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Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct forms.

1. He (go)……………to the last meeting, but he didn't.
2. By the time you come here again, this palace (build) …………….
3. The yesterday accident is thought (cause)……………by human error.
4. We (cook)……………all day for the party that evening and by 8 o'clock we still weren't ready.
5. It is highly desirable that every effort (make)……………to reduce expenditure.
6. (There, be)……………any errors, let me know.
7. His (take)……………ill was quite unexpected.
8. In 20 hours' time. I (relax)……………on my yacht.
9. It was a boring show. I would rather (not go)……………there.
10.It was a close call. We (kill)…………….
In democratic countries, any efforts (11) (restrict)……………the freedom of the press are rightly condemned.
However, this freedom (12) (easily, abuse)……………Stories about people often attract far more public attention
than political events. Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether we
would equally enjoy reading about ourselves. (13) (act) …………… on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters
can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives. Newspapers exert tremendous
influence that they cannot only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but (14) (even, overthrow)
……………a government.
The story of a poor family that (15) (acquire)……………fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates
the power of the press. The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town in South Dakota. As the parents had five children,
life was a perpetual struggle against poverty. They (16) (expect)……………their sixth child and (17) (face)
……………with even more pressing economic problems. If they had had only one more child, the fact would have
passed unnoticed. They (18) (continue) …………… to struggle against economic odds and would have lived in
obscurity. But they suddenly became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy, an event which radically
changed their lives. The day after the birth of the five children, a plane arrived in Aberdeen (19) (bring) ……………
sixty reporters and photographers. The
news was of national importance, for the poor couple (20) (become)……………the parents of the only quintuplets in
Man has made great strides in all the fields of science, particularly medicine. For instance, research work in
the laboratories at last (21. conquer)……………..poliomyelitis, one of the most devastating diseases. Although the
Salk vaccine (22. not be)…………… hundred percent effective, it (23. decrease) ……………..the cases of polio
Tuberculosis once (24. know)…………… the while plague (25. study)……………..intensively. As a
matter of fact, it is curable if it is delected in its early stages. We still have cancer (26. deal) …………….. with, but
research workers and doctors all over the world arc striving to find a way to prevent and cure it. (27. Judge)
……………..from past experience we can expect that encouraging news
(28. issue)……………..from time to time.
Heart disease, the greatest killer of mankind, is now in the process of being overcome. An example of the
techniques that (29. develop)…………… that of heart massage: when a heart stops nowadays while the patient is
under anesthesia, the doctor opens the chest, massages the heart and revises the patient. Even a few years ago, such
an operation would (30. be)……………..inconceivable.
The Sun today is a yellow dwarf star. It (31)…………….(fuel) by thermonuclear reactions near its center that
convert hydrogen to helium. The Sun (32) ……………. (exist) in its present stale for about 4 billion 600 million
years and it’s thousands of times larger than the Earth.
Once the Sun (33) ……………. (use) up its thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it (34) ……………. (begin)
to shrink. After (35) ……………. (shrink) to the size of the Earth, it will become a white dwarf star. The Sun may
throw off huge amounts of gases in violent eruptions called nova explosions as it changes from a red giant to a white
After billions of years as a white dwarf, the Sun (36) ……………. (use) all its fuel and (37) ………… (lose)
its heat. Such a star is called a black dwarf. After the Sun (38) ……………. (become) a black dwarf, the Earth will be
dark and cold. If any atmosphere (39) ……………. (remain) there, it (40) ……………. (freeze) onto the Earth
41. Tom together with Peter ……………. (just vote) as group leaders.
42. He can’t stand ……………. (tell) what to do; therefore, he never stops ……………. (make) effort to be the best.
43. ……………. (take) a good look. That part of dyke……………. (collapse) a few days ago. The
currents……………. (be) very strong since then. Something (do)……………about it.
44. That was a lucky escape. We……………. (kill).
45. It is imperative that the assignments……………(hand) in tomorrow.
46. His demand was that he……………(be) the first to speak.
47. The government has decreed that traffic regulations……………(introduce) to schools.
48. It was your fault to keep Tim……………(wait) for you so long. You……………(not, come) so late.
49. He used to be the boss, but now he is……………(reduce) to……………(work) for his one-time employee.
50. On the second of next month, he……………(work) in this laboratory for two years.
51. I’d sooner you……………(not, injure) those poor animals to evaluate the effects of pain-killing drugs because
most of them died after the experiments.
52. They were pleased……………(admit) to university.
53. I cannot bear the thought of someone……………(allow) their pets……………(foul) the children’s playgrounds.
54. He resented……………(be) unjustly accused and implored the judge……………(reconsider) the trial.
55. You……………(work) non-stop on your favorite experiments for the last three weeks. It’s time you ……………
(stop) for a break.
56. Tuan Quynh came very close to …………… (choose) to take part in the Olympics Athens.
57. There……………(seem)……………(be) a fight here. Everything is smashed to bits.
58. My sister disliked her maths teacher because he……………(always, pick) on her.
59.Since the new services……………(introduce), more people……………(take) to……………(travel) by bus
instead of on their private motorcycles.
60. He (change) a lot since he (love) her. He ( turn) over a new leaf.
I(61)…………….(be) tired. It (62) ……………. (be) one-lhirty in the morning, and I just (63) ……….
(have) my farewell party. The last guest (64) …………….(leave) a few minutes ago. A lot of my friends (65)
……………. (go) away, too. Pat and Robert (66) ……………. (go) to London University, so I (67) ………… (see)
them there. The others (68) ……………. (go) all over the place - to colleges, jobs and medical training.
We (69) ……………. (have) a marvelous party. Dad (70) ……………. (make) some punch. Someone (71)
……………. (start) Scottish dancing, so we all (72) ……………. (join) in. I (73) ………… (hale) (74)…………….
(learn) Scottish dancing at school, but it (75) ……………. (be) hilarious tonight.
Chris (76) ……………. (bring) me a record of the American folk singer, Bob Dylan, whose concert we once
(77) ……………. (attend) together. Chris always (78) ……………. (be) nice to me. He (79) ……
(stay) in Nottingham (80)……………. (work) in his father’s office.
81. I think that people .…………..(become) tired of the poor quality of television programs, though they .…………..
(improve) lately.
82. I.…………..(consider) buying a house but now I (change) my mind.
83. They admitted to.…………..(be) members of the gang.
84. We regret.…………..(inform) you that your application (turn).…………..down.
85. It is essential that he.…………..(arrive) before six.
86. I’d rather.…………..(live) in Ancient Greece than Ancient Rome.
87. It’s bound.…………..(rain) tomorrow.
88. I can’t bear the thought of you (go)……………..home without someone (accompany) ……………
89. It is essential that your wife (take)…………… of the child better.
90. He (die) ……………..of cancer last year. He (smoke) ……………..a lot.
91. The news about the earthquake in the Philippines (already broadcast) ……………..on radio several times so far.
92. He looked frightened as if he (see) …………….. a ghost.
93. (Convince) ……………..that they (try) ……………..; to poison him, he refused to eat anything.
94. You (not go) ……………..there as he was not expecting you.
95. Once (bite), twice shy.

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