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Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Biology grade 10
(Bilingual program)
• Levels of Organization of Life
Semester • Part of cells
1 • Biomolecule
• Cellular transport

Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Unit 1: Levels of Organization of Life

Atoms Smallest, basic unit of matter that can’t be divided

Molecule Group of atoms/ composed of different particles of atoms

Organells/ Different, small parts of cell made up of molecules for living

biomolecule things

Cell Smallest unit of life

Tissue Main component of organ

Organ Made up of body tissues that perform similar function

Body system Composed of different organs to perform specific life processes

Organism Individual living thing belong to certain specie

Population Group of living things with similar species

Community Collection of different groups of all living things

Ecosystem Interaction between living things and their environment

Biome Area which is every where on Earth capable of supporting life

Biosphere Sphere of Earth composed different forms of lifes

Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Plant-only 1. Cell wall

1. Chloroplast  Chlorophyll
2. Amyloplast

Animal-only 1. Lysosome

Commons 1. Cell membrane

2. Ribosomes
3. Nucleus
4. Nucleolus
5. Smooth ER
6. Rough ER
7. Cytoplasm
8. Golgi body
9. Centrosome
10. Vacuole
11. Nuclear membrane
12. Mitochondrion
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Unit 2: Part of cells

1. Division on kind of organisms
Unicellular _Singled-celled organism _Bacteria
_Function and perform process independently _

Multicellular _Many-celled organism _Human

_Each cell perform a specific function _Plant
_Work together for living process

2. Division on kind of cells

Eukaryotic With nucleus

Prokaryotic Without nucleus

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3. Main part of cells

Name Describe Function

Cell membrane _Made up of proteins, lipids and fats _Enclose contents of living cells
“gate” _Elastic and semi permeable membrane _Allow passage of some substances

Cell wall _thick wall _Maintain shape of plants cells

_Made up of chain of carbohydrate and sugars _Protect from damages

Nucleus _spherical structure _control cellular activities

_at center of cell _contain genetic information DNA

Cytoplasm _clear, thick jellylike material _cite of all cellular activities

_place where other parts of cells stay in

4. Organelles
Name Descriptions Function
Centrioles _small, dark bodies _play important role in cell division
+ mitosis:
+ meiosis:

Chloroplast _ _Give green color to plant

Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Unit 3: Biomolecule
1. General idea

Definition _most essential organic molecules

_maintenance and metabollic process of cell
_divided into macromolecule and polymers then into 4 major classes

Biological molecule: produced by cell of living organism

Macromolecule: requird by body in big amount in biological processes
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

2. Major types (general)

Monomer Role (producing) Elements Source/Example
Chemical compostition
Carbohydrates Monosacharide _energy C–H–O _Sugar
/glucose _Fiber
(beer, bread, cereal)

Lipids Fatty acids and glycerol _energy C–H–O _Fats

_hormones _Natural oil

Proteins Amino acid _energy CHON – PS _Meat

_hormones _Egg
_enzymes _Milk
_anti-bodies _Brocoli

Nucleic Acids Nucleotide _protein CHON – P Dna

_sugar group _provide genetic information Rna (m/r/t)
_phosphate group
_nitrogen base
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

2. Major types (details)

Importance Structure
Carbohydrates Saccharides _2 types: simple and complex
-> (break down) glucose
->blood stream

_glucose utilized to produce ATP

(Adenosine Triphosphate)

_Simple divided into 3 types:

+ composed 1/2/3 monomer
+ respectively (Mono/Di/Oligo)

+ composed of series/network of
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Lipids _structural component of cell membrane _Fats:

_help proper digestion and absorption of food • Provide insulation
• Store energy in long period
_4 types:
• Fats (Natural oil, fat) _Steroids:
• Steroids • Chemical messengers of body
• Phospholipid • Cholesterol, hormones
• Waxes
• Main component of cell membrane

• Cover some plants leaves, feathers, cuticles of some insects
• Plankton (sv phù du) energy storages

Proteins _Enzymes: _8 special types (or more):

• carry chemical reaction within a cell
• Regenerate and create DNA

• Balance components of body

• Immunoglobulin, immune system
• Repair, heal body from foreign

• Body movement
• Create fats, become part of fats cell
( when in excess amount )
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Nucleic Acids _store transmit genetic information

_DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid
_RNA: Ribonucleic Acid
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Cellular transport
1. Cell structure chemically

• Cell: mixture of water and chemical

• Mixture solvent: substance dissovle solute (water)
• Mixture solute: substance being dissolved (chemical)
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

2. Cell membrane structure

3. Homeostasis:
• feature of living cell
• balance internal substances in body

4. Cell movement (into and out of cell)

a) Passive transport / _Normal flow of substances
diffusion _Movement of substances from higher to lower concentration without require energy
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

_Has 2 types: simple and facilitated

• Faciliated diffusion _Movement of substances/charge particles across cell membrane using transport proteins
from higher to lower concentration
( channel protein or carrier protein )

_Substances inclue charged molecules: Carbohydrates, Amino Acid, Nucleotides, Ions

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• Simple diffusion _Movement of substances across cell membrane

_Substances include simple molecules: O2, CO2, H2O
➔ Things can be easily absorb

• Osmosis _diffusion of water

(simple diffusion)
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_Istonic: equal solute and solvent => cell balance

_Hypertonic: more solvent inside => it had to release out => cell shrink
_Hypotonic: more solute inside => water need to get it => cell turgid => may be burst

b) Active transport _Movement of substances from lower to higher concentration require energy
(reverse of diffusion) _Movement of bigger substances inside and out side of cell
_Has 2 types: endocytosis and exocytosis
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✓ Endocytosis _movement of materials from lower to higher concentration inside cell

_into 3 types:
• Phagocytosis
• Pinocytosis
• Receptor-meditated endocytosis
Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

✓ Exocytosis _movement of materials from lower to higher concentration outside cell

Knowledgeproducer566 (studypool)

Credit to: Knowledgeproducer566

From: studypool

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