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Microlink IT & Business College

Postgraduate School

Semester: II Academic Year: 2019/20

Credit Hours: 3 Instructor: Mulu Aderie (Ph.D)

Course Description: welcome to Business research Methods (MBA- ). The

Purpose of this course is to furnish you to the basics of research methodology.
This course is intended primary for postgraduate students in commerce and
business management which brings the theory, philosophy and techniques of
research methodology. The course is organized around the operational steps in
the research process. Each chapter is devoted to a particular aspect of that
step. It focuses on developing research skills by providing practical examples
from both qualitative and quantitative research for a balanced and
comprehensive grounding in research methodology. The structure of this
course which is based on the popular research model for social sciences is
designed to be practical.
Course Objectives: research methodology is taught as supporting subject in
several ways in many academic disciplines at various levels. Therefore, the
research model developed here is generic in nature and can be applied to a
number of disciplines in the social sciences. This clear and concise course
links theory with practical steps central to any research process. It includes
detailed discussions of aspects that are appropriate for post graduate students
and uses flow charts and examples to communicate concepts.
Format: The class will make extensive use of the Lecture/Case Method both in
class discussions, presentations and examinations. In this regard, it is critical
that all students take an active role in class in order for learning experience to
be successful. Therefore, all students must prepare for every class/case and all
students must contribute.
Requirements: regular attendance, class preparation and participation,
completion of all assignments, write the mid and final examination and
willingness to work hard and learn.
Research Proposal Writing: 20%
Article &/or Theses Reviews: 20%
Quiz 10%
Final Exam 50%
1.1 Application of research (Need)
1.2 Definition and Philosophy of research
1.3 Types of research
1.4 Components of research
1.5 The Research Process
1.6 Factors Affecting Business Research
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Research Topic Selection
2.3 Research Questions Specification
2.4 Steps in Problem Formulation
2.5 Problem Statement Evaluation
2.6 Hypotheses and Hypothesis Formulation
2.6.1 The meaning of Hypotheses
2.6.2 Importance of Hypotheses
2.6.3 Characteristics of Good Hypotheses
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Purpose of Literature Review
1.3 Uses of literature review
1.4 Steps in literature review
1.5 Approaches in organizing a literature review
1.6 Evaluating literature review
1.7 Plagiarism
1.8 Citation
CHAPTER THREE: The Research Design
3.1 Definition of a research design
3.2 Selecting a study design
3.3 Sampling Design
3.3.1 Sample Size
3.3.2 Sampling Technique
CHAPTER FOUR: Writing a research proposal
4.1 What is Research Proposal?
4.2 Contents of a research proposal
4.3 Work and Financial schedule
SECTION SIX: Method of Data Collection and Anlysis
6.1 Types & source of Data
6.2 Collection of Primary Data
6.3 Collection of Secondary Data
6.4 Data Analysis Techniques
CHAPTER Seven: Writing a research report
7.1 Research writing in general
7.2 Writing referencing
7.3 Developing an outline
Text & Reading Material:
1. William G., “Business Research Methods”, Thomsom Business
Information Private Ltd., India, 2006.
2. CR Cothari, “Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques”, Wishwa
Prakshan Publications, India, 2002.
3. Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. J 2016, Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building
Approach, 7th edn, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, United Kingdom.

1. William G., “Business Research Methods”, Thomsom Business
Information Private Ltd., India, 2006.
2. C. William & R. Copper, “Business Research Methods”, Boston: Irwin
Burr Ridge, Illinois, 1991, 4th Edition.
3. William J & K Hatt, “Methods in Social Research”, McGraw Hill Book
Company, Auckland, 1952.
4. Anderson, David R, J Sweeney & Thomas A William, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, Minneapolis/St. Paul, West Publishing
Company, 2003, 5th Ed.
5. Gibaldi, Joseph & Walter S. Achter, “MLA Handbook of Research
rep[orts”, New York, The modern Language Association of America,
1988, 3rd Ed.
6. Simon, Julian L., “Basic Research Methods in Social Sciences- The Art
of Empirical Investigation”, New York, Randdom House, Inc., 1969.
7. Leedy, Paul D., “Practical Research: Planning and Design”, New York,
McMillan Publishing Company, London, 1980, 2nd Edition.
8. R. Panneerselvan, “Research Methodology”, PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2011.

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