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also on the heart and reduces palpitations.

Back massage
The part of the body that is most exposed to
muscle tension, the back requires regular lifting
to regain its strength. An effective massage also
helps to improve posture and support while
rejuvenating the back with new energies.
The back is a pillar for the human body since it
maintains the entire frame. Certain factors such
as staying in a static position for too long,
adopting a bad posture on a daily basis or
wearing high -heeled shoes cause tension in the
Back massage is therefore essential to end the various ailments suffered
permanently this area. It relaxes the back muscles, unwinds accumulated tension and
Thus relieves aches and contractions. In addition, it oxygenates the body and stimulates
blood. Finally, all these elements help promote good sleep.
In practice, a back massage requires mastery of a certain technique. Lie on your stomach,
get rid of your clothes and cover with a towel the rest of the
• Massage up and down from the root of the neck to the sides.

• Harmonize gestures with the patient’s breathing, ascending during inspiration and
descendants at the time of expiration.
• Massage the spine with both thumbs.
• Extend the movements towards the armpits by slowly going up

Massage abdominal
Abdominal massage relieves stress, relaxes the body, strengthens the digestive system and
tones the abdominal muscles. It relaxes the muscles of the abdomen and relieves fatigue. By
decongesting the organs
digestive and by evacuating toxins, it
facilitates digestion and thus corrects
constipation, flatulence and bloating.
In addition, it improves the gastric system,
regenerates the abdominal muscles and
relieves stress and tension in the solar
plexus. The massage
of this part of the body therefore not only has
a localized effect, but brings benefits on
many organs and on different parts of the
Nevertheless, the abdominal massage
requires mastery of a certain technique or at least certain movements.
basic gestures is important for the massage of this part of the body to protect the
vital organs.
It is thus important to massage gently, but firmly, with the fingers as for a
exploration phase, then circular motions in the direction of the hands
a watch with the palms of the hands; the skin at the bladder must then be only
Then it is possible to practice circular movements in small areas, but this
this time with your fingers.
The massage begins under the rib cage and following a downward motion to
end up around the waist. You must then bring your hands under the waist to gently find their
starting position.
In addition, an abdominal massage should be performed at least two hours after the meal.
It is also advisable to empty the bladder beforehand. Abdominal massage helps to
oxygenation of organs and fluidity of circulation and breathing
Finally, abdominal massage is prohibited in some cases, such as for: women
wearing an IUD or having their period;
pregnant women who, at most, must be looked after by a specialist;
Patients with stomach ulcers or bowels
patients with any inflammation (bladder, uterus, gallbladder or ovaries)

Muscle massage
Muscles are often exposed to pain, tension, stiffness and even
aux inflammations.
Thanks to this massage, the muscle fibers will be more resistant and more efficient, and the
muscle will regain all its vitality.
Massage thus helps to stimulate muscles and neuro-muscular fibers, as well as to relax
muscles in case of contractions or aches.
It is a good way to recover after a significant muscular effort and to undo

Foot massage
Impregnated with foot reflexology, foot massage
gives access to all organs and promotes pain
relief and the evacuation of all forms of tension.
The feet are the part of the body that supports
the entire weight load. They
often suffer daily attacks and require special care.
Foot massage offers the lower limbs a moment of
relaxation after a prolonged standing position or
following the wearing of shoes preventing them
from breathing.
A good foot massage helps to restore the balance of the body and remedy
different dysfunctions that it is not always natural to think about.
In addition, foot massage helps stimulate the nerves through nerve endings
present in this area; it also acts on the various organs of the body, because the foot constitutes
a mini-mapping of the body. It stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
balances vital functions. A foot massage also removes impurities.
It relieves stress and relaxes muscles; you can therefore enjoy more sleep
balanced and restorative. In addition, a foot massage can be performed by a massage
specialist reflexology, a massage therapist,
or simply by a partner. However, some gestures must be
acquired for a successful massage. It is thus essential to put the
massed at ease so that he can enjoy the care provided in
serenity. It is
also advised to use a massage oil for a
perfect hand glide.
The massage is then performed from top to bottom and begins with
the toes, located in height. Then proceed as follows:
• Descend gently lower on the foot to stimulate the organs in
the chest.
• Work the plantar part with the back or palm of the hand.
• Touch the ankles in a circular motion.
• Finish on the top of the feet with back and forth
movements, stronger in ascending and lighter

Clothes for a massage

How do I dress for a massage?
You have the choice between being naked or in underwear. Nudity is never
required, but underwear may hinder the movements of the massager if your pain is
located in the lower back, buttocks, hips or groin.
With a qualified masseur, you will always be covered with a sheet or towel, apart from the
part to be massaged.
It is essential to feel completely comfortable, therefore, the choice of your outfit is
up to you

Pain during and after a massage

Where the pain and discomfort felt during and after a massage come from
? Is it normal to feel such holes Some movements intended to relax muscle knots can
Cause temporary pain, but these discomfort must gradually give way to a feeling of
relaxation and deep well-being. In some cases, removing toxins from tissues and
muscles can lead to mild headaches, but you will feel great drinking plenty of water
after the session

Pain during and after a massage

Where the pain and discomfort felt during and after a massage come from
? Is it normal to experience such disorders ?
Some movements designed to relax muscle knots can cause temporary pain, but
these discomfort must gradually give way to a feeling of relaxation and deep well-
In some cases, removing toxins from the tissues and muscles can lead to mild
headaches, but you will feel great drinking plenty of water after the session.
Frequency of massages
To be effective, should massages be performed regularly or
can they be spaced out There is no strict pace to follow regarding the frequency
of your sessions
massage, except the one recommended by your massage therapist.
Each person must adapt his natural rhythm according to the benefits
observed. In addition, it is better to manage the number of sessions per
week according to your availability, your physical condition and your
In case of muscle tension or significant stress, you can choose to increase the
frequency of your massage sessions

Types of massage
The choice of the best massage is essentially based on the techniques to be
applied, the
products to use, the availability of the massage, the price of the session as well
as the physical virtues
and mental sought. Anyway, the most effective massage will be the one that
responds the
better at the customer’s request It can be determined after analyzing several
parameters. To guide its choice, the
massage must therefore take into account the quality of the masseur
(professional or amateur masseur), the
massage that can satisfy his expectations (well-being, relaxation, anti-cellulite, etc.),
used, options offered (at home, in a massage parlor, in business),
duration of the session and the price of the massage

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