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Ch 5 mineral and power

1. What is an ore?
2. What is the largest gold reserve?Where
3. When were gold deposits discovered here?
4. South Africa gold was from zero in _____ to ___ percent of world in ___
5. What is a mine?
6. What is an alloy?
7. Give 4 ores of iron. Which has the highest content but which is common
8. Where is iron found in world and in india?
9. What is versatile?
10. What are some copper ores?What are copper alloys?
11. Where is it found in world and in india?
12. What is ore of al. Where in world and where in india?
13. Where is manganese in world and in india?
14. Where is gold in world and in india?
15. Where is urea in world and in india?
16. Where is diamond in world and in india?
17. Where is mica in world and in india?
18. Why is power needed? What is hydel?
19. What are conventional energy sources?
20. Bio____ is a non conventional sources. What are non conventional
21. What are fossil fuels?
22. Where is coal used and its disavantages?
23. Where is it in world and in india?
24. What is petroleum?
25. Almost all synthetic fibres and materials like nylon,polyster,rayon and acryclic are made
from ___ or ___
26. What are petrochemicals?Name 4. What is it called
27. What are its disadvantages?
28. What is natural gas and its advantages?
29. Where is it found?
30. What are indundates?
31. Who are leading producers of hydel?
32. Explain 7 non conventional sources of energy.
33. What is expensive to generate?
34. Where are wind farms found?
35. Where is geothermal energy found?
36. Name some radioactive materials. What is nuclear fission?
37. What are the producers of nuclear power?
38. What is tide? Whoa re its leading producers energy
39. What is bagass? What are the advantages of biogas?
40. Give 3 methods to conserve power sources.
41. Which school in gaza begain operating in an electrical system by solar energy?
42. _____ is the only solution in gaza’s population

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