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© 2024 SAP SE
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
D-69190 Walldorf
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

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[Document Version Status has four values: Draft, Ready for Review, Reviewed with Comments and
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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name


1 Document Organization................................................................................5
1.1............................................................................................................ Document Log
...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2............................................................................... Integration, Document Reference
...................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Functional Description.................................................................................5
2.1...................................................................................................... Landscape Details
...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.................................................... Functional Flow Diagram of the Business Process
...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3....................................................................... Security / Authorization Requirements
...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 Definition 6
2.3.2 Defined Fields 6
2.3.3 Procedure 6
2.4................................................................ Dependencies / Constraints / Assumptions
...................................................................................................................................... 6

3 Detailed Description......................................................................................7
3.1.................................................................................................. Workflow Realization
...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Trigger Point of Workflow 7
3.1.2 Start Conditions 7
3.2......................................................................................................... Triggering Event
...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.................................................................................... Business Object/Class Details
...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.4............................................................................................ Rules and Determination
...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.4.1 Agent determination Rules 8
3.4.2 Delegation or Substitution Rules 8
3.4.3 Escalation Rules (Deadline Monitoring) 8
3.5.....Work item Content, Notification Content, Notification recipients and attachments
...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.6.......................................................................... Action upon Approval and Rejection
...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.7...................................................................................................... Reminder of Work
...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.8......................................................... Conditions for terminating an ongoing approval
...................................................................................................................................... 9

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

3.9............................................................................................................ Error Handling

...................................................................................................................................... 9

4 Performance.................................................................................................. 9

5 Cutover considerations................................................................................9

6 Open Issues in Functional Design.............................................................10

7 Business Test Conditions..........................................................................10

8 Related Documentation..............................................................................10

9 Review Checklist.........................................................................................11

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

1 Document Organization
This section provides details about this document, previous version(s) of this document and the
document(s) referred.

1.1 Document Log

[Please specify information about Version changes in the following table. The first version should be
specified in the first row and the current (latest) version should be specified in the last row]
[The Version Created by details should be specified as:
First Name followed by Last Name
Following table mentions the version changes and the processer(s):

Version Created
Status Date by (Name/E- Role Comments

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1.2 Integration, Document Reference

[Reference to other content-related documents. For example:
Reference to solution proposal or business process description,
References to other specifications of the same project,
References to documents of earlier project phases,
Following documents are

Referred Document
S. No. Document Referred Document URL (Optional)

The documents listed here are explicitly not part of this Functional Specification. They are not
automatically accepted together with this Specification, but may be subject to a separate
customer/SAP acceptance.

2 Functional Description
[Please describe the business requirement of the Workflow.]

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

[Provide a high level description of the solution and explain how it addresses the business
Example: ‘The standard approval workflow process for Leave Requests must be adapted to fit the org
structure used in]

2.1 Landscape Details

S/4HANA On-Premise
System S/4HANA Cloud
S/4HANA Private/Extended Cloud Edition

Classical Business Workflow

Flexible Workflow
BTP Workflow Management Service

2.2 Functional Flow Diagram of the Business Process

[Please insert a flow diagram and any description of the workflow]

2.3 Security / Authorization Requirements

[Please fill this section if there are special Authorization Requirements; else mention N/A. Every
authorization object needs to be documented to provide the security administrator information on the
purpose and use of the object. The following sections are the minimal documentation requirements]

2.3.1 Definition
[The definition establishes the purpose and or use for the object. Mention a standard object available
to be used or custom authorization object to be created (if needed).]

2.3.2 Defined Fields

[The defined fields should be listed with the valid values to be used. (Like Activity 01/02/03)]

2.3.3 Procedure
[The procedure section helps to explain how this object is to be used. Examples with field values and
explanations should be provided.
Workflow user, WF-BATCH, has SAP_ALL authorization to perform workflow execution. However,
does your process needs specific authorization checks to be performed for Approvers or Initiators
(check which are not performed by triggering transactions)?
WF_BATCH should have the SAP_ALL profile and should never be locked using SU01.]

2.4 Dependencies / Constraints / Assumptions

[Please describe if the workflow has any dependencies/ assumptions involved that needs to be
considered while designing workflow]

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

[Please indicate any assumptions/ dependencies that may impact development, in terms of
requirements from internal or external applications or teams]
[Include any predecessors or successors (data, configuration, development objects, etc.]

3 Detailed Description

3.1 Workflow Realization

3.1.1 Trigger Point of Workflow
[Specify the transaction/Fiori Application/ program which will be used to start the workflow]

Trigger Point Details

Transaction/Program Name

Fiori/UI5 Applications

[ In case of cross system integration, please

Third Party Application (System & Application specify system & application details.
Mention N/A if not applicable]

3.1.2 Start Conditions

[Specify if there are any conditions for workflow should start
For example: - The Purchase Requisition workflow should be triggered only PR of type XYZ] Standard Workflow Template/ Workflow Scenario

[Workflow developments are typically based on an existing, standard Workflow. If such a Workflow is
known, then name it here
E.g. WS 03100019 - General Notification Process
In case of Flexible workflow, if any such standard Flexible scenario is available for reference or used,
please specify here ]

Technical Details – If not know please check with Development Lead

Workflow Template Number

Flexible Workflow Scenario



3.2 Triggering Event

[Specify on what event the workflow should trigger, in case of external event, please specify system
and event information
For example: - Purchase order workflow should trigger on Creation or Change of PO]

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

3.3 Business Object/Class Details

[Specify the Business object/class details. If you are unsure of the Business Object/class code, just
describe the business object/class and work with the developer/development lead to identify the
correct code from transaction SWO1/SE24.]
[If an entirely custom Business Object/Class is required, or changes to the standard Business
Object/Class are needed, then describe the requirements here.]
[In the case where the business object is not identified, it would be necessary to know the business
transaction codes and one simple posting process so that the developer can find the primary
requisites themselves.]

3.4 Rules and Determination

3.4.1 Agent determination Rules
[Please specify agent determination rule (process) at each level, number of approvers and number of
approval levels.]
[If the agent determination is via the Organizational Structure, please clearly specify the evaluation
path to reach the right agent. For any other agent determination approach, please clearly specify as to
how the system will reach the right approver]
[Dynamic Parallel Processing: If there are multiple approvers at one level, you can specify if ALL need
to approve that item or only one approval/rejection is sufficient to move ahead.]
[Also specify what to do when an Approver cannot be determined; example - Workflow should go in
an error (so that the workflow administrator can pick it up during his/her daily activity runs) or a
message should be sent out to particular recipient.]

3.4.2 Delegation or Substitution Rules

[Please specify any delegation/substitution rules]

3.4.3 Escalation Rules (Deadline Monitoring)

[Latest start or end time, and escalation procedure. E.g. ‘Request for Cost Center master data
maintenance must be approved within 24 hrs. (Excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays). If no action
it should be escalated to Management Accounting Officer (Shared Service) with note of escalation for
approval’. ]
[Specify if only an escalation email should be sent out OR the entire work item is escalated to next
level. It is recommended that instead of escalating the work item to next level, we ADD the escalation
level of approvers to the existing approver(s), a widening pool of approvers increases the chances of
getting the work item completed. ]

3.5 Work item Content, Notification Content, Notification recipients

and attachments
[Please specify the text and dynamic information to be displayed in work items and notification
[Please specify all the recipients of the notifications.]
[If the email is to be sent out of SAP System, Workflow Development Guidelines will be followed to get
the email address from User Master Data - SU01 (where Communication Method is set to 'Internet') or
from HR Communication Info type 0105 [Please note: if both of them are maintained, then any one
can be picked up by the workflow runtime - the order or priority is however not controlled by custom
workflow development]
[Please specify if the workflow process needs to handle attachments - Provide the place to pick those
and the final destinations, that is, send them via email, attach them to work items, etc.]

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

3.6 Action upon Approval and Rejection

[Please specify clearly the next step(s) to be performed when a work item is Approved or Rejected. ]
[Example, upon Approval at level 1, sends a notification to initiator and a level two approval work item
to next level approver(s).]
[Upon Rejection, the approval process needs to restart afresh (old instance terminated) OR the
current instance moves one level back (or start from beginning - without generating a new instance) ]
[Post document on final Approval - Posting happens with WF-BATCH user or with the Approving user
(may not be possible always)]

3.7 Reminder of Work

[Please specify if the users have to be reminded of unprocessed work items. Please specify the
frequency of reminders. NOTE: The configuration for reminder of work is called Extended Notifications
and is done across the system. The requirement for Reminder of Work will be taken into consideration
and reviewed by the Development Team to combine with other Workflows. The frequency and content
of such notification will be designed as a generic model for all workflows. ]

3.8 Conditions for terminating an ongoing approval

[Please specify the conditions which will make the workflow approval invalid. For example, a leave
request is in approval; however the employee decides to retract it, this will make the ongoing leave
request approval process obsolete]
[Please note that this may increase the overall complexity and development timeline of the object if
the standard does not provide the necessary events to notify the workflow. Such events will then have
to be coded in the corresponding transactions (using enhancements, if any)]

3.9 Error Handling

[What to do when there are errors? Example, upon final approval, the Purchase Order should be
released; what should the workflow do if there are release errors? Should the workflow go in an error
with details available in workflow log? Or should an email be sent (to which user) and workflow
processing ends?]

4 Performance
[This section explains the performance related checks to be done in the workflow]
[For e.g., Workflow does not terminate if a Role configured does not find any agents assigned; rather
collect the errors in the log.
All the Background steps of the workflow should be having errors as output parameters. etc.]

5 Cutover considerations
 Check if SWU3 configuration is done
 Jobs SWWDHEX, SWWERRE and SWBCOND are scheduled
 Check all the Workflow templates/Workflow Scenario are transported
 Check all customizations done for Flexible Workflow is moved.
 Check if flexible workflow is active in target system.
 Check all the Customizing requests (Event Linkage & Deadline Scheduling) are transported
 Agent Assignment is done for each dialog task in the respective QA or PRD systems

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

 Check if WF-BATCH has a valid Email ID for the type Internet Email Address in the SU01
 WF_BATCH should have the SAP_ALL profile and should never be locked using SU01.
 Check if the versions are identical
 Check SO16 Settings
 Check all Basis Settings for sending outbound emails]

6 Open Issues in Functional Design

[Please specify any open issues like missing functional information, users, details etc. which should
be discussed in in subsequent phases of the project. Any open issues when cleared should be added
to the relevant sections of this document in a new version.]

7 Business Test Conditions

[Please indicate the business level test conditions that should be used to verify successful operations
of the Workflow]
[Document all technical scenarios associated with this development. Examples would include 1)
testing an error-free run; 2) testing the exception processes; 3) testing the error handling.]
[Document all control scenarios associated with this development. Examples would include 1)
Rounding of dollars and cents; 2) Audit trail processing; 3) Reconciliation reporting]
IMPORTANT: The developer will need to test repeatedly, so where appropriate provide instructions to
reverse the actions performed so the test may be run again, or explain how to create new input data
to the test.]

Scenario # Input Selection Criteria Expected Result

8 Related Documentation
[Attach SAP notes, emails, download of existing report, etc.]

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

9 Review Checklist
Latest Customer Check Performed By

Latest Customer Check Date Click here to enter a date.

Latest SAP Check Performed By

Latest SAP Check Date Click here to enter a date.

Sl # Category /Check Criticality SAP Check Comments

1. Business Process

Business process context

and the purpose of the
1.1 Medium
development within that
context is provided?

Is the process currently

performed within the
1.2 Medium
company, or is it a new

What would be the effects on

1.3 the process if it does not Medium

How often does the process

1.4 Medium

Has the requirement been

given clearly to ensure
1.5 High
appropriate segregation of

Does FS provide list of all

1.6 the activities that will be Medium
automated by this process

Does the workflow design

match the business process
1.7 High
requirements as specified by
the process owner?

Is the flow chart provided

1.8 High
with clear process details?

Are the Triggering events

1.9 High

1.10 Are workflow steps Low

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name


2. Business Objects

Does FS contain Business

Object involved? If not are
2.1 High
details sufficient to create a
custom business object

Does FS contain methods to

2.2 Medium
be called?

Does FS contain attributes to

2.3 Medium
be used?

Does FS contain Events

2.4 Medium

3. Rules

3.1 Does FS contain rules? High

If Yes and if a responsibility

Rule, is it specified to
3.2 Low
maintain it through

If Yes, is the rule criteria

3.3 High

4. Agents

Has all the possible agents

4.1 High

Has it been specified who

4.2 will be the person who starts High
the workflow?

The persons who will

4.3 High
perform the tasks?

People who will escalate the

4.4 High

People who will troubleshoot

4.5 High
the problems?

Does FS mention about

4.6 Medium
Forwarding and Substitutes?

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

Does FS mention the criteria

4.7 High
to determine agents?

Does FS clearly mention

4.8 High
external and internal agents?

Has the process for agent

4.9 determination been specified High

5. Work Item Delivery

Does FS mention the where

the work items will be
5.1 delivered (Outlook, Lotus High
Notes, Workflow Inbox,
Business Workplace)?

Does FS mention the

supplementary inbox
5.2 features required to make High
the process work (e.g., Work
item forwarding etc.)?

Does FS mention which

agents require email
5.3 Medium
notification of new work

6. Escalation Procedure

Does FS contain the

6.1 information deadline High

Is deadline type and period

6.2 specified (latest start, High
requested end, latest end)

Is the responsible agent

6.3 mentioned in case of High
escalated delayed process?

In case of escalation, how

the escalators will be
6.4 High
contacted (email, work

7. Test data

Is the test data created and

6.1 Medium

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version
Functional Specification – Workflow Customer Name

Are the test scenarios

6.2 Medium

Has the data been provided

6.3 Medium
to determine agents?

8. Notifications

Is the notification text and

7.1 Medium
details specified?

Is the type of recipient

7.2 (Internet Address/USER ID, Medium
etc.) been clearly identified?

Check Successful?

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© 2024 SAP SE
Document Version

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