Comparative Study 3.0

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A Research Paper Presented to the


F. Bangoy Senior High School, Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Grade 12 Senior High School







JUNE 2023

The researcher would like to express their sincere gratitude to all those who

contributed to completion of this research project. Firstly, The researcher would like to

thank the respondents who willingly shared their time and valuable insights, which

greatly contributed to the success of this study. The researcher also extends them

appreciation to MR. Junard S. Reyes for their guidance and support throughout the

researcher process. Their valuable feedback and insights have been crucial in refining

their research objectives and Methology. The heartfelt thanks also go to their

classmates and fellow researcher journey a full filling and meaningful one. Lastly, the

researcher would like to thank their family for the unwaving emotional support, which

helped them stay motivated and focused on achieving their research objectives. Your

contribution has been invaluable, and the researcher are grateful for your unwavering

support throughout this journey and to God who ma de everything possible.


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between online game

addiction and academic performance among senior high school students. A

sample of 381 participants completed a survey that assessed their level of online

game addiction and academic performance. The results show a significant

correlation between online game addiction and academic performance, indicating

that the students who were more addicted to online games tended to have lower

academic performance. The online game refers to games that are played over

some for of computer network, typically on the internet, in which you can connect

with multiple players. Nowadays, online gaming is not only for the entertainment

of the students but also for learning. According to some research, it helps teens

to exercise their mind and cause them to explore the internet. It enables the mind

of the players to be more active, especially with puzzle-based games. It also

helps the player to comes up with decision in tight situations, especially with

adventure games that require the players to be alert, active, and strategic.

However, despite these benefits, playing online games becomes a necessity in

their lives because it requires much of the player’s time, thereby leaving school

activities and homework unattended. Academic performance declines when

minimal attention is given to study. Thus, online gaming affects the academic

performance of students positively and negatively.


Title page..............................................................................................................
Table of Contents................................................................................................


Theoretical Framework............................................................................
Conceptual Framework.............................................................................
Statement of the Problem........................................................................
Significance of Study...............................................................................
Scope and Limitation...............................................................................
Definition of Terms...................................................................................


Research Instruments.............................................................................
Data Gathering Procedure......................................................................


Effects of Food Deprivation....................................................................
Concentration and Perserverance.........................................................


Chapter 1



Video game addiction is defined as impulse control disorder, which does not involve

use of an intoxicating drug and is similar to pathological gambling. Also, it is also referred to

video game overuse, pathological or compulsive use of computer games and videogames

(Greenfield & Young, 2009). Due to excessive use of computer games there is effect in their

personal traits like anxiety, sensation seeking, neuroticism, and aggression which are the

symptoms that a person is under the development of gaming addiction (Mehroof, M et al. 2010).

Brain is also affected in computer addiction; regions of the brain associated with cravings in

substance abuse also appear to be activated in gaming addicts when they view images of video

games (Ko, C et al. 2010). There are two types of gaming, “excessive gaming” and “addictive

gaming” these two types of gaming is different from each other; the difference between

“excessive gaming and “addictive gaming” is that two gamers may play for an identical number

of hours each day, but their psychological motivation and the meaning that gaming has within

their lives can be very different. Gaming addiction should be defined by how much the

negatively impacts other areas of life, not by how much time is spent playing (Griffiths, M et al.

2010). In a volunteer sample, 41% of online gamers acknowledged that they use gaming as an

escape. In the same sample, 7% were viewed as “dependent”. These gamers possessed

several behavioural attributes that are related to more well established forms of addiction (e.g.,

mood modification, tolerance, & relapse) (Hussain et al. 2009). Most online gamers are male.

Among male gamers, more severe online gaming addiction is correlated with older age, lower

self-esteem, and lower dissatisfaction with daily life. This relationship did not hold true for
female gamers(Ko et al. 2005). Excessive use of technology is relatively rare. Compared to

females, males are more likely to develop a gaming addiction. Boys are more likely to play

aggressive or violent games while girls are more likely to play platform and puzzle games

(Griffiths, 2008). In Germany, 1.5 – 3.5% of teenage internet users show signs of gaming

addiction. Gaming addiction is associated with higher rates of anxiety (and depression, and

poorer academic performance Peukert et al. 2010). Computer gaming addiction is positively

correlated with achievement motivation, sensation-seeking, a positive evaluation of one’s

intelligence, and a negative evaluation of one’s skills in interpersonal relationship (Zheng et al.

2006). In a sample of German teens, 6.3% of subjects fulfilled the authors’ diagnostic criteria for

gaming addiction. These adolescents were mostly male and had low educational backgrounds

(Klaus et al. 2008). Gaming addiction is negatively associated with academic achievement

(Chiu et al. 2004). So far there are no studies conducted as to the percentage of senior high

school students who are hooked to online games, thus, this study would like to find out factors

why senior high school students are addicted to online games.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on Distraction-Conflict Theory of Robert Baron (1986). A

distraction is something that makes it hard for one to think or pay attention (Leung,

2015). It is a process by which an individual or group is distracted from the desired

focus area, blocking, or reducing the desired information. Similarly, Robert Baron’s

theory of distraction-conflict is based on the idea that being aware of another object

creates a conflict between attending to that object and attending to that object and

attending the task at hand (Baron, 1986). The distraction-conflict model calls this

attentional conflict. Attention conflict refers to the situation in which the person feels a

strong urge, desire, or obligation to pay attention to the distractor (i.e., mobile games)

when performing their task, especially if the distractor is attention-grabbing and difficult

to ignore (Baron, 1986). An attentional conflict occurs between multiple stimuli when the

subject is interested in paying attention to each stimulus. The task that is unrelated to

the subject’s primary goal is referred to as the distraction. This conflict only occurs when

the pressure to attend to each input is equal and the individual’s cognitive capacity to do

so is inadequate. Distraction- Conflict Theory provides insight into the evaluation of

mobile games as “other” object that distracts people from their primary goal (i.e.,

attending online classes). Negative consequences of distraction include attentional

conflict and impaired task performance. Concerning mobile games, its ubiquity and easy

access makes it a potentially strong mechanism for distraction. Therefore, mobile

games has made distraction easier, due to its portability and the diversity of

entertainment features.
Conceptual Framework

Assessment, data
gathering and
analysis of the
Effect of Online
respondents about
Games in Academic
the effect on Online
performance among
Games in Academic
Senior High School of
Performance among
F. Bangoy Senior
Senior High School
High School.
Students of F.
Bangoy Senior High

Fig. 1 Research paradigm showing the “Effect of Online Games in Academic

Performance among Senior High School Students of F. Bangoy National Senior High

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between online game

addiction and academic performance among F. Bangoy Senior High school students.

With the increasing popularity and accessibility of online gaming, there is a concern that

students may become addicted, leading to negative effects on their academic

performance. This study aims to determine the prevalence of online game addiction

among the students and its effect on their academic performance. The study will also

identify the factors that contribute to online game addiction and its impact on the

student’s academic performance. The insights from this research will help educators

and parents understand the risk associated with online gaming and develop

interventions to mitigate these risk and improve the academic performance of students.

Research Question
1, what is the level of online game addiction in F. Bangoy National High School Senior

High school?

2. what is the level on academic performance in F. Bangoy National High School Senior

High school?

3. is there a relation between in online game addiction and academic performance?


Ho: There is a negative correlation between online game addiction and academic


H1: There is no negative correlation between online game addiction and academic

significance of the study on the comparative study of online
game addiction and academic performance of F. Bangoy
Senior High School is summarized as follows:

1.Help identify the impact of online gaming addiction on academic performance: By

comparing the academic performance of students who are addicted to online games

and those who are not, the study can help to determine the negative impact of online

gaming addiction on academic performance. This information can help school

administrators, parents and other stakeholders devise interventions and strategies that

can improve the academic performance of students.

2.Provide insights into the risk factors associated with online gaming addiction: The

study can help identify the major risk factors that contribute to online gaming addiction.

This information can be used to guide parents and educators on preventive measures

that can be taken to minimize the risk of students becoming addicted to online games.

3.Help to generate advocacy and raise awareness about online gaming addiction: By

highlighting the negative impact of online gaming addiction on academic performance,

the study can help to raise awareness about the problem among key stakeholders in the

education sector. This can lead to advocacy and the development of policy interventions

aimed at reducing online gaming addiction among students.

Scope and limitation

The study aims to identify the relationship between online game addiction and

the academic performance of students from F. Bangoy National Senior High School.

The participants of the study will be limited to 318 students of the said school, who are

currently enrolled. The study will use a quantitative research method, and data will be

collected through a questionnaire that will be administered to the participants. The data

collected will be quantified and analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. The study

will focus on the factors leading to online game addiction, its effects on academic

performance, and the possible intervention strategies that can be employed to mitigate

the adverse effects of addiction.

The study has some limitations that may affect the generalizability of the

results. The participants will be selected from one school only, thereby limiting the

generalizability of the study results of other schools. Also, the study only focuses on

students, which means that the study that the study’s results may not apply to other age

groups or education levels. Further, the study will rely solely on self-reported data,

which may be affected by social desirability bias. The study will also not consider other

factors, such as student’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being, which may also

affect academic performance. Lastly, the study will not involve a control group, which

makes it difficult to establish a casual relationship between online game addiction and

academic performance.
Definition of Terms

1. Online Game Addiction: Online game addiction refers to a compulsive and excessive

dependence on playing online games, leading to negative consequence in various aspects of an

individual’s life. It involves an inability to control or limit gaming behavior, prioritizing gaming

over other responsibilities or activities, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when unable to


2. Academic performance: academic performance refers to the level of achievement or

success attained by a student in their educational pursuits. It encompasses factors such as

grades, test scores, completion of assignments, class participation, and overall engagement in

academic performance serves as an indicator of a student’s knowledge, skills, and

understanding of the subjects they study

Chapter 2

Related literature and studies about comparative Study of

online game addiction and academic Performance.

Here are some references to related literature and studies on the comparative

study of online game addiction and academic performance:

1.Gentile, D. A., Choo, H., Liau, A., Sim, T., D., Fung, D., & Khoo, A. (2011). Pathology

video game use among youths: A two-year longitudinal study. Pediatrics, 127(2), e319-


2.Hussain, Z., & Griffiths, M. D. (2009). Excessive use of massively multiplayer online

role-playing games: A pilot study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,

7(3), 563-571.

3.Lam, L. T. (2014). Internet gaming addiction, problematic use of the internet, and

sleep problems: A systematic review. Current Psychiatry Reports, 16(14), 1-9.

4.Kim, D., Namkoong, K., Ku, T., & Kim, S. (2008). The relationship between online

game addiction and aggression self-control and narcissistic personality traits. European

Psychiatry, 23(3), 212-218.

5.Rehbein, F., Kleimann, M., & Moble, T. (2010). Prevalence and risk factors of video

game dependency in adolescene: Results of a German nationwide survey.

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13(3), 269-277.

6.Chang, F. C., Chiu, C. H., Miao, N. F., Chen, P. H., Lee, C. M., Chiang, J. T., & Pan,

Y. C. (2015). The relationship between parental mediation and Internet addiction among

adolescents, and the association with cyberbullying and depression. Comprehensive

Psychiatry, 57, 21-28.

7.Dong, G., Lu, Q., Zhou, H., & Zhao, X. (2011). Precursor or sequela: Pathological

disorders in people with Internet addiction disorder. PLoS One, 6(2), e14703.

8.Chiu, S. I. (2014). The relationship between life stress and smartphone addiction on

Taiwanese university student: A mediation model of learning self-efficacy and social

self-efficacy. Computer in Human Behavior, 34, 49-57.

9.Zhang, M. W., Lim, R. B., Lee, C., Ho, R. C., & Prevalence of Internet Addiction in

Medical Students: A Menta-analysis. Academic Psychiatry, 41(6), 1-10.

10.Lemmens, J. S., Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2011). Development and validation

of a game addiction scale for adolescents. Media Psychology, 14(3), 1-23.

These studies provide insights into the relationship between online game addiction and

academic performance, as well as associated factors and consequences. Please note

that access to some of these articles may require a subscription or purchase.

Chapter 3


The methods and processes will be covered in full in this chapter. We will

explain the research design in details, the survey respondents, research instruments

and data analysis.

Research Design

This study utilize the correlational methods as it aims to shed on the

comparative between online gaming addiction and academic performance in students

insights for academic institutions and students on how effectively balance social media

usage and academic pursuits.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be samples among Senior High students of F

Bangoy National High School. Determined using T-Test formula, the appropriate sample

size is 318 students.

Research Instruments

The research design is unified, detailed and specific plan on how to acquire,

analyze and interpret data, researcher made a survey questionnaire that will be

distributed through Google form. The Facebook and Messenger app to get easily gather
a data, the survey contains some rating scale of 1 to 5 for to just answer it right away.

Thinking a lot was given to the questionnaire ensuring that it will be connected to our


Data Analysis

In our survey, we gathered 318 students data who responded to the following

questions that we provided.

The questionnaire contains 10 questions, each questions has a 1-5 likers scale,

which 1 is Strongly Disagree, 2 is Disagree, 3 is Neutral, 4 is Agree and Lastly is

Strongly Agree.
Chapter 4
Results and Discussion

This chapter presents findings, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from respondents of the study. The specific problems raised in this

study were answered sequentially. This study data reviewed the answers of

respondents after the survey.

Effects of Online Game Addiction


I play online game to get relief from academic stress. 4.371 Strongly Agree

I use social media sites to become more sociable. 4.134 Agree

I usually postpone my academic task for spending 4.055 Agree

more time on the social media.

I use social media to keep in touch with my relatives. 4.063 Agree

I use social media to do research work. 4.420 Strongly Agree

Self Academic Assessment


I exert more effort when I do difficult 4.016 Agree


I actively participate in every 3.8957 Agree


I made myself ready in all subjects. 3.766 Agree

I try to ready other materials to get 3.587 Agree

more information to the topics taught

in class.

. I enjoy homework and activities. 3.828 Agree

Chapter 5


Research has shown that social media usage can have both positive and

negative effects on academic performance. Here are some possible

recommendations regarding social media usage and its effects on academic

performance :

1. Limit social media usage during school hours: It's important for

students to focus on learning during school hours. Encourage students to limit

their use of social media during this time to avoid distractions and stay focused

on their studies.

2. Use social media for educational purposes: Social media can be a great

tool for learning. Encourage students to use social media platforms such as

Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to connect with experts in their field, follow

educational blogs, and join learning groups.

3. Set boundaries: Set boundaries around social media usage during

homework and study time. Encourage students to devote time to homework

and studying without the distraction of social media. Setting specific time slots

for social media usage can also help students stay on track.

4. Monitor social media usage: Monitor students' social media usage to

ensure that it isn't interfering with their academic performance. If social media
usage is a persistent problem, consider limiting or blocking access to social

media on school computers.

5. Encourage face-to-face interactions: Encourage students to interact

with their peers in person rather than solely through social media. Face-to-face

interactions can have a positive impact on academic performance and promote

social and emotional development.

Overall, it's important for students to learn how to use social media responsibly

and balance their social media usage with their academic responsibilities. By

setting clear boundaries and encouraging positive social media usage, students

can potentially improve their academic performance while still enjoying the

benefits of social media.

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