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Once upon a time there were Hare was fast. He loved to run.

No one
two friends. Tortoise and Hare could beat him.
Tortoise was slow. He didn’t run
The two friends were very anywhere. He took his time doing
different. everything
I bet i could
beat you in a
race !!!

Your’e so
slow !!!

I am not (Hare teased Hare made
Tortoise for
slow. I’m being slow) Tortoise mad ....

Okay. I will race
you !!
One Day ....
One sunny day, Tortoise stepped out of
him shell, getting ready for the race.
't be
u won e
a yo at m
ahah to be !!!
I'll show H ble oise
everyone that a ort
slow and steady
wins the race!

you Don’t b
a re !!! e too
I d ise confide
to nt
Tor haha Hare !!!
Ha I’ll show
e, I
As the race progressed, Hare grew overconfident and Meanwhil
d and
decided to take a nap. persevere
y way to
inched m
ost the finish
I'm alm !
Zzzzzzz there! e
t giv
zzzzz..... I won'

Hare woke up from his sleep and was surprised to see Tortoise

y God ng ?? y
m i
Oh i’m do alread ible
toise mpos
Tor ??? I Ih
sh !!! cha ave t
fini imm se h o
edi im
!!! tely
In the end, Tortoise guess slow and steady wins
the race, Hare muttered bitterly.
I ne
t he r e xpe c
To rt
o is e t e d
w in to

I told you
could bea Hare. I
t you in a
race !!!

That you can be more successful by

The Moral doing things slowly and steadily than
of Story by acting quickly and carelessly.

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