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BLD 401

Structural Analysis

Module 1:
Kani’s method of moment distribution
Kani’s equations for beams
1. Kani’s method of moment distribution

Kani’s method was developed by Gasper Kani in 1947.

Like Hardy Cross, it is an iterative solution of slope deflection equations.

Hardy Cross- Moment increments are iterated.
Kani- End moments are iterated.

Advantages of Kani’s method

1. Method is simple (easy to understand).
2. Method is less cumbersome (combines sway and non-sway calculations).
3. Method is error eliminating. Error made in a cycle would be corrected in
subsequent cycles.
4. It is easy to represent iteration scheme in a 2-D space (especially at joints
in frames where more than two members meet).
2. Kani’s Equations for Beams

2.1 Developing Kani’s Equations for beams

Consider a beam member in Figure 1.

Figure 1: A beam member

From the general slope deflection equations
Mi j = MFi j + 2 EI
( 2 i + j + L
) (1)
M ji = M F ji + 2 EI
(i + 2 j + L
) (2)

Mi j , the moment at joint i (Equation 1), can be rewritten as

Mi j = MFi j + 2 ( 2LEI  ) i + ( 2LEI  ) j + ( 6EI

) (3)

M = Fixed-end moment at joint i
Fi j (4)
2 EI
i = Rotation contribution at joint i = M i' j (5)
2 EI
j = Rotation contribution at joint j = M 'j i (6)
6 EI
= Displacement contribution from member ij = M i'' j (7)

Substituting Equations 5-7 into Equations 1 and 2,

Mi j = MFi j + 2 M i' j + M 'j i + M i'' j (8)
M ji = M F ji + M i' j + 2 M 'j i + M i'' j (9)
2.2 Fixed-end moment
Common fixed-end moments are presented in Figures 2-6.

Figure 2: Fixed-end moments for a beam subjected to udl

Figure 3: Fixed-end moments for a beam subjected to a point load at mid-span

Figure 4: Fixed-end moments for a beam subjected to a point load

Figure 5: Fixed-end moments for a cantilever beam subjected to udl

Figure 6: Fixed-end moments for a cantilever beam subjected to a point load
2.3 Rotation Contributions at Joints

For equilibrium, the sum of moments contributed by members meeting at

a joint must be zero. That is,
M = 0.
i j (10)
M = M
i j Fi j + 2 M i' j + M 'j i + M i'' j (Equation 8)
Therefore Equation 10 becomes

M i j = M F i j + 2 M i' j + M 'j i + M i'' j = 0

2 M i' j =  M F i j  M 'j i  M i'' j

M i' j = 
( M Fi j + M 'j i + M i'' j ) (11)

Equation 11 gives the sum of rotation contributions at a joint.

2.4 Individual Rotation Contribution at a Joint
This is given by f * M i' j (12)
where f 
M i' j
M i' j
M i' j
Individual rotation contribution, M i' j = * M i' j (13)
M '

2 EI
Recall, M i' j = L
i (Equation 5)
For rigid connections, rotation ( ) is the same. Also, for same material,
Young’s Modulus ( E ) is the same.
Hence, M  LI '

When L
= k (Rotation stiffness), (14)
M i' j  k and
M i' j k
M i' j
= k
Substituting Equation 15 into Equation 13,
Individual rotation contribution, M = '
* M i' j (16)

Substituting Equation 11 into Equation 16,

M i' j = 
* k
( M Fi j + M 'j i + M i'' j ) (17)

where 
* k
is the rotation factor (RF).

It therefore follows that the sum of rotation factors of members meeting at a

joint is 
Hence, rotation contribution at joint i

M i' j = RF ( M Fi j + M 'j i + M i'' j ) (18)

2.5 Effect of End Conditions on Rotation Contribution
Kani’s iteration scheme is designed based on an assumption of rigid
connections at member ends (fixed ends).
1. At fixed end, end rotation is zero.
2 EI
= 0 and M = 0. '
ij (19)

2. At hinged end, end rotation exists.

If the far end is hinged, Rotation = 3EI
= 3Ek , (k = I
, Equation 14)
When the far end is fixed, Rotation = 4LEI = 4Ek .'

To turn a hinged end to a fixed end, the stiffness of the member must be
 3Ek = 4Ek'

k =
k (20)

Hence, the replacement of k with 4
k will turn a pinned end to a fixed end.
For the Kani’s Method of analysis, a continuous beam simply supported at the
ends would be converted to a continuous beam fixed at the ends as shown
in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Conversion of a continuous beam simply supported at the ends

1. At hinged end,
a) End Moment = 0 .
b) Rotation Contribution = 0
c) Calculation for end moment is not required.

2. At overhang, k = 0
2.6 Analysis Procedure for Beams

1. Determine the Fixed-end Moments.

2. Determine the Rotation Factors, RF =  * k , ( k = I ).
2 k L
3. Draw the iteration scheme. A typical iteration scheme is presented in Figure 8.

Figure 8: A typical Kani’s iteration scheme

4. Determine the Rotation Contributions, M using '


ij = RF ( M + M + M )
Fi j
ij (Equation 18)
Since there is no sway in beams, M = 0 . Rotation contributions are iterated

using the iteration scheme. Iteration is stopped when the values converge.
5. Determine the end moments using
M = M
i j Fi j+ 2M + M + M
ij (Equation 8)
M ji = M + M
F ji
ij + 2M + M'
ij (Equation 9)
6. Determine the mid-span moments. Common maximum mid-span moments are
presented in Figures 9-11.

Figure 9: Maximum mid-span moment due to uniformly distributed load

Figure 10: Maximum mid-span moment due to point load at mid-span

Figure 11: Maximum mid-span moment due to point load elsewhere on the span

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