Investigation of The Fatigue Behaviour of Butt-Welded Joints Treated by Ultrasonic Peening Process and Compared With Fatigue Life Assessment Standards

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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83

DOI 10.1007/s00170-007-1312-5


Investigation of the fatigue behaviour of butt-welded joints

treated by ultrasonic peening process and compared
with fatigue life assessment standards
G. R. Jinu & P. Sathiya & G. Ravichandran & A. Rathinam

Received: 10 August 2007 / Accepted: 7 November 2007 / Published online: 18 December 2007
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007

Abstract Ultrasonic peening is a technique to be used for predicted by the BS 7608 standard. The details of the
improving the fatigue life of welded structures. The experiments conducted and the results obtained are furnished
technique makes use of an ultrasonically vibrated pin in this paper.
which is pressed against the toe regions of the weld. The
beneficial effect is mainly due to the introduction of Keywords Local plastic deformation . Ultrasonic peening .
favourable compressive stresses on weld toe regions, Fatigue performance . Welded joints . Standards . S-N curve
causing local plastic deformation and reducing stress
concentration effect. This paper deals with the influence
of ultrasonic peening treatment on fatigue life improvement 1 Introduction
in butt-welded plates. Fatigue life is predicted for the
welded plate as per BS 7608 standard, AWS D 1.1 Fatigue is a form of failure that occurs in structures
structural welding code and IIW-XIII-1539-96 standard, subjected to dynamic and fluctuating stress. Under these
and they are compared with the experimental results. The circumstances it is possible for failure to occur at a stress
ultrasonic peening technique is applied on a plain carbon level considerably lower than the tensile or yield strength
steel plate weldment, and specimens conforming to ASTM for a static load [1]. The presence of high tensile weld
E 466 standard are prepared and tested in a servohydraulic residual stress during welding process is an important factor
static dynamic testing machine at three different stress contributing to fatigue failure. This may cause fatigue
levels. Afterwards their fatigue lives are obtained. The failure earlier than non-prestressed materials. A compres-
comparison of the fatigue life in unpeened and peened sive stress induced by post weld treatment may be
specimens brings out the beneficial influence of the treatment. beneficial by eliminating the tensile residual stresses and
It is found that the improvement in fatigue life is up to 35% at introducing compression residual stresses which improve
250 MPa of applied stress. But at higher stress levels, the fatigue strength of welded structures. Stresses in a welded
benefit is less. At 350 MPa of applied stress, peening results in structure are a combination of applied stress due to load and
lower fatigue life. A comparison of the predicted fatigue lives the locked- in weld residual stresses which are independent
from various standards with the experimental results shows of the load. When the applied stress is superimposed on the
that it is very close to the life at 50% probability of survival as residual stress at a point in the material the tensile
component of the internal stress (internal stress: (s′=
sapplied +sresidual) will contribute to fatigue crack develop-
G. R. Jinu : P. Sathiya (*)
Department of Production Engineering,
ment and is defined as effective stress range. The fatigue
National Institute of Technology, strength will strongly influenced by the joint classification
Tiruchirappalli 620 015 Tamil Nadu, India [2–4]. Severity of joint geometry is the most critical factor,
e-mail: the more severe the geometry, the lower the fatigue strength
G. Ravichandran : A. Rathinam
of the weldment.
Welding Research Institute, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Some literature [5–8] classifies the methods of improv-
Tiruchirappalli 620 014 Tamil Nadu, India ing fatigue life into two methods: "modifying the weld
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83 75

geometry” and “introduction of favourable residual stresses by ultrasonically accelerated small balls. They demonstrated
in the weldment”. In the first method, the fatigue life is that the impact force grows with the increase of the
improved by reducing the stress at the critical section by amplitude and frequency of ultrasonic vibrations, density of
avoiding sharp corner or edges in the joints. In general the material and size of balls and decreases with the increase of
improvement in butt and fillet welded T-joints can be the distance between irradiator and sample. The experimental
achieved by forming correct contours at the toes of the results showed that the ultrasonic impact treatment of steel
joints. In the second method, favourable compressive might be used in industries. The general advantages of
residual stresses are imposed in critical regions through ultrasonic treatment are very short treatment time and the
suitable methods. ability to treat all shapes with a simple apparatus.
Conventional post-weld treatment techniques include Pinho-da-Cruz et al. [15] report the fatigue behaviour of
grinding, air hammer peening, shot peening, needle peening thin AlMgSi1 aluminium alloy weldments and the im-
and TIG (tungsten inert gas) remelting. Grinding and TIG provement in fatigue strength due to post-weld treatments.
dressing can well improve the weld toe profile and reduce Several fatigue tests were performed using two distinct
stress concentration effects. However, tensile residual stresses types of thin welded joints, T and single lap, manufactured
remain due to the heat produced in the treatment operation. using a 6xxx series aluminium alloy, and the efficiency of
Peening techniques can both improve the weld toe profile and fatigue life improvement techniques, such as post-weld heat
induce beneficial compressive stresses at weld toes [9]. treatment and weld toe’s burr dressing, were studied. Both
Failures are reported in welded structures subjected to the post-weld heat treatment and the burr dressing produced
fatigue load applied in bridges, ships and pressure vessels. a fatigue strength improvement for both geometries.
The post-weld treatment can provide enhanced fatigue Finally, several fatigue tests were performed under variable
strength for structures. A modern treatment technique, amplitude block loading using T6 post-weld heat-treated
ultrasonic peening (UP), is a possible way to effectively single lap joints, and the corresponding fatigue lives were
improve the residual stress conditions near weld toe. This compared with the predictions of Miner’s rule.
technique utilizes ultrasonic impulse at frequency of Kudryavtsev et al. [16] discussed the basic principles,
22 kHz to provide treatment on weld toe surfaces [10]. technology and equipment for UP as well as the efficiency
Statnikov [11] developed the UIT technique in the late of UP application for fatigue life improvement of tubular
1950s. The developer noted that the residual stress welded joints. They applied ultrasonic peening for rehabil-
improvement is due to ultrasonic wave fluctuation trans- itation and repair of welded elements and structures. The
ferred through the tool to the applied material. The weld toe experiments are conducted by applying UP treatment to
profile improvement is carried out by 3 mm diameter pins. large-scale welded specimens in as-welded condition, after
The operation is similar to air hammer and needle peening, 50% of expected fatigue life and after repair of fatigue
but the tool is smaller, lighter and much easier to handle cracks. Also, different techniques for restraining and repair
with less noise. of fatigue cracks were analyzed and compared(overloading;
Statnikov et al. [12] described the theory and the results drilling of the crack tips; drilling of the crack tips with
of the experimental investigations in harmony the physics installation of high strength bolts; local explosive treatment;
of the ultrasonic impact. Also, the mechanism of the local heat treatment; welding with and without UP of weld
ultrasonic impact based on high-power ultrasonic trans- toe zones).The practical application of UP for rehabilitation
ducers is exercised. and repair of welded elements of highway and railway
Cheng et al. [13] used UIT and shot peening process for bridges were also discussed and the results showed that
postweld treatment. From the experimental conditions and ultrasonic peening treated after 50% of expected fatigue life
results of the stress measurements they revealed that the gives better life.
peak compressive residual stress induced by both treat- Kudryavtsev et al. [17] discussed the efficiency of
ments exceeded the yield stress of the base material near the ultrasonic peening (UP) application for fatigue life im-
sample surface. The depth of compressive stress layer in provement of automotive welded wheels. The improvement
base metal was 1.5–1.7 mm for UIT and 0.8 mm for shot treatment of welded wheels was performed using the
peening. The induced compressive residual stresses benefit computerized complex for UP. Based on the results of
to increase the stress intensity factor range, _Kth, for fatigue testing of real wheels in as-welded conditions and
fatigue crack initiation and early propagation. The effect of after, application of the UP showed that the UP-treated
residual stresses modification on fatigue strength is dis- welded wheels demonstrated longer fatigue life that the
cussed, based on fracture mechanics model and verified by same automotive wheel in as-welded condition.
fatigue test results of large-scale welded beams. Toyosada et al. [18] developed a model which is capable
Abramov et al. [14] demonstrate the influence of the of evaluating effects of the stress ratio, overload, and
technological parameters on the surface hardening of metals residual stress, grain size of steel, variable amplitude
76 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83

Table 1 Chemical composition of IS 2062 material

S. No. Element (wt %)

C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni N2 Cu
1 0.180 0.180 0.980 0.016 0.016 – – – – –

loading and sequence of load on fatigue initiation and been done in evaluating the influence of post weld
growth curve. treatment on fatigue life of the welded structures subjected
Meo et al. [19] employed predictive simulation tools for to high stress levels.
describing the effects of shot peening on the residual stress The objective of this paper is to compare fatigue life
of welded aircraft plates. The author described a detailed enhancement due to the application of ultrasonic peening
modeling and simulation of the residual stress field and also technique at different stress levels on plain carbon steel
discussed with shot peening process. They concluded that plate. The study is carried between butt-welded peened
the use of shot peening process would improve significantly and unpeened specimens. The specimens are subjected to
the structural performance of welded joints. fatigue loading at different stress levels. Based on the
Tenga et al. [20] investigated thermal elasto-plastic experimental results, the S-N curves are plotted. The
analysis using finite element techniques to analyze thermo- fatigue life predicted as per BS 7608, AWS D 1.1 and
mechanical behavior and evaluate residual stresses in IIW-XIII-1539-96 standards based on different probabil-
weldments. They developed an effective procedure by ities of survival are also compared with the experimental
combining finite elements and multiaxial fatigue theory results.
while considering the welding residual stress as the initial
conditions in accurately predicting the fatigue life of
welded joints, the fatigue lives of butt-welded joints are 2 Experimental work
forecast using the proposed procedure. The proposed
procedure that followed the conventional strain-based 2.1 Specimen preparation
method (maximum principal strain and von Mises effective
strain) to predict the fatigue life of the butt-welded joints was In this work, a plain carbon steel plate (conforming to IS
fairly sensitive to welding residual stress. They show best 2062 grade B specification) of thickness 16 mm is used.
agreement with the experimental data of butt-welded joints. The chemical composition and the mechanical properties of
Nguyen et al. [21] developed a numerical model to this carbon steel material are shown in Tables 1 and 2,
predict the combined effect of a weld toe undercut, residual respectively.
stresses and mi-alignment on the fatigue strength and Two plates of size 150×300 mm is taken for welding
fatigue life of butt-welded joints subjected to pulsating and single V-joint with bevel angle 30 degrees; root face
tensile loading. Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), of 2 mm and the root opening of 2–3 mm are prepared.
finite element analysis (FEA) and superposition approaches The plate is butt-welded by shielded metal arc welding
have been used for the modelling. It has been found that the process with E-7018 electrode in 1 G /flat position. The
effect of undercut is the most significant geometrical effect root pass is welded with 2.5 mm diameter electrode with
affecting the fatigue behaviour of butt-welded joints and is 90–115 amperes. The intermediate passes are welded
governed by the effect of other weld geometry parameters. using 3.15 mm diameter electrode with 125–135 amperes.
The effect of misalignment may be beneficial for high cycle The final layer is welded with 4 mm diameter electrode
fatigue life of the order of greater than 2×105 cycles, with 135–150 amperes. Figure 1 illustrates the dimensions
especially when compressive residual stresses are intro- of the butt-welded plate which is used for specimen
duced into the weld toe surface by using surface treatment preparation.
(i.e., shot peening, hammering). As illustrated in Fig. 2 one butt-welded plate is treated
From the above literature, it is clear that fatigue lives with ultrasonic peening on the weld toe region where
are improved in weldments by post weld treatments,
among them ultrasonic peening is found to be more
Table 2 Mechanical properties of IS 2062 grade B
efficient. Much work has already done using UPT for
fatigue life improvement in bridges, automobile wheels, Property
etc. Mathematical models were developed to predict
Ultimate tensile strength, UTS [MPa] 562
fatigue life in welded joints and the effects of weld
Monotonic yield strength, YS [MPa] 250
defects on fatigue life were also studied. Little work has
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83 77

Fig. 1 Dimensions of the butt-

welded plate used for specimen

residual stress is more. The ultrasonic impulse is at 22 kHz, 2.2 Experimental procedure
and the pin diameter of the head is 3 mm. The UP treatment
is applied to one plate which produces a circularly - All experiments are performed in load control mode using a
contoured groove, 2–5 mm width and 0.2–0.5 mm depth as closed loop servo-hydraulic testing system, having 250 kN
shown in Fig. 3. capacity. All tests are conducted in air, at room temperature
Fatigue specimens conforming to ASTM E 466 standard of 25°C and with a frequency of 3 Hz with an R ratio of
are prepared from both the peened and unpeened plates as 0.1. The details of the specimen and the test parameters are
shown in Fig. 4 (a) and (b). The test section is prepared given in Table 3. Fatigue tests are performed with the
with size of 20×16 mm. and the parallel length is kept as maximum stress levels of 250, 300 and 350 MPa. The loads
50 mm. Figure 5 shows the schematic representation of the corresponding to the stress levels are presented in Table 4.
fatigue testing specimen. A set of specimens is taken for conducting the fatigue

Fig. 2 Close-up view of the

peening system employed for
the study
78 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83

Fig. 3 Butt-welded plate

treated with UP on the weld toe

testing at each stress level to confirm the repeatability. The

tests were conducted till complete failure of the specimens.

3 Fatigue life assessments using various methods

The fatigue life of the weldments can be assessed by various

standards. In this paper fatigue life is assessed as per BS
7608 standard, AWS D 1.1 structural welding code and IIW-
XIII-1539-96 standard. The fatigue life is assessed below.

3.1 Fatigue life analysis using Bs 7608

According to BS 7608 standard, the butt weld which is

made in the shop, either manually or by an automatic

Fig. 4 (a) Specimen used for the fatigue testing (peened) (b) Specimen
used for the fatigue testing (unpeened) Fig. 5 Sketch indicating the dimensions of the fatigue testing specimen
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83 79

Table 3 Specimen and testing specifications

Sl. No. Particulars Specifications

1 Material used IS 2062

2 Thickness of plate 16 mm
3 Welding process Shielded metal arc welding
4 Filler material used E 7018
5 Electrode diameter 2.5, 3.15, and 4 mm
6 Joint type Butt joint
7 Edge preparation Single-V
8 Welding position 1G/Flat
9 Testingtype Constant amplitude axial high cycle fatigue test
10 Testing standard used ASTM E 466
11 Specimen type Tangentially blended fillet between the uniform test section and ends.
12 Size of specimen 20×16 mm
13 Parallel length 50 mm
14 Testing equipment INSTRON 8502
16 Testing stress ranges 250, 300, 350 MPa

process other than submerged arc, provided all runs are The value d corresponds to probability of survival of
made in flat position is classified as class D. The equation the weldment. When a value of distribution (d) is
containing the stress, slope of S-N curve, standard assumed as −2, −1, 0, +1 and +2, then the weld has a
deviation, and distribution of the standard deviation, a probability of survival of 5%, 15%, 50%, 85% and 95%,
constant, and the fatigue life is presented in the standard respectively. So for class D joint and for the various
which is given below. stress levels, the fatigue life can be evaluated as given in
Table 5.
log N ¼ log a  dσ þ m log s
where N is the number of cycles for failure, a is a constant, 3.2 Fatigue life analysis using AWS D 1.1
d is the distribution, σ is the standard deviation, m is the
slope of S-N curve, S is the stress in MPa. According to the AWS D 1.1 structural steel welding code,
The standard also gives the values for all the terms in the the weld with base metal and filler metal in or adjacent to
equation for various classes of welds. For class D, the the toe of complete joint penetration, T- or corner joints
values are given below. with backing removed or splices, with or with out
Log10 a=12.6007 transitions in thickness having slopes value greater than 1
m=−3.0 to 2-1/2 and when weld reinforcement is not removed are
log10 σ=0.2095 considered as stress category ‘C’ as shown in Fig. 6.

Table 4 Loads applied on the specimen for different stress levels

Sl no Type Condition Stress in MPa Pmax in kN Pmin in kN Pmean in kN Pamp in kN

1 Butt weld as-welded 250 82.5 8.25 45.38 37.13

2 Butt weld as-welded 250 82.5 8.25 45.38 37.13
3 Butt weld peened 250 82.5 8.25 45.38 37.13
4 Butt weld peened 250 82.5 8.25 45.38 37.13
5 Butt weld as-welded 300 99 9.9 54.45 44.55
6 Butt weld as-welded 300 99 9.9 54.45 44.55
7 Butt weld peened 300 99 9.9 54.45 44.55
8 Butt weld peened 300 99 9.9 54.45 44.55
9 Butt weld as-welded 350 115.5 11.55 63.53 51.98
10 Butt weld as-welded 350 115.5 11.55 63.53 51.98
11 Butt weld peened 350 115.5 11.55 63.53 51.98
12 Butt weld peened 350 115.5 11.55 63.53 51.98
80 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83

Table 5 Fatigue life calculations for different stress levels as per BS Table 6 AWS D 1.1 — predicted life
7608 code
Stress in MPa Life in cycles
Stress level Distribution Probability of Fatigue life in
in MPa ‘d’ survival (%) cycles 250 92,646
300 53,614
250 −2 5 669,699 350 33,763
−1 15 413,409
0 50 255,200
1 85 157,536 for other stresses are found by using the equation given
2 95 97,248 below
300 −2 5 387,558
−1 15 239,241 σ3  N ¼ constant
0 50 147,685
1 85 91,167
2 95 56,278 σ is the stress in MPa and N is the number of cycles for
350 −2 5 244,060 failure. By using this equation, the life is evaluated and the
−1 15 150,659 values are presented in Table 7.
0 50 93,003 The fatigue life assessed using various standards and
1 85 57,411 codes are compared with the experimental results.
2 95 35,440

4 Results & discussion

The experimentally obtained fatigue lives of the butt-

For stress category C, AWS D 1.1 presents the equation welded specimens at various stress levels for both the
containing the stress and the fatigue life. peened and unpeened conditions are presented in the
Table 8.
σ3  N ¼ 44  108  329
The fatigue tested samples are shown in Fig. 7, the
where failure occurs in all the specimens at the weld toe. This
σ-stress in MPa, N-number of cycles to failure. shows that weld toe is the weakest point in the welded
In this equation the fatigue life is specified for 95% joints.
probability of survival. Using the above equation fatigue
life of the specimen can be evaluated as given in 4.1 Comparison of fatigue life of as-welded and ultrasonic
Table 6. peened joints at various stress levels

3.3 Fatigue life analysis using iiw-xiii-1539-96 standard From the experimental results it is found that peening
improves the fatigue life especially in the low stress regime.
This IIW-XIII-1539-96 is a document of IIW recommen- However when the stress levels are higher, the effectiveness
dations on fatigue life evaluation of welded structures. of peening is less. The experimental results show that the
According to this document, the butt-welded joint is improvement in fatigue life due to peening is found to be
specified as FAT 100. The fatigue life of FAT 100 class 35% at the stress of 250 MPa. But at 300 MPa stress, the
weld is 2 million cycles at a stress level of 100 MPa with peening results in a reduction of fatigue life by 24% as
95% probability of survival. By using this value, the life compared to unpeened specimens and at 350 MPa stress

Fig. 6 Some examples of

welded joints under stress cate-
gory ‘C’ as per AWS D 1.1 [5]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83 81

Table 7 IIW-XIII-1539-96-Predicted Life

Stress in MPa Life in cycles

250 128,000
300 74,074
350 46,647

level, the reduction is nearly 110% for peened specimens

when it is compared to unpeened specimens.
From the observed values it is found that, peening gives
good improvement in life at lower stresses. At higher
stresses especially at stress levels close to the yield stress, Fig. 7 Specimen after fatigue testing
the peening treatment is not effective.
The ineffectiveness of peening treatment at high stress – Experimental result for:
levels can be explained as follows. As at higher stresses, the – Unpeened specimens y=24049 x−0.3762
induced compressive stress is nullified by the applied – Peened: y=2406.3 x−0.1823
tensile stress at initial cycles itself, hence the peening
where x is the fatigue life in cycles and y is the applied
treatment loses its effectiveness.
stress in MPa.
From Figs. 8, 9 and 10, it is seen that the slopes of all the
4.2 Comparison of various standards with experimental results
theoretical curves are −3.0 as given by the above codes and
standards. From the equations of the curves, the slope of
Table 9 presents the experimentally determined fatigue
unpeened curve is found to be −2.7, which is close to the
lives and predicted lives as per BS 7608, AWS D 1.1 and
slope given in the code. In the case of peened curve the
IIW-XIII-1539-96 for different probabilities of survival.
slope is found to be −5.4. Thus it can be seen that peening
From the above Table 9, S-N curves are plotted for
gives improvement to fatigue life by modifying the slope of
peened and unpeened specimens based on the experimental
the S-N curve from −2.7 to −5.4.
results and the predicted results as per BS 7608 code, AWS
On evaluating the results of the fatigue life from the
D 1.1 and IIW-XIII-1539-96 for different probabilities of
applied stress values, it is found that the life predicted from
survival and is shown in Figs. 8, 9 and 10.
AWS D 1.1 , IIW-XIII-1539-96(95% of survival) and BS
From the above Figs. 8, 9 and 10 the equations relating
7608 code (95% probability of survival ) are much less than
the fatigue life and applied stress which is obtained from
the experimental value. But it is also found that the
the relations given in various standards and experimental
experimental results are very close to the life at 50%
results are presented below.
probability of survival as predicted by BS 7608 standard.
– As per BS 7608:
– At 95% of probability y=11496 x−0.3333
– At 50% of probability y=15858 x−0.3333 5 Conclusion
– At 5% of probability y=21873 x−0.3333
– As per AWS D 1.1: The effect of ultrasonic peening on the fatigue life
– y=11312 x−0.3333 improvement in a butt-welded plate is studied effectively.
– As per IIW: y=12599 x−0.3333 The ultrasonic peening treatment is found to provide good
improvement in fatigue life, especially in the low stress
Table 8 Results of fatigue lives of butt-welded joints in unpeened and
regimes. The improvement is on the order of 35% at a
peened condition
stress level of 250 MPa. The slope of the peened specimen
Stress in MPa Fatigue life in cycles improves to −5.4 from a value of −2.7 for unpeened
specimens. The improvement caused by the treatment is
As-welded Peened
better at operating stresses lower than 250 MPa. The reason
250 1525,47 250,880 for the poor results can be due to the loss of beneficial
250 188,803 208,164 effects of compressive stress due to peening treatment.
300 116,778 107,786 The experimental results are compared with the results
300 141,086 100,538 predicted as per BS 7608, AWS D 1.1 and IIW-XIII-1539-
350 74,568 35,407
96 for different probabilities of survival. The experimental
350 73,625 30,568
results are found to be in close agreement with those
82 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83

Table 9 Fatigue life of the specimens for different stress levels

Stress, MPa Predicted fatigue life in cycles Experimental value in cycles

BS 7608 BS 7608 BS 7608 AWS D1.1 IIW XIII-1539 Peened Unpeened

(95% pos) (50% pos) (5% pos)
Set I Set II Set I Set II

250 97248 255200 669699 92646 128000 250880 208164 152547 188803
300 56278 147685 387558 53614 74074 107786 100538 116778 141086
350 35440 93003 244060 33763 46647 35407 30568 74568 73625

Note: pos – probability of survival

Fig. 8 S-N curve of BS 7608

and experimental results

Fig. 9 S-N curves of AWS

D1.1 and experimental results

Fig. 10 S-N curves of IIW and

experimental results
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 40:74–83 83

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