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Name : Ilham Widyachandra

NIM : 3212221009
Class : Kimia Regular Sore A 22’

Task 1. Make the following sentences passive. Follow the example

Model : He wrote the letter → The letter was written.
1. Q : We met the boys at the department store.
A : The boys were met at the department store.

2. Q : They have received the message since this morning.

A : The message had been received since this morning.

3. Q : They are conducting a study

A : A study is being conducted.

4. Q : We haven’t heard him in a long time.

A : He hadn’t been heard in a long time.

5. Q : You must sign out the books from the library.

A : The books must be signed out from the library.

6. Q : They will look at your proposal tomorrow.

A : Your proposal will be looked at tomorrow.

7. Q : The researcher had discontinued the experiment.

A : The experiment had been discontinued.

8. Q : They hadn’t told us the reason.

A : The reason hadn’t been told.

9. Q : The bank was going to stop our payment.

A : Our payment is going to be stopped.

10. Q : The children have eaten the cake.

A : The cake has been eaten.

11. Q : The company is building a supertanker.

A : A supertanker is being built.

12. Q : The committee will hold the exam in room 225.

A : The exam will be held in room 225.

13. Q : We need to discuss the problem before we leave this country.

A : The problem needs to be discussed before we leave this country.

14. Q : Someone should repair the disc player.

A : The disc player should be repaired.

15. Q : They didn’t inform us of the change of plans.

A : We hadn’t been informed of the change of plans.

16. Q : The instructors are encouraging their students to speak English.

A : Their students are being encouraged to speak English.
17. Q : She is asking everyone to cooperate.
A : Everyone is being asked to cooperate.

18. Q : He has brought up some excellent ideas.

A : Some excellent ideas have been brought up.

19. Q : We have appreciated her help.

A : Her help has been appreciated.

20. Q : He hadn’t warned them to run.

A : They hadn’t been warned to run.

Task 2. Change the verbs in the bracket into the correct form.

1. Q : The entire valley ________ from their mountains home. (can + see)
A : The entire valley can be seen from their mountains home.

2. Q : All of them ________ the whole scenery from the hill. (can + see)
A : All of them can see the whole scenery from the hill.

3. Q : All of our composition _______ in ink. (must + write)

A : All of our composition must be written in ink.

4. Q : The teacher said that all students _________ the letter. (must + write)
A : The teacher said that all students had to write the letter.

5. Q : I found this book on my desk when I came to class. It ______ by one of the students in their class.
(may + leave)
A : I found this book on my desk when I came to class. It might be left by one of the students in their

6. Q : Kris has been told that he _______ the house by the back door. (may + leave)
A : Kris has been told that he may be left the house by the back door.

7. Q : As human beings, we ______ Rhinoceros from extinction. (have to + save)

A : As human beings, we have to save Rhinoceros from extinction.

8. Q : Komodos are animals that ______ from extinction. (have to + save)

A : Komodos are animals that have to be saved from extinction.

9. Q : Some UFO sightings _______ easily. (couldn’t + explain)

A : Some UFO sightings couldn’t be explained easily.

10. Q : Today, many people still _______ the work of computer. (couldn’t + explain)
A : Today, many people still couldn’t explain the work of computer.

11. Q : Many types of computers ___________ by young children. (can + operate)

A : Many types of computers can be operated by young children.

12. Q : The hospital in that small town is very old and can no longer serve the needs of the community.
A new hospital _______ soon. (have to + built)
A : The hospital in that small town is very old and can no longer serve the needs of the community.
A new hospital have to be built soon.
Task 3. Find out sentences with passive form in the text entitled Atoms and Molecules on page 9.
a. As a substance, an element cannot be broken down into other substances.
b. Elements are composed of atoms.
c. Most substances are made of two or more elements.
d. The molecules is written like this in chemistry – H2O.

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