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Lesson plan

Level: grade 7 Sequence 2: What do Number of sessions expected: 14 Nov 14th … Dec
we remember? 16th

Reading: - Previewing
- Reading a magazine article about memories

Grammar: - Talking about past events

Speaking: - Talking about memories

- Checking vocabulary

Life skills: - learning to learn: using memory techniques

Sequence’ s Objectives Writing: - A description of a memorable event

- Creative thinking: using a mind map
- Sequencing words

Vocabulary: - Memories
- Technology
- Study and learning

Listening: - Listening for gist

Video: - Learning about memories

Materials Procedures


(Session 1 + 2 )

Session’s learning objectives:

Factflix video:

Learning about memories

- To listen to and understand a video about how we spend and waste



- To use words and expressions related to memories


- To ask and answer about events in the past


Introducing the topic

• With books closed, say: Tell me something you remember about

yesterday. What about last weekend? What about last summer?
Encourage students to talk about individual memories that they have,
and ask more questions to encourage them to talk about the details of
their memories, e.g., What was the weather like?

• Ask students the Discover question, What do we remember?

Encourage students to think about the kinds of events we
remember, e.g., happy, sad, exciting, funny.
• Students then open their books and start to look at the
opening photo, caption, and lesson question. Focus on the
photo and elicit that it is a family taking a photo together on
their phone.
• Ask students to read the caption and then the question in
exercise 1. Ask: When you look at old photos, what do you
remember? Can you remember being there / what you were doing /
what the weather was like / how you felt? Do you ever look at an
old photo and not remember anything about it? Elicit a range of
answers from individual students.

• For activity 2, students ask and answer the questions in pairs,

Ask each question to the class in a way that involves all students, e.g.,
Who has a good memory? Who has a bad memory? What kinds of
things do we all remember? Who has the earliest memory in the class?
What is it?

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