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V ol. 18 No.


Study on the Machining Distortion of Thin walled Part

Caused by Redistribution of Residual Stress

WANG Zhao jun, CHEN Wu yi, ZHANG Yi du, CH EN Zhi tong , L IU Qiang
( School of M echanical Engineer ing and A utomati on , Beij i ng Univer si ty of A eronauti cs
and A st ronaut ics, Beij ing 100083 , Chi na)

Abstract: In or der to reduce the w eight of airplane and increase its mechanical behaviors, more and
more larg e integrated parts ar e applied in modern aviat ion industr y. When machining t hin walled aer o
plane parts, more than 90% of the mater ials would be removed, resulting in sev ere distortion of the
parts due to t he weakened rigidity and the release of residual str ess. T his might also lead to str ess co n
centration and damag e of the parts. T he effect of mater ial removal from residually stressed billet is simu
lated using F EA softw ar e M SC. Marc and the causations of disto rtion is analyzed. T o verify the finite el
ement simulation, a high speed milling test on aluminum alloy 7050T 7351 is carried out . T he results
show that the simulation result is co nsistent with the ex perimental one. It is concluded that the release of
r esidual stress is t he main cause of machining distort ion.
Key words: finite element method; simulat ion; residual stress; machining distort ion
残余应力重分布引起的薄壁零件加工变形研究. 王兆 峻, 陈五一, 张以都, 陈志 同, 刘强. 中国 航空
学报( 英文版) , 2005, 17( 2) : 175- 179.
摘 要: 现代航空工业中为 减轻 飞机重 量, 提高 飞机的 各项 机械性 能, 整体 构件 越来 越多 地被 使
用。加工大型整体 薄壁构件时, 有 90% 以上的材料 被切削 加工去 除, 由 于材料 去除后零 件刚度 的
降低以及 应力的释放, 造成过大的加工变形。本文用 M SC. M arc 有限元 软件仿真了 铝合金预 拉伸
板材料去 除对于加工变形的影响, 并分析 了加工 变形的 成因。为验 证有限 元结果 的正确 性, 在 高
速数控铣床上加工了同样的试件。结果表明仿真结果与实验结果 一致, 残余应力的 释放与重 分布
关键词: 有限元法; 仿真; 残余应力; 加工变形
文章编号: 1000 9361( 2005) 02 0175 05 中图分类号: V214. 4 + 1 文献标识码: A

M odern aviation is developing t owards high

speed and heavy load. A lot of thin w alled aero
plane components, machined f rom solid aluminum
billet s rat her t han assembled from separate parts,
have been increasing ly applied in modern aviat ion
indust ry t o reduce the assembly t ime/ costs and t o Fig . 1 T he deformed shape of thin w alled part
improve t he performance of the planes. T hese part s after machining
are thin in t hickness, com plex in st ruct ure and
( 1) F ix an aluminum blank on the w orkt able.
tight in machining tolerance. Due t o t he w eakened
( 2) Perform a 2 D machining on the t op sur
rigidit y and the release of residual st ress aft er more
f ace w ith small DOC and reach t he size of the 2 D
than 90% of t he mat erials are removed, severe dis
profile direct ly, i . e. , leaving no allow ance for fin
t ortion is of ten observed on the part s, F ig 1.
Presently, t he procedure to machine a large
( 3) M achine the blank layer by layer t ill ar
scale integrat ed part in w orkshops is oft en arranged
riving at t he f inal shape.
as f ollows:
R eceived dat e: 2004 10 10; R evision received dat e: 2005 01 24
Foundation it em: N at ional Defen ce Fundamental Research

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176 WA NG Zhao jun, CHEN Wu yi, ZHAN G Y i du, CHEN Zhi tong, L IU Q iang CJA

( 4) Unf ast en t he part from t he w orkt able. 1 1 Material properties

At t his st age, unacceptably large distort ions T he mat erial of t he part is aero aluminum al
of ten occurres. T he highly distort ed part may no loy 7050T 7351. T he alloy is assumed t o be an elas
long er be able t o serve its designated f unctionalit y t ic plast ic material. Its physical specif icat ions are
or may require signif icant reworking to render it s listed in T able 1.
funct ion. T hese problems result in high scrap rates Table 1 Physical parameters of aluminum
and increase manuf acturing costs. alloy 7075T7351 [ 6]
It is assumed that t he release and t he redist ri Propert ies V alue Remark
bution of t he residual stresses in the billet are t he Y oung s modulus 71 GPa
major reasons of t he distort ions. T he residual st ress Poission s rat io 0. 33
comes mainly from t he rolling process of the billet s Densit y 2800 kg/ m 3
and is also influenced, t houg h less signif icant ly, by Thermal conduct ivit y 155 W/ m ! 25 !

cut ting f orce, fastening force, cut t ing t em pera Specif ic heat 960 J/ kg ! 100 !

t ure, etc. Many methods to eliminat e residual 1. 2 Geometry of the part

st ress have been adopted. Af ter a rolled aluminum T he blank of the part is a pre stretched alu
blank is st ret ched along rolling direct ion to produce m inum plate. Its dimension is 300 mm ∀ 104 m m
2 5% permanent distort ion, it s residual st ress ∀ 24 mm. A t hin w alled st ruct ure is desig ned sim
magnitude may drop 90% . Anot her effect ive ilar to a t ypical aero plane component , see F ig 2.
[ 1]
met hod is uphill quenching . Nevert heless, it
seems impossible t o elim inat e t he residual st ress
complet ely. Machining distort ion may occur as
long as t he residual stress ex ist s.
T he residual stress and its measurement w ere
ext ensively invest igat ed during 1970 s t o 1990
s[ 2 4] . T he dist ribut ion of the residual st resses par
t icularly in aluminum billet s w as st udied by Wang,
[ 5] Fig. 2 Designed specimen
et al . How ever, its effect s on m achining dist or
t ion and t he t echnique to reduce the dist ortion have Due t o its symmetry, t he 1/ 2 model is used,
not yet been f ully explored. T he paper present ed and t he model is divided into 49896 elements and
here det ailes a research concerning t he effect of ma 55600 nodes. F ig 3 is the F EA model of t he block
t erial removal on the dist ortion of the thin w alled in simulat ion.
part s vi a FEM sim ulat ion and experim ent al w ork.

1 F EM Simulation of M achining Distortion

During the CNC machining process, m any
factors, such as residual stress, cutt ing force, cut
t ing temperature, fastening f orce, f ix ture conf igu
rat ion et c. are not t aken into considerat ion, when
coding the CNC machining program. T o reveal t he
real eff ect s of t hese f actors on the m achining pro
cess, a f inite element simulation can be adopt ed.
F ig. 3 F EA M odel
T he FEM simulat ion of t he cut ting process has
g reat value t o understand t he cut t ing process and t o 1. 3 Boundary conditions
reduce t he number of ex periments. T he f inite element met hod is a pow erful tool

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M ay 2005 St udy on t he M achining D istortion of T hin w alled Part Caused by R edist ribution of R esidual St ress 177

to assess potent ial distort ions caused by the ma er is removed. Fig 6 is t he def ormat ion nephogram
chining process. It provides a good approx imate so when t he removed lay er is 9 mm in thickness.
lut ion to continuum problems. T he FEA sof tw are
M SC. Marc is used t o analyze t he dist ort ions for it
can define the elements to be inact ive. T his tech
nique can simulat e the met al removal act ion in cut
t ing procedure.
Once the part is fixed on t he worktable, it can
not move t o the t able but can move away from it.
M ost FEA soft w are, including MSC. M arc, does
not provide single side const raint . In t his paper
cont act analysis has been used for t he solut ion of
single side constraint in order t o simulat e t he real
Fig . 6 Distortion w hen 9 mm layer is removed
fixt ure more aut hent ically. T he w orkt able is con
sidered as a rig id body in t he F EA model, so t he It can be seen from Fig 5 t hat the deformat ion
part can not move tow ards it. increases st ep by step unt il the fourt h layer is
1. 4 Simulation Results reached. T hen it drops dow n f rom t he fourt h t o
In the simulat ion, t he part mat erial is re the sixt h layer. During the removal of the last
moved layer by layer. Each layer is 3mm in thick three layers the def orm at ion varies very lit tle. It is
ness ex cept t he last layer that is 2mm thick. T he anticipated that w it h more and more met al being
removed layer is set to be inact ive to simulate t he removed, t he distort ion w ill increase.
milling process. In order to st udy t he deformat ion T he reason w hy t he distort ion decreases when
of t he bot tom point # A ∃ is chosen, Fig 4. Fig 5 half of the material has been cut aw ay m ay be ex
shows the deformation of point # A ∃ af ter each lay plained as follow s.
Wit h the removal of the residually st ressed
mat erial, t he rem aining st resses in the workpiece
redistribut e t o reach new equilibrium . For pre
stret ched aluminum billet s, the surf ace is more
likely t o ex hibit t ensile stress[ 7] . T he inner part of
the piece is t herefore st ressed compressively . T hat
is, t he stress changes from t he t op surf ace t o t he
bott om in a tensile com pressive t ensile manner.
T he FEA result s using M SC. M arc show t hat when
Fig. 4 Point selected to measure the defor mation three layers of t otally 9 mm material have been re
moved, t he stress distribut ion alt ers dramat ically,
see Fig 7.
Although t he overall st resses are st ill bal
anced, t he concent rat ion of the tensile stress in t he
upper part of the specimen w ill cause both ends of
the specimen t o deflect upwards, F ig 6. As t he
machining progresses, t he t ensile st ress wit hin t he
low er part increases g radually. Af ter the f if th layer
has been cut aw ay, the low er part t ensile st ress of
F ig. 5 Bottom deformation of t he specimen
the specimen becomes st rong enough t o balance t he

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178 WA NG Zhao jun, CHEN Wu yi, ZHAN G Y i du, CHEN Zhi tong, L IU Q iang CJA

T he cutt ing speed is 18 000 r/ min, t he depth

of cut is 0 5 mm, and the f eed rat e is 4000 mm/
min. T he dist ort ion of the bot tom of t he part is
measured in a coordinate measuring machine.
T able 2 show s bot h t he simulated and mea
sured values of dist ort ion. It can be seen from
T able 2 that t he m easured dat a increase in t he f or
mer four st eps, then decrease from t he fift h st ep.
T he deformat ion does not change drastically in t he
last three steps. T he measurement and the F EA
simulation of distort ion receive very sim ilar change
F ig. 7 Residual stress after removing the third layer
able t rend. Since t he simulation result is derived
upper part one, as show n in Fig 8, and the up under t he assumpt ion of neg lect ing cut t ing heat and
w ard deflect ion reduces as a result. When the ma tool v ibration, t here is relative error especially in
chining on the six th t o t he sevent h layer have been the last step.
performed, most residual st resses, no mat ter t en Table 2 The distortion of the bottom
sile or com pressive, are released and the distort ion R emoved t hickness/ mm 3 6 9 12
of t he specimen decreases t o a very low level, Simulat ed result s/ mm 0. 049 0. 122 0. 165 0. 193
M easured dat a/ mm 0. 068 0. 139 0. 192 0. 218
F ig 5.
R emoved t hickness/ mm 15 18 21 23
Simulat ed result s/ mm 0. 170 0. 049 0. 048 0. 034
M easured dat a/ mm 0. 180 0. 088 0. 081 0. 069

3 Conclusions
Wit h t he removal of the f irst few layers on t he
specimen, distort ion increases ow ing t o uneven
concent rat ion of the stress.
T he residual stress in t he blank varies severely
accom panied by t he remove of mat erial. T his re

Fig. 8 Residual stress after removing the fifth layer

sult s in t he machining deformat ion of thin w alled
part . T he release of the residual st ress in the blank
2 Experiment Verification is the main cause of machining dist ortion especially
for t he t hin w alled part .
In order t o verify the simulat ion results, t he
Aft er half of t he mat erial is cut aw ay, t he
designed specimen part is machined on a F idia CNC
stress distribut ion becomes bet ter balanced and t he
machining cent er, see Fig 9.
dist ortion reduces gradually. T here is a crit ical val
ue of material removal amount. When the amount
of t he mat erial removed ex ceeds the critical value
the machining deformat ion drives to st eady.

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© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

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