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Ch 4 metals and non metals

1. What are pure substances? Give some examples.

2. What is an element?
3. What is its part in a chemical reaction?
4. How many elements have been discovered? How many are present in nature and how many
are man made? How can we identify them? Name the types of classification.
5. What are metals,non metals and metalloids?
6. How are metals found in nature?
7. What are minerals?
8. What happens due to their high reactivity? What do they form?
9. What are ores?
10. What are inert gases?
11. What is metallurgy?
12. What is the relative abundance of Al,Fe,Ca,Na,Mg,K and T
13. Where are less reactive metals found? Give 2 examples
14. Which are the most abundant elements? Give 5 examples
15. Which is the most abundant element in this universe? Who hold 2,3 and 4 th rank
16. Give 9 physical characteristics of metals and non metals
17. What is the physical state?
18. Note gallium is not in liquid.
19. What are the liquid metals?
20. What are some solid ,liquid and gas non metals? Which is the only liquid non metal?
21. Tell about metals and non metals lustre. All non metals have a ____ appearance.
22. Most non metals occur as ___ and ___ .
23. Tell about metal strength, which metals can be cut with knife?
24. Tell about non metal, which is the hardest natural substance?
25. What are noble gases? Give 5 examples.
26. Give 3 examples of ores.
27. Which two metals are kept in kerosene oil?
28. Tell about malleability, which is the most malleable metal?
29. What about non metals when they are beaten?
30. What is senority? Why are metals used in guitars,sitar and bells? What about non metals
31. What is ductility? What about non metals?
32. What is thermal conductivity? Why are they used to make utensils? Which are the best
conductors of heat?
33. What about electrical conductivity. Why are metals used in wires?
34. Which is the only conductor of electricity non metal?
35. What about melting and boiling points? Which 2 metals have low boiling and melting points.
36. What about nonmetals? Which non metals has high melting and boiling point?
37. Which metal is soft? Which is a brittle metal? Which metal is a poor conductor of heat?
38. Which are the 5 categorizations based on chemical properties.
39. How do metals react with oxygen? Which are the most reactive metals?
40. Metal + oxygen -> ?
41. Which metals react with oxygen at room temperature and catch fire?
42. Give equation for sodium and oxygen.
43. How does magnesium react on heating.
44. Give one for magnesium and oxygen.
45. How do non metals react with oxygen? Which non metals burn with oxygen.
46. Give equation for carbon and oxygen.
47. How sulphur reacts on heating.
48. Give equation.
49. What happens when sulfur dioxide is mixed with water?
50. Give formula.
51. What does that turn litmus to?
52. How do metals react with water?
53. Which metals react with cold water and a large amount of heat is produced and why.
54. Give equation.
55. Give equation for sodium with water.
56. Which metals do not react with water or steam? Give 6.
57. Which non metals dissolve in water but in less amounts.
58. How does chlorine react with water,
59. Which is a natural process that converts a metal into a more chemically stable form such as
oxide,hydroxide or sulphide.
60. Corrosion is a ____ reaction which eats the metal.
61. What is rusting?What are the conditions for it. What is rust in iron called?
62. Give equation for it
63. How does copper react with water and CO2 and what does it form?
64. Why do silver ornaments become black?
65. Give 3 methods to prevent corrosion.
66. Metallic oxides are ___ in nature.
67. How do metals react with dilute acids? Give general formuka.
68. Give for Magnesium and sulphuric acid. What does it form
69. What does al react with hcl and form. Give formula.
70. How do non metals react with acids?
71. How do metals react with bases? Which 2 metals react with which 2 bases and what do they
72. How do non metals react with bases. What does chlorine react with sodium hydroxide and
73. What is a displacement reaction?
74. Curds, ___ and ___ contain acids. They should not be stored in utensils made of ____, ____,
and ___ because they react and form compounds that are toxic.
75. Who displaces who?
76. What is reactivity?
77. What is reactivity series?
78. Which are at the top and bottom of reactivity series.
79. Please stop calling me a zebra. Furthermore, try learning how copper makes and saves gold.
80. What happens when zinc granule are kept in a copper sulphate solution? What happens to
the color. What does It form
81. Give equation.
82. What happens when copper is kept in zinc sulphate?
83. What happens when an iron nail is kept in copper sulphate solution. What colour changes.
84. Give equation.
85. What is aqua region? What is its ability.
86. ____ is used to make dry cells and electrodes. It is also used to extract silver and gold.
87. _____ is used as a drying agent.
88. ____ is used in electrical wires,coins,statues,electronic device,electroplating.
89. ____ is used in manufacture of glass and cement.
90. ______,____,___ are used for making jewellery.
91. ____ is used for utensils, cans,furniture,electrical wires,packaging stuff,paints and in mirrors.
92. ____ is used in manufacture of railing,manhole lid, drain pipes,tanks,cylinders and nails,
93. _______ in thermometers,barometers and dentistry.
94. ____ is storage of food, coating utensils to prevent them from corroding.
95. ____ is used for combustion and in welding ad cutting metals.
96. ____ controls the rate of combustion. It is an important constituent of proteins and is used
for the manufacture of ammonia.
97. ____ is a bleaching agent for rough and hard fibers like jute and cotton.
98. ____ is a disinfectant for sterilizing water,in manufacture of mineral acids and in DDT.
99. ____ is used in chemical industry for sulphuric acid.
100. ____ is used for manufacture gunpowder and dyes.
101. ____ is used to prepare skin ointments and to fumigate disease-infected areas in the
form of sulphur vapor.
102. _____ is used in rat poison.
103. ___ is used in fireworks,fertilizers,detergents and safety match.
104. ____ is used for making microchips,silicon, and silicon carbide
105. ___ is used in batteries and making pencil lead.
106. _____ is used for making jewwllery and in cutting and grinding and glasses.
107. _____ is used for fressing wounds and make iodised salt.
108. What are the 4 uses of chlorine
109. What are the 4 uses of sulphur.
110. What are the 4 uses of phosphorous.
111. What are the 5 uses of iron
112. What are the 5 reasons of aluminium
113. What are the uses of tin
114. What is the use of calcium chlorise and calcium carbonat
115. What are the 5 uses of copper.
116. What are the 2 uses of silicon
117. What are alloys?
118. What are the 4 benefits of alloys.
119. What is the composition of brass. What are its properties.
120. Where is brass used?
121. What is the composition of stainless steel. What are its properties. What are its uses.
122. Comp of solder,properties and uses
123. Pewter comp,prop,uses
124. Salt is formed when a metal replaces hydrogen in a ___
125. Which metals do not replace hydrogen?

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