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Podcast outline

Opening jingle-

I’m Ellena Lee and this is fashion for failure, on today’s episode we will be covering what is
fast fashion and why is it popular and rising in prominence, following a company that’s an
example of this (Shein).

Later on, in this episode I will be introducing you to Isla who has her own opinion to share on
fast fashion which will contrast against my second guests’ opinions, tom.

Shein is a fast fashion brand which makes and distributes 10,000 new products every day,
Shein faces many examples of scandals against them, including accusations of theft of ideas
for products, un ethical working environments/ hours and environmental issues to do with
landfill and more.

On this podcast we will be going into deeper detail about these issues and people’s personal
opinions and stories in the media about it.


Meet my first guest Isla,

Isla has a background in having strong opinions about doing better for the environment and
society and is very into debating- as I’ve heard-

Welcome Isla

*After introducing Isla, we dive into her and her opinions on fast fashion
Then after this I ask her 3 questions

Isla what social controversy do you think is rife at the moment? - and how?

What controversy do you feel strongest about?

Why do you think it’s important?


Now are you ready to meet my second guest tom, who has hmm different views.

This is tom, who has a background in buying from shein and par-takes in fulling fast fashion
*After introducing tom we dive into him and his opinions on fast fashion
Then after this I ask his 3 questions

Tom what social controversy do you think is rife at the moment? - and how?

What controversy do you feel strongest about?

Why do you think it’s important?


So, let’s talk all about how artists have filed a racketeering lawsuit accusing Shein of stealing
their designs…

The guardian in the same month, three independent designers, Krista Perry, Larissa Martinez,
and Jay Baron all filed a law suit in the US alleging that Shein sold exact copies of their work
and that this is a regular act for shein.


A congressional report says Shein abuses a loophole in import tax laws…

According to the June congressional report, Shein and Temu paid no duty fees on imports to
the U.S. in 2022. In comparison, H&M paid $205 million.


Lawmakers have called for an investigation into alleged use of forced labour…

 The 75-hour working week violates both Shein's Supplier Code of Conduct and
Chinese labour law.

 workers were penalized two-thirds of their daily wage if they made a mistake on a
clothing item. The reported hours and working conditions violate China's labor laws.

After this short break we are going to look at the opposition view…

-Sweeper interlude

And were back! Let’s chat!

In contradiction to all of this there is the opposing side of the argument which is that in these
LIDC countries these jobs keep people alive and the citizens of Bangladesh, Vietnam, India,
Pakistan and China wouldn’t have food or a roof without the job even if its un ethical would
it cause more poverty without them?


“And if we wish for those in developing countries to be elevated out of poverty,

the answer is a resounding no, banning sweatshops would not benefit workers.
It would, however, perpetuate the cycle of poverty”

So, whose right and whose wrong?


Tom and isla does any of this not make you think differently about shopping at shein?

And how does this make you feel have any of your opinions changed?



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