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Date: 2020-01-20 Doc: CEN/TC 459/SC 4 N 453

CEN/TC 459/SC 4 "ECISS" Concrete reinforcing and pre-stressing steels

Draft Agenda
of the meeting of CEN/TC 459/SC 4
to be held on Tuesday, 05.05.2020, Start 10:00 h
at Steel Institute
Sohnstr. 65, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany

1. Opening of the meeting

2. Roll call of delegates
3. Adoption of the agenda
Doc. CEN/TC 459/SC 4 N 453 – Draft agenda
4. Confirmation of the report of the last meeting
Doc CEN/TC 459/SC 4 N 450 – Minutes of the meeting on 2019-10-10 in Düsseldorf
5. Activities of CEN/TC 459/SC 4 Working Groups
5.1 Activities of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 1 "Weldable reinforcing steels"
Activity report of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 1: Active projects: prEN 10080 and FprEN/TR 10363
Feedback from Dr. Moersch (Covenor)/ Dr. Knobloch (Secretariat) concerning the two versions of prEN 10080
Feedback from Mr. Jan Karlsen concerning the activities on FprEN/TR 10363
5.2 Activities of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 2 "Galvanized reinforcing steels"
Activity report of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 2: Active projects: prEN 10348-1 (merging Part 1 with Part 2)
Feedback from Mr. C. Ascanio (Convenor of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 2)
5.3 Activities of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/ WG 3 "Corrosion resistant reinforcing steels"
Activity report of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 3: Active projects: prEN 10370
Feedback from Dr. V. Boneschi (Convenor of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 3)
5.4 Activities of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 4 "Pre-stressing steels"
Activity report of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 4: Active projects: prEN 10138-1 to -3 and prEN 10337
Feedback from Mr. A. Giammasi (Convenor of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 4)
5.5 Activities of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 5 "Protected and sheathed strands for pre-stressing"
Activity report of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 5: Active projects: prEN 10369-1 to -3
Feedback from Mr. B. Creton (Convenor of CEN/TC 459/SC 4/WG 5)
6. Report from activities of ISO/TC 17/SC 16
Activity report of ISO/TC 17/SC 16
Feedback from Mr. Jan Karlsen (Convenor of ISO/TC 17/SC 16)
7. Approval of decisions
8. Any other standardisation business
9. Date and place of the next meeting
10. Closure of the meeting (latest 17:00 h)

Postadresse: Hausadresse:  (0211) 6707-0 Konto: Stahlinstitut VDEh, Düsseldorf

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