Sergio Suico Osmenia

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Sergio Suico Osmeña to unite the people and restoration of the people's faith in the government

 The leadership of president sergio osmeña west challenge by widespread  President quirino made it a point to establish good communication lines
poverty scarcity of food and water and spread of communicable diseases. to the hukbalahap. In order to prove to the people that you was serious in
What filipino people screws on the other hand was again put to test. is foul to restore peace and order in the country inigo treated with luis
taruc in malacañang palace. The result of such negotiation was the
 President sergio osmenia 130 country to recover from the remnants of the granting of amnesty to the huks.
second world war in order for the government to be effective in helping
the country achieve its full recovery he decided to reorganize the  Peace talks and negotiations between quirino and taruc failed because
government majority of his demands were turned down by the philippine government
after spending 50 days in manila taruc went back to the mountains and
 Osmenya restore the executive departments/ civilian rule in the continued his armed struggle.
provinces, which are suspended during the outbreak of the second world
war President quirino did not only as your peace and order in a country he also stabilize the
philippine currency by publishing the central bank of the philippines
Manuel Acuña Roxas
He also exposed philippines into the international community and reached out to
different asian countries like thailand south korea nationalist china australia india and
 Manuel roxas was the first president of the third republic the third
president of the philippine commonwealth and the fifth president of the
Ramon Del Fierro Magsaysay
 It was a nice administration of the united states granted the philippines
its independence. The proclamation of the philippine independence from Ramon magsaysay was the third president of the republic and the 7th president of the
the united states was set on july 4 1946. It was also in his administration philippines
when the congress approve the bell trade relations act and the philippine
rehabilitation act President ramon magsaysay was known in history as the champion of the masses. How
according to him those who have less in life should have more in law.
Bell trade relations act
The members of SEATO formed an alliance that each had the responsibility to help one
 This was introduced by us congressman C. Jasper Bell. It provided for an another in case an armed conflict arises in the respective territories
80-year free trade relations between the philippines and the united states
until 1954  Magsaysay light-curing applied to reach out to the Huks and later made
luis taruc surrender to the philippine government. This success was
Philippine Rehabilitation Act achieved through that benigno ninoy aquino who was elected as a senator
of the philippines from 1967 to 1972

 This law provided for the appropriation of 620 million dollars in order to
have the philippine government in the rehabilitation projects. However an  President magsaysay by president manuel roxas was not able to complete
amount of more than 500 million dollars should not be released unless his term. On march 17 1957 magsaysay died in a plane crash in mount
the philippines and the united states reached the parity rights manunggal cebu
agreements which required for the amendment of the 1935 constitution.
This act would only take effect if the condition set by the bell trade Carlos Polistico Garcia
relations act were met.

After learning the project event that killed president magsaysay vice president carlos p
Other achievements of the roxas administration were the following: garcia served his unfinished term. In 1957 elections here on as presidential candidate of
the nationalista party
 Electrification prohects
He was elected that is vice president candidate was lost to liberal parties vice president
 Vocational Training programs diosdado macapagal

 Establishment of credit unions and financing institutions to grant loans Carlos p garcia was the fourth president of the third republic and the 8th president of the
for individuals and corporations philippines

 Establishment of different organization to promote the welfare of farmers Carlos p garcia was known for his austerity programs that he thought would improve the
living conditions of the filipino masses. HIS SPEECH

President roxas presidency was cut short when he died of heart attack myocardial
infarction on april 15 1948 he was replaced by vice president in elpidio quirino. Austerity as a policy means temperate sending it signifies work more thrift more
productive investment and more efficiency it means less exports and less extravagant
consumption it is a challenge to a resiliency as as a people to change.
Elpidio Rivera Quirino

He also initiated some measures in reducing importation of luxury goods which was back
Two days after the death of president manuel a roxas elpidio quirino flew back from
by strengthen local goods and products
visayas to take his oath of office as the new president of the third republic

The filipino first policy was aimed to improve the economic condition of the people under
Elpidio quirino was the second president of the third republic and the six president of the
this policy filipino businessman should be given priority to all economic transactions
unfortunately this program did not get much support to filipinos who have strong
preference for imported goods
President quirino have the same focus light that of roxas. Restoration of peace and order

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