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Ch 18

1. What are natural resources as per this chapter?

2. What is pollution?
3. What are pollutants?
4. Tell comp of air.
5. What is air pollution?
6. Bhopal gas tragedy which gas? And when?
7. What are air pollutants?
8. What are the 6 causes of air pollution?
9. On burning fossil fuels like petrol, diesel,kerosene and coal release what?
10. What do they form after combining with water?
11. What is acid rain?
12. What is particulate matter?
13. ___ is the main source of haze which reduces visibility.
14. How are particulate matter formed?
15. Full form of CFC. Where are CFCs used? What do they deplete and how does this affect us?
16. How much co2 is naturally in our air. Is natural co2 harmful?
17. What does higher levels of co2 cause?
18. What produces co.
19. What does it form after combining with haemoglobin of blood?
20. ____ is emitted from automobile exhausts and is a cause of numerous health problems.
21. What are these health problems?
22. What are the 4 effects of air pollution?
23. What are greenhouse gases?
24. What is greenhouse effect?
25. Increases in levels of _____ in air above normal limits are a serious concern to our times as it
can cause global warming.
26. What is greenhouse?
27. What is global warming?
28. What is the main cause for global warming?
29. What does global warming cause?
30. ____ of earth can even cause drought situations.
31. What is the Kyoto protocol?
32. What in india has started to melt?
33. What is acid rain and its effects?
34. What are the sources for acid rain?
35. What is the 1 disadvantage of acid rain?
36. What is leading to the corrosion of the white marble layer of taj mahal?
37. Where are companies that cause it located?
38. The ___ of mathure ___ refinery cause _____ of the marble.
39. What has supreme court ordered. Vehicles must switch to ______ in the taj zone.
40. Ozone is present in ___
41. What does the ozone layer do?
42. What causes ozone depletion? Explain.
43. CFC react with ozone causing them to break down to ___
44. This reacts with ______ in ozone and thus destroys it.
45. What is the effect of ozone depletion?
46. What illnesses can it cause, give 5.
47. What is the montral protocol and when was it signed?
48. What is ODS?
49. What is smog and what does it contain? What can it cause tell 3.
50. ___ is a poisonous gas produced by incomplete burning of fuels such as petrol and diesel.
51. It ____ the ozygen ____ and can cause 3 things tell.
52. What can cause suppression of the immunse system?
53. __ causes health problems to both plants and animals.
54. What causes yellowing of leaves?
55. Give 6 ways to prevent air pollution.
56. What is catalytic converter?
57. What should we do to coal before burning?
58. What is water polltution?
59. What are water pollutants, give 4 examples.
60. Tell 5 causes of water pollution.
61. ____ use water as coolants. This water after use is released into natural water bodies at
____ temeperature.
62. How do farmers contribute to water pollution?
63. How sewage contributes to water pollution?
64. How are oil spills affecting water bodies?
65. How can plastic travel enormous distances?
66. Which plan was launched by department of environment of the government of India. Now it
has launched a new plan called? What is the aim of this project? When were the two
projects launched?
67. Tell 4 other objectives too.
68. How is hot water polluting water?
69. How are oil spills destroying aquatic life?
70. What is algal boom? What causes it?
71. What is eutrophication? What is its effect?
72. What are the 5 illnesses caused by water pollutions?
73. Diseases like cancers and ulcers occur due to ___ pollution.
74. Poor ___ and __- development.
75. Give 3 water borne diseases.
76. What is the main source of water for humans? What are the impurities that a river contains?
77. What is potable water?
78. Where is water purified?
79. Is tap water safe to drink? How can it get contaminated?
80. Which is the easiest way of purifying water at home? This process done for how much time
and at what temp kills germs?
81. Which tablets or other compounds are added to water?
82. Which is an RO.
83. What is water conservation?Give 5 methods
84. A tap that drips once every seconds wastes a ______ litre of water per year.

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