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a, ante: ab: ad: add., addit: addendum: ad loc: a fortiori: al. aut: cod., codd. col comm, : comma cont. cor., corr.: def. de facto: del de novo: e: e, ex: ead ed., edd. editio princeps: et, etiam: et al.: evi fere: fin, fluct.: fol., foll. fort., fre. frg., Erg. hab. ? CORMON ABBREVIATIONS IN TEXTUAL CRITICISM before from at, to add(s) something added in the same place with stronger reason other(s) other form all others a few others very many others alternate before according to, with effect-to-cause case apparatus appendix cause-to-effect case ; argument from silence twice with about another, others compare conjecture codex, codices colunn(s) commentary phrase continued corrector(s) is lacking in reality effaced anew the Gospels from likewise editor(s) first edition for example error also and others Lectionary except alnost the end varies leaf, leaves perhaps fragment (s) has hapakl. hiat.: hoc: ibid., idem: ine. infra: inter ali in toto: in vacuo: ipso facto: MS, MSS: nonnul. novun: nunerus: obeliscus: occidentalis: om. occurring once is lacking this the same that is below among others entirely in empty space obvious from the facts ‘thus and so forth (= etc.) lectionary, or, read(s) it reads place Septuagint badly for the sake of meter margin manuscript (s) second hand Masoretic Text many not new number obelisk Western omit, all the best papyrus after parallel(s) side by side in part, some everywhere the Church Fathers few very many very many plurality put, place after first occurrence precede(s) punctuation which see right hand page, smooth side remaining century scholion that is, to wit sec. sec., secundum: sed: sem,, semel: Seq. SQ.5 Sq: sic sim.: sine: sine qua non: 5Q., S4q-! suppl., supp. : supra: Suv. tant., tantum: tert., ter COMMON ABBREVIATIONS -2- second occurrence according to but only one, once the next verse(s) thus similar without without which not* either...or alone the next verse(s) supply, supplied above under the entry this alone third, thrice ‘i.e. an indispen- sible condition tot. tet. unice: usque: ut: Vey vide: ve, vs(s), Wes vacat varr. vers., verss.: verso: all technical term alone, solely as far as as see verse(s) absent variant reading(s) version(s) left page, hair side apparently see variant reading volume Old Testament ‘The preceding list was adapted from that in Richard N. Soulen, Handbook of Biblical Criticism (Atlanta: John knox Press, 1976), pp. 177-180.

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