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Christian Dave H.

BSMA 2-1
Module 6: Equity Securities Market
1. Research on the Philippine Stock Exchange, its functions and its roles in the
Philippine financial market. Enumerate criteria how companies can list in the PSE
and the disclosure requirements for listed companies.

The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (PSE) is a self-regulatory

organization that provides and ensures a fair, efficient, transparent and orderly market
for the buying and selling of securities. The Exchange also offers a convenient and
efficient venue in raising capital to support the growth of businesses (PSE Inc., n.d.).
Additionally, the primary function of the PSE is to bring together enterprises seeking to
generate funds through the issuance of new securities thus companies might have
easier access to funds by listing their shares on the stock exchange. The PSE facilitates
the sale and purchase of issued stocks and warrants. As a result, these corporate
activities contribute to economic growth and job creation.
Furthermore, to be eligible for listing on the Philippine Stock
Exchange (PSE), a company must meet the following criteria:

 Profits Test. Cumulative consolidated earnings before interest, taxes,

depreciation, and amortization, excluding non-recurring items, of at least PHP50
million for three full fiscal years immediately preceding the application for listing
and a minimum EBITDA of PHP10 million for each of the three fiscal years,
subject to certain exemptions.

 Market Capitalization Test. Minimum authorized share capital of PHP500

million, of which a minimum of 25% must be subscribed and fully paid.

 Minimum Number of Shareholders. At least 1,000 shareholders, each owning

shares equivalent to at least one board lot.

All other initial requirements are the operating history, minimum free
float, financial statements, positive shareholders' equity, escrow, lock-up, clearing and
settlement, and electronic filing of registered securities with the Philippine Depository
Trust Corp. (PDTC). With that being in the process, all securities must be cleared and
settled through the Securities Clearing Corporation of the Philippines.
2. Essay: Discuss each share valuation method and distinguish its differences and
where and how it should be used.

The variety of stock valuation methods that are accessible to investors might
easily overwhelm someone who is choosing one to evaluate a stock for the first time.
While some valuation techniques are rather simple, others are more intricate and
difficult. To discuss further those valuation here are some used by many companies.
First of all, a mathematical procedure called the dividend valuation model leverages the
prospective value of a corporation to estimate share price via dividend. It is a typical
instrument used by stockbrokers to forecast the future value of a stock. This strategy
takes into account all of the stock's information in order to obtain as close as possible to
a true future value and is frequently accurate enough to be helpful in making decisions.
Under dividend-based valuation there two model which is widely used by most
companies, the zero-growth model, constant growth model and variable growth model.
The zero-growth model which assumes that dividend will not change in the future and is
used for valuing preference shares. In this model, share value is calculated by dividing
expected dividend per share at year end by required return. Therefore, the stock price
would be equal to the annual dividends divided by the required rate of return. It is the
same formula used to calculate the present value of perpetuity. While constant-growth
model wherein it is the most popular approach in dividend-based share valuation which
assumes that dividends will increase at a constant rate indefinitely but always lower
than the required rate of return. In this model, share value is calculated by dividing
expected dividend per share at year end by required return less growth rate. This
method helps investors determine the fair price to pay for a stock today based on future
dividend payments. Lastly, variable growth model, in which this model assumes that
dividend may growth at varying rates and may go up or down depending on business
and economic conditions. In order to capture the variations in growth in the valuation,
these four steps should be considered. This model is used to determine the intrinsic
value of a stock based on a future series of dividends that grow at a constant rate.

Moreover, other alternative valuation methodologies include Free Cash Flow,

Book Value per Share, Liquidation Value Per Share, Price/Earnings Multiples Method,
and Share Price. Free Cash Flow is discounted using weighted average cost of capital,
while Book Value Per Share does not consider future earning potential. Liquidation
Value per Share is based on the current market value of assets and liabilities, while P/E
Multiples Method is calculated by multiplying current earnings per share by the P/E
multiple. Overall, when choosing a valuation method, make sure it is appropriate for the
firm you are analyzing, and if more than one is suitable use both to arrive at a better

About PSE. Corporate. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2023, from

Quick summary: Philippine Stock Exchange: Cross-border listings guide: Baker mckenzie
resource hub. Home. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2023, from

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