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Once there lived a chieftain who had a beautiful daughter named

Liwayway. One day Liwayway went into the woods to gather fruits and flowers
but unfortunately lost her way. She became unconscious when a wild beast ran
after her. When she came to, she saw a young man bending over her. He was
the son of another chieftain. When they parted, each one knew they were in love
with each other.

One day the young man was going away to fight the white men who had
invaded their land. The lovers promised never forget each other saying “Sumpa
kita.” But the warrior never came back. In sorrow, the maiden killed herself.
Sometime later, shrubs with fragrant flowers 6grew on her grave. People
believed that Liwayway’s love grew and bloomed. It became a custom for
young lovers after that to exchange garlands of these flowers as token of their
faithful love. They whispered “I promise” (Sumpa kita) to each other. In time
the flowers became known as sampaguita. It is adopted as our national flower
because of its fragrance and simplicity.

1. Who is Liwayway?
2. Why did she go to the woods?
3. What happened when a wild beast ran after her?
4. What did she see when she regained consciousness?
5. Who was the young man the maiden saw?

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