Challenging Marginalization Exercise A Part of Civics

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Ch 8 civics

1. When was Gaidinlu born?

2. In which tribe of which place?
3. What punishment was given when she was ___ years.
4. She was an inspiration for _______ people.
5. She became famous ___
6. When was she freed and what happened after it?
7. The marginalized communities have based their struggle for ____ and ___ on the _________
__ ______.
8. What were the makers of constitution aware?(don’t cheat, give full answer)
9. When and who issued a what in the constituent assembly?
10. What was said by him?
11. In which movie was a social issue potrayed by which director from which origin.
12. To guard up against such an explosion of discontent, what does the preamble do?(give full
answers with objectives)
13. The preamble stands as a ______ to resolve the makers of the ____ to have ____ and ___
for all citizens.
14. What other than Preamble promote equality?
15. _______ are universally applicable to all citizens of India without any _______
16. There are also ____ ____ __ ___ ___ in the Constitution which are meant to serve as
guidelines to the ______ for _____ making.
17. What is contradiction?
18. Apart from SC and ____ other ___ like _____ Parsis ____ and ____ enjoy the protection and
the ____ granted to them for _____ and _____ their culture.
19. What does right to equality provide to all?(give full ans)
20. What Does the directive principles of state policy also state?(memorize in parts)
21. In the ____when ______ was rampant and practiced openly, a group of people were
subjected to _____ _______ and violation of ______ in the form of _________.
22. Give an instance of how impure untouchables were.
23. What were placed on them? They were harasses and denied access to __ ____ while the
other members of the society enjoyed it.
24. According to whom what was the new class?
25. Where were they not recognized?
26. Which belief led to their exclusion? What was necessary?
27. What empowers the state to make any special ___- for the _____ of ____ and ________
backward classes of citizens as for the ______ ___ and _______ ____
28. What abolishes untouchability in any form?
29. What is rampant?
30. When who entered a temple with a group of dalits?
31. Who was the chief minister of which state?
32. What did he do? When did it become the law?
33. People of _____ and ___ still live in poor conditions.
34. The scenario is particularly _____ in the _____ areas.
35. What kind of life they lead?
36. Give 5 disadvantages of being a dalit or SC ST
37. Tell the constitutional solutions for SC ST(Tell all articles, directive policy,preamble etc)
38. ___ is still a dream of these people.
39. There is an increasing ____ among _____ makers that rising ____ in tribal areas is not
merely a _______ problem.
40. What does the actual cause lie in? Give 3.
41. Why where reservations were introduced? For which classes.
42. As of 2016 how much percent gov jobs are reserved for ST,SC,OBC.
43. How many lok sabha seats out of how many reserved for whom?
44. Many ____ area available for SC and ST candidates for direct appointment to government
jobs like _________ __ ___ ___ in the ____ ___ ____, exemption from paying _____, ___ in
qualifications, and _____ required. They can be ______ separately if required.
45. What was launched by gov to improve employment among what?
46. Which communities are demanding reservation?
47. Why do communities want to claim the status?
48. What gets violent and what happens?
49. What was introduced because people from the ______ ____ were being subject to _____
and ___ practices by other communities.
50. What 2 things were on the rise?What does this prevent?
51. What are the 3 things it provides.
52. What are the 5 schemes launched by gov for ST.
53. What empower the youth in tribal areas?
54. What does the Article ___ provide(it is related to human traffic)
55. Was it strict for people?
56. Who addressed a letter to what? That organization is dedicated to what?(WRITE ALL)
57. In which place?
58. What did the Supreme Court do under which article?
59. The court ordered an ______ _____ _______ itno the issue of the ______ conditions
prevailing in various _____ with _______ district with a particular reference to what?
60. The report submitted what about stone quarries?
61. What happened to some workers?
62. What provisions were not there?
63. Some labours were suffering from what but what was not being paid?
64. What type of wages were paid and what was not permitted without the permission of
65. Where were quarries located?
66. On account of necessity for ______ in the area , people from different parts if the country
were made to live in what conditions?
67. What did Supreme court say to employers?
68. What was observed? What is required?
69. What does the court observe for a loan?
70. Why does he render service?
71. Who assured that the debt is never satisfied and often by the traditional basis of ___ ___,
the liability is inherited by the ____ of the original _____.
72. What does the built in mechanism of the under privileged mean?
73. What is dismal? What is militancy?
74. What did GandhiJi call untouchables and undertook which march in where? How did it
75. What is manual scavenging? What is it linked to?
76. How good is their community? What is related to the task?
77. What does the government encourage people to build? What act was introduced?
78. What happens as per the act?
79. How much percent of manual scavenger are womeh who face _____ and ____ based on
their caste and gender and are exposed to ______ and ______
80. How are tribals contributing to forest conservation? What do they also preserve?
81. Which act states that if land has to be acquired for industrialization or ____ of ____ ______
____then the family affected must be provided ___ and ______ com______
82. Now tell the same as above without looking above what does the act say?
83. What should be provided to re_____- and re______ them so that even after acquisition
what develops and is not negative?
84. What does it support to?
85. What is a unique fair and where is it held? Who are thet major parts of the gathering?
86. What does it encourage the tribes and leads to?
87. What has brought _____ improvement in the lives of what?
88. What plagues the communities?
89. What do they fight?
90. What happens to children?
91. What are Dalits subjected to?
92. What two things can bring about desired changes?
93. Who are also untouchable in what country called?
94. They are what of social order since when?
95. What is feudalism?
96. What does that untouchable face and live?
97. When was it abolished and is it over?
98. What faced opposition due to what of which city when?

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