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16 Lessons From 'Chanakya' That Will

Change The Way You See Life

Chanakya aka Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta was a renowned pioneer and a maestro in political
science and economics. His work is considered as an antecedent to classical economics. He
helped Chandragupta Maurya to rise to power and is known to be the think tank for the Mauryan
Empire. Chanakya was the chief advisor of the king on all the finance and politics related issues.

If look from a broader perspective Chanakya was single handily responsible for changing the
course of history inside and around the subcontinent. He also authored the ancient Indian
political monograph "The Arthashastra" which is a pioneer in Management studies.


1. Honesty is not the best policy.

At times you have to be manipulative.

2. Give power, give education.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow and learn as if you were to live forever.

3. Ronaldo left his family at 14.

Now Ronaldo is a brand in himself.

4. Find your roots.

You can't be great without being humble.

5. Never take debts.

Live a life which you can own not which you can manage.

6. Be a rare gem.

Be modest or else be remembered for nothing because if you take pride in helping others it's no

7. Keep learning.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow and learn as if you were to live forever.

8. Expand your consciousness.

Be self aware rather than just being in the loopand repeating things.


9. Time and tide wait for none.

Time is passing by, use it or waste it but it is passing by.

10. The truth you can't digest.

This is one bitter truth of life which sooner or later people find out.

11. Fear will kill you.

Fear will kill you from inside.

12. Can't erase life

Learn or get ready to pay yourself.

13. Research is a must.

How can you move forward when you don't know which way you are facing?

14. The greatest challenge of life is controlling the inner you.

Always remember you are in charge of how you feel.

15. Live a life which earns respect not money.

You are here to make a mark, a name and not just to live here and die.

16. Never share those secrets.

Sharing something with others reduces its effect.

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