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Ivan Al Farizi

Kelas A
Rabu, Oktober 2019

1. The principle of classification in Linguistics is about how the things or languages are recognized
and identified as actual and particular instance of general and abstract type, linguistics
categorize and define the abstraction concept of language from actuality and by understanding
certain generalities from particulars. like another Classification on the basis of similarity, the
principle in Linguistic also determines the classification based on similarities. in simple
explanation, every sounds or letters that can be understand the purpose and conduct implicit or
explicit meaning will classified as Language, even Bahasa Indonesia and English has many
different identical features but they both classified as Human Language. Of course, there are
various limitation in determining form of sounds and letters defined as Language. Specifically,
the part of Language will be classified based on various aspects such as Syntax, Phonetic,
Semantic, and so on.
(Word Count :141 Words)

2. In English Morphology (-ing) is a suffix or affix which is placed after the root word that used
to make one of the inflected forms of English verbs, this verbs form can used as a Present
Participle, as a Gerund, and sometimes as an independent Noun or Adjective. (-ing) can not
stand alone, as an affix (-ing) must attached to some words or other, and when it attached it
brings about various changes. In another case, not all of (-ing) can be observe as an affix. For
example, the (-ing) sound at Thing word, the sound is actually same, but that –ing is not an affix
because word "th" is not a stem word that has a meaning by itself. Bahasa Indonesia also has
similar concept of using Affixes. one of the example is prefix (ber-), by adding this prefix to
verb, noun or adjective root words, it can change the results that often means being something,
having something, having certain attribute, and so on.
(Word Count : 166 words)

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