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Activity 1. Answer the question below. Refer to the rubric for the scoring system:

Criteria Points
Clarity, Coherence, and Originality of Idea 8
Grammar and Spelling 2
Total 10

1. What is emotional intelligence?

The ability to notice, use, comprehend, manage, and handle emotions is commonly defined as
emotional intelligence.

Activity 1. Read the following statements below and describe how you would
react and deal with the scenarios. Refer to the rubric below for the scoring

Criteria Points
Clarity, Coherence, and Originality of Idea 8
Grammar and Spelling 2
Total 10

1. Your brother/sister keeps entering your room without your permission and
using your things when you are not at home.
Resolution: first I will be upset a tell them that before they enter at my room the have
to ask permission on me first

2. Your classmate is constantly teasing you during break time. Resolution:

Activity 1. We are already done discussing the topics presented in the
preceding pages. This time, write a reflection about the importance of
emotional intelligence in achieving personal development. Please refer to the
rubric below for the scoring system:
Criteria Points
Abstraction and Idea Development 10
Clarity, Coherence, and Originality of Idea 20
Grammar and Spelling 20
Total 50

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and control one's own emotions as well as comprehend
the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is the aptitude and ability to understand and control your
own emotions in a constructive manner. It helps you develop relationships, reduce team stress, defuse
conflict, and boost job satisfaction. It is an effective approach to relieve tension and communicate. It
contributes to the strengthening of relationships. Emotional Self-Awareness is the capacity to
comprehend your own emotions and how they affect your performance. It is just as vital as intellectual
competence. You understand how and why you are feeling, as well as how it aids or hinders your efforts.
You are aware of how others perceive you and hence align your self-image with reality.

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