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NOTE: Pls read the slides.


THE GLOBAL DIVIDE (3rd slide; pls read the ppt)

(1st slide) Global divide - a product of

- The socioeconomic and political
divisions of earth
- Concept of the gap between
the global north and global south
in terms of: development and
wealth The global north - equal in
- Since globalization isn’t evenly development, wealthier, more
spread, there will always be an democratic
imbalance in the socioeconomic - 4 out of 5 members of the UN
and political categories in the security council belong to the
world. global north: france, uk, us, russia
- The member country that
(2nd slide) belongs to the global south is
china (might be asked in the

(4th slide; pls read the ppt)

- Countries have also been

grouped based on labor or
Core - Dominant capitalist countries
which exploit the peripheral countries
- Democracy is more fragile
for labor and raw material.
- Is associated with the term “third
- Richer countries
Peripheral - Dependent on the core
countries for capital and have
underdeveloped industry.
- Poor countries
Semi - Have the qualities of the rich and
poor countries
Regionalization - The more
(5th slide; pls read the ppt) integrated/connected a region is, the
more regionalized it becomes
Regionalism - High in HK, China, Japan,

(2nd slide;pls read the ppt)

- This model was used when the US

and USSR were the most
dominant in the world.

First world - embraces US capitalism

- Supports the US
Second world - supported

- As time passed, the term second

world has become obsolete - Having a big land mass means
- The HDI (Human development that asia also has more natural
index) classify countries by resources. Having more people
development means that asia has more human
- The philippines belongs to the resources.
“medium group” - 3/10 of our products today is
asian made.
ASIAN REGIONALISM (3rd slide; pls read the ppt)

(1st slide; pls read the ppt)

a. Our type of regionalism is the decision is 100% supported by
needs-based. Example: Japan for ALL the members
electronics, UAE for oil - ASEAN uses this rules
c. membership in asia is not Majority rule - majority wins
d. outward-orientated meaning we (5th slide; read ppt lang)
fosters relationships with the world.

(4th slide; pls read ppt)


1. Must be needs-based
2. ADB Asian development bank
- Functions similarly with the world
3. JICA - japanese organization that
grants money to poorer
4. MEPS - Mactan export processing
zone. Is a good example for
number four.
5. ASEAN +3 are japan, south korea,
and china
- ASEAN is the most formal
organization asia has
6. Consensus rule - indicates that if
dili mu abot og 100% ang votes,
there will be NO decision
- Under this rule, it is hard to come
up with a decision. However,
once there is one, this means that

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