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Grade 9: progression 2022/2023

Program Lebanese 2022 - 2023

Cycle Middle School

Grade Grade 9

Subject English

book Oxford Discover Futures 2

Trimester 1: 4 October --- 23 December = 12 weeks

Unit 1: What CONNECTS us?

Week 1: 3 October -- 7 October

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Speaking + -to use words and expressions St book Book p.

vocabulary related to Fitting in 4+5 n.1+2/
p. 112
-to talk about how being different
benefits us (conformist or rebel)

2nd St book Book p.5

-to use words and expressions
Speaking + Copybook n. 4+5
related to Fitting in
listening Workbook WB p.6 n.
(video) -to listen to and understand a video
about fitting in Factflix 1
Week 2: 10 October -- 14 October

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Reading + to identify the author’s purpose St book Book p. 6+7

speaking n. 1+2+3(a)
-to read an article about being Copybook

+2nd Reading + to read an article about being St book Book p. 6+7

Vocabulary different n. 3(b)+4 / p.
112 n.3
-to practice forming nouns from

Week 3: 17 October --21 October

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Vocabulary -to practice forming nouns from St book WB p. 6 n.

+ Speaking verbs 3+4
-to talk about helping people fit in Book p. 6
n. 6

2nd Reading -to reinforce the reading strategy Workbook (reading test) WB p. 4+5
about identifying the author’s

Week 4: 24 October -- 28 October

Session Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities


1st Reading+ -to read an article about St book Book p.

language in adapting to a new life 8
-to talk about adapting to

2nd Language in -to use (used to) and (would St book Book p.9
use + + stem) / p. 113
-to talk about past states
and habits

Week 5: 31 October -- 4 November (Tuesday 1 Nov. Toussaint)

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities


2nd Grammar -to reinforce the grammar rules of Workbook Grammar WB p. 7

“used to” and “would + stem” test

Week 6: 7 November -- 11 November

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Reading + -to read and to talk about St book Book p. 10 /p. 112 n.
vocabulary how we can influence 4+5
(Life skills) people positively

-to use words and

expressions related to

2nd Speaking + -to answer multiple choice St book Book p. 11

listening questions
Workbook WB p. 8 n. 9+10+11

Week 7: 14 November -- 18 November

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Writing -To read and write an opinion St book + Book p. 12

essay copybook

2nd Writing -To decide on a topic St book Book p. 13

-to use phrases to introduce Copybook WB p.10/11

Week 8: 21 November -- 25 November (Tuesday 22 Nov.: Independence)

Session Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities



2nd Speaking + -To understand a video about Video Writing Book p. 13

listening what connects us (reflect) test

Unit 3: How do we choose our FOOD?

Week 9: 28 November – 2 December

Session Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities



-to use words and expressions St book Book p. 26+27 n.

Speaking +
related to “the life cycle of food” 1+2 / p. 116 n.
vocabulary copybook
-to talk about food and

2nd St book Book p. 27 n.

-to listen to and understand a Workbook
Listening +
video about food and WB 26 n.1+2
speaking copybook

-to talk about food choices

Week 10: 5 December -- 9 December

Session Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities


1st to figure out meaning from St book Book p. 28/29 n.

Speaking + context 1+2+3
reading -to read an article comparing
diets from different countries

2nd Reading and -to read an article comparing St book Book p. 28/29 n.
vocabulary diets from different countries to 4+5+6 / p. 116
form collocations n.3

-to form collocations

Week 11: 12 December -- 16 December

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st St book Book p. 28

-to form collocations
Vocabulary Workbook n. 7
+ speaking -to talk about how healthy the
typical diet in our country is Copybook WB p. 26 n.

2nd Reading Workbook Reading test WB p. 24+25

Week 12: 19 December -- 23 December (Christmas Week)

Trimester 2: (9 January --- 5 April) = 12 weeks

Unit 3: How do we choose our FOOD?

Week 1: 9 January --- 13 January

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Reading + to read an extract about the St book Book p. 30

language in future of our cities
-to use the passive voice

-to analyze information using the


2nd Language in -to use the passive voice St book Book p. 31 /

use + p.117
-to analyze information using the Copybook

Week 2: 16 January --- 20 January

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Grammar To reinforce the use of the passive Workbook Grammar WB p.27

2nd Reading + -To read about food facts St book Book p. 32

-to talk about how healthy or copybook
unhealthy our food is

Week 3: 23 January -- 27 January

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Vocabulary + - to understand food labels St book Book p. 33 /

listening p.116 n. 4+5
-to listen for numbers Workbook


Unit 7: What is the world of work like?

2nd Speaking + -to talk about careers St book Book p. 71 n.

vocabulary 1+2+3 / p. 124
-to use words and expressions Copybook
n. 1+2
related to career skills and

Week 4: 30 January --- 3 February

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st listening -to listen to and understand a St book Book p. 71 n.

(video) + video about qualities at work 4+5+6
-to talk about future careers

2nd -to read a biography St book Book p. 72+73

Reading + n. 1+2+3+4
speaking -to learn how to deal with Copybook
difficult texts

Week 5: 6 February --- 10 February (9th St Maron)

Session Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities


1st Reading + -to read a biography St book Book p. 72+73

vocabulary n. 5+6 / p. 124
-to use multi-word verbs Copybook


Week 6: 13 February --- 17 February

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st -to use multi-word verbs St book Book p. 72 n.7

-to talk about how to achieve our Copybook WB p. 66 n.2+3
+ speaking
dream workbook

2nd To reinforce the use of the Workbook Reading WB p. 64+65

Reading reading strategy about how to test
deal with difficult texts

Week 7: 20 February--- 24 February

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st -to learn how we can make St book Book p. 76 n. 1+2

Listening + a good first impression
Copybook p. 124 n. 4+5
-to use words and
Workbook WB p. 68
(Life skills) expressions about first

2nd Speaking -to answer interview St book Book p. 77

Workbook WB p. 69
To do an interview

Week 8: 27 February --- 3 March

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Reading + -to learn how to write a cover St book Book p. 78

writing email
-to read a cover email

2nd -to present your good points St book Book p. 79

while writing
Writing Copybook
-to use linkers to add extra

Week 9: 6 March --- 10 March (Teacher’s Day)

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Workbook Writing WB p. 70+71

Writing -To write a cover email


Unit 8: What impact do SPORTS have on our world?

Week 10: 13 March --- 17 March

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Speaking + -to talk about sports facts St book Book p. 81 n.

vocabulary 1+2 / p. 126 n.
-to use expressions and words copybook
related to sports values

2nd Listening + -to understand a video about St book Book p. 81 n.

speaking the benefits of sports 3+4+5
(video) -to talk about benefits WB p. 76 n. 1+2

Week 11: 20 March --- 24 March

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Reading + -to read an article about the St book Book p. 82+83
speaking cost of sports
Copybook n. 1+2
-to read fluently

2nd Reading + to read an article about the St book Book p. 82+83

vocabulary n. 3+4+5/ p. 126
cost of sports Copybook n.3

-to read fluently

To use other prefixes

Week 12: 27 March --- 31 March (Exams)

Week 13: 1 + 2 + 3 April (Easter activities)

Trimester 3: (18 April --- 16 June) = 9 weeks

Unit 8: What impact do SPORTS have on our world?

Session Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities



2nd Reading To reinforce the use of reading Workbook WB p. 74/75

strategy about reading fluently

Week 1: 18 April -- 21 April (Easter orth.)

Week 2: 24 April --- 28 April

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Reading + -To read an article about the St book Book p. 84 n. 1+2+3
language in challenges athletes face
-To use reported speech

2nd Language To use reported speech St book Book p. 85 n. 5+6+7/

in use + p. 127

Week 3: 2 May --5 May (Labor Day)

Session Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation Activities


2nd Grammar Reported speech Workbook WB p. 77 n. 5+6+7

p. 78 n. 8

Week 4: 8 May – 12 May

Session Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities


1st -to learn how we deal with failure St book Book p. 86

Reading +
n.1+2+3/ p. 126
vocabulary -to learn how we think positively Copybook

2nd Reading + -to learn how to be a good listener Book p. 87 n.7 WB

Speaking p. 78 n. 9+10+11
-to talk about failure

Unit 9: Why are the SEAS and OCEANS so important?

Week 5: 15 May --- 19 May

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Speaking + -to talk about the threats our seas St book Book p. 93 n.
vocabulary and oceans face 1+2+3 / p. 128 n.
-to use words related to Seas and

2nd Listening -to learn bout threats to the oceans St book Book p. 93 n. 4+5
(video) +
speaking - to talk about problems and Workbook WB p. 86 n. 1+2

Week 6: 22 May --- 26 May

Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities


1st Speaking + -to read an interview with a St book Book p. 94 + 95

reading deep-sea biologist n. 1+2+3
-to answer multiple-choice

2nd Reading + -to read an interview with a St book Book p. 94 + 95

vocabulary deep-sea biologist n. 4+5 / p. 128
-to use noun + preposition

Week 7: 29 May --- 2 June (pentecôte)

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Vocabulary -to use noun + preposition St book Book p. 94 n. 6

+ speaking
-to talk about feelings towards the Workbook WB p. 86
deepest parts of the oceans n.3+4

Week 8: 5 June --- 9 June

Sessions Domains Objectives/ skills Materials Evaluation activities

1st Reading Consolidation Workbook Reading WB p. 84+85


Week 9: final exams

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