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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University - General Santos

Barangay Fatima, General Santos City


Submitted by:

Torrefranca, Karla Loise L.

Submitted to:

Aguja, Marco

GEC101 MTH 9:00-10:30

December 2023
Create an essay on everything you have learned in this class. How important these
learnings are, and how would this impact your life moving forward? How would you use
this knowledge?

Right now all I feel is happiness from all the learnings I had from this class. It made
me a better person, to others and especially to myself. Everyday the wisdom and
knowledge I received from this class and the many wise philosophers I encountered
influenced me and my way of thinking, I finally found the right path towards discovering
my true and happy self, but before I delve into the learning of the new me, let’s turn back to
the first time the class and Sir enamored me with his power with words and wisdom.

First meeting with Sir Marco, he asked the question—“who here know’s what they
want?” & “who here has the plans on achieving latin honors?”. These two questions struck
me because before the start of the school year my family and I instilled to my mind to aim
for latin honors, and of course I desperately hoped to reach for that too because I know I
will only be valuable and worthy if I do. I am smart if I do. I am great if I do, but what he said
struck me the most. Reaching all of these and achieving no story worthy piece of your life
for the future, ask yourself, is it worth it? Is the honor worth losing so many experiences
you could encounter?

The second memorable and impactful thing I learned from this class is the way to
achieve true happiness. “Are you happy?” this question was asked to me so many times on
multiple occasions, yet, everytime I say yes, I feel hollow, and feel the truth coming out of
me. No I am not entirely happy, the happiness I feel right now is only temporary because I
don’t know how to make myself happy. Everything I do does not make me feel fulfilled and
satisfied. “When will I be satisfied?” Only when I find and establish my virtues through
knowledge, after that, then I can say that I am truly happy.

The third and definitely not the least most memorable thing I encountered in this
class is the power of socialization. For the first few weeks my blockmates and I only
conversed on a few situations, example of this is when we ask each other if the professor
has arrived or not, or if there was class. Our first significant interaction with each other
that I can say that really hit us off us “one” is the classes in GEC101. We conversed in long
and deep conversations when our first task was given, the situation analysis activity where
we had to decide who would survive in the end of the world and our greatest issue was how
we would ALL survive. After that activity, conversations were easy and interactions came

I think growing up I never had an issue in socializations because of numerous

leadership trainings, and public speaking workshops. I can say that I am a great
conversationalist, sometimes I have a hard time in expressing my true feelings but because
of these trainings pretending was easy, it was both a blessing and a curse. When I first
started in MSUGSC I mentally mapped out what I was going to do the whole semester and
my whole four years stay. However, the classes in GEC101 gave me a different viewpoint of
life and what would happen if I let the opportunities to live my life slip away. The classes
were so impactful that the journey I already planned for myself fell apart for me, and I
established myself a better plan for my future. For a better me and a better future for me.

The knowledge and wisdom I was able to learn through this class seeped into me
and I will use it as a guide to achieve my goals in life. Before my goals were only shallow, I
only looked at the reward at the end, overlooking the journey and the path I was taking.
Now, I am opening my eyes to all possible risks and possible mishaps that I will encounter
along the way. I will reach my goals as I find my identity and discover the face behind my
true happiness. This class has been a blessing, my heart and mind are now open to the
reality, and I will keep on smiling as I tread on the harsh seas, with the right map on my
hand, I will not be lost for I know the way and I bring the right character with me.

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