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Definitions, Models, and Ethics

a social process in which individuals employ symbols
to establish and interpret meaning in their

social; the notion that people and interactions are
part of the communication process

process; ongoing, dynamic, and unending


symbol; arbitrary label given to a phenomenon

meaning; what people extract from a message

environment; situation or context in which

communication occurs
Communication as Action:
The Linear Model
Communication as Interaction:
The Interactional Model
Communication as Transaction:
The Transactional Model
The Value of Understanding
Communication Theory

Cultivates Recognize the Make Fosters

Critical Thinking Breadth and Depth Sense of Personal Self­Awareness
Skills of Research Life Experiences

Learning how to apply Communication Communication About who you are,

the theory to own life, theory will help you theory aids in how are you in society,
recognizing research appreciate the richness understanding how you influence
potential of the theory, of research across people, media, and others, how you
understanding how a various fields of study events and helps influenced by media
particular theory answer important
evolved questions

“Communication, as both a
discipline and an ‘interdiscipline’ or
field, is poised to play a unique role
perceived rightness
in advancing discussions of ethics
or wrongness of an
because the field offers an array of
action or behavior
concepts and principles attuned to
the examination of ethics”


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