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Obligor shall not be liable for a fortuitous event. 1. It is expressly declared by law.
2. It is expressly stipulated in the contract.
3. There is delay in the performance of the
4. The nature of the obligation assumes the
assumption of risk- insurance companies.
5. When the obligor is in bad faith.
How can an Obligor show we are not negligent and
not liable for damages?
We cannot control all the actions of other
Show that you did what a good father would do people.
Obligation cannot be demanded before the 1. When the obligor has become insolvent or
lapse of the period provided. bankrupt.
2. When the obligor fails to give the deposit,
collateral, security or guarantee he promised.
3. When the deposit, collateral, security or
guaranty given has been impaired by the
obligor himself.
Art. 1200. The right to choose is generally given Art. 1205. The right to choose may be given to
to the obligor or debtor the obligee or creditor. Special rules apply.
The value of the currency at the time the Unless there is a contrary agreement. (Art.
obligation was signed shall be the basis of 1250)
Debtor has the right to choose which debt will be If the debtor does not make a choice, the
paid first creditor can make the decision and choose
which debt is to be paid first. Creditor must issue
a receipt to the debtor. If the debtor accepts the
receipt, then the payment is valid.

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