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Tgst 8 Use or ENousn

A Ghange each statement into indirect, reported B Gomplete the text below with one word (a verb or
speech by using the appropriate verh in the options a particle) in each gap. (5 points)
provided. (10 points) For the first months of our marriage we were very
0 'My daughter will not play truant from school any happy although we carried (0) on
living with my
mo re.' (denied/prom ised)
parents. My wife didn't believe we could ever move out
so I decided to (1) give up the challenge and buy a
The parent oromisedthather daushter would small flat for us. Even though I had some money put
not olav truant from school eny more. Q) into we had to take out a bank loan. We were
also forced to (3) get down on other expenses,
I 'ln the beginning, the Beatles performed music paying up months in
including a holiday trip (4)
influenced by American rock'n'roll and rhythm-
advance. My wife came (5)up with still another
and-blues.' (reminded the public/warned)
idea - to sell her grandparents' antiques. But
The expert reminded the public that the Beatles performed music
influenced by American rock'n'roll and rythm-and blues. fortunately, we didn't have to do that.

'Butter melts in the heat.' (suggested/explained) G Gomplete the definitions using one word in
The teacher explained that butter melted under heat each gap. (11 points)
0 An event which causes qreat harm or death -
natural disaster
'We are not complaining about our working
conditi ons.' (accused/denied) I The condition in which there are too many people
They were accused of working conditions complaints living in one place (over)crowded
2 A large mass of snow, ice and rocks falling down a
mountain - avalanche
'We may need to limit financial aid to a handful of
3 The cutting down of many trees deforestation
students.' ( ref used/adm itted)
The school officials 4 A large amount of water covering a place which is
admitted that they may need to limit the financial aid usually dry -
5 A long period of time with no rain - drought
5 'The terrorist attacks on the US will result in
, retaliation and war.' (offered/warned) 6 A sudden violent movement of the Earth's surface
The US president earthquake
warned the public that atacks from terrorists will result in retaliation and war A very violent tropical storm or wind in which air
circulates rapidly huricane
'Why haven't they followed the instructions in the
manual?' (claimed/wondered) I Bad health which is a result of lack of food or
The employer
eating unhealthy food - obeity,anorexia, fatigue
9 The state of being extremely poor - poverty
IO A sudden large fall of earth and rocks down a cliff
'01(, I will show you the places worth seeing in our or the side of a mountain - land slope
town.' (ag reed/i nsisted)
My pen friend t1 A serious shortage of food - scarcity of food
D Match the words to form compounds. (4 points)
8 'Tom, you have committed a serious offence.'
0 health a) species 3
(accused/th reatened)
The policeman
I global b) farming 8
2 destruction c) eruptions 6
5 endangered d) programme
'Teenage rehelliousness is a natural part of 4 exploitation e) warming 1
growi ng up.' (promised/suggested) 5 g reenhouse f) effect 5
The psychologist 6 vo lcanic g) energy 7
7 renewable h) of women 4
I modernised i) of habitats 2
10 'Prices rose dramatically under the previous
government.' (i nsisted/inqu i red)
The new Prime Minister

Test 8 RrRorNo
Why are rainforests important? 'year. (3 F This results in soil erosion, floods ahd
droughts, often with devastating consequences.
Rainforests play an invaluable role in sustaining life on
Earth. Extending from the colder climates of Alaska -) forests are cut for 'development',
agriculture, cattle grazing and plantations, among
and Chile to the tropics of South America, Africa and
other reasons. They are targeted by logging companies
Asia, rainforests are a natural home for many of the
for wood and by oil companies for drilling. In many
Earth's plant and animal species. Rainforests also
countries, rainforests come under pressure from people
provide homes for an estimated 50 million people
suffering poverty and desperate for any land not under
around the world, most of whom rely on the rainforest
the control of the local elite.
to sustain their traditional ways of life.
The estimated 50 million indigenous peoples
Although people often don't realise it, rainforests
globally who live in the rainforests have traditional
also play an important role in sustaining life outside
ways of life based on an interdependent relationship
the rainforest. For example, at least 25 per cent of all
with their environments. So rainforest destruction
modern drugs originally came from rainforests.
poses a direct threat to the survival of indigenous
(1 C
peoples and their unique cultures. @ A
Many of the foods we consume today, from 0ver the
rice and millet to bananas and pineapples, owe their
last century, more indigenous cultures have
-) to the rainforests, and rainforests provide an
disappeared than ever before. Today, -) entire peoples and
ongoing source of genetic material that is crucial to
their unique cultures continue to disappear.
the sustained productivity of many modern crops.
Every year the public pays more and more attention
Rainforests also perform many 'natural services' for
to governments and corporations that destroy
which there is simply no substitute. Q B
rainforests. All around us there are signs of hope.
Rainforests serve a vital function by absorbing this (5 D Scientists emphasise the need to protect
rain and then slowly releasing it into rivers
-) and what remains, politicians are careful not to be branded
streams. Within rainforests, large amounts of water
anti-environmental and every year, many countries
as -)
are constantly circulating in cycles that regulate the
add new protected areas. None of this was true twenty
balance of regional climates. As long as rainforests
years a9o.
remain intact, rivers run clear and flow throughout the

Tosk I
Read the text and match the missing sentences (A-F) with the gaps in the text
(l-5). There is one extra sentence.
(5 points)

A Around the world, indigenous peoples are D Over 2,000 tropical plants have been identified by
struggling to defend their rights and protect their scientists as having anti-cancer properties.
' rainforest homelands, often in the face of massive E For example, rainforests cover less than 7 per cent
corporate or government-led industrial projects. of the Earth's surface, yet they receive almost half
B Companies like Home Depot have been forced to of all the rain that falls on land.
stop selling old growth wood products because F When rainforests are destroyed, rivers swell and
their customers don't want to buy products from fill with muddy substance after rainfalls, and then
endangered forests. shrink during dry sPells.
C Although tropical forests cover less than 2 per cent
of the globe, they provide a home for more than 50
per cent of all living things - as many as 5 million
species of plants, animals and insects.

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