Consumer Protection Law

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Nome- Khythm Kotora.

EroUment No 1oiDOB
SuoTee Consune Protection Law

The Journey from "Caveat emptor"(let the buyer beaware) to "caveat venditor"(let the
seller be aware) gave birth to the concept of product liability.
Section 2(34) defiines product liabilty.
Poduct f o s i unde CRA 2o detned a the
esponsbth a ether the product sefer or he
Poduct monuachuex to compengake the cenSumer
O oyhom eoused ecouse s the deecRue e
deset product.

Predut snould nmeet tne teasonoble erpesorfon hat

condume has Keaandfnga
an h e oualiy ond a e y
ot heprodet

Fuxthexmore,*e produck Snoudd be bom merchorroble

Ond motRorole. Ay deet n t h i
Por Sould bina
abiiy bn tne one sho sold he prodet or he one
ho manu)ackUred it The corume candt be eRperedA
h e scller oK mantachurex to Spedca exomne
eey O>Pect o he P<odicr is
WE understos
that he prïce in sould fol on the eonsumex,the
Produc Golo y nouldal on the 3eller o
CPA 2019 t h e }rsr eaaon tha expe denees
Rhthm ¥okaxa, 1Toolioa 2
ond contoins provsions Teloked to produt R s b i i .

Theres o
srohutosy a s on
preds maruachurecs
and product selle unde ceA 201 fox on deleue

odct Mokesver, uch fosi iS rcr în nofuKe as

rCon otd o e ut ooed on the deeiue poduct
ithout he eonsumer
havng to prove odull nes Rnce
These a e yonios ypes ot Prodlet o b i t i elaim hat a

consurmer b i n 0aohst
con h e eller ox manufachrer
They con s e d h ypes

M a n a c u r n g d e e c - hEae ane cauaed ushen eetain

P o d i e E t manu)ocured dierenty D Ms ony
PO ecause o deect ot nesence d r i n a he
nan aduinq
P pocesOnly ew prodicts not al

Desan deect - The desan t h e roduct i e l s

Orona u s T u l t i a n o n
nenfre sek o PEoducs hat

ncapotoe Peroming herequired hundfonm
This ia a misroke "caged no d t n e nanularina
stoqe but hile axeating the buuepint ot the pdodae
.MoxRena e s - Tne desan ond monujacre o
aue pextect o u the aeler a e stlana he
prouch n tne makrr dse not e pope muconsp
K h ythm Kobouo,ftojoiio

Ao e conaumex o o
Exaty use he
podact hat
T e u l in h e domoqe
reath USOtonty b e cose e
prodmr o
oRieao \ 0 ond unon roperb o r h e o t e d
xony per+od

>Remedies aNalable to
consumerd nder he
Protechon Acr ,2013

Remedy agonst aProdut

Seco uote Act sores the
condition nde
which a consumer con clom
Temedy oqpinsr a
produc Manulacure
They o e a fottos -

Thexe i o mamuocuin
2- mexe i a
S mexe is o
non-cen (mation 6 a n eRres
rdoe nof motte i Sucdn o
aiay uoa made
ne or honeaty

L Thexe i n a manken
e , h a t is no
danaes n the ron UAan u a en tD Me
Conumex inhe produck i e l
5. ne coe , n e r e e e usexe c e t i n S p e f c o f o n .
hythm a t o a , \toiotot

sse fottlowed ete

manuachuingthe pxoduct od
hey nave not beer compted uth.

Ontea>ongsty danaerous aSodd one delechve becaue

Me a e eely oTeRandize the. a
eodomable u A d . The danges moy b e d u e taS

d e e c e d e i n and

t h e Uex

fo ER he manuloctung s e r o Pendls,he ieadå

toil to be puti de otnee e n c l -in thot coae
h e congumed on i e a product abitity
baaed on mariuocna deert.agains"he


Remed aaaandt o product ewice pronider

Unde ecion 5 )the ActaPKodut * e provideN

a y Person usno e a e x e nepect o Poduct

APoduct 3esfee provtder sould be a b i e to h e


The s e i e e in tepeck ol produt s a not s

S nt and ood qualy os us Tequxes by the

aus n C e ot h a t m e x ope he conatn y
Khthm Karota toIoIuos

Thexe s a csneios o nes ent act et o m i o n on

P o he erUiCe p{oui uT eulles in hoam

Aotne conUmer

The enike protder usa requxed to o e usonng

osout &ome donqe inuing n e preduck

S i h upas hor e n h g a u e d îniuy tohe

LThexe w a abreach o UoaOarhy sS *ESmi ne
ContKot iCe

emed aapint aproduct elle

Seon the Ret ullka obout Kemed oNale

aaain pKodsxck ellex. Tne oGFes oe

TheeRuas o n exexiE o eun

n h e manuy0cdmno
conmdt by h e vele
mna,eanin etnq mdNadsellt
PKodu,and i s caued hoxm to the
O e sellin
-Oniie sellinma the poduct, me product dellex has
eceKtoin modifofon * *he
momuacred produst
a n d the ho couned a drert
comeqence ono
eoanoeFRTE 90ar e ptoduct momto
s e , but thn

n 0 ot m e
4 A oi
on mo come
bnheeiler he
h t n Yotonso Toollo

manularttex cannor loe Kecoqaed ox made knoon , thnot s

h e monujourr
the undsdoted s t i impo ble to u e

h e monulachx due to somne Tu o e Keoon br the

does nor opp to imh

Foxe e l l e x îs gelino he produt fex aorsn

ManuachureX h e nddan lau ould not applu h m

3 nSudh a cose he noson aellex ooud b e made oble.

5. Tne product etes &dnot toke Propex coxe e

P r o d u t inspect o monron h e m ot l o a me ent

n pobng Cexrotn oninas enoy h e manulachureo

to the Conume ondhe hom Keulte ftomi
hythmn KatuaT1olOIOG

C e n t a Conaumex poteofon Authosy ia a n a h o r et

t o Tequloke
P y he cenrol Suernment by notrcoton
mottexs Kelana islafon stiah o coumern,

ntoir 4rode pracice nd Jalbe x islesdng oduerhåe

tmextsshfch ae preudicfo to the intexeti s t Publc
p o m o t e ond proted and enforee h e s i a s s h e

Secion o o erA,20 provdes for the estoishmert ot

a central contumes prorecion Authotyuf uoudd
oceol auhoy or moters in Telafon
oe ts
iah, s

The CcPA S hove Posers o înguire x inuetaole i t s

tnottexs teloing to yiolakton bt Conumers o uro
odeProchce) 3S moto er on Comploint Keceiue d,or on

drecon fom he Cenral Govt

ApeSec 20 s A 2o he authony wllhave the

Pouer o
recol9oods o
umdrasal o eKLe h a

Ked"Pres d qoedy br esfce So ecalled.

Pchasexs o qosda
aexuice and dibcon
Sach or

u.akon oeracRces ohin oxe umodr nature and

PreTuddol to h e intevers o the ConsumEr
hythm Kotania, I1otoIOB

rocedure o cental authoriy

the At Provds ox me same -

The Authorihy h a l l teaulole h e proLedure for hansacRr

o r s suness and ollocarfon dt i s buness Qmomthe

e e comisafonex

Che comissonex t h a v e Poeex3 of eneral 3uperint

endence, directon control in xeapest a a
admnisratve mattes o e r r o autho

deaing uatm folse or
misleading odverRaement
See o the A proide [e *he POsers e n to he
CePA to cxode dousn on
falbe or
Eodine oduerHsemenn
Aper the proviisns,ie CcPR satae olex
nveRaicn hot ay aduerRs
ada esdi
hamul *he iiexet d cSunex er isin
C auenion af umex
Ta ,he ccPR
may iame
Skesont tohe odEr,manu oukr
adertaex or Pubihnex to disestinue a u ann
adeiaement,ormodi monner s p e t e d by
n e. Tme uhootH mau
oompoe a penolhy
mpt sonment

endose o e and misleading aduetieer


hytm Kabona tioioliot

upho ve eos, Jo enery a s e q unt etfence comnitredA

S endorseX
same manulocteX

CCPA Dmay ban he endorer d o false o miseading

aduetisemënr rom making endoremnert st oy PCoacs
geNice inthe tue, o pesiod that may extndto
One yeon h e ban may extend p t o hree e S meNery

Subsequent iolatfon e} he Acd

Com\0nts nouo mode -

1 1 Ptotda nat a complaint telang to uiolson s

Comsmex t er unfa rode prachia or tolae or
leoding odvestiemerm n f n ae preudtciad
t h e itereab of the orsumer O c l a tm se

Aesaded etmex n o n a e r eleconic node

e h e x 8 s t i t codectot or*he commivaionex s

o e centrod authtty
Yowers2uncdon or Cenra AuthoTIty

Sec-18 o he Aet

To Pokec, PKomolelentorce the v s oonsumers

e l a s and Prevert violafon
of condumer r s
Under tme c

2 To pxevent umfa trode P{achie and enmue that

PexAon enaaaey mmelr in unfa trade prahice
hythm Korora,loioioPb

T o ensure thot no tolse or mialeadfn odtetaerment

made s t ony o o d s or e r i e v i e h concaveney

he provTions she Ac
T o ensuwe that no penon tokes p o t nthe p u s a f o n

o o odverriemenr s h f n id}ode x mileodina

STo imquire er
cae on inquiry or invesfoofen Aobe
mode into
tioofons c ensme t s or
Tade non
Pracees either >uo moto or o n a
tecevea comp\oinr
6.Rie Complons beere.he
<e>peYve cssmmions
7.ntervene in am RToceeinga bebre +ne
Ne comisifon

Reven he_matteO
Teottna A, andthe tador
ihiotina engoyment eonsme<
Recommend adopion s iternofona
Covenan L
b e îrtenatfond
Proces on csn 3ume ishrs to
e n r e eehe
oement o onSumer ahtt
O UntertoRe and PrOmole
OEac imhe eld o\
1 Speod hd
ptomoe osbaeney sn
consume ah
-EncoUKaqr NGO ome insutf on tsoskins in the

onSumeX PTorect aendt

Rhythm Katotia, Toi0jIOT

SMandake the ute o ique and unfvexsal aood idenRer

in Suh a0od

saley notfces to olerr Conaumexs ogainst
donaeous o r h a z a d o or nsale o o d ér v i c e

5 A d u i e t\me eous. minidterie on Conauma pelloe


hecemoy qufdefney
to Preyent nar*Tode
PKaces protect tonsumex's nerexr.

3eckon proufAe or the pose central Author

o aex make }or meatfaoto
Ate eeeiirg notmaton or complofnr ocdirecttorms
o m the centTad t er d o n moion, csondact o

couse to b e conducred oPreliminatt inaudy

e t h e x Ahere exiars a pma foce caae oloon.
and here exsrs a Prma facfe case Fnall coe
nuefaatfon to be made lby he Direcox Crenexa
DiHtit Couecor
The etral Authoriy hox been yered s t h the
Pose,by ua Orde
ecallng o) aood or aithdrasal o s e u i e unid
oe dongeroy, hazadou nsale
. eimouement t h e Prrce, o d eu ces
RhythimnKaioia, 1oIDIlD
sod 2entes ord
SO Tecolled o Puxcnabexs
Discontnuatfon o Procice, t h i h One uratr

Preude&l t s csm Sumets i n t e r e

Prncples sl mer al utfce »nall b e dud olooed,
ond on opporunim ot sefng h e a d Aholose

rovded belore pana on or de

Ohex posers o cePA

| niie
conducRng an wetgotfon ond prelmna
m e ceR weffaafon sin h a v e
the powen to entex
om PEemiiee and sean r y
documenf or icle ,ond trs Aenf o
for seorcn
8etuxe hePoser S he CePA oe
tme >ome atnat o en udex me code
s CtminA
Procedre 1973
he ccPA conie esmplarnt siotsfon sd ConsUmex
n o
untad Tade Prachee bebve the
commiasfony o tict, o i e n d ot Notronal level
e rofe> b ea odext comumers
ooins danaexoi) o hagor dou

The psen o e centro auhorih fov eoxcdh

hythm koraa, iolouO& (
3ezure one Provîded a under 2 2

nohes pose athietted to he Centrol a oty

Tsse srecon ond penaldfes osoinr ole
l e o d n a oduerriCment o udes dee2

i t h he enocmenr o thne new Act ,ne cepA h o

oRen ronng achons on yio\afons sconsumex iahh.
2 0 notRee nave been 3eved for tslofons.ccPA

RoytoRen Suo-mot cogizance o t a ode

sucn esds to
Prochce îmwing h e sobe o
thm Kasansa,1oib1l08

The conbumex pcoteafon xeafrne n n d i o mabe safd

oxear on foux nddiAAal " u o s - nomel
orrmon oso, tS) s o t r e d aroues ,() m e
protecfon ott , 19G ond S fhancol prodat
sped reaulokiong each none means eneeme

matel orelb iaogethex inte ormal cosxt s}

bebre delunginto he Csnerele puoa athe conaurneu
PKoreon leqod reme t î s o m rotn o r cexroin
inpes undesine alll ospecs oconsumer proecon
cHe ue o >ndia leaa syatem nain thiorical
boaîncomnmon Law" -
organrco3oui bod
e o l rule ardprnopley în nakondom the
cenhuy bnuoatd

Coeat enphor
Ae-old Pncip\e o lass nere bu
onsocions one o ewoe ie me o n u B e
upon hem
aBcestoin he
sanchhy s me Podact h Tule
ho> ouer the
YeoxS oecome abTect to disctosut
eauremenS împoed on elleX sell on s anyN
thm o f t i o , TloloMog

othe o0HHanttes ,quoxrtees e selleX ma prode.


s h e , equiy ond asod condence

Jeqo Commenrasor ,tSmeaninq
n the words os one

obàCure ond a ORIobe o ne cooU e

h e comuniertr p oe o bepu
comoleon .
nto s t o t t e t s the qaps into t h e laus

HRocol Evoluton


con merpretectton Aexe

Sealt t h under theAecmicod Kua buir i n t h e

engan common
\aso The commen tosa enolved at
eas r e e distinc heods o lau that 0 t e relevant

o Conaumex Prorection n Andda e»en today.

950- 8 6

n the y e o s Jince i s CKeation in M50 by

he onattr

uon s ndia the un?on p aomenthos ased

Severadesaofonsthat îndude consumex Pistecon
prosions n e bedi The amt s hade
POTSTons iz erfcted to the oTec matex ®
mese s o u e s , ond hey me enhoreese *roua
n e t i o courr Foiuxe n e por oony n u m
n o sh e s r o k e appRoble ment hot
hythm Kataioa, (1ol0IO

h ehad to then esort to tot Cnr act FAta

n 198G h e Ponlfomenr Paed the tondmon'R

CPA,1SG whin not on oos the r s t qenuine

eonsumey proteon lau enocled în ndfa covens

aoods ond semices Fal ndex acoteqostey
o u t odso erup a
seperae chon of courb
Specally or nea eforcement. The Procceeding
o n o e coxtt oRe
>ummoy in nokuse and
orutor ap eobie penadfey înudes pumive
Nmendnents made to COPRA În
A1,23,2002 in hch
PoserS ot eousr Dere
senathened ond resenty

One o the main featuves om las i ttur has o

dynomc sometmina is called dynomic when ir keeps
on odopHng ond ehong iselt i h tme Thus,se
soo he CPA ABG aethng reNIEd n d omende
ron me t me n occordane
not USeYe Aokfn
Rthrm Katonta ,t1o1olOB

<cononomic ront becauc or doaisoon, dtatioti

,beradioTon on becaue e me hes aoNer nment
poseK Su .

dongey colled For ome mooSY

some O
undanertol ehonges nthe estina I8S teqtorion
o ConaumeX
PToecion t o o he racical
mplemertofon sthe eaton posble ond to
u me doTechiie u t hich w o Keared

he e s act binas in t s PuXYieS MamN DE ocets

ch o
odertising ooms, Rndoraementt an

ole n otteSng Consumex behoNioU ond rehul

rend in the
2 ceunN
Coae Laws

e h i development Authsry s DC3haxma 20

In this coe n e Notiono SmmiAin

damsed the
ewised peron tor JadR mxmi nheole
Coissont Tudqemert n d odered me
lacs tor indlgina n nta rode pracices
ondndulh hoanq he epondent }sr more
on 8
eonion opor Bo lokhs comPensafon
Rhytmm o t t t a , VIoiOtOs

Om frakashvs Refance Genesol nsurare
Lnthis coae tne scneld tho ,în the
vehicde nsurance mere foiuuxe ohe
vehicle ownex to intmale n e î n u r e nmmediolely

ex the h e l ohe vehde hould not b a

domb,pox l orla nen he
Setementt o aenuine
inttmatton or u b m a o n s document usaA
due to unauoidable irwmaranees he s
uxthei neld thor on i n u e x dectaien to r e r

clam anould be mode sn Nalid tedmical

eroundS Tme Coux ado noted mat crA 201 a
beney Lesalaion That derues tbera condruchtn

The cPA aJ in ol E T SaNe me

comsumex romn

o sa bt
had mony ooecon but thode
not deved to thei utter eren r
rho» geen
smamy Teisoms imtme pat ond moyr tecent

on eo r Potecng n e conSume o
m e s capasihy.
Rhythn VotOa,noiolOD

Sechon 35d CRA 209 ,says uho coniie comPam
inYelafon tD
qoods ond senice in dishrc
coraSton. Accordina to thiS, n e r e e Four
oep }People no ar
ie complarnt
Onde &ecion 2(6) ot Ne Aat (SA 0 1 ) ,complaîntr
dened o ay alleoion in orma made by

ComPono or daininh e telie\ ProyRde

nde he Ac încose ounfoir ttade pracfcey
de}ecs in oeod andBeice>, sellina

apods. Compioinant con do cloim

pKodut labiin
oaoina he monugcuxe or sexuice ProTdEX.
The Nes Ac& ProTdes Ahe ProVion oProdaet
obiuyundex shdh manutochuxer e r e Profdex
fose to compensae consher in cade of inm
&e de}ffen

h o con {e he comploinr?
The oousina Person |oasodation con fie h e cemplont
betore he desmared outhotiey -
AyConSume }o hom he
Rythm Karoia,t1010110

Secon b

AS eRafve tade pradfce is ned

unde e c ) t h e CPA 1 G h e dechon couers

olhe prrce eloted decat that me rade may

indulain Ae masimiae h e pro
Re e hrode to pracer axe
ed ok m e conuune«
sho o e burdened t h
<efctof and a l
Cesta rouon h e Procces
o h e cader n e rodee .

mantpulotes the prce or h e comdf

sme Ted i c h Keaus îm
reiciue rade

Sexvcey in e molRet ond


A e deiie ise im e prîe d oCommodi-


ue the delou othe \adex to
eod o sevice Protde h e

Conpudsfon to Puxhade
iee n re e osotl oy
oxdex tD ostoin Omy
Cose \om od or
Amonast ap\emoroo
a e , extoin
eResmetive ade
e mdgem
pTace incdde-
DLE Umied vs Midul Estoke Put Ld
Rythm Katofa, ioouod 2
o u P °Conaumery hauîna mmointereat in he
Consumex otocfotiony

tote apur r centTal qovNt

ncoe mnox leal d f on

cenral uthordy

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