
Mackintosh Building that happened in CIPHR also reveals that only 48% of companies plan to
keep staff with COVID-19 away from the workplace.
2018, which the SFRS said had ‘represented
the most complex and resource-intensive
investigation’ it had ever undertaken and led.
Find out what lessons are highlighted in the 72-page
report at


9 News_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 9 13/04/2022 16:02



Building stronger links Italy, and the president of

the Magyar Munkavédelmi

across Europe
Akadémia in Hungary to
explore OSH learning and
development in different
parts of Europe and share
new approaches.

OSH has been ‘With ENSHPO, we’re
developing promoting knowledge-sharing,
strategic including new research into
engagement with how schools can contribute
and support for several OSH to long-term prevention of
professional networks in MSDs,’ Alison says.
Europe in recent months, The IOSH policy team is also
consolidating existing links and active in European efforts to
creating new opportunities. contribute to positive change,
Some of that work with such as its recent support for
partner organisations includes new EU legislation to ban
producing new webinars, products made by forced or
promoting knowledge-sharing child labour from entering EU
and research to prevent markets. Dr Iván Williams
musculoskeletal disorders Alison van Keulen, IOSH and a discussion on European Jiménez, OSH policy specialist
(MSDs), and communicating strategic relationships emerging trends in health and for IOSH, called this ‘a big step
health and safety messages. business manager. safety training. towards promoting safe and
‘Cooperation across Europe ‘We’re delighted to be ‘I was joined by the vice- secure working environments
is increasingly vital as we working with the European president of the Asociación de for all workers’.
recover from the pandemic Network of Safety and Health Especialistas en Prevención
and adapt to trade and supply Professional Organizations y Salud Laboral in Spain, the Find out more about
chain challenges caused [ENSHPO] on a new series president of the Associazione IOSH’s collaborative
by new factors, including of webinars, which began on Professionale Italiana activities at
conflict in Ukraine,’ says 7 April with presentations Ambiente e Sicurezza in our-collaborations


IOSH on president Louise Hosking, chief IOSH will be delivering four Central (in-person event)

the road
executive Vanessa Harwood- sessions on social sustainability, – free entry: Here, the
Whitcher and head of strategic musculoskeletal disorders and theme is ‘Empowering
engagement Alan Stevens will the supply chain. IOSH speakers regional safety and health
Throughout the remainder of lead technical sessions under include Louise Hosking; communities’. Louise
this year, look out for IOSH the theme ‘Future business Lawrence Webb, president- Hosking will deliver a
presenting or exhibiting at some leaders: achieving safer elect; Duncan Spencer, head keynote presentation on
major OSH conferences and and healthier performance of advice and practice; and social sustainability. She
events around the world. and productivity’. Ruth Wilkinson, head of health looks forward to catching
11-13 MAY: Japan 2022 Vision 17-19 MAY: Safety and Health and safety. up with members from
Zero Summit (virtual event): Expo, ExCeL, London (in- 23-24 MAY: Safety, Health and the Midlands, the North of
IOSH representatives including person event) – free entry: Wellbeing Live, Manchester England and other regions.


10-11 IOSH News_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 10 13/04/2022 16:04



IOSH teams up
in South Africa
IOSH is continuing to support efforts to drive
occupational safety and health forward in
Africa, and will be playing a leading role in
the upcoming health and safety conference
of the South African Institute of Occupational
Health and Safety (Saiosh).
IOSH is a main sponsor of the event,
which takes place in Gauteng on 31 May
and 1 June, and president-elect Lawrence
I N T E R N AT I O N AL AWARENESS how strong OSH systems are made Webb will present the Institution’s Catch
more effective through dialogue
the Wave campaign.
IOSH marks and participation.
This is the latest development in IOSH’s
World Day WHO? IOSH and the ILO signed a
memorandum of understanding
collaborative relationship with Saiosh. The

for Safety in November 2021, agreeing to

collaborate to use their reach,
organisations signed a memorandum of
understanding and IOSH’s courses have
and Health influence, and technical and been on Saiosh’s CPD framework since 2020.

with the ILO training expertise to achieve

positive impacts through safety,
Alan Stevens, IOSH head of strategic
engagement, said: ‘IOSH is delighted to
On 28 April, IOSH joined the health and wellbeing at work. have a long-term collaboration with Saiosh,
International Labour Organization WHY? IOSH’s vision for a safer and my thanks go to [CEO of Saiosh] Neels
(ILO) in commemorating this annual and healthier world of work Nortje, a true visionary in the world of OSH.
awareness day, joining the ILO’s aligns with the ILO’s main aims
‘South Africa leads the way on integration
global Safe Day webinar and hosting to promote rights at work,
and uptake of CPD within the OSH profession
our own Catch the Wave webinar. encourage decent employment
and, by featuring IOSH training on the
WHAT? This year’s theme, ‘Act opportunities, enhance social
together to build a positive safety protection and strengthen social Saiosh CPD framework, South African
and health culture’, focused on dialogue on work-related issues. OSH professionals are able to access IOSH
training materials to demonstrate their
professional capability.’
TRAINING Neels Nortje added: ‘Saiosh is delighted
to welcome IOSH back to South Africa once
ASK FOR IOSH CAMPAIGN again and we look forward to a successful and
fruitful conference. We have a long-standing
We’re giving a boost to our training products and our partnership and – I consider – friendship
training provider network with refreshed branding, with IOSH, and we value the support and
messaging and promotional resources. progress we have made together over the
WHAT? IOSH Training creates, develops and updates
years, taking great strides together to a safer
our well-regarded suite of courses, which is delivered
world of work in South Africa.’
worldwide by a network of almost 2000 training
providers. Recently, we refreshed its visual branding
and rolled out a new ‘Ask for IOSH’ campaign. To find out more about the event,

WHY? We’re proud of our courses and all the dedicated trainers who
deliver them, enhancing OSH awareness at work. The new ‘Ask for IOSH’
social media ads and other resources will help training providers promote
to their customers.


10-11 IOSH News_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 11 14/04/2022 14:37


t is no huge surprise that
COVID-19 has affected the
world’s mental health. Over
the course of 2020, cases of
depression and anxiety increased by more
than 25% around the world (Santomauro
et al, 2021). In Britain, the number of adults
who reported experiencing some form of
depression increased from 10% before the
pandemic to 21% in early 2021, and then
reduced slightly to 17% in summer 2021
(Office for National Statistics, 2021).
Sixty-five per cent of 10,000 UK adults
said their mental health had got worse
since the first lockdown, and 26% said
they had experienced mental distress for
the first time (Mind, 2021).
The economic cost of poor mental health
is also vast. Lost productivity caused by
anxiety and depression costs the global
economy $1tn a year, a figure predicted
to rise to $6tn by 2030 (Lancet Global
Health, 2020). The annual cost of poor
mental health to UK employers was £45bn
(Deloitte, 2020). These figures pre-date 25
the pandemic, and a clear picture of how
mental health impacts of the pandemic

have affected global economies in monetary
terms is still being formed. But the impact
on the workplace is demonstrable.

Clash of consequences

Research from the Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development (CIPD) found
that COVID-19 was among the main causes
of stress at work: 31% of those surveyed
attributed their stress to new work-related
demands or challenges due to home-
working, while 23% identified COVID-
related anxiety as the main factor (CIPD,
2021). Mental ill health remains the most
common cause of long- and short-term The huge mental health consequences of the
absence, with stress in particular leading
to considerable sickness absence: 33% and
pandemic will continue to affect workplaces
48% of respondents placed it among the as we move into an endemic phase. How are
top three causes of short- and long-term
organisations and OSH professionals tackling
absence respectively (CIPD, 2021).
Eighty-four per cent of employers took the mental health crisis?
additional measures to support employee
health and wellbeing through an increased WORDS ANNA SCOTT


News Analysis_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 12 13/04/2022 16:06


focus on mental health
(CIPD, 2021).
health and safety and that it will continue
to be a priority in the future (WorkNest,
The UK

‘Looking ahead, the 2021). But the survey also found that 36%
upcoming publication of the of employees and 35% of decision-makers
UK government’s Living with describe their organisation’s health and
COVID strategy will result in safety culture as ‘reactive’. workers across
organisations’ wellbeing and Sometimes, employers will contact Britain suffered
absence practices being further WorkNest ‘once a situation with an from new or
scrutinised,’ says Rachel Suff, individual has progressed to a point where
work-related stress,
senior employment relations it’s actually become a medical issue, at depression or
adviser at the CIPD. ‘We’ve which point there’s very little that people anxiety in 2020 and
seen many employers step up can then do, other than to steer them 2021 (HSE, 2021)
their efforts to support staff towards some kind of medical professional’,

with their mental health and Nick explains.
wellbeing over the past two
years; these learnings need Preventive measures
to be carried forward.’ The GB Health and Safety Executive
Absence isn’t the only (HSE) launched the Working Minds workers across
consequence for organisations. campaign in November 2021 to encourage Britain suffered
from a new case
‘Conversely, you might have both recognition of the signs of stress and
of work-related
presenteeism: dissatisfied, subsequent action to remove or reduce stress, anxiety
demotivated individuals,’ it, in a bid to make such considerations or depression in
says Nick Wilson, director as routine as managing workplace safety 2020 and 2021
of health and safety services risks. As well as publicising the ‘5 Rs’ to (HSE, 2021)

at consultancy WorkNest. tackle mental ill health (see panel on page

‘Those who work while sick 15), the campaign also features the launch
take longer to recover and their lack of of a new hub with tailored content for
enthusiasm/continued illness can lower employers and employees, while the HSE
workplace morale. The result is dissatisfied, has begun a series of blogs and developed
demotivated individuals and the next thing a network of subscribers, champions and new and long-standing
you know, one of your key metrics takes campaign partners. cases of work-related stress,
depression or anxiety
a hit with increased staff turnover. Poor ‘The campaign will be delivered in phases
were made worse by the
organisational culture then becomes evident to allow us to keep the messages relevant pandemic (HSE, 2021)

to somebody from the outside looking in.’ to the situation as things change – as
WorkNest has seen an increase in people return to the workplace, as the
the number of companies asking for “new normal” becomes established, and
mental health advice and turning to OSH as the impact of work changes for people,’
professionals for help on the risks connected Rob McGreal, policy adviser on the work-
to anxiety and stress. Nick says this may be related stress and mental health team says,
exacerbated in those suddenly ‘catapulted adding that next on the agenda are a mobile
into this existence where they no longer app, a new quiz designed to help employers The estimated cost to UK
employers of workers
have daily face-to-face interaction with their understand the legal basics, and sector-
taking time off due to
managers and peers’. He adds: ‘The problem specific research. illness or injury in 2021
is we’re not medical practitioners, but we ‘It’s too early to understand the full (GoodShape, 2021)
are often regarded as a sort of one-stop shop impact of the pandemic on workers’ mental
for anything that is health-related.’ health. Each and every business is affected
Research from Nick’s company has found – while some jobs have continued relatively

that 59% of business decision-makers say unchanged, others have had to make
the pandemic has fundamentally changed significant adaptations,’ Rob says.
how their organisation views workplace A proactive approach to psychosocial


News Analysis_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 13 14/04/2022 14:37


BUSINESS OWNERS AND MANAGERS NEED Line managers and OSH professionals
alike need an awareness of how stress,

TO CONSIDER THE IMPACT OF HOME-WORKING, anxiety, depression and other mental health


issues manifest and present, Claire says.
Good, consistent communication with

THE WORKPLACE FULL-TIME teams and an open-door policy – virtual or

real – are needed, as is ‘the understanding
that poor mental health will affect the
risk management that takes an overview workplace full-time, and put support person’s whole being and can make
of all work-related risks is crucial. Claire and training strategies in place,’ she says. someone very ill’.
Dalton CMIOSH, owner of training ‘Consultation with employees and managers Kevin Hithersay, a mental health first aid
company Live for Work, has adapted with regard to types of training and support trainer who works with a range of sectors,
standard training courses to cover topics provided will be most suitable; there is including construction and the armed
that include returning to work following no “one size fits all” and it will be difficult forces, says OSH professionals should
time off due to mental ill health, and to regulate. But it has been proven that look out for changes in behaviour and
identifying the signs and symptoms many people are no longer willing to work appearance, such as being absent from
of poor mental health early. in unsupportive environments that affect work or working more hours than usual.
‘Business owners and managers need their mental and physical health, so many ‘It’s about approaching somebody at the
to consider the impact of home-working, businesses will lose good workers if they right time, the right place and asking “Are
hybrid working and returning to the don’t adapt.’ you alright?”,’ he says. ‘If that person says

U N D E R C O N STRUCTI ON employees. They enlisted the help of a home-working, while also protecting our site
former professional footballer who had workers who were still carrying out essential
Mental health struggled with his mental health, and talks project work. Where possible, we continue

for me from other mental health experts, including

a psychosexual therapist.
to work using a blended solution allowing
people to split their time between
Construction faces a particular challenge Lynda says: ‘The therapist office and home-working.’
regarding mental health in that the sector sparked some interesting Lynda says HB Projects is
is predominantly male. Research has found conversations. It’s her continuing to invest in
that men are twice as likely as women to view that often her mental health training,
have mental health problems due to their patients will say they with all employees
job (Mind, 2017), and are less likely to reach have one problem, receiving a half-day
out for help. but she’ll help them awareness course,
‘There’s a traditional view of men in realise they actually and line managers
construction that they can just carry on and may have anxiety, taking Mind’s
get the job done,’ says Lynda Parkinson, or a problem with MH Champions
group health, safety and environment lead eating habits, course (Mind, 2019).
at HB Projects, a principal contractor firm for example.’ They have set up a
based in Bradford, West Yorkshire (right). COVID-19 brought extra wellbeing team to plan
‘We wanted to make it clear that it’s okay challenges, admits Lynda. campaigns and initiatives, and
to talk, or to not be okay.’ ‘Like many in construction, we had are currently launching a series of
HB Projects developed a mental wellbeing to ensure we considered the health and financial wellbeing seminars and one-to-one
roadshow visiting regional offices and wellbeing of both sides of the business – financial adviser appointments in response
sites with the goal of engaging all 178 assisting office-based workers to adjust to to concerns over the rising costs of living.


News Analysis_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 14 14/04/2022 14:37



The ‘5 Rs’
of the HSE’s
“Yes, I’m fine”, you could say something
along the lines of, “Well, I’m worried about MANY PEOPLE WITH Minds
you. If you want to come and have a chat,
this is where I am.”’
He says the HSE’s management PROBLEMS REMAIN Reach out to workers,
standards on stress, which cover six key
areas of work design that if not properly SUSPICIOUS THAT IF 1 colleagues, trade
unions and managers.
managed are associated with poor health,
are ‘absolutely pivotal to what directors
Recognise the signs of stress

and senior managers should be reaching IT WILL IMPAIR THEIR in yourself and others.

and understanding, doing the policies, Respond to the things
getting the risk assessments in place and 3 people are telling you
listening to staff ’. – listen to their concerns
and develop ways to
active listening and ‘psychologically savvy’
tackle them.
Three steps chat. ‘It’s an easy win,’ he says.
Professor Neil Greenberg, a consultant Neil also recommends an approach in Reflect by thinking about
occupational and forensic psychiatrist who which senior people in organisations talk 4 what’s been done and check
was part of NHS England’s response to about negative mental health experiences if it’s working for you and
protect the mental health of NHS workers in a positive way. ‘Although it’s really useful your workers. If it isn’t,
consider why and explore
in 2020, says workplaces need a preventive to have education to talk to everybody and
possible alternatives.
medical approach to mental health, training say, “We believe in mental health”, the fact
both managers and ‘peer supporters’. is that many people with mental health Make it Routine – take
His team at King’s College London problems remain suspicious that if they say 5 regular opportunities to
researched the delivery of a one-hour something, it’s going to impair their career check in on mental health
and stress. Assessing the
training package called REACT (Recognise, or reputation. What you really want within

risks from any hazard is

Engage, Actively listen, Check risk, Talk to an organisation is to look for the people
not a one-off process;
them about specific actions) to NHS staff. who have had difficulties in the past and
things change.
This provides workers with a template for who have come through them,’ he adds.


News Analysis_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 15 13/04/2022 16:07


A planet
on the edge
Over the course of 2020, global cases
of depression and anxiety increased
by almost 28% and 26% respectively,
according to the first study to assess
the global impact of the pandemic on
major depressive and anxiety disorders
(Santomauro et al, 2021).
People living in countries severely
impacted by the pandemic were most
affected, especially women and younger
people, according to a systematic review
The third approach Neil recommends same opportunity exists for meeting of data reporting cases of anxiety
encourages organisations to talk mental health needs,’ he says. and depression in 204 countries and
openly (without giving individual ‘At the very least, the pandemic has territories between 1 January 2020 and
details) about instances of things given all businesses an unparalleled 29 January 2021.
that have gone wrong and potentially opportunity to define their values-based Study leader Dr Damian Santomauro,
contributed to employees’ poor mental actions and develop their management senior research fellow at the Queensland
Centre for Mental Health Research, says
health, and the ways in which they systems around human factors,’ he
that past population shocks had led the
rectified matters. ‘Where something adds. ‘The impact of pandemic-rooted
researchers to expect to see an increase,
has changed, you need to make a mental health needs on businesses has
but they were taken aback by the size
song and a dance about it, about how been felt across every scale and size of it. ‘I was also surprised to see that
things are different from the narrative of organisation.’ the prevalence increase in the elderly
that people generally have of that At the same time, the OSH was much smaller than in younger age
organisation,’ he says. profession is held in higher esteem groups,’ he adds. ‘I had expected older
than ever before. Forty-three per cent age groups to be more severely impacted
Unparalleled opportunity of IOSH members said they felt valued due to their vulnerability to the virus and
Peter Jenkins, group health and safety since COVID-19 struck and 63% say negative impacts of social isolation.’
manager at food company Dalziel, says their role was highly regarded within The researchers have begun compiling
OSH professionals have been exposed new estimates for 2021 and 2022
the organisation. In addition, 72% said
to establish how the incidence of
to more mental health needs than ever mental health and wellbeing in the
depression and anxiety has changed as
before and are rising to the challenge workplace should be part of their role.
we have moved through the pandemic.
admirably. ‘The OSH profession has The initial mental health impact
‘The waves of COVID-19 during 2021
come together like in no other time of the pandemic and its effect on were substantially larger than during
against a common risk, COVID; the work is broadly understood, and data 2020 and across more countries,’ says
is still being collected. As research Damian. ‘So there will likely be locations
continues and the daily impacts of where we estimate greater increases in
COVID-19 change, we will begin to prevalence during 2021 than 2020.’
understand the medium- and long-

RE S O U RCE term consequences for mental health. To view the references for this
article, go to
Avoiding harm: prevention In the meantime, supporting people
first: in the workplace with a preventive,
MH-matter psychosocial approach to managing
risks associated with mental health
remains crucial.


News Analysis_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 16 13/04/2022 16:08

p17.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 2 08/04/2022 10:55

It’s nearly five years since the Grenfell Tower fire.
We take a look at the timeline of events and some
of the key statistics around the tragic incident.


Grenfell resident Behailu Kebede calls
999 to report fire in flat 16 on floor 4

7 5 HD D I N G
‘Stay put’ advice officially revoked
A U T O S S 2 6L D I N G S
1962 H O R LO
for assessing fire

risk in buildings
shifts from the
British Standard fire service to

Code of Practice
building owners
sets the first under the

standards for Regulatory
high-rise Reform (Fire

residential Grenfell Safety) Order 2
buildings. This

Tower is built
introduces the as part of the
‘stay put’ in case Lancaster West
of fire policy Manufacturer Arconic’s
Estate in North

aluminium composite
material (ACM) cladding
west London

IN 2
fails a Building Research
Establishment fire test with

‘catastrophic’ results

The Grenfell Tower refurbishment
is completed. ACM cladding is
installed on the walls, along
with Celotex RS5000 insulation


18-19 Did You Know_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 18 13/04/2022 16:10




2 Gre
n fell T


sto Firefighters at the scene at the fire’s peak.
Over the course of the operation, 250
firefighters attempted to control the blaze

n ts

Number of documents

disclosed to the
Grenfell Tower Inquiry

t (2

nf ell’

1o o f 40%
The amount spent by Kensington


c e and Chelsea Council on securing
n t en ent 307 homes for survivors
i m
e ma nage
s a ly
- h ou nt m t ran poor g Percentage of
buildings with
e in na ha ed ini
Th he tetion tr scor y tra the same type of
t t
of anisaTowe safe re cladding that
or nfell andthe fi
have not been
h made safe in
Grehealt or to England as of
on it pr December 2021
B B C New s, 20 22; G renfel l To wer I n qui r y, 20 22; Wa i te, 20 22; A pps, 20 21;
Kn utt, 20 21; M o o re- B i ck, 2019; S ephto n , 2018 ; Co n str ucti o n I n dex , 2017 IOSH MAGAZINE 19

18-19 Did You Know_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 19 13/04/2022 16:11



Appeal against
‘unfair’ £1.1m
fine in ladder
case dismissed
Modus Workspace claimed in court that loss-making
projections should have led to reduced penalties.

design and construction impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
company’s appeal against a business forecast £40m turnover for the
£1.1m fine after an engineer company for the 2020 period. Based on
fell from a ladder and suffered this information, the judge classified
life-changing injuries has been dismissed. Modus as a large organisation, and with was wrong to claim the judge was not aware
Modus Workspace was prosecuted under a high level of culpability, the judge took of the economic realities of the company’s
the Health and Safety at Work Act for a starting point for the fine of £1.1m. situation. The appeal judge agreed with
failing to discharge its duty. The company appealed against the the trial judge that the company was not
The firm was refurbishing a warehouse fine amount, arguing the trial judge was loss-making and was not projected to have
in Hemel Hempstead, UK in 2016. On mistaken in the application of health and a substantial reduction in its turnover even
5 September, while testing a sprinkler safety sentencing guidelines. It argued it during the pandemic. The trial judge did
system for leaks, a subcontractor leaned an should not have been classified as a large account for the projected downturn in
extension ladder on an internal roof against organisation, or the judge should have business when sentencing but could do
an exterior wall. The ladder gave way when made a reduction to the fine’s starting no more, and sentencing guidelines do
he stepped on it, and he fell three metres point because of the loss-making projection not require judges to pay regard to a
(9.8ft) through a gap, sustaining serious at the time of sentencing. company’s future performance.
injuries, including severe blood loss. At At appeal, the judge found that the Some mitigating factors were applied to
the original trial at Luton Crown Court, original trial judge had based the sentence the company, namely its previously good
the judge said the injured man had not on the business they were presented health and safety record. However, this
been warned about the gaps and that any with. Their view of the company’s future incident could have very easily ended in
available warnings were inadequate. financial health and the possible impact of a fatality, with the breach being serious
The judge also said there were serious the pandemic was reasonably open, and it and persistent and causing serious harm.
and persistent failures and lapses in some Increasing the fine could be both expected
procedures, and the company’s conduct Guidelines do not and easily justifiable.
had fallen ‘far short of the appropriate The appeal judge ruled the original
standard’. When sentencing, the judge require judges to

trial judge’s sentencing was not unfair,

considered the company’s accounts, which pay regard to a unbalanced or disproportionate. The
showed a turnover of more than £50m
over the preceding three years. A letter
company’s future original fine was ruled to be neither wrong
in principle nor manifestly excessive, and
from the company’s auditors on the performance the company’s appeal was dismissed.


20-21 Case Law_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 20 13/04/2022 16:12

This sponsored content has been provided by
Cedrec Information Systems, available at


and to determine whether the decide on any restrictions into proposed amendments
benefits of regulating quality or conditions. of control measures for
justify the costs. Proposals sales of explosive precursors
C O NF I NE D S PAC E S were made regarding and poisons under the
adapting and lowering safe Poisons Act 1972.
New merchant
gas composition limits and The proposed
shipping regulations
clarification on the inclusion amendments aim to deliver
The Merchant Shipping and
of biomethane pipelines as the government’s counter-
Fishing Vessels (Entry into CON STRUCTION
part of the gas network. terrorism commitments
Enclosed Spaces) Regulations
2022 apply to all UK- Safety Action following the use of Plan published poisons and explosive
registered ships and all other
Ireland’s Health and Safety precursors in terrorist
ships when in UK waters. They
Authority and Construction attacks in the UK. They
aim to prevent seafarers being
Safety Partnership Advisory consider new measures
injured or killed in confined
Committee have published to reduce the threat from
spaces by placing duties C HE M ICALS a Construction Safety Action the illicit use of such
on ship owners, masters,
employers and others to take Ban proposed Plan for 2022-24. It sets out materials in a way that is

measures to protect seafarers

on firefighting five key objectives to: proportionate for the public
foam chemicals • Standardise the approach and affected businesses.
from related hazards.
The European Chemicals for health and safety
Agency (ECHA) has brought management
forward a proposal to restrict • Improve client awareness/
the use of all per- and compliance on small, high-risk
polyfluoroalkyl substances projects such as one-off builds
(PFASs) in firefighting foams and construction on farms
GAS SAFETY across the EU. The ECHA • Improve safety consultation,
investigated environmental worker engagement and Guidance on
Consultation on Electromagnetic
and health risks posed by encourage facilitation of
revised gas safety Compatibility
using PFASs in firefighting safety representatives
management Regulations 2016
foams and concluded that • Examine existing Construction
The GB Health and Safety The Office for Product
the risks are not adequately Skills Certification Scheme
Executive (HSE) has consulted Safety and Standards
controlled and releases courses with a view to
on the proposed review of has published updated
should be minimised. identifying new subjects
the Gas Safety (Management) statutory guidance to help
Restrictions would prevent required/needed by industry,
Regulations 1996, which businesses placing electrical
further groundwater and soil and consider new ways of
aimed to ensure that and electronic equipment
contamination and health delivering Safe Pass
domestic gas supply market on the market in Great
risks for people and the • Raise awareness of
liberalisation would not Britain to comply with the
environment. The ECHA’s occupational health
reduce safety standards. Electromagnetic Compatibility
scientific committees will in construction.
The legislation creates Regulations 2016.
assess the proposed restriction
significant processing costs The guides have now
options and consider the
and could prevent the UK been updated to clarify
evidence. The EU will then
from diversifying its gas product-labelling
sources to support its net-zero requirements, reflect the
commitments and ensure extension of the transition
supply security. period for UKCA marking,
and refer to EU Market
reasonable to review Consultation Surveillance Regulation
gas quality limits to on Poisons Act 2019/1020, now in force
establish whether amendments in Northern Ireland.
they reflect safety or The Home Office has
commercial constraints published a consultation


20-21 Case Law_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 21 13/04/2022 16:12



Sainsbury’s must
pay £1m after twine
shatters customer jaw WORK AT HEIGHT

£1.5M FINE
World-renowned former steelwork
specialist Cleveland Bridge UK has
been fined £1.5m by Teesside Crown
Court after an electrician fell more
than 7.5 metres (25ft) to his death.

What happened? – which has a high tensile strength and On 25 October 2016, Keith Poppleton
Supermarket giant Sainsbury’s has been is intended not to break easily – had had been making repairs on a large
convicted of health and safety breaches been strung between two structural overhead gantry crane at Cleveland
for the first time after a customer pillars. Patricia suffered serious facial Bridge’s site in Darlington when a
suffered catastrophic facial injuries injuries, including fractures to her jaw walkway access panel gave way under
when she collided with baler twine. and damage to her teeth. The incident his feet. The 54-year-old fell to the
was reported to staff, who immediately ground, sustaining fatal injuries.
When and where? administered first aid and called
Patricia Crampton was riding her an ambulance to take the victim to
An investigation by the GB Health
mobility scooter at Sainsbury’s Newbury hospital. The twine was immediately
and Safety Executive (HSE) found that
store on Hectors Way on 21 June 2020. removed and a message sent to all
the company had failed to maintain
other stores. Sainsbury’s confirmed the crane walkway’s access panels.
How did it happen? that baler twine was not being used
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in this way in any other store. PHOTOGRAPHY: S HUTTERSTOCK / HE ALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE / WEST MIDLAND S POLICE
the store implemented a queuing Cleveland Bridge was found guilty of
system to enable customers to queue in What did the court say? breaching sections 2(1) and 3(1) of
a socially distanced manner. A mixture The retailer pleaded guilty to one the Health and Safety at Work Act,
of metal and plastic temporary barriers health and safety offence at Reading regulation 5(1) of the Provision and
was spaced apart and baler twine – more Magistrates’ Court. As well as the £1m Use of Work Equipment Regulations,
and regulation 8(b)(i) of the Work
commonly used for securing cardboard fine, Sainsbury’s was ordered to pay costs
at Height Regulations. On top of the
once it has been crushed into bales – was of £18,263.
fine, the company was ordered to pay
used to delineate the queuing area.
costs of £29,239.
West Berkshire Council gave IOSH
What went wrong? magazine an exclusive interview on Read the full HSE investigator
The victim rode her scooter through a the case. See interview at
perceived gap where the baler twine sainsburys-twine for more. cleveland-bridge


22-23 Prosecutions_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 22 13/04/2022 16:13


Recycling firm fined FOR SLIP AT HOME
£2m for corporate WHO? A German court has ruled that a
man who slipped and broke his back

while walking from his bed to his
home office can claim on workplace
accident insurance as he was
technically commuting.
WHO? • A forklift truck driven by
A company and three of its company director Malcolm WHY? The employer’s insurers
bosses have been fined more George being used to lift Stuart initially refused to cover the claim.
than £2m over the death over five metres (18ft) into the While two lower courts disagreed on
of a worker who suffered air to clear a blockage, with no whether the short trip was a commute, the
catastrophic head injuries at safety rigging. higher federal social court said it had found
that ‘the first morning journey from bed to
a recycling plant in Oldbury. • Staff walking on a conveyor
the home office [was] an insured work route’.
belt to clear blockages.
WHAT? HOW? The court said: ‘If the insured activity
Stuart Towns walked WHY? is carried out in the household of the insured
underneath a hopper, which Alutrade admitted corporate person or at another location, insurance
cover is provided to the same extent as when
housed powerful engines manslaughter at Wolverhampton
the activity is carried out at the company
used to feed a conveyor belt Crown Court last month.
premises.’ The amount claimed under the
with scrap metal, at It was fined £2m
insurance is not known.
the Alutrade Ltd with £105,514
plant on 24 July costs. Directors
2017. A gate
George and
workers from
Kevin Pugh,
as well as
WHO? Hanif Miah Md Nurul Islam was
the area was health and
sentenced to six weeks’ imprisonment
broken, and the safety manager
under section 53(c) of Singapore’s
machine should Mark Redfern,
Workplace Safety and Health Act
have been shut down were initially charged for knowingly using a forged
and isolated if any kind with gross negligence certificate to gain employment
of maintenance or cleaning manslaughter, but instead as a formwork supervisor.
work needed to be done on pleaded guilty to breaches of the
WHY? In 2015, Hanif obtained
it. Minutes later, 34-year-old Health and Safety at Work Act.
a forged supervisors’ formwork
Stuart’s body was discovered They admitted the charge
safety certificate for a fee. Between
by colleagues. He had suffered on the basis that their failings September and December 2020, he was
catastrophic head injuries and didn’t cause the death, but appointed as a formwork supervisor at least
died at the scene. responsibility for corporate four times based on the forged certificate.
manslaughter rested with the In doing so, he falsely represented that he
HOW? management of the company as had completed the course, when he had
A major investigation analysed a whole. The defendants each not undergone the necessary training.
an entire month’s CCTV received individual fines. WHAT? In February 2021, the Ministry of
footage, and found hundreds Manpower investigated after a subcontractor
of breaches. They included: CCTV footage from the plant asked it to verify the authenticity of Hanif’s
• Workers jumping up and has been released by West certificates. Investigations revealed he had
down on metal in a hopper Midlands Police. Watch it at received no training required for him to be
to clear blockages. familiar with the relevant hazards.


22-23 Prosecutions_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 23 13/04/2022 16:13



As we approach the anniversary of the Grenfell
Tower fire, we look at progress in tackling
widespread safety failings, and at the wider
lessons for OSH professionals.


24-29 Cover Feature_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 24 14/04/2022 08:42


Listen to our interview with Dame Judith Hackitt about the UK government’s U-turn

on the role of a building safety manager:

n September 2021, an article in failings exposed at Grenfell that may leave confirmation that these extend to exterior
The Times trailed government plans residential block occupants across the walls (see Grenfell Tower response, page
to demolish the charred remains UK at risk. Others include combustible 27). But the major changes will happen
of Grenfell Tower in west London material on balconies, breached fire after the Building Safety Bill becomes
(Wheeler et al, 2021). The suggestion compartmentation (intended to keep law this year. A phased introduction
was greeted with protests from fires spreading between residences) and of elements of the new regime, based
Grenfell United, a group of survivors inadequate smoke ventilation systems. on Dame Judith Hackitt’s review
and bereaved families of the 72 people It is still not clear where the rest of the recommendations, will tighten the
who died in the fire that engulfed the estimated £15bn needed to remedy these processes for approving buildings and
24-storey local authority apartment hazards, according to an estimate by the the people and products involved in
block in June 2017. ‘How can the tower parliamentary Housing, Communities their construction and maintenance.
be demolished before the legal process and Local Government committee
concludes,’ the group asked, ‘when no judge (2020), will come from. Up to the job
in the land can confirm it won’t hinder There have been numerous tweaks to the Dame Judith Hackitt’s review and the
future criminal prosecutions?’ regulatory system to close gaps identified Grenfell inquiry have both highlighted the
No ministerial confirmation of the by Grenfell, including the Fire Safety Act risks posed by a lack of knowledge about
demolition has followed, but the 2021, which revised the ensuring fire safety among key actors, from
timescale for the replacement responsible person’s architects to fire risk assessors.
of the building’s skeleton duties under The Competence Steering Group
with a memorial is just the Fire Safety (CSG), representing more than 150
one of many questions Order, including organisations, recommended that
that remain unanswered
five years after one of
the UK’s worst peacetime
catastrophes. Who will pay
to remediate fire safety hazards
on hundreds of other residential
buildings? And will the slew of
upcoming regulatory changes be enough OVERSEERS recommendation into the sole building control
law and the GB Health body for all higher-
to create a safety regime that can prevent and Safety Executive risk buildings. It will
further tragedies?
In January, secretary of state for
A new (HSE) is due to take on
the BSR role. The HSE
also sign off building
plans for higher-risk
levelling up, housing and communities regulator is already operating buildings – those with
Michael Gove proposed new measures to as BSR in ‘shadow’ seven or more storeys
ensure flat owners in mid-rise buildings A major change form, advising on or that are at least 18
11 to 18 metres tall, or 36 to 59ft (typically recommended by the implementation of metres tall (59ft), with
four to six storeys) are not charged to Hackitt review was the the bill and secondary two or more residential
creation of a Building legislation, and providing units, or are hospitals
remove combustible cladding like that on
Safety Regulator (BSR) industry guidance on or care homes – as fit
Grenfell Tower, and to make developers
in England to oversee safety and other issues. to construct, and then
fund the estimated £4bn remediation
the safety of high-rise The HSE’s funding has the final construction
bill. The government has also announced residential buildings been cut by more than as safe for occupation.
funding to cover residences taller than

under construction and a third over the past 10 It will have powers to
18 metres (or 59ft), which are classed as in use, and promoting years, but it will not have prosecute duty holders
‘higher risk’ after the Grenfell fire. improved competence to manage the BSR role for ignoring compliance
But hazardous cladding is only the among construction with existing resources. notices or providing false
most prominent of a range of fire safety professionals and It was given £16.4m to information and will
the building control cover the work in the be able to order unsafe
profession. The Building financial year 2020-21. building products to be
Safety Bill will turn the The BSR will act as taken off the market.


24-29 Cover Feature_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 25 14/04/2022 14:38


working groups introduce or enhance the

competence of 12 professions and trades,
from system installers and construction
supervisors to fire risk assessors, especially
for high-risk buildings, in its report
Setting the bar (CSG, 2020). Overseeing
the implementation of the CSG’s
recommendations will fall to the new
Building Safety Regulator (BSR) – see A
new regulator on page 25 – when the Bill
becomes law, including the establishment
of an industry competence committee,
which will challenge professional and trade
bodies to fill gaps in existing frameworks
and draft guidance to duty holders on how
to choose competent people.
In advance of these developments, new
codes have been developed for specific
disciplines. The Royal Institute of British
Architects has produced new guidance for
members on health and safety, both on
site and in building design – including fire
safety – and in November 2021 launched a ‘THE LEGISLATION IS CLEARLY FRAMED TO
mandatory online Health and Life Safety MAKE IT EASIER FOR THE REGULATOR TO
Competency Test based on the guidance.
A new approved code of practice for fire
risk assessors emphasises the need for
assessors to be accredited and for them
to have a thorough understanding of fines. ‘The legislation is clearly framed will be a smaller pond but a more
the characteristics of particular types of so that if, heaven forbid, something competent one,’ he says.
building – such as multi-occupied high- similar happened, it would be easier Dr Brian Cox, who represents the
rise residential homes – before taking on for the regulator and ministers to Institution of Mechanical Engineers’
assessment work for that building type point the finger at individuals,’ he says. Construction and Building Services
(Fire Sector Federation, 2020). The implications of the competence Division on the CSG working
Malcolm Shiels is package safety health requirements for eligibility for group, says the competence issue
and environment manager at Costain and professional insurance, which are extends beyond the professions
chair of IOSH’s Construction Group. He increased in the Bill, will narrow the and trades contributing to building
says the detail of the duty holder roles and field of people willing to take on key safety, but to making sure everyone
the new competence requirements will roles in the construction process such understands the new regime the
encourage people to meet the as the principal designer duties Bill will usher in. ‘There’s a lot of
standards, because they will under the Construction training to be done to achieve the
no longer be able to dodge (Design and Management) kind of culture change Dame Judith
responsibility in the event Regulations 2015. ‘It talked about,’ he says.
of a failure, and the HSE,
as BSR, will be able to
prosecute with the threat
of prison and unlimited


24-29 Cover Feature_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 26 14/04/2022 08:43


Messages of condolence
on temporary hoardings and
the covered remains of the
Grenfell Tower

‘Independence was lost,’ says Malcolm of

the building control and product regulators.
‘The arrangements became too cosy. The
commercial elements in the decision-
making process took precedence over
others. If you didn’t work in construction T IMELIN E
and you looked at these bodies, and what
they say they stand for, you would think:
“They are a third-party body and if I’m
buying a storeys-high apartment they are Tower
there to protect me and ensure building
work is carried out to a high standard.” But
because of the payment mechanisms they
could almost put themselves out of business 2017
with some clients if they had done what 14 June Grenfell Tower fire
they ought to have been doing.’ 15 June Police
It’s not clear if measures such as the investigation launched
29 June Grenfell Tower
BSR’s ability to ban unsafe construction
Inquiry announced
products or the removal of the ability for
28 July Independent review of
high-rise developers to ‘shop’ for building
building regulations and fire
control approvers will be enough to offset safety (Hackitt review) launched
Lost independence this closeness between the gatekeepers and
An issue that has recurred in the second those seeking to pass through. 2018
stage of the Grenfell inquiry is whether 17 May Hackitt review
an appropriate distance was maintained Held to account final report
between the certification and building Many of the new building safety regime’s
control bodies and the companies whose provisions apply to new-build higher- 2019
products and projects they authorise. risk buildings. But for all buildings in 30 October Grenfell Tower
Inquiry phase 1 report published
One example was highlighted in evidence occupation, whenever they were built, there
given by former employees of the National will be a new duty holder – the accountable
House Building Council (NHBC) that the person – representing the building’s owner.
28 January Grenfell Tower Inquiry
organisation continued to give building They will be responsible for satisfying the phase 2 hearings begin
control approvals to projects using the BSR that a building is safe for occupation. 20 July Draft Building Safety
manufacturer Kingspan’s K15 combustible They will have to gain a safety certificate Bill published
insulation – which was used on part of the from the BSR by submitting a ‘safety
Grenfell Tower refurbishment – despite case’ report. The report must contain risk 2021
internal concerns that the product was assessments for fire and structural threats, 29 April Fire Safety Act passed
hazardous. In February, John Lewis, a building condition reports, and detailed
former NHBC fire engineer, told the inquiry descriptions of active and passive fire 2022
July (expected) Building
that although he suspected Kingspan of controls. The HSE in its role as shadow BSR

Safety Act passed

withholding evidence about K15 failing fire has already issued guidance on safety case
tests, the NHBC accepted proposals to use principles for buildings in its scope.
the insulation on high-rises. The safety case regime has been well (expected) Staged
implementation of various
Building Safety Act provisions


24-29 Cover Feature_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 27 14/04/2022 08:43


established for high-hazard installations through supply chains. ‘People in the SME
such as oil and gas platforms and chemical market aren’t aware of this and aren’t taking
plants for decades. ‘We think it will be
quite a bit simpler because a residential
PEOPLE AREN’T AWARE any notice,’ he says. ‘They just want to go
to work, earn their money and go home.’ If
building is comparatively simple from an OF THIS AND AREN’T that remains the case, the maintenance of


engineering point of view,’ says Brian. ‘But building safety will depend on how those
it’s a bit more complex from an operational smaller contractors are instructed and
point of view because it is full of residents.’ monitored by other duty holders.
Does he believe the safety case requirement brushed aside. ‘If we can implement the Some do not share even Malcolm’s
will go a long way to ensuring high-rise legislation as it’s meant, it should help qualified optimism. Gill Kernick is a
residential buildings remain compliant individual householders who live in high- safety consultant specialising in high-
with the building regulations? ‘Once it risk buildings,’ says Malcolm. ‘It will give hazard industries. Her book Catastrophe
is operational it will,’ he says, ‘but it is them a much bigger say in everything from and systemic change: learning from the
obviously going to take the BSR several access to information to involvement in Grenfell Tower fire and other disasters, was
years to get through all these buildings.’ An refurbishment schemes.’ published in 2021. Her close attention to
estimated 12,500 buildings in England are Malcolm says the shock effect of the the fire and the government’s response was
expected to be covered by the requirements Grenfell disaster on most duty holders and partly driven by her residency in Grenfell
(Ministry of Housing, Communities and sector organisations, and the regulatory Tower between 2011 and 2014, and the
Local Government, 2021). changes in train, should be enough to deaths of seven of her former neighbours
The consultation between the tenant make a future disaster in a high-rise very in the disaster.
management organisation and Grenfell unlikely. His only caveat is What is needed is systemic
Tower residents during the building’s how far the changes change, she says. ‘A systemic
refurbishment was poorly handled, with in attitudes and approach would require
legitimate concerns about fire safety standards will reach grappling with some messy


The review and the inquiry

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry is quickly from a single flat The Hackitt review took recommendations included
chaired by ex-Court of Appeal to the whole building. The evidence in late 2017 on the the establishment of a new
judge Sir Martin Moore-Bick, inquiry’s second stage is still adequacy of measures to authority to oversee stricter
while former GB Health and under way, taking evidence assure the safety of high-rise enforcement of the building
Safety Executive chair Dame on certification and approval residential buildings during safety regime and a clear
Judith Hackitt (right) chaired of building products and the the planning and construction duty holder for the safety
the independent review of control regime. stages and in operation. Its of residents of high-rises.
building regulations and fire final report in May Most of the Hackitt
safety. The inquiry’s remit is to 2018 recommended review’s recommendations,
investigate the events of the ‘gateways’ at which some in modified form, were
fire and the circumstances that a residential building incorporated into the Building
made it possible. The phase 1 over 10 storeys had Safety Bill currently going
report findings, published in to gain regulatory through parliament, along
2019, found that combustible approval before with some of those concerning
cladding and insulation construction or information provision to
materials were instrumental occupation could residents recommended by
in allowing the fire to spread proceed. Other the Moore-Bick inquiry.


24-29 Cover Feature_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 28 14/04/2022 14:38



issues,’ Gill writes. ‘Issues such as the Wider lessons Fire Safety Act
role of political lobbying by product Five years on, many of the processes the
manufacturers, the independence of Grenfell Tower fire set in train have yet The UK Fire Safety Act clarifies the parts
self-funding testing and certification to conclude. The inquiry is in its second of a premises that apply under the Fire
bodies, the trade-offs being made phase. A police investigation is not Safety Order (FSO). The FSO applies to
under the guise of sustainability, and expected to result in criminal charges, if all non-domestic premises in England
and Wales. These include multi-occupied
the limitations of siloed governance any, until the inquiry report is issued. The
residential buildings, such as blocks
and regulations.’ major provisions of the Building Safety
of flats, although individual flats are
She argues a systemic approach Bill are still to take effect. And thousands
excluded. Responsibility for complying
would adopt principles that create of apartment block residents still live in with the FSO falls on the Responsible
safety, not by adding layers of rules uncertainty about who will pay to make Person, which may be the freeholder,
to eliminate unsafe conditions and their homes safe. management company or managing
acts, but by modelling what creates Malcolm hopes the building industry agent, depending on local arrangements.
safe conditions and building a regime could see the overhaul in safety as The new legislation states that, where
around those principles. Gill says she a potential lever for the sea change a building contains two or more sets of
had hoped Gove’s proposals to make needed to realise other priorities, such domestic premises, the FSO applies to:
developers and construction companies as decarbonisation and the provision
take responsibility for remediation of more homes. ‘Out of all that heartache The building’s structure and external
walls (including windows, balconies,
of residential fire hazards might we have an opportunity to make big
cladding, insulation and fixings) and
have signalled more of a coordinated steps of improvement. If we can get the
any common parts
approach, but ‘rather than a “coming right leaders to pull all those strands
All doors between domestic premises
together” from all stakeholders and together and support the Bill, there is
and common parts, such as entrance
collaboratively creating solutions that are a great opportunity.’ doors (or any other relevant door).
palatable to all, we’re seeing government He says the most important lesson OSH
edicts that are rejected or fought against professionals can learn from Grenfell is to If contracting out this work, you
by the insurance industry or developers.’ steer organisations away from the belief must make sure that those engaged to
that the cheapest option is the best one, and complete the fire risk assessment include
he encourages them to use their widening these elements, as you are responsible
skills base to influence commercial for complying with the FSO and liable
decisions. He also recommends that for any necessary remediation.
U P DAT E members working in organisations likely
A Responsible Person is responsible
for overseeing the removal or reduction
to commission building or refurbishment
BSM work in the coming years make themselves
of fire hazards in their building and for
implementing reasonable measures to
requirement familiar with the Building Safety Bill and ensure the safety of all residents, those
other regulatory changes: ‘At some point
to be scrapped their employer is going to come to them
employed to work in the building and
visitors to the building.
and ask them questions about it.’ Fire and rescue authorities can issue
As IOSH magazine was going to
Ruth Wilkinson, IOSH head of health enforcement notices if they decide
print, the government announced Responsible Persons or duty holders have
and safety, says: ‘Whether working
its intention to remove the legal failed to comply with any FSO provisions.
within the construction industry,
duty to appoint a building safety They can prosecute or serve alteration or
manager. As the dutyholder for
as building owners, clients, OSH
prohibition notices if they identify that
high-rise residential buildings, professionals or regulators, everyone
failing to comply with those provisions
accountable persons must should act now to ensure the right
puts people at risk of death or injury
determine how best to meet the resource, knowledge and competence
from fire.
duties placed on them and what is with the right people for their roles, For guidance, see addendum to the
arrangement they require. To responsibilities and accountabilities.’ Fire Safety Act:
read more about the changes,

visit For references to this article,

go to


24-29 Cover Feature_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 29 14/04/2022 08:43

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p30.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 30 08/04/2022 10:56


IN THIS 50 years after the publication of the Robens report, we look at how this transformative document is still influencing health and
safety in the UK and beyond P32 | IOSH’s Helpline and Legal Line are two important benefits that could prove invaluable P38 |
S E CT I O N Member reflections: your thoughts and opinions on key issues P41 | The wider view: webinars, podcasts, videos and much more P45




31 Collab Sec Opener_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 31 13/04/2022 16:14




32-36 Robens Report_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 32 14/04/2022 09:27



The 1972 Robens report and the organisations it gave birth

to transformed health and safety in Britain and has shown
remarkable adaptability even half a century later.


uly 2022 marks 50 years since the Robens to change the nation’s fragmented and overly prescriptive
committee, led by Lord Alfred Robens, published OSH regime with a more flexible system that emphasised
its landmark report, transforming Britain’s what Robens termed ‘self-regulation’. The new regime
regulatory OSH approach and creating a ripple also extended OSH protections to a greater number of
effect felt as far away as Singapore and Australia. workers and, for the first time, the public. The committee’s
The report, Safety and health at work: report recommendations were substantively enacted in the HSWA,
of the committee 1970-1972 (Robens et al, 1972), which received royal assent in July 1974, exactly two years
outlined a series of recommendations aimed at after the Robens report was published.
overhauling the nation’s fragmented and overly This pivotal legislation created two new bodies: an
prescriptive OSH regime. independent, tripartite Health and Safety Commission
Accidents and fatalities at work by 1970 were (HSC), and the GB Health and Safety Executive (HSE),
unacceptably high and the UK regulatory system wasn’t a regulator enforcing health and safety legislation in
working. One of several catalysts for change was the workplaces, except for those regulated by local authorities.
Aberfan disaster on 21 October 1966 when 144 people – The HSWA also promoted the idea of health and safety as
116 of them children – were killed by a tip of coal waste integral to good management, introducing codes of practice
sliding onto their South Wales village. The tribunal that and general duties to reduce risks ‘so far as reasonably
was later held into the disaster concluded: ‘Blame for the practicable’ (Almond et al, 2016).
disaster rests upon the National Coal Board’ (Aberfan
Tribunal, 1967) – the same coal board that Lord Robens was Better standards

chairman of when the disaster occurred. While his conduct Traditional heavy industries played a major role in the British
at the time of the disaster and his ultimate appointment economy in the early 1970s, radically different to the UK’s
to the committee has drawn criticism over the years, the service-based and increasingly digital economy of today. Even
committee’s work was a success, underpinning the Health so, there is a strong case to be made that the HSWA and the
and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA) (The British
Academy, 2016). It was the committee’s recommendation


Robens philosophy that underpinned it have explore whether the Robens

brought about tangible improvements in philosophy has made a
Britain’s safety record up to the present day. difference, given that our world
Kevin Myers, who started his HSE career of work is so different from
as a factory inspector in 1976 and rose to that of 1972.
become the body’s deputy chief executive, ‘This is not some nostalgic
certainly believes so. look backwards,’ explains
‘Fifty years on, you would expect some Kevin. ‘It’s to see whether
improvements anyway because of the there are things we can learn
reduction in high-hazard industries,’ he says. from the past to help us
‘But does that explain the fact that there address some of the current
has been a 90% reduction in fatal accidents and future challenges. The
over that period? The evidence suggests not, 50th anniversary provides
and that a significant percentage of those that opportunity.’
improvements reflect better standards. The essay is a logical
‘However, 142 GB workers had fatal starting point as it reminds readers why a
accidents in 2020-21 [HSE, 2021a], so rethink of the OSH system was required
there’s no room for complacency.’ in 1970 and why and how the committee
Kevin is part of an informal project team reached its conclusions.
whose remit includes exploring the impact Historian Christopher Sirrs has also
the Robens report has had on OSH over thrown light on this. In an article for the
the past five decades – a project initiated by journal Social History of Medicine (2016),
Kevin and his colleagues, who have invited he noted that nine acts and more than 500
IOSH and other organisations to collaborate regulations governed the safety, health and
and help shape it. welfare of workers before the HSWA took
effect. This prompted the Robens committee GOIN G GLOBA L
Anniversary project to conclude that regulation had become
The Robens report is the first of three overly detailed and was promoting apathy
50-year anniversaries coming up in quick in industrial circles. Singapore
succession. The HSWA reaches that Some workplaces were subject to
Singapore based its first OSH
milestone on 31 July 2024, and January conflicting requirements while others had
regime on the British Factories
2025 marks the anniversary of the creation no legal coverage, Christopher adds. Almost
Act 1961. Introduced in 1973, the
of the HSE. Then there is the OSH system a third of the British workforce received prescriptive legislation only covered
that emerged, evolved and developed on the no statutory protection from work-related workplaces defined as a factory.
back of these three landmark events. accidents or illness (Sirrs, 2015). However, after a major highway
As part of their project, Kevin and other One of the committee’s main conclusions incident in 2004 resulted in four
former HSE colleagues, including past was that overall responsibility for managing fatalities, the Ministry of Manpower
directors and executives David Snowball, OSH should clearly sit with employers – who brought in the Workplace Safety
David Ashton and David Eves, are putting create the risks in the first place – working in and Health (WSH) Act 2006,
the final touches to three documents to partnership with their employees. which reflects the Robens report
recommendations. Over time, this
coincide with the Robens anniversary.
legislation has been extended to
The first is an essay by David Ashton Measured debate
all workplaces.
that considers why in May 1970 Barbara David Ashton’s essay is important in this
‘We adopted the principle that
Castle, secretary of state for employment respect because it provides valuable material it should be an enabling act and
and productivity, chose Lord Robens to for more informed discussions about what is performance-based,’ explains
undertake the first-ever comprehensive Robens said in the report – particularly in Ho Siong Hin, senior director,
review of Britain’s regulatory OSH system. relation to references that drew criticism at International WSH.
The second looks at how and why specific the time and have done ever since. The WSH Act focuses on the
report recommendations were or were not ‘There are misconceptions, one of the
implemented. The final document will most persistent being what he meant by


32-36 Robens Report_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 34 14/04/2022 08:44


Lord Robens, pictured

here in 1973, ushered in a
new era of health and safety

self-regulation,’ explains David. ‘This has Sheila Pantry OBE, head of the HSE’s
been interpreted as “Get the regulator (and information services in the 1970s and author
their burdensome regulations) out of the of the History of Occupational Safety and
way, encourage and allow businesses to Health website, says the creation of the HSE
regulate themselves and all will be well.” as a single, unified regulator was a ground-
But that’s not actually what he said.’ breaking move.
Jenny Bacon, who was in charge of the The problem with having so many
team at the Department of different inspectorates was that it could often
Employment and Productivity lead to piecemeal and sometimes conflicting
that implemented the Robens enforcement, she says.
report, and later the HSE’s first David Snowball concurs. Rereading
female director general, says the Robens report, he was reminded of
the onus on self-regulation was how critical its author was of some of the
about asking those responsible inspectorates, how they worked and their
for managing risks to identify efforts to reduce risk.
them and set out how they ‘That was a hugely brave thing to
would manage them effectively. recommend, to bring all these potentially
This, she says, was a game- warring inspectorates together,’ he says.
changer. ‘If you want to put ‘Robens is quite brutal in places about the
the onus on industry, then extent to which he thought traditional face-
you’ve got to have a common to-face intervention had any real lasting
approach to risk assessment impact on overall standards and outcomes.’
and prevention,’ she says. Kevin argues that one of the defining
differences between the old regime and
employer’s ability to manage the Sound philosophy Robens’ regulatory system is that the latter
risk, he adds. ‘Whether there is an This philosophy has served the OSH regime is based on ‘adult-adult’ relationship between
injury or not is not the issue. It’s well and Kevin feels it is as valid today as it the regulator and the regulated, rather than
about making the workplace safe was back then. He points to the reports of an ‘adult-child’ one.
and the processes safe.’ Lord Young (2010) and Professor Ragnar ‘That’s very different from a command-
Adopting the UK’s ‘goal-setting’
Löfstedt (2011), and the HSE’s triennial and-control approach centred on compliance
philosophy, Singapore formed
reviews and periodic regulatory reviews, and with prescriptive rules,’ he says. ‘At the end of
the independent Workplace
argues they have all concluded that Robens’ the day, it is about how the people who create
Safety and Health Council (WSHC),
which represents views from basic design principle is absolutely sound. and manage risk step up to discharge that
government, employers, trade ‘One of the things we want to do in this adult responsibility.’
unions and academia. project is explore: “Why does the HSE still
The WSHC has three priorities: exist?” It has stood the test of time because Real responsibility
encouraging industry to raise its it was established on a premise of what Looking back over Robens’ legacy, David
standards to an acceptable level, people would recognise now in a broader Snowball argues that one of the long-term
building industry capability to self- context of better regulation,’ Kevin says. success stories is how individual sectors,
regulate, and promoting what IOSH’s first female president Daphne such as the oil and gas industry, have had to
good performance looks like.
Linton (1996-97) was a factory inspector take greater ownership and responsibility for
According to Ho Siong Hin,
when the HSWA came into force. She improvements after major disasters, such as
Singapore’s fatal accident rate in
remembers how it redefined approaches Piper Alpha in 1988, in ways that also require
2004 was 4.9 per 100,000 workers.
However, the ministry’s first 10- to safety. an independent regulator to target its own
year plan saw this rate reduced to ‘Instead of looking for breaches of a code efforts more effectively.

2.5 per 100,000 workers by 2015. of regulations, we started to look at how Kevin points to the OSH profession’s
In 2019, the rate fell to 1.1 per organisations assessed their risk and what enhanced profile over the past 50 years
100,000 workers. could be done to reduce them,’ she says. and the significant contribution it made to


32-36 Robens Report_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 35 14/04/2022 14:40


Our latest video looks at how the Robens report changed

OSH forever. Watch it at

overall improvements, albeit when the

relationship within industry works well. MENTAL HEALTH, you’ve got a good factory manager and a
company that supports them, you’ll have
‘Sometimes, however, that relationship
can also become adult-child,’ he explains.
AI AND CYBER RISK a good factory. If you’ve got a factory


manager who isn’t at all interested in
‘We as regulators need to influence health and safety, you’ll have a poor one.’
people’s behaviour and convince others
to take the responsibility for OSH. OSH CHALLENGES Kevin concurs. ‘No matter how
effective you are as a regulator, if the
professionals that are not regulators
have a similar challenge.’
OF THE FUTURE people that control and manage risks
don’t respond to that, you won’t have the
Daphne agrees, saying soft skills are improvements that are needed.’
almost more important than technical including in Australia and Singapore. Looking to the next 50 years, David
expertise. ‘Getting on a good footing When Australia first adopted the Snowball feels the OSH agenda is getting
with people and getting them to talk Robens’ risk-based approach, it was more complicated, and cites mental
and tell you what’s happening is very introduced through the country’s six health, artificial intelligence and cyber
important,’ she adds. states and two territories. risk as some of the main challenges.
One of the challenges of looking back This led to calls from industry for Like his colleagues, David Ashton
over 50 years is the fact that the statistics a more consistent approach, and in believes the UK’s OSH regime is still
aren’t always comparable. Although 2011 Safe Work Australia developed fit for purpose. However, he echoes the
the figures for fatalities fell – from 651 a single set of work health and safety Robens report’s closing remarks about
in 1974 to 142 in 2020-21 – health has laws. They also took the opportunity to needing to sustain interest and initiative.
been a much harder nut to both measure update the Robens approach to reflect ‘Yes, we need them both – but there is
and crack (HSE, 2021b). contemporary challenges, such as the a danger of moving from the apathy he
gig economy. criticised in the 1970s to “indigestion”
Robens abroad ‘Companies like Uber will now have now,’ he warns.
Malcolm McIntyre CFIOSH, former a responsibility under the Australian ‘People think, “I really do get this
global health and safety audit manager law for drivers that are allegedly all health and safety thing and I really want
at Bovis Lend Lease, says it was Robens independent subcontractors, but in to have the right standards, but it seems
who brought health to the forefront. everyday terms work for them,’ says indigestible when you are tied up in
‘It took a while to get going, but it Kevin. He argues the OSH regime written risk assessments”. I’m not saying
has grown and we now place a huge is flexible enough to adapt well to a [they] are right, but that is a view that
emphasis on health in construction changing world and that the UK could is quite widely expressed and manifests
projects,’ he says. ‘Post-Robens, health take a leaf out of Australia’s book by itself through fairly clumsily designed
started to mean something. Before that amending the drafting of the HSWA deregulatory initiatives,’ David adds.
we never talked about guys sweeping the so the responsibilities for managing risk For Peter Brown, the HSE’s director
floor creating silica dust and needing to in the gig economy are more explicit. of engagement and policy, the Robens
wear eye and face protection.’ Singapore is also an interesting case report remains a defining moment not
Aside from its enduring legacy in as it adopted Robens’ risk-based system only in the HSE’s evolution, but also in
the UK, Robens’ risk-based approach through the creation of the Workplace Britain’s workplace culture.
has also gained traction overseas, Safety and Health Council (see Going ‘Our economy and our workplaces
global on page 34). may have changed dramatically in the
past 50 years,’ he says, ‘but the same
Safety culture principle that all workers should be
Reflecting on her international work, able to go home safe and well still stands
To listen to the HSE’s
Daphne says that, ultimately, it doesn’t and lies at the heart of the work HSE
Philip White and Peter
matter what the regulatory system is or does and will guide us through the next
Brown talk about the Robens
report, go to ioshmagazine. what country you are operating in. ‘If 50 years.’


32-36 Robens Report_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 36 14/04/2022 08:45

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OSH members are aware that being part
of the Institution provides many great
benefits, not least the magazine that you
hold in your hands or read on screen.
But while the magazine is a benefit in
material form, there are other less physical
assets that IOSH can provide.
Two of the most underused facilities that
IOSH offers are potentially two of the most
useful: the IOSH Helpline and the IOSH
Legal Line. Here we look at how these
valuable resources could help to make
your professional lives just a little easier.


We spoke to Wendy Payne and Andrew
Smith from the IOSH Helpline to find out
more about how it operates and what it
can do to help.

What is the Helpline?

‘The IOSH Helpline is a support service
offered by IOSH free of charge. It provides

expert advice on a variety of issues to
anyone who needs it,’ Wendy says.
‘The Helpline team consists of health
and safety consultants, including a
former health and safety officer from the
manufacturing industry, and GB Health

and Safety Executive (HSE) infoline
employees. All team members are qualified
to diploma level and have other health
and safety qualifications in areas such as
construction, fire, environmental and
food safety. All team members are also
members of IOSH, including some who
have achieved Chartered status.’
The IOSH Helpline and the dedicated
IOSH Legal Line are two benefits that What does the Helpline provide?
‘We give free advice regarding a range
could prove invaluable. of topics, mainly health and safety but
also fire safety, environmental, food
safety and legislation, both national and
MINS international. We can also locate statistics,
case law, and research on a range of


38-39 Helpline_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 38 13/04/2022 16:16


subjects,’ Wendy says.

‘We pride ourselves on responding
to calls and emails in a timely manner.
Not only do we operate between 8am
and 6pm (GMT) in the office, but we THE IOSH LEGAL LINE
also have an out-of-hours phone, which Beverley Bates, advice services director of queries, although with two-thirds of
the team operates 24 hours a day, 365 of Markel Law LLP, provider of IOSH’s them relating to employment matters,
days a year.’ Legal Line, explains how this dedicated typical queries include disciplinary
specialist advice resource, which is action, grievances, incapacity,
What are the most included as part of an IOSH subscription employment tribunal claims and
common queries? and accessible through the IOSH procedures, contracts of employment,
‘The most common questions we are Helpline, can benefit members. capability, redundancy and resignation,
to name but a few.
asked are about RIDDOR [Reporting
Additionally, common queries
of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous What is the IOSH Legal
for our commercial team include
Occurrences Regulations 2013], as Line and what can it do
landlord and tenant queries, contract
these decisions often require a degree for IOSH members? issues, debt collection and data
of interpretation,’ Andrew says. The service is available 24 hours a
protection issues.
‘As you would expect, over the day, 365 days a year and the advice
last two years, questions relating to is provided by our team of 50-plus What can IOSH members
qualified solicitors and tax advisers (tax
COVID-19 have been very common. use it for?
or VAT experts are available during
These have been a little more difficult We provide telephone legal and tax
normal office hours). Advice can be
than most other queries due to the advice related to business in the UK.
sought on a wide range of matters
requirements and recommendations While we will look to help on all
affecting the running of your business.
occasions, there may be specialist areas
changing quite frequently, and the This could relate to employment
of advice where it would be more
fact that requirements often differed matters, contract issues, debt collection,
appropriate for members to appoint
between countries.’ property matters or taxation concerns
a solicitor rather than use a telephone
and much more.
helpline. Even in these limited
What’s the most memorable All our calls are recorded and we
situations, we will look to provide
query you’ve ever handled? call the enquirer back to avoid them
initial advice to assist the member.
‘I think one of the most memorable incurring a telephone charge. Access to
the advice line is unlimited and you can
queries that the Helpline has ever What is the most
contact us as many times as is necessary.
received was whether badgers memorable or trickiest
We can also provide templates and
can catch Legionnaires’ disease!’ query you’ve ever handled?
guidance documents when they are
Andrew says. ‘As you would probably There are too many to choose from!
needed. Our satisfaction ratings are very
expect, there wasn’t a great deal of However, one of the most memorable
high, with over 95% of our customers
information on this topic. But it was an employment query from a car
rating us as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.
garage where 12 members of staff
appears very unlikely since there
were ‘caught’ after they climbed
are extremely few diagnosed cases of What kind of expertise does
into a customer’s Mini and then took
this disease in animals of any kind.’ the Legal Line draw upon?
pictures. We were able to help with
Markel can trace its history in this area
disciplinary and training for the staff,
back to the early 1980s. In that time,
To read more about the as well as how to deal with any issues
we have handled millions of calls from
Helpline and Legal Line, visit arising from the customer, who had
a wide range of businesses including recognised their car on social media!

sole traders, SMEs, right up to firms

with hundreds of employees.
To contact the IOSH Helpline directly, To call the IOSH Legal Line,
call +44 (0)116 257 3199. Are there any common contact the IOSH Helpline
queries that you receive? and ask for legal support:
The Legal Line handles a wide variety +44 (0)116 257 3199.


38-39 Helpline_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 39 13/04/2022 16:16


Are you on top of

your CPD?
Did you know… What else do you
• IOSH has a dedicated CPD
need to know?
team on hand to support you
There are a huge variety of activities
through your CPD. Call us on
which can count toward your CPD.
0116 257 3239 or email to
This can include the following:
• If you’re struggling with what • Completing a qualification
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checklist that will help you tick
off what is required - it’s as • Reviewing updated legislation
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other subscriptions
• Regular completion of CPD
is mandatory for technical, • Conducting research
graduate and chartered • Undertaking projects at work
members, as well as chartered • Other work tasks, including
fellows. completing a risk assessment,
• Completing your CPD doesn’t updating a policy or procedure
have to cost you a penny, • Completing an accident
although investing in one of investigation
our CPD courses is a brilliant • Attending a conference or
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Show them you care • Networking
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keeping your skills, knowledge and your CPD it’s never been easier to
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Don’t fall behind, check out our website

for more information at

p40.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 40 08/04/2022 11:02



after the Motor Cycles (Wearing of Helmets)
Regulations 1973. Many older members will
remember the campaign for Fred Hill, who
was jailed on numerous occasions for citing
freedom of choice.
The reason for a dearth of Sikhs within the
construction industry is quite simply peer and

parental pressure. The industry is very much a
buddy and mates environment where there is
the pressure to fit in.
With falls from height being the main
cause of fatalities and life-changing injuries,
including falling objects, is it any wonder
parents would want to deter [their children]
from pursuing this career path? As a parent
and former motorcyclist who has witnessed

What do you think of the topics covered in a number of people killed – or survive with
life-changing injuries, including brain damage,
IOSH magazine? Here’s a collection of which destroyed a work colleague's promising
member views, taken from career and marriage – I would certainly be

over the last few months. concerned if people started quoting freedom
of choice and decided not to wear a crash
helmet or hard hat on a construction site. On
our increasingly crowded highways, with car
from a system that offers them no benefits. drivers becoming ever more safely cocooned
Re: Why wellbeing is Has anyone else had experience of handling in their cars, hard hats and crash helmets
now central to hybrid this sort of situation? offer a last line of protection in an already
work strategies ChrisLL dangerous environment. Falls from height
CF: Behavioural – Communication don’t discriminate because of your faith.
(Communicating effectively) Prior to 1 October 2015, the exemption for
It is interesting that, like almost every Sikhs from the requirement to wear a safety
article relating to hybrid working, the focus Re: The truth about turbans
is on those who are going to be taking up CF: Technical – Culture and Health
the option and looking after their welfare. & Safety Law
In my workplace there are a few employees Dear Mr Singh,
whose jobs mean that hybrid working is I think, in your article of the January/February
not an option. They are finding it hard to issue, you have missed a point here.
adjust to a much quieter workplace, less To understand why there is a shortage
interaction with colleagues and a feeling of the Sikh community working within
they are suffering adverse consequences the construction industry, we need to
look at the bigger picture. Having worked
in the construction industry for a few years,
I have some understanding of this situation.
Although mention is made only of hard
hats, we mustn’t forget that sections 11
I OSH ’S COMPETENCY and 12 of the Employment Act 1989 granted
F RAM EWORK Sikhs exemption from wearing hard hats. This follows on from the exemption from
competency-framework wearing crash helmets in 1976, three years


41-42 Reflections_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 41 13/04/2022 16:19


helmet applied only to construction sites. It

now applies to all workplaces. However, there
Fear of Covid is not a
are exceptions relating to the armed forces belief, says judge – as he
rejects discrimination claim
and emergency response services, where
employers can still require Sikhs to wear
safety helmets.
While the law does allow an exemption
for those of the Sikh faith, where a turban- CF: Technical – Culture of a person’s life. The article lists the
wearing Sikh chooses not to wear the head Not sure the judge qualifying aspects of a philosophical
protection provided, the exemption includes understands what a ‘belief’ is – belief, and it is obvious to me that
a limitation on the liability of the duty holder surely the extremist propaganda point two and three are not met,
should an incident occur. surrounding the lethality of as the court also found.
My own view is that the law should apply to COVID has rooted that ‘belief’ in Also I am not sure how anybody
everyone. It just adds fuel to the fire for those people's minds. Moreover, if he’s can surmise that a disease that has
citing freedom of choice. As parents, we are working on the idea of belief killed around one in 500 people
all health and safety advisers to our children. being linked to faith, it's not the in many developed nations needs
Hard hats and crash helmets help to alleviate realm of the courts to define ‘extremist propaganda’ to highlight
our concerns that they will come home in one (or redefine) what a personal its lethality.
piece. Statistics have shown that, over the theology is. Go figure. Just as a few examples, one
last 50 years, protective headgear saves lives. Joe Bloggs in 388 US citizens, one in 409
I think that when certain issues arise in our Belgians, one in 433 Italians and
industry, it is sometimes good to look outside Is fear of COVID a religious belief one in 455 British people [died]. In
the box and share our experiences, as we all or a philosophical one? I struggle any other circumstance one in 455
come from different walks of life – not just in to see how it would fit either would be seen as terrifying. If one
our working lives, but in our leisure pursuits definition. For example, veganism in 455 planes leaving Heathrow
as well, and here we will sometimes find the is a protected belief system as it crashed, that would be two a day!
answers we are looking for. falls squarely into the philosophical Barry Pitcher
Stuart Inkster bracket – it governs the way a person interprets the world and
affects multiple aspects of their life.
Paul Singh CMIOSH, safety and Fear of COVID infection is very
risk management professional in narrow and specific to one aspect
the construction, mechanical and LET US KN OW
engineering sector, responds: Thank you
Do you have an observation
for sharing your thoughts. First, it is positive
or comment on an article
that the published piece on Sikhs and safety
you’ve read in the magazine
has been a catalyst for this exchange of
or online? Or perhaps
views and conversations to take place.
you’ve had to deal with an
I think that the responding reader incident at work? Contact
has missed the key point of my IOSH the editorial team with your
magazine piece. I am not advocating special thoughts and you might
dispensations for turban-wearing Sikhs see your reflections on
in relation to the use of PPE; rather, I am these pages. Contact us at
highlighting that there remains a significant
disparity between the number of turban-
wearing Sikhs working within construction
as general contractors or labourers, and
those from the same group dynamic who
work as health and safety management
practitioners within construction. Thank you.


41-42 Reflections_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 42 13/04/2022 16:19

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p44.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 44 08/04/2022 11:05


The wider view

A helping hand PODCAST
In our latest opinion piece from the IOSH presidential team, immediate past
president Jimmy Quinn highlights the invaluable skills of Armed Forces
veterans and the helping hand they need to complete the second half of
a career change. What inspires you
as an OSH practitioner?
Read it here: Episode 12 of IOSH magazine’s podcast
series sees two members of the IOSH
Future Leaders Steering Group explore the sources
of their inspiration. They also discuss how to develop
M E M BE R STO RY power skills and give our listeners some fresh ideas
about different places from which we can all learn.
Bringing the house
down: my life Listen here:
in demolition
Wayne Bagnall, a leading authority in the field of WEBIN AR
demolition and asbestos safety, discusses the value of
lifelong learning, meeting the Queen, and the importance
How can digitalisation
of trust and optimism.
improve hybrid training
and e-learning?
Read the full story at
In this webinar, sponsored by HandsHQ,
our expert panel discusses how they have
embraced hybrid training and seen advantages to
BO O K C LU B their businesses. They look at the benefits of hybrid
What can we hope to gain from reading a new OSH book? That it training, the systems companies are using, where
could supply something tangible, such as increased awareness and the industry is likely to be going, and how you can
understanding? Provide the potential for reflection on preconceived incorporate hybrid training and e-learning.
views or practice? It can be a bonus when a book generates further
discussion with colleagues or community, leading to a fresh look at the Watch on demand:
capability of OSH for horizon scanning and influencing change in work or handshq/digitalisation-training
wider society and environment. Our new book club aims to do just that.
Sustainability – a key idea
for business and society Shining the spotlight
This book comprises high-level strategic discourse, examining on OSH salaries
research, management models for sustainability, More than 16,000 of you so far have
sustainable development and their effectiveness. watched this video giving insights into
pay rates, qualifications and how OSH practitioners have been affected by the pandemic.


Don’t forget you can read this issue and

previous editions at


45 Wider view_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 45 13/04/2022 16:22

Advertisement feature

ISO 45003: Managing psychological health

and safety at work
Kate Field, global head
of health, safety and
well-being at the British
Standards Institution,
discusses the first global
standard to give practical
advice on managing
psychosocial risk in the

What is ISO 45003? this disparity and is focussed on closing the gap. In many areas,
ISO 45003, Occupational health and safety management — ISO 45003 goes further than ISO 45001, particularly regarding
Psychological health and safety at work: managing psychosocial its focus on leadership culture, inclusivity, competency and
risks — guidelines, is designed to make the topic of psychological awareness, rehabilitation and return to work, confidentiality and
health and safety accessible to all. It gives simple, practical performance evaluation.
guidance on identifying where psychological health and safety
risks arise in the workplace and what organizations of any Do I need to be an expert or doctor in psychological
size and type can do to eliminate or reduce them. By taking a health to use ISO 45003?
proactive approach, organizations can prevent or minimize work Quite simply, no. It’s important to understand that psychological
related causes of stress, anxiety, burnout and depression. health and safety management needs the same skills and
approaches as other health and safety risks. You don’t need to be
Is it a prerequisite to have implemented ISO 45001? a psychologist. As with any health and safety risk, you do need to
ISO 45001 and ISO 45003 work together, so if an organization be able to identify the hazards, assess the risks and know what
has already implemented ISO 45001 it can use ISO 45003 organizational level changes are needed to manage the risk.
to ensure psychological health and safety is being adequately
addressed. If an organization hasn’t implemented ISO 45001 What are psychosocial risks?
yet, or doesn’t plan to, ISO 45003 can still benefit organizations This term is used to describe potentially negative impacts on
who wish to improve how they manage psychological health and psychological health and safety in the workplace. It describes
safety as part of their health and safety management. the factors within the workplace and the work we do that can
negatively impact a worker’s psychological and physical health,
leading to work-related stress, burnout, anxiety and depression.
Why is ISO 45003 a separate standard as opposed to Psychosocial risks can arise through the way we work, including
being integrated into ISO 45001, as ‘psychological health handling workloads, deadlines, isolation, and work/life balance.
and safety’ is part of health and safety management? Contributing social factors include culture, working relationships,
In an ideal world we wouldn’t need ISO 45003. However, as we bullying, harassment, fairness, and career development. Other
know ‘health’ has been a long-overlooked part of health and hazards include high noise levels, thermal discomfort, pain from
safety management. And psychological health and safety is even musculoskeletal disorders, fear of violence and aggression, or
further behind than other health risks. ISO 45003 recognizes even witnessing an incident.

p46-47.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 46 08/04/2022 11:06

What can we do to identify psychosocial hazards in our guidance on what ‘the needs and expectations of a worker’ are. To
workplace? understand what these are and develop a best practice approach
It’s important to understand that ISO 45003 is about managing to workplace well-being, organizations can use BSI Prioritizing
organizational risks, and not individual issues. Organizational People Model©.
hazards can be identified in several ways, for example: incident
data, analyzing tasks, schedules and location, consulting Find out more about BSI’s Prioritizing People
with workers, worker surveys, exit interviews, standardized Model at
questionnaires, audits and data sources such as complaints,
grievances, absence and attrition rates.
Who are the right people in my organization to
What are the most common psychosocial risks within implement ISO 45003?
the workplace? This varies from organization to organization. As ISO 45003
It depends on the type of organization and the sector, but there is designed to support ISO 45001, for many organizations the
are common issues: workload, tight deadlines, too much work or health and safety team may lead implementation. For others, it
too much pressure or responsibility. Other factors include a lack may be HR or even the quality team. Whichever function ‘leads’,
of managerial support, organizational changes at work, and lack it will be essential for functional teams to work together, in
of role clarity. However, what lies at the heart of psychosocial risk particular health and safety and HR, as ISO 45003 will draw on
within an organization is the culture of that organization – and expertise from both areas.
culture is driven by top management. Top management need to
have high levels of emotional intelligence and a more servant Can my organization be certified to ISO 45003?
style of leadership. This creates an authentic culture of trust
ISO 45003 is a guidance standard, not a requirements standard
and care.
like ISO 45001. This means ISO 45003 cannot be awarded as
an accredited certification. However, BSI offer a non-accredited
Has the pandemic made things worse? certification globally. This is available for organizations that use
It has increased many of the causes of work-related mental-ill ISO 45001 and organizations that use other health and safety
health such as workload, changes at work and even violence. management system approaches. The process for ISO 45003
But it has also heightened other areas such as concerns about certification will be the same as for any other form of BSI
job security and career development. But we must remember certification.
that prior to the pandemic, work-related stress, depression and
anxiety were the leading cause of ill health within the workplace Is there any training in place to support implementing
– so this is not a new issue for workplaces, although the ISO 45003?
pandemic has focussed attention on it.
Yes. BSI developed a one-day training course on ISO 45003,
which is now available globally. It’s suitable for anyone involved
How do you assess and manage psychosocial risks? in supporting an organization’s psychological health, safety and
You approach it the same way as you would any type of health well-being and psychosocial risk management. This may include
and safety risk. Once you identify the hazards, you identify who line managers, as well as health and safety, occupational health,
may be harmed, the likelihood and consequence. You can then human resources, compliance and risk and operational teams
use the same quantitative or qualitative methods that you use for and managers.
other health and safety risks to identify the level of risk. As with
other health and safety risks, the aim is then to eliminate that risk
at an organizational level, and where it can’t be eliminated to put
in other measures to reduce the risk as much as possible.
Interested to know more?
Visit to access
How does ISO 45003 contribute to workplace more information, including on-demand
webinars, podcasts and more.
ISO 45003 is not a standard on workplace well-being. It does
however provide the first international definition on workplace
well-being: fulfilment of the physical, mental, social and cognitive
needs and expectations of a worker related to their work. An
essential part of effective workplace well-being is managing
health and safety risks – physical, mental and cognitive.
ISO 45003 focuses on promoting well-being by managing
psychosocial risk, however the standard does not provide

p46-47.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 47 08/04/2022 11:07


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p48.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 48 08/04/2022 11:07


IN THIS A combination of low skills and awareness, winter storms and pared-down budgets are causing more deaths in forestry
and arboriculture P50 | The 10 most common mistakes in writing a health and safety policy and how to avoid them P54 |
S E CT I O N We look ahead to the second Vision Zero summit in May and anticipate what themes and topics we can expect there P58


A closer


49 Influence Opener_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 49 14/04/2022 14:40


Winter storms and slashed budgets

combined with a lack of skills and
awareness are leading to needless
deaths in forestry and arboriculture.





50-53 Forestry_30-Apr-2022_IOSH.indd 50 14/04/2022 08:46


etween December 2020 and be generic. Each tree and site presents
February 2022, 11 deaths were different risks and could react differently
recorded in the UK arboriculture in certain circumstances.’
and forestry sector, according to The key is to avoid putting people at risk
initial notifications from the Forest Industry and put in place the right controls, as well
Safety Accord (FISA, 2022). Falling trees as to record your thought process. ‘There’s
or branches killed nine people; one death often the temptation to view an incident as
involved an overhead power line and another an unfortunate accident,' says Christopher.
died using a log-splitting machine. ‘But when you take a step back, if a chainsaw
FISA is a coalition of representatives operator had been driving an excavator with
from leading industry organisations and is a grapple saw when the tree fell, they’d most
determined to raise the standard of health, likely be alive. That’s why the planning is
safety and welfare in the forestry industry. so important.’
FISA chief executive Gillian Clark says
winter storms that topple trees onto power When the wind blows
lines are a major challenge. The agricultural Storms are one of many challenges
sector is also affected, she says. ‘Farmers may faced in forestry and arboriculture. Max
be trying to clear trees when they have their McLaughlan, head of land management
spring turnout for livestock, for example. (north district) at Forestry England, explains
The last thing we need is for them to have a why. ‘Windblow is a normal part of any
go at felling windblown trees.’ Compounding forest, but we saw things on a different scale
these hazards, budgets have been slashed towards the end of 2021. UK forests tend to
in many industries and local authorities. be resilient to south-westerly winds. Storm
‘A lot of day-to-day maintenance just isn’t Arwen caused 70mph northerly winds. The
happening,’ Gillian says. trees weren’t resilient to it.’
Tina Morgan, chair of the IOSH Rural Although a relatively small proportion
Industries Group, says part of the problem of forest was affected (around 2% to 4% in
is that tree work is not exclusively carried Scotland, Max says), the impact shouldn’t
by forestry operators and contractors. be underestimated. ‘Windblown timber is
‘Industries where these are not a business's a different proposition to standing timber.
main activities often have accidents as the When trees are on their side, you need bigger
work is not carried out frequently and is equipment to deal with that prospect safely.
often thought to be “only a quick job”,’ she There is also usually quite a lot of chainsaw
says. ‘Planning and proper preparation work, which affects safety,’ Max adds.
for this type of work is essential.’ She also Gillian highlights the dangers. ‘Winter
highlights additional issues such as hand- storms leave a lot of windblown, snapped
arm vibration syndrome, asthma (from and hung-up trees. Many will be under
inhalation of wood dust), dermatitis (from tension and spring violently when released
chainsaw fuel and mechanical lubricants) by cutting. Chainsaw operators may also be
and noise-induced hearing loss. at risk of being crushed by the root plate.’
HM inspector of health and safety Winter storms brought down more than
Christopher Maher GradIOSH leads on eight million trees in the UK (Marshall,
arboriculture at the GB Health and Safety 2022) and storms Dudley, Eunice and

Executive (HSE). People often fail to Franklin in February 2022 caused more
appreciate that risk assessments must damage. ‘Working in these conditions
be site- and tree-specific, he says. ‘It can’t must only be undertaken by people with


50-53 Forestry_30-Apr-2022_IOSH.indd 51 14/04/2022 14:41


a number of years’ experience and exposure DISEASED T REES

to these situations,’ says Gillian. ‘We
routinely get calls from people saying
they’ve got this kind of tree and where can
Ash dieback
they find a training course. Effectively, hazards
they’re wanting to tackle the worst possible
trees with virtually no experience.’ Diseased or dead ash trees suffering
Clare James, head of health, safety and from a fungal disease known as ash
dieback are a hazard facing many
technical training at Forestry England,
councils. FISA’s Gillian Clark says:
agrees: ‘One of the big factors is not using
‘These trees become brittle very
the correct equipment. Improvising with
quickly, making them extremely
available kit, rather than using the right hazardous to climb and dismantle.
tool for the job, can get people into trouble. Even when felling at ground level,
Another critical factor in remote locations the trunk or branches may snap
is that there’s typically a lack of phone unpredictably and “explode” with complacency and the formation of bad
signal and challenges in getting emergency debris flying in all directions. We habits. We look for those things, but also
services to the scene.’ receive three to four calls about it praise innovation and best practice,’ says
a week, and typically the people Graham. ‘We record findings honestly, and
Curb complacency we speak to have little knowledge don’t look to embarrass or discipline people,
about how to proceed.’
Tree work is not something that Graham but rather to coach and challenge teams to
The HSE’s Christopher Maher adds:
Barton takes lightly. In part, this is because maintain safety standards.’
‘If you have an ash with signs of
he can still recall vividly what happened
decay, can you ever be sure that it’s
when he was just 19. safe to put a person under the tree?
The hierarchy of risk control
‘I was 20 feet [six metres] up in the Anyone felling a tree should consider So what does suitably planned and risk-
air reducing the height of a conifer hedge,’ using an excavator with tree shears assessed tree work look like? Clare says:
he says. He was attached to the tree by a and/or grapple saws, or a harvester.’ ‘When it comes to Forestry England’s
strop attached to his harness and secured operational response, it’s all about going
around the main stem of the tree. His through the hierarchy of risk control. The
feet were either side of the stem on two risk control process is our way of assessing
lateral branches. employed tree cutters. Around 300 people how to manage forestry works at every step.
‘I had felled the top of the tree and was are involved in tree work. We carry out risk- ‘Risk control starts with questions such as,
tidying up the felling cut with a small based maintenance, network resilience work, does the tree actually need to be removed?
chainsaw when the branch supporting my and advise on and assist customer requests If the tree is close to or across a road or trail,
left foot snapped. It all happened quickly, in relation to trees,’ says Graham. we’ll establish whether the work can be
but I must have moved my left hand from UKPN arborists are trained in felling, done mechanically. If mechanised removal is
the chainsaw handle. The saw passed processing, climbing and pruning. feasible, we’ll look at accessibility and what
across the inside of my left wrist gouging These are complemented by specialist type of machinery is needed to get the job
out flesh and severing five tendons. A two- qualifications developed by the electrical done. If the job can’t be done mechanically,
hour operation, 42 surface stitches and a and arboricultural governing bodies. we will decide on the best way to put an
bit of physio later, I was very lucky to have Compliance and knowledge of policies operator in safely. When it comes to storms
a fully functioning left hand,’ he says. and procedures is reviewed in biannual and windblow, a lot of the safety procedures
Graham is now health, safety and safety audits, where auditors observe a come down to operator competence. Here,
compliance manager for UK Power team over the course of a day. we establish whether our own operators are
Networks (UKPN), which maintains the ‘Apart from the usual slips, trips and confident and competent to do the work, or
electrical network in East Anglia and falls, the biggest hazards are falls from whether we need to contract it out.
south-east England. ‘We use 11 principal height, contact with machinery (chainsaws), ‘We look at every aspect of the process.
contractors and a small group of directly musculoskeletal injuries, personal What sort of tree are we dealing with?


50-53 Forestry_30-Apr-2022_IOSH.indd 52 14/04/2022 14:41

Diseased ash trees
become brittle and
dangerous to climb

What is around it? What with a chainsaw in hand. As Gillian OUTSIDE WO R K

equipment will we need? notes, with the progression of
Which way will we make the
tree fall? Are there any trees
mechanisation using suitable carrier
vehicles and hydraulic cranes fitted
A guide to
it could fall into? Do we need with tree shears or grapple saws, the working with
to close roads or trails? Each
tree is assessed like this,
need for working at height is reduced.
‘We’re pleased that a growing number of
before it is felled, as well as contractors have this kind of equipment When engaging a contractor,
the ground conditions and and we hope that continues. The more we your responsibility is to ensure
operating environment.’ can encourage the industry to mechanise they are competent. Information
Tina emphasises that the better,’ she says. must be exchanged before work
before any forestry work, or Clare says Forestry England is also commences and the method of
even small-scale tree works, looking into mechanisation. ‘Tree shears working should be agreed. Also,
the person considering tend to be used in roadside work. As with when works are being carried
undertaking the task should all mechanised work, there is still a risk: out adjacent to a highway, it is
essential to implement necessary
ask themselves: Do I have for example, chain shot, whereby if a
permissions and controls.
the necessary skills to undertake the work chain is broken, bits of it could injure the
Can the contractor demonstrate
safely? Do I have the correct equipment? operator or others in the vicinity. If these
their competency?
Can I undertake the task safely? ‘If the systems are to be used, we need to ensure Have they undertaken similar
answer to any of these questions is no, then the correct control measures are in place.’ work previously?
the work should not even be considered. The IOSH Rural Industries Group Can they provide references?
A robust risk assessment should always be would always advocate eliminating the risk Do they have the
carried out by someone who understands where possible, says Tina. ‘Anything that appropriate equipment?
the hazards and risks,’ Tina adds. reduces risk will always be welcome in any Can they provide evidence
FISA is keen for mechanised felling workplace; however, it is only part of the of regular refresher training,
(using tree shears/grapple saws) to story. There will inevitably be occasions especially if using equipment
such as mobile-elevating
become the norm in forest sites and with where mechanised systems cannot be used.
work platforms?
diseased ash trees because an operator in In most cases they rely on an operator and
Are they members of a trade
a protective cab is far safer than a person that operator still needs to be trained.’
or professional body such as
OSH professionals in other industries the Arboricultural Association
will need to appreciate that forestry or Forestry Contracting
doesn't always enjoy the safety levels you Association, or accreditation
would expect to see on a good construction schemes such as SMAS or CHAS?
R E S O URCES site: ‘It is arguably still a bit behind,’ If using chainsaws, can they
admits Gillian. ‘We have some excellent justify why? Have their
Noise in the workplace:
contractors and management companies, chainsaw operators attended an
but across the board, we’re perhaps seeing EFAW +F or an FAW +F course?
Musculoskeletal disorders:
Do they have a first aid kit that that forestry isn’t quite at the same level as
covers catastrophic bleeding?
disorders construction and it needs to get there.’
Do they have sufficient public
IOSH training courses: Graham adds: ‘Seek some professional
(and if necessary) employers’ help – the Arboricultural Association is a liability and professional
FISA forestry safety guide: good starting point. And if you are using indemnity insurance? contractors, try to foster a positive health Have they been subject to HSE
and safety culture with good reporting notices? What is their RIDDOR
FISA 608:
of near misses and hazards. Create an history like?
honest dialogue, praise innovation and be Have they been informed of
prepared to work together.’ hazards that could create or
increase risk, such as roads,
watercourses, cycle trails or
overhead cables?


50-53 Forestry_30-Apr-2022_IOSH.indd 53 14/04/2022 08:46



10 pitfalls
to avoid
Scott Crichton CMIOSH, principal health and safety
consultant at WorkNest, identifies common health and
safety policy mistakes – and how to get it right next time.

well-considered health and the organisation and of your organisation
safety policy is the starting can be supported by and sets out key health
point of any effective safety the chair of the board and safety roles and
and health management system. for extra weight. responsibilities. Without
Unfortunately, in our experience, Often this this, wires can easily be
these essential documents often document is either crossed, making it more
miss the mark. They may be too long (or missing or not signed, likely that things won’t
not long enough), missing important which can lead to a lack of get done. You risk creating
information, compiled incorrectly, or too demonstrable commitment a culture of ‘it’s not my job’.
generic to have any practical value. In from senior individuals in the One way to approach this is through
some cases, they’re simply created as a box- organisation. This in turn affects health an organisational chart that visually
ticking exercise and left to sit on a shelf. and safety culture. Additionally, a defines how health and safety is
Here are 10 areas where health and statement of intent should cover not managed within your organisation.
safety policies commonly fall short, and just safety but health: that includes Responsibilities can then be defined in

what you can do to address them. stress, mental health and wellbeing. role/job descriptions to support this.
Your statement of intent must You should capture who:
No statement explain what you’re aiming to Has overall responsibility for
of intent achieve by implementing your managing health and safety within
Every policy should start with a policy and providing performance your organisation
written statement of intent that indicators. The importance of Has day-to-day responsibility
sets out your general approach to setting clear and measurable for effectively implementing

managing workplace hazards and objectives is often overlooked. your policy
risks. It typically takes the form of Your health and safety champions
a one-page document signed by Doesn’t specify are – these people play a key role
the most senior person within how health in the implementation and review
and safety of the policy.
is organised Health and safety is very much a
The second part of a health and safety team effort, and your policy
policy usually outlines the structure should reflect this.


10 False Steps_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 54 14/04/2022 14:41


3 5
Doesn’t cover No evidence the
all the relevant policy has been
hazard areas communicated
Your health and safety policy and read
should set out the arrangements for Employers often share policies with
managing relevant health and safety their workforce but have little way of
risks. This section should form the largest knowing that employees have read them.
part of your policy, with real thought You should communicate the policy and
given to the specific hazards present any subsequent amendments to staff,
in your environment. and ideally obtain documented evidence
However, this is typically where that this has been received, read and
weaknesses and opportunities for need to work safely, and does so in understood. Failing to do so can be a costly
development can be found, as employers an easy-to-read way. mistake – particularly in the event of an
sometimes miss very obvious and Not every organisation has a health accident, where you may need to prove
significant hazards. Arrangements and safety handbook; indeed, they are the employee was made aware of your
typically cover areas such as asbestos, not required by law. But this can be health and safety rules and procedures. To
consultation, evacuating your premises, a significant flaw, as it can mean the get confirmation, use physical signatures
risk assessments and training. contents of your policy isn’t properly or digital systems that send automatic
Make sure there is an index in place communicated. After all, it’s far more notifications when a shared document is
that lists all the hazards linked to your likely that employees will digest a read, or simply make this a part of your
organisation and ensure that your policy jargon-free 20-page handbook than induction process. This will strengthen
covers all of the significant dangers that a 50-page policy. your defence if an incident occurs.
you, your employees and others face
during the course of their work. This will
also help to ensure that your policy isn’t
generic – another common downfall.

It may be more appropriate to have
shorter policies that cover specific areas
such as display screen equipment, first Not easily

aid and working at height.
Your policy should
No worker not be shrouded
involvement in mystery or covered in
Organisations tend to produce dust. It should be readily
health and safety policies with available to internal and
little, if any, input from their workforce. external stakeholders within
However, involving employees in the your organisation. It should

creation and review of policies is a great also be easily accessible
way to increase awareness of risk and to employees, perhaps via
Too long

encourage ownership. the company intranet, to

It’s a good idea to produce an address any excuse for Some policies lack important
accompanying employee handbook that not having read it. information, but others are
translates the contents of your policy much longer than they need
into the relevant information employees to be. While they should cover all
bases, policies should be succinct
and purposeful. It shouldn’t be a
dense, daunting document that no
individual has the time or inclination
to read, or that people must wade
through to get to the information
they need.


10 False Steps_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 55 13/04/2022 16:35


Not written
by the right
can write health and safety
policies themselves, and
there’s no legal requirement
to involve professionals.
Indeed, the GB Health and
Safety Executive says health
and safety policies are best
written by someone within
the organisation, as they need
to reflect the organisation’s
values and beliefs, as well as a

commitment to providing a safe
and healthy environment.
Not discussed That said, producing these
with other important documents can feel
occupiers/ like a daunting task, particularly
organisations if you’re not the most safety-
Within your policy, you should savvy, pushed for time, or don’t
consider how you will cooperate know where to start. So there are
and coordinate with any other benefits to enlisting specialist
employers with whom you share experts to assist you.
premises. As well as being a legal Your policy will benefit from

requirement, failing to do so can lead your unrivalled knowledge of
to a lack of control – there could be your own business and its risks,
an assumption on both sides that the Not reviewed combined with their expert
other party is managing certain risks, annually industry knowledge. This will
when neither party is. A health and safety policy ensure your policy is robust, fit
is a living, breathing for purpose and reflects best
document and should be reviewed practice. What’s more, it’s the
often – at least annually. In many safest way to avoid the many
cases, organisations assume that common mistakes outlined in
producing a health and safety this article.
policy is a one-time task, when
in reality it’s about effectively
managing risk. Therefore,
continual improvement is essential
to keeping your policy alive.
The policy should be referred to IOSH competency framework:
when incidents (accidents and near
misses) happen and when there competency-framework
are significant changes to how your
organisation operates.


10 False Steps_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 56 13/04/2022 16:35

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p57.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 57 08/04/2022 11:09




58-61 Vision Zero Summit_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 58 14/04/2022 09:28



From 11 to 13 May, the second
Vision Zero summit will
open its virtual doors for
discussions on the greatest
challenges in the world of
work. Jeremy Waterfield
takes a look at what
to expect from the
programme of events.

he world of workplace safety They will be joined by senior OSH
and health will be looking to operators from high-profile corporations,
build upon the progress made all presenting unique insights into how to
at the first Vision Zero summit, apply a Vision Zero mindset.
held in Finland three years ago, at this The middle day of the summit will see
year’s summit in Japan. It promises to be IOSH lead a programme of technical
a key milestone in the journey to turn a sessions, called ‘Future business leaders:
commitment to Vision Zero into real- achieving healthier performance and
world changes. productivity’. This will address how
Driven once again by the Global Vision Zero prevention culture can be
Coalition for Safety and Health at Work, implemented in the business world.
this second summit will give a global Anyone listening to IOSH head of
platform to international experts in strategic engagement Alan Stevens will
OSH, allowing them to share the latest learn how OSH has the power to not only
prevention knowledge and strategies. keep workers healthy and safe, but also


58-61 Vision Zero Summit_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 59 13/04/2022 16:36


H O ST N AT I O N Alan Stevens, IOSH head of strategic engagement

Technology boosts delegate

accessibility and promotes
‘anshin’ in the workplace
That the event will be held online in ‘This will be a critical event in
no way diminishes the pride felt by Dr securing the marriage of people
Toshihiro Fujita (pictured), vice-chair and robotic technologies in a new
of the organising committee of the workplace environment,’ he says. ‘New
second Vision Zero summit, to which trends in OSH and in technology are
Japan plays host. Indeed, he says the already coming together to write a new
online format means this summit will be chapter of “collaborative safety”, where
even more global, making humans and machines combine
it more accessible to improve both productivity
to delegates and and workers’ safety and
speakers from security through the
more than 40 wider perspective
countries – who placed on wellbeing
otherwise may by Vision Zero. up that burden, OSH is accelerating
not have been ‘We are indebted the progression of emerging economies
able to afford the to Vision Zero for and ensuring the future sustainability
budget or time to introducing this concept of societies.’
fly there. of wellbeing to the Four per cent of global GDP is wiped
As director of the workplace. We don’t have a out by occupational accidents and
Osaka-based Institute of Japanese translation for “wellbeing”; diseases (ILO, 2015). With the world’s
Global Safety Promotion, chairman the nearest is “anshin”, which means leaders now seeing the potential for
of the summit’s Session Chair “lack of worry” or “peace of mind”. OSH to reduce this waste – meaning
Committee and a task group member ‘But we’ve learned how key the that the savings can be reinvested in
of the Global Coalition for Safety and Vision Zero mindset is to the promotion education, better services and a stronger
Health at Work, Toshihiro sees the of collaborative safety. We are at the infrastructure – we are starting to fully
summit as a historic moment in the dawn of a new, collaborative way of recognise what must be seen as a massive
global development of safety, health working, a new world of work that will asset for any emerging economy.
and wellbeing. be supported by new technology.’ ‘For too long, the burden of inadequate
safety and health has placed strains on
countries’ social security systems, holding
their economies back and blighting
the lives of those directly affected by
the financial insecurity that can result,’
create wealth, boost economies and help particularly in Asia and Africa,’ he adds. says Alan.
liberate populations. ‘By working through the Global Coalition ‘In emerging, more informal economies,
‘This summit promises to be a turning to unite bodies such as the International the burden of poor OSH is largely borne
point in the development of safety and Labour Organization [ILO] and World by the individual because there is no social
health practice, with a focus placed on Health Organization with governments, security system, and this leads to debt
people’s wellbeing,’ says Alan. employers and OSH professionals, IOSH and hardship. Young family members,
‘The world is realising that good OSH is taking on the challenge to reduce the especially girls, are then denied access to
practice can allow societies to flourish negative impact of workplace accidents and education, which holds the economy back
and has seen how it is helping countries illnesses, lessening the burden they put on further, causing more social deprivation.’
through their passage of development, individuals and emerging states. In freeing Better workplace safety, health and


58-61 Vision Zero Summit_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 60 14/04/2022 14:43



wellbeing not only protects
workers, but can also make
with the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact
upon our lives and workplaces.
Driving a
economies run more smoothly Tommi says this has transformed vision into
and lead to better life chances.
This will be a major focus
the way we work together to address
risks in the workplace, working within
real action
of the summit and should our businesses and organisations, and The ILO has estimated that
provide inspiration for – especially now – alongside our (often 2.78 million workers around the
OSH professionals and global) supply chains. OSH professionals world die from occupational
their strategic partners. have also been increasingly collaborating accidents and diseases every
‘Good OSH makes good across sectors during the pandemic. He year, while 374 million
business sense and the cites the power of online technology in workers suffer from non-fatal
successful businesses of the facilitating this collaboration, allowing occupational accidents (ILO,
future will be those that place greater sharing and learning – something 2020). This toll gave fresh
safety, health and wellbeing at that he sees continuing at the summit. resolve to calls to establish a
the heart of their operation,’ ‘This summit will be all about global prevention culture. The
Alan concludes. bringing something new to share with game-changing Vision Zero
partners in the Vision Zero mission, commitment gave birth to the
Collaborative approach helping each other to find new ways to Global Coalition for Safety and
For Dr Tommi Alanko, chair integrate occupational safety and health Health at Work.
of Global Coalition Task into businesses and organisations,’ The Global Coalition
Group Vision Zero at the Enterprise Level says Tommi. established the Vision Zero
and a director of the Finland Institute of ‘We’re all working together to reach a summits, with the first staged
Occupational Health, a key driver behind point where OSH becomes an integral in Helsinki, Finland. The success
this year’s Japan summit is ‘collaboration’. part of the way companies do business; of the summit saw the Coalition
While the first summit was largely about indeed, a point where safety is embraced establish a family of six task
finding common ground through the as the responsibility of the whole business, groups aligned to priority areas,
Vision Zero mindset, much has happened not just its health and safety department. one of which is Vision Zero at
across the globe since then, particularly ‘In my experience, where OSH is in the Enterprise Level, which
good shape, the company or includes IOSH and is focused
organisation is also likely to on implementing Vision Zero
be in good shape.’ thinking and best practice across
Dr Tommi Alanko,
chair of Global The COVID-19 pandemic a range of business enterprises.
Coalition Task
Group Vision has put safety and health
Zero at the in society – and not least
Level workplace safety and health
– firmly in the spotlight
and encouraged greater
engagement with our
profession. The world of Zero summit might be virtual, but it
work is looking to safety and still presents a perfect stage for all those
health professionals like never involved in workplace safety, health and
before. Whether it’s concerns wellbeing. They will come together to
about the spread of infectious share, listen, inspire, be inspired and

diseases, issues of home- grasp this unique opportunity to make

working, mental health or the people’s lives better.
challenge to gain and retain
talented staff, employers and To view the references for this
businesses want answers. article, go to
The Japan 2022 Vision vision-zero-japan


58-61 Vision Zero Summit_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 61 14/04/2022 14:43

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p62.IOSH_MayJun22.indd 62 08/04/2022 11:10


IN THIS A new IOSH model details how to support social sustainability P64 | James Pretty on his journey to becoming a health and
safety instructor P68 | Future Leader Saravanakumar Natarajan on becoming one of IOSH’s youngest Chartered Members
S E CT I O N P70 | Back to basics: rehabilitation and returning to work P72 | Talking shop: how to bring mental health into the open P74




63 Enhance Opener_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 63 13/04/2022 16:37



PEOPLE A model approach, developed by IOSH, details the
journey OSH professionals can take to support
their business in social sustainability.

ost people are aware of what it takes
to make an organisation sustainable
in terms of the environment, but
the concept of social sustainability
is becoming increasingly important too. Socially
sustainable organisations are those that prioritise
the adoption of a person-centred approach to
everything they do, treating employees as an asset,
and creating the conditions to promote decent
work where human capital underpins corporate
performance and sustainability.
There can be little doubt that the role of OSH
professionals and the goals of social sustainability
are complementary, as both are concerned with
ensuring people are healthy, safe and well.
‘OSH professionals play a crucial role in helping
organisations to create reporting and
learning cultures in which prevention
lessons are learned, and they are
best-placed to work across the business
to support social sustainable practices
and OSH performance evaluation and
reporting,’ says Ruth Wilkinson, IOSH head
of health and safety.
In fact, many existing OSH activities support
the drive toward social sustainability, so OSH


64-66 Championing People_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 64 13/04/2022 16:38


professionals should not feel intimidated MODEL APPROACH

by contributing to reporting instruments,
supporting the preparation of non-financial
disclosures, or considering the social impacts The elements of IOSH’s model
of business activities.
So says Dr Chris Davis, IOSH research
approach to social sustainability
programme lead and author of the

upcoming IOSH publication, Wave People: it is crucial that functions or external sources,
generation: a model approach to socially organisations ensure their cross-functional collaboration
sustainable safety and health as part of its people are fit, healthy and and communication streams
Catch the Wave infinitive. well, and well-equipped and could be hugely beneficial.

‘OSH professionals may be wondering competent enough to undertake
where to start when it comes to this their roles, as well as being External: there is a
engaged and satisfied. growing expectation
area,’ Chris says. ‘They are being asked

within reporting
to consider ISO 45001 and ISO 45003,
Work and environment: instruments for organisations
as well as working towards the UN’s
there is a clear opportunity to consider their engagement
Sustainable Development Goals and the for OSH professionals not with – and, of course, impact
principles of the International Corporate only to provide safe working upon – stakeholder groups.
Governance Network. conditions, a safe physical and As such, given the universal
‘However, when you look at the core psychosocial environment and nature of its fundamental
principles of OSH that those in the appropriate equipment, but principles, OSH could well
profession are familiar with – in essence, also to create an environment in be seen as being a valuable
ensuring all workers are safe, healthy and which workers can find purpose, vehicle through which
well – they are already contributing to autonomy and job satisfaction. organisations are able

to engage externally.
social sustainability.’
System and integration:
developing the capacity
A model approach
to monitor, review,
The upcoming publication introduces a new
report on and learn from the
model approach. It consolidates existing dynamic relationship between
knowledge on OSH and social sustainability, people and work is essential. OVERARCHING FACTORS
and takes as its conceptual starting point the Not only is this beneficial to
OSH management system structure outlined OSH, but the existence of a It is important for
in the ISO 45001 international standard. systematic approach to OSH practitioners to understand
The model contains five elements that will also provide reassurance – how overarching factors
reflect the growth to maturity of OSH, from particularly when independently – culture, communication,
a primarily preventive function to one that reviewed or certified – to those approach to EDI and so
interested in the long-term on – influence everything
is far more outward-looking, future-focused
stability of an organisation. that happens within an
and supports a social sustainability agenda

organisation. By doing
(see The elements of IOSH’s model approach Organisation: it is so, it may provide insight
to social sustainability, right). There is important to have a that explains the success
also a sixth element, reflecting that OSH relationship between OSH or failure of an OSH
is often influenced by broader factors such and other functions. Given that management system.
as organisational culture, communication, the most valuable information
and equality, diversity and inclusion related to OSH performance is
(EDI). This falls outside of the main thought to come from other
model but is shown as an overarching lens
that always impacts on the main model.
Chris says this reflects the journey of
OSH professionals through their careers,
reflecting that everyone will be at different


64-66 Championing People_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 65 13/04/2022 16:38


stages. ‘As you move through the model,

it reflects that maturity journey – from
core principles that OSH professionals
use all the time, to new areas where
they may have less experience,’ he says.
‘So OSH professionals will be
able to look at the new model and
consider what they are already doing
and where they need to go next. The
further through the model you go, the
more broadly you are operating – for
example, striking up relationships with
different functions within the business
and stakeholder groups.
‘It is important to note that the model
is iterative – in other words, it isn’t
a single journey at the end of which ‘I believe all people have a
one reaches a finish line. In fact, as
knowledge of socially sustainable OSH AN ORGANISATION fundamental right to the protection
of life and health in the workplace.
develops and interconnections become
CAN’T HAVE A As OSH professionals, we can

clearer, opportunities to evolve those help organisations have the right
core elements are likely to emerge.’ processes, systems, resources and

Overnight change SUSTAINABILITY cultures in place to create safer and

healthier working environments for
Chris says the COVID-19 pandemic
STRATEGY WITHOUT employees and people working across

meant that many OSH professionals the value chain. This can have a
had to adapt their role practically ripple effect into the communities
overnight as businesses began to turn
to them for support in areas they AND SAFETY CULTURE in which companies operate.
‘Not only is putting people first
weren’t familiar with. At the same the right thing to do, but it is critical
time, businesses increasingly began – are more capable of producing lasting to the success of any business. In
to recognise how OSH is crucial if value, profit and sustainable workforces.’ addition to mitigating risks, it allows
they are to be successful. Businesses, and the OSH the company to become an employer
Ruth says: ‘Organisations cannot professionals who support them, of choice, attracting and retaining the
be sustainable without protecting are at different stages of the journey best talent. This is a virtuous circle
the safety, health and wellbeing of towards social sustainability. leading to a more engaged workforce
their most vital resource: workers. Lesley Kavanagh, senior director for that can be a source of innovation
Consequently, companies driven by a partner responsibility at Nike, is in no and improved productivity.
human-centred purpose that embraces doubt about the importance of OSH in ‘An organisation can’t have a
the interplay of social sustainability, creating a socially sustainable business. successful sustainability strategy
thoughtful human capital management ‘I have dedicated 30 years of my without a strong health and safety
and a comprehensive set of employee career to advancing sustainability, culture. As OSH professionals, we
safety, health and wellbeing practices including health and safety strategies, can continue to influence and lead
– all critical components of a robust within manufacturing environments,’ by example, to help ensure health
human capital management strategy she says. and safety is a key component of
all sustainability strategies.’

To view the references,

go to


64-66 Championing People_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 66 14/04/2022 14:44

- the home for
health and safety
jobs online.
Recruit skilled and dedicated
safety and health practitioners
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to fill any vacancy, or take the
YOUR next step in your own career by
posting your CV or browsing our
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The official careers site of IOSH
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IOSH Recr MayJune22.indd 67 08/04/2022 10:51


ames Pretty is a senior health, safety
and environment (HSE) instructor
and consultant who has had a hand
in national-level OSH projects. But
less than 15 years ago, James was operating

plant equipment with only the occasional
toe-dip into health and safety inspections.
‘It’s such a shame that health and safety
isn’t offered more regularly as a career path
at school and colleges because, if I could
go back to the 16-year-old me, I would say
“health and safety” to him,’ says James.
‘I spent a couple of years in Australia,
where I did some plant machinery
James Pretty CMIOSH explains his instruction. When I came back to the UK,
a friend said he had an instructor role
journey from equipment operator available in Oman. The problem was, I
to health and safety instructor, didn’t have an instructor qualification.
via the UK, Australia, Oman I gambled the last £1000 in my bank
account, took the course and, at the end
and Brunei. of the two weeks, passed,’ he says.
‘I started in Oman in 2013 with lifting
INTERVIEW MATT LAMY equipment instruction but, after eight
months, my boss asked if I wanted to do
my own further studies so I could start
being a full HSE instructor. My career
skyrocketed from there. I went from
lifting instructor with no experience to
in-country value [ICV] programme
manager in three and a half years.’

National influence
As well as his ICV role, James was also
asked to join an Omani Skills Council.
‘It was the first very high-level role
I’ve had and it involved developing a
national occupational standard and an
accompanying apprenticeship for lifting
operations. To get more Omanis into jobs,
the government wanted a programme for
HSE officers – taking them from graduate
to HSE officer in two years. They’d come
to the programme I was running and do
IOSH Managing Safely to start with, then
OSH qualifications, then a work placement
for six months. If that all worked out, they
would go into the second year and do their
NVQ Level 5 diploma. Those experiences
– the ICV and the Skills Council – helped
me for the next stage of my career.’


68-69 Member Interview_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 68 13/04/2022 16:39


Environment Group (iHSEg).

‘iHSEg is a volunteer task force and
we’re tasked with trying to develop and
G U I D I N G L I GH T build guidance and standards. Brunei has
had health and safety laws for 13 years but
The value many people don’t even know they exist,
of mentoring let alone what they say.’

James is a keen proponent of Not invincible

mentorship and has signed up as an With experience around the globe, James
IOSH mentor. ‘Everyone remembers knows that the guidance needed can differ
their favourite coach or mentor,’ from country to country, and from culture
James says. ‘Not because they were to culture. ‘In Australia, the struggle is Becoming
necessarily the smartest person they’d
met, but because they showed the
what I call “invincibility syndrome”. The
Aussies are a tough bunch, but some think
most faith in them. Even now, I know
that one of my old bosses, if I phoned
they are utterly invincible until they get 1 Don’t think you know it all

him up, would drop everything hurt, and then it comes as quite a shock.
‘Even from Oman to Brunei, there are Approach people who have done
to help if I needed it. That kind of
support is invaluable.’ big differences in the way some things 2 it before and get their advice

James’s mentoring experience meets happen. So, adaptability and flexibility

If you don’t achieve it straight
a number of competencies within the is a big weapon in the trainer or health 2 away, take a step back, accept
IOSH competency framework, which and safety professional’s armoury.’ the feedback and try again.
is the Institution’s first step towards Despite the exciting opportunities
guiding members’ skills and career he has enjoyed with different national IOSH competency
development. For example, this article framework:
regulators and official bodies, James’s
relates well to IOSH’s competencies in
primary source of job satisfaction is
coaching and mentoring, advocating competency-framework
still instructing.
for safety and inspiring people, and IOSH mentoring scheme:
innovation and creativity. ‘Coaching people is the most enjoyable
thing, especially at the moment because
many of the Bruneian students we get
in have been unemployed for some time Top teaching
That was to head east in May 2019
and they’re desperate to work. In the
large families here in south-east Asia,
to Brunei, where he took the role of they need to be breadwinners. Learn to say the same thing
senior HSE instructor and consultant for ‘When they’ve spent two weeks with in seven different ways
Megamas Training Company, looking after me, even before they do their exams, I Engage all the time – keep your
the firm’s IOSH and NEBOSH training can see they have become different people. students in the challenge zone
programmes. At Megamas, James has When they arrive, they don’t understand Always ask your
trained some of the Brunei Safety, Health why we do a lot of the things we do. But students questions
Don’t let the same people
and Environment National Authority’s as you explain the reasoning, you can
speak constantly
(SHENA’s) own staff, and his skills have see they have these lightbulb moments.
Use a range of approaches
been used in a specialised role. ‘It’s brilliant when people come to see
and resources – group exercises,
‘I’m fortunate to know the chief you months later, and not only can they videos, case studies
inspector here. He’d been emailing me talk to you about the subject, they can be Focus on as much real-life
draft guidance and I’d been replying your peer. I’ve got many ex-students who content as possible
with my opinions. He happened to be are now professionals in their own right, Promote the approach that
in our office one day and asked me if I some of them senior managers in health working together is vital.

wanted to play a more active role. I ended and safety – even Chartered Members. It’s
up joining the PPE task force within fantastic when they say that you were the
SHENA’s Industrial Health, Safety and spark that ignited their career.’


68-69 Member Interview_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 69 14/04/2022 14:45


Q &A

NATARAJAN After three years with the
Indian Army National
Cadet Corps while at
university, Saravanakumar
How did you get into the Natarajan CMIOSH has used
health and safety profession?
During undergraduate studies, my a military-like focus in his
ambition was to join the armed forces but OSH career to become
personal reasons meant I was unable to.
one of IOSH’s youngest
Instead, I started to focus on health and
safety. The reason for my interest in both Chartered Members.
these careers is similar: to protect people
and have the utmost job satisfaction in the INTERVIEW MATT LAMY
day-to-day care of others.

You were in India’s National

Cadet Corps – how did that safety and environment (HSE) activities,
help your career? from developing safety programmes
I got basic military training during to verifying implementation at project
my undergraduate studies, and I held level. This includes conducting planned
the rank of company sergeant major. and unplanned HSE inspections and
That experience was a turning point: it audits, verifying emergency preparedness,
taught me time management, how to delivering safety training, communicating
take accountability for tasks, how to take HSE requirements to various departments,
the first step towards new initiatives, and managing environmental demands.
and the importance of being honest and Previously, I worked with Global
motivated even in difficult situations. Tech Park in India, handling the HSE
Most importantly, it taught me to be side of construction projects, including
service-minded. preparation and implementation policy,
manuals and safety requirements. I also
Tell us about your job. What had the opportunity to develop, execute
are your day-to-day activities? and monitor the entire HSE system.
Recently, I joined as a safety supervisor
with M.AI Barghash Co, an engineering, Tell us about health and safety
procurement and construction company in India and now Saudi Arabia.
operating in large-scale water, oil and In India, around 80% of the population
gas pipelines and other onshore works in works in unorganised sectors and more
Saudi Arabia. I’m involved in all health, than half of the people work in agriculture,


70-71 Future leaders_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 70 13/04/2022 16:41


so getting health and safety awareness You became the 10th-youngest DOS AN D DON ’ TS
to rural communities is challenging. Chartered Member of IOSH
However, we can expect good health and
safety development in India as it has
– why were you keen to achieve
this so early?
its own standards, codes and laws, an When I started my career, I encountered IOSH Chartered
increasing literacy rate – currently 75%
(2022) – and the highest youth population.
many senior HSE professionals who were
Chartered Members of IOSH and they
Saudi Arabia has the world’s third- seemed very competent. I felt becoming a Check the IOSH qualifications
largest migrant population (Migrants and Chartered Member would be helpful for page and start with the right
Refugees, 2020) and some construction me in terms of being a globally recognised accredited qualifications.
works there are temporary in nature. So, health and safety professional.
Check memoranda of
the big challenge for HSE professionals understanding between
here is adapting to people with different What do you find most IOSH and other organisations.
backgrounds, cultures and languages. rewarding – and challenging
Try to learn at least one new
However, I feel that both Saudi and India – about the profession?
thing every day.
are heading in the right direction. Job satisfaction is the greatest reward.
Directly and indirectly, the HSE profession Go through back issues of
When did you join IOSH’s is the major reason why so many people can IOSH magazine and attend
Future Leaders Community? return home safely to their families each CPD events for updates.
I joined in March 2020 to connect day. Probably the biggest challenge is that,
Don’t look at shortcuts to get a
with 7000 other Future Leaders and as safety professionals, alongside technical
qualification or a membership.
to sharpen my knowledge. IOSH knowledge we also need to understand
The learning process is the thing that
membership provides great value for psychology and legal requirements, and

makes you a professional.

me with access to live webinars, the have communication skills.
competency framework, IOSH magazine Don’t underestimate CPD
and initial professional
and the Career Hub. How will you inspire other
development – understand their
young HSE professionals?
purpose and use them wisely.
I recently registered as an IOSH mentor,
although even before that I advised and
guided many people to achieve their
membership grades. I’ve also suggested
For fellow
many young people in my circle should look Future Leaders:
into HSE as a profession. I have more than
Update yourself with developing
7000 followers on LinkedIn, and I make
trends and don’t miss learning
sure I’m available to provide support.
opportunities from workplace
experience. Develop your professional
Where do you see your current and personal network, using
role taking you? platforms such as IOSH Future Leaders.
I hope to learn many new things in my Learn new languages to communicate
new industry in Saudi Arabia. Wherever effectively with people from different
I go afterwards, my ambition is to take on backgrounds. Inspire others by
large responsibilities where I can ensure guiding them in the right direction.
the health and safety of the people around Remember: when we are no longer
me, support my team and help the success able to change the situation, we are
challenged to change ourselves – learn
of others. I live by the Indian Army motto:
to be the best, and make a positive
‘Service before self.’
impact on people around you!

To view the references for this

article, go to


70-71 Future leaders_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 71 13/04/2022 16:41



In the latest of our series exploring core OSH topics
and your role in ensuring risks are well managed, we
focus on rehabilitation and the journey back to work.

Why put a return-to-work
process in place?
After the past two years – where
employees have been furloughed or
advised to work from home – the
importance of an effective return-to-
work system and process has never
been more valuable.
Even in pre-pandemic times, people
could be away from work for many
reasons. Because of this, organisations
should have processes in place to
support workers to return to work
as soon as they are able.
At its simplest, OSH aims to prevent
workers getting injured or made ill
because of work. But it also has a vital
role to play in supporting organisations
and their staff in rehabilitation and
return-to-work processes.


72-73 Back To Basics_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 72 13/04/2022 16:44


The six-step approach Returning to work after cancer
IOSH describes six steps for As many as 63,000 people with
organisations to follow when
PRE-PANDEMIC cancer in the UK today want to work

managing workplace sickness absence. but are unable to do so because they
do not have the right support. It is
Record sickness absence
Keep in contact COULD BE AWAY also estimated that by 2030, an
extra 130,000 people with cancer
Plan and implement workplace
FROM WORK FOR could return to work after treatment,

controls or adjustment with the right support (Healthy
Make use of specialist advice Working Lives, 2020). This research
or treatment helps organisations provide
Agree a return-to-work plan Organisations may find there is a that support.
Coordinate the return to work. need to contract out these services.
However, it’s worth understanding
Further detail and advice for that such investments could result Returning after common
supervisors and managers on the in business benefits. For example, mental health disorders
practicalities of each of these six steps a forklift truck organisation that Mental disorders such as anxiety, stress
can be found in the IOSH Managing helped its experienced workers and depression are among the leading
Occupational Health and Wellbeing return to work earlier by investing causes of disability worldwide and have
course. OSH professionals can be of in contracted physiotherapy a major impact on productivity and
particular support to organisations services avoided staff absenteeism, sickness absence. This research calls
in step 3, by offering advice that the cost of which would have been on employers to take greater account
helps to initiate workplace controls four times greater than the services of a person’s needs when planning
or adjustments. paid for. their return to work.

3 4
Specialist support IOSH return-to-
In addition to OSH professionals, work resources IOSH Managing Occupational
there are also specialists who IOSH has sponsored research Health and Wellbeing course
can assist an organisation with into rehabilitation and the return With 69% of line managers untrained
its rehabilitation and return-to- to work. Our research into returning in how to recognise poor mental
work processes. to work after cancer and common health in their employees, this course
mental health disorders looks at is available as an online programme
Ergonomists: applying human the barriers and facilitators from of study that provides practical
sciences such as anatomy and different group perspectives. advice and tools for managers to

physiology to the work environment help create a healthy and productive

Occupational health (OH) advisers: place of work.
qualified in OH nursing or
community public health wellbeing
Occupational hygienists: competent MORE IN FO?
in anticipating, recognising, Research on rehabilitation
evaluating and advising on the For more on returning to work, and return to work
control of chemical, biological go to The International Social Security
To view the article’s references,
or physical health hazards Association (ISSA) estimates that
go to
Occupational physicians: medical for every dollar invested on work
doctors specialising in OH reintegration and rehabilitation,
Occupational therapists: specialists employers realise an average return
in physiotherapy or psychotherapy. of more than three times the initial
investment (ISSA, 2017).


72-73 Back To Basics_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 73 13/04/2022 16:45



Consultant and tutor, The Bradley Group Regional health and safety manager (North West),
Although we are moving in a Unite Students
positive direction, there still appears Depression, among other mental health issues,
to be greater acceptance of physical is starting to be recognised by society as a
illnesses. This could be down to our serious illness, but there’s still a long way to go.
experience: we understand how the flu or a If you call in absent from work there’s a worry
sickness bug makes us feel, but does everyone of being ‘caught’ outside the house. What’s often
understand how mental illness feels? misunderstood is that going outside can greatly
It isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer; illness can contribute to recovery.
affect people differently on different days. We need to have better conversations
This can make it difficult for organisations to to enable leaders to understand the
understand, manage and accept. This breeds importance of mental wellbeing.
stigma and could affect somebody calling in Empathy and understanding are
absent with a mental illness. skills that need to be developed;
This will change in time. they can’t just be switched

Meanwhile, education, on. A wellbeing
awareness and kindness may programme is a good
help organisations towards start, and there should be a
acceptance and progression. continuous plan to improve it.

Absent workers often say they’re
JOHN physically ill even if they are SAMANTHA
having mental health issues.
MCNAMEE Four industry leaders offer MEPHAM CMIOSH
CMIOSH Partner, health and safety,
Co-founder and principal
their thoughts. Rider Levett Bucknall
consultant at Ravensdale Health, It is estimated that one in four UK
Safety & Wellbeing adults suffer from mental illness each
Poor mental health isn’t as obvious as physical Huge thanks to year (Mind, 2020), so logically we should get
our four experts
illness. Few are prepared to talk openly about it, for contributing more calls about it. Why don’t we? Self-stigma is
and perceived views of employees and employers can their valued a factor. As someone with experience of mental ill
opinions to Talking
fuel the taboo. Employers need to measure output in Shop over the past health, I recognise there can be inherent shame,
12 months
ways other than attendance. Through flexible working which is irrational as most people are supportive.
patterns and locations, employees can contribute far Lack of understanding can mean people aren’t
more than is expected or demanded. By understanding comfortable talking to those with mental
factors affecting wellbeing, building protective measures in illness. Employers must build environments
the workplace and reducing risks, employers can improve where people are comfortable talking about
staff mental wellbeing. Signposting to resources supporting mental illness. People should also know what
mental health and wellbeing also helps – but all employees to say if, or when, that call comes in.
must be able to see the benefit.

H AV E YOUR SAY… What are your organisations doing to ensure the tide is turning
on mental health awareness and education? Let us know. ios s ical - men ta l - hea l t h


74 Talking Shop_May-June 2022_IOSH.indd 74 13/04/2022 16:46

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