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Erlan Aditya Ardiansyah1, Widi Nurul Zannah5

English Literature, Faculty of Adab and Humanities
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, 2, 3, 4, widinuruljannah@gmail.com5


This research analyzes the intertextual relationship between the poem "Aku Ingin" by Sapardi Djoko
Damono and the poem "Do Stones Feel?" by Mary Oliver. The objectives are (1) to describe the
significance of the poems' meanings through heuristic reading, hermeneutic reading, determination of
matrices, models, and meanings of each poem; (2) to describe the intertextual relationship between
the two poems; and (3) to describe its relevance in literature education. The theory used is based on
the intertextual approach of Riffaterre to examine the intertextual relationship between the two poems.
The data collection method is literature study, and the data analysis method is reading and note-taking.
The data analysis method used is qualitative description, describing the intertextual relationship
qualitatively based on Riffaterre's theoretical perspective. The results of the analysis of the poem
"Aku Ingin" include heuristic reading, hermeneutic reading, determination of matrices, models, and
meanings. The matrix of the poem "Aku Ingin" is "aku ingin," the model is relationship and love. The
meaning is that the simplicity of love cannot be measured by the sweetness of words spoken but seen
from the sincerity of the heart. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the poem "Do Stones Feel?"
include heuristic reading, hermeneutic reading, determination of matrices, models, and meanings. The
matrix of the poem "Do Stones Feel?" is "aku mencintaimu diam-diam," the model is relationship and
love. The meaning of this poem is that the sincerity and eternity of love cannot be seen from
someone's physical beauty but seen from the sincerity of the heart. The results of the study of the
intertextual relationship between the two poems include the relationship of poem structure, matrix
relationship, model relationship, meaning relationship, and hypogram.

Keywords : Intertextual Relationship, Poetry, Literature Education.


Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan intertekstual puisi Aku Ingin karya Sapardi Djoko Damono dan
puisi Do Stones Feel? karya Mary Oliver. Adapun tujuannya (1) mendeskripsikan signifikasi makna
puisi melalui pembacaan heuristik, pembacaan hermeneutik, penentuan matriks, model, dan makna
masing-masing puisi; (2) mendeskripsikan hubungan intertekstual kedua puisi; dan (3)
mendeskripsikan relevansinya dalam pembelajaran sastra. Teori yang digunakan berlandaskan pada
pendekatan intertekstual Riffaterre untuk mengkaji hubungan intertekstual kedua puisi tersebut.
Metode pengumpulan data adalah studi kepustakan, dan metode baca-catat. Sedangkan metode yang
digunakan dalam analisis data adalah deskripsi kualitatif. Metode ini mendeskripsikan hubungan
intertekstual secara kualitatif dengan berpedoman terhadap pandangan Riffattere.yang selaras dengan
landasan teori. Hasil analisis pembacaan puisi Aku Ingin meliputi pembacaan heuristik, pembacaan
hermeneutik, penentuan matriks, model dan makna. Matriks puisi Aku Ingin adalah aku ingin,
modelnya adalah hubungan dan percintaan. Maknanya adalah kesederhanaan cinta tidak dapat di ukur
dari manisnya kata-kata yang diucapkan tapi dilihat dari tulusnya hati. Sedangkan hasil analisis
pembacaan puisi Do Stones Feel? meliputi pembacaan heuristik, pembacaan hermeneutik, penentuan
matriks, model dan makna. Matriks puisi Do Stones Feel adalah aku mencintaimu diam-diam,
modelnya adalah hubungan dan percintaan. Makna puisi ini adalah Ketulusan dan keabadian cinta
tidak dapat dilihat dari kecantikan fisik seseorang tapi dilihat dari ketulusan hati. Hasil kajian
hubungan intertektual kedua puisi meliputi hubungan struktur puisi, hubungan matriks, hubungan
model, hubungan makna, dan hipogram.

Kata Kunci : Hubungan Intertekstual, Puisi, dan Pembelajaran Sastra.


Literary intertextuality is an intertextual study that compares one text with another. In this
research, literary intertextuality examines two different works, the first from Sapardi Djoko Damono
and the second from Mary Oliver, which take the form of certain forms of relationships. For example,
heuristic reading, hermeneutic reading, determining matrices, models and meaning among the texts
studied. Every text that now exists is basically a transformative form, either as a form of obedience to
or denial of certain other texts that have existed before.
Poetry is a form of literary work that contains expressions of the poet's heart, thoughts and
feelings expressed by utilizing all the power of language, creativity and imagination of the author with
a series of beautiful language that contains rhythm and meaning. In the world of literature, intertextual
relations refer to the connections and references between two or more literary works. This can take the
form of using similar themes, character comparisons or even direct quotations. In this case, we will
see the intertextual relationship between the poem " Aku Ingin " by Sapardi Djoko Damono and the
poem "Do Stones Feel?" by Mary Oliver.
The poem " Aku Ingin " by Sapardi Djoko Damono is a poem that describes a person's desires
and hopes to achieve happiness and fulfillment in life. In this poem, the author expresses his desire to
live freely and not be bound by social or emotional boundaries. Writers want to have the freedom to
express themselves wholeheartedly.On the other hand, the poem "Do Stones Feel?" by Mary Oliver
raises a similar theme but with a different perspective. This poem challenges us to consider the
feelings and experiences of inanimate objects or the universe itself. The author explores the idea that
nature has consciousness and feelings just like humans.
In both poems, there are similarities in the themes of freedom and the desire to express
oneself. Both explore human feelings and emotions, and invite readers to reflect on existence and
understand the meaning of life. Apart from that, these two poems also show the beauty and power of
literary language. Both use introspection and powerful imagery to depict complex emotions and
thoughts. Writers use tools such as metaphors, comparisons, and other figures of speech to convey
their messages clearly and interestingly.
Through the intertextual relationship between the poem " Aku Ingin " by Sapardi Djoko
Damono and the poem "Do Stones Feel?" by Mary Oliver, we can see the similarities in themes and
approaches taken by both authors in depicting human life and existence. Both invite us to better
understand emotions, changes and desires in life, and invite us to reflect on the importance of freedom
and self-disclosure. In this way, the intertextual relationship between these two poems gives us new
insight into life and human life itself through the use of interesting and beautiful literary language.
This research explores the intertextual relationship between two significant poems, namely " Aku
Ingin " by Sapardi Djoko Damono and "Do stones feel?" by Mary Oliver, utilizing Riffaterre's
intertextual theory. The focus is to investigate how this theory can reveal layers of meaning in the two
poems and their relevance in the context of literary learning. Riffaterre's theory offers a framework for
in-depth analysis of the relationships between texts. Through this approach, analysis does not only
focus on intratextual elements, but also explores how the text presents itself in the wider context of
literary works.
Riffaterre's theory will be applied to explore extratextual layers in both poems. Mapping elements
such as themes, symbols and message delivery styles will help reveal intertextual relationships.
Identification of intertextual elements, such as thematic references or linguistic styles that influence
each other, will be the center of attention. How one poem penetrates and responds to another will
provide insight into the dialogue between texts.
The poem " Aku Ingin " by Sapardi Djoko Damono: Through heuristic and hermeneutic reading,
intratextual analysis will reveal the implied and hidden meanings in the poem. Focusing on the poet's
structure, language, and style will provide an in-depth understanding of the poem's message.
The poem "Do stones feel?" by Mary Oliver: An intratextual analysis of this poem will highlight the
way Oliver depicts humanity's relationship with nature, especially through the symbol of stone.
Language style, metaphors, and the use of other literary elements will be the focus of the analysis.

This research utilizes a qualitative method to investigate the essence and messages conveyed in
Sapardi Djoko Damono's poem "Aku Ingin" and Mary Oliver's "Do Stones Feel?". Through thematic
analysis, the focus of this study is to uncover the meaning of simplicity in love and sacrifice within
"Aku Ingin," as well as reflections on life within inanimate objects and the exposition of emotions in
"Do Stones Feel?".
This approach centers on identifying the primary themes and intrinsic elements present in each poem,
including the use of literary devices like personification in "Aku Ingin" and metaphorical language in
"Do Stones Feel?". This qualitative research enables a deeper interpretation of every word, phrase,
and conveyed meaning in the literary works.
The qualitative analysis employed in this study sheds light on a more profound perspective regarding
the messages conveyed by the poets. By dissecting the themes and intrinsic elements within both
poems, this research endeavors to unravel the implied significance within the sentences and literary
styles employed, revealing the essence of expression in the poems and connecting them to aspects of
human life and emotions.
Heuristic and Hermeneutic Analysis: "Hermeneutic and heuristic analysis were used in this study to
examine the meaning of the two poems. It was discovered that Sapardi's poetry "I Want" Djoko
Damono explains the basic essence of love, while Mary Oliver's poem "Do Stones Feel?" captures the
sincerity and enduring nature of love."
Intertextual Relationships : "Both poems show intertextual relationships through the use of matrices,
models, and meanings related to the themes of relationships and romance, although with different
emphasis on meaning."(Njonge, 2023)
Relevance in the Study of Literature: "The results of the analysis show that the intertextual study of
these two poems has strong relevance in literature learning, because it enriches students'
understanding of universal themes and literary techniques, and encourages critical thinking about
cross-cultural literary works."(Armstrong & Newman, 2013)

Significance of Poem Meaning:

Through hermeneutic and heuristic analysis, this study found that both poems depict complex and
multifaceted meanings, including aspects such as simplicity of love, sincerity and eternity of love, and
universal relationships and love.
The significance of the meaning of the poem provides a basis for discussing the literary and
philosophical values of the works, helping readers to understand the literary works more deeply and
creating space for discussing them in the context of literary(To & To, n.d.)

Education Intertextual Relationship:

Through Riffaterre's intertextual approach, this study found that both poems show complex
relationships that enrich the interpretation and appreciation of each literary work.
This intertextual relationship includes intrinsic elements such as ideas, concepts, events, plots,
characters, language styles, and others among the texts studied.(Purwaningsih, 2023)
This intertextual study can be an effective means of literary education, as it explores universal themes
and cross-cultural literary techniques, as well as promoting a broader understanding of literary works
in a global context.

Relevance in Literary Education:

This intertextual study of the two poems can be an effective means of literary education, as it explores
universal themes and cross-cultural literary techniques.
This study helps to develop students' understanding of cross-cultural literary works and promotes
critical thinking about literary works.(Aprilia & Hidayanti, 2023)
In the context of literary education, this intertextual study also helps to develop reading and
interpretation skills, as well as enriching the ability to analyze and interpret literary works.

Sapardi Djoko Damono's poem "aku ingin" demonstrates how the poet expresses thoughts about love
through straightforward and heartfelt words. As we can see, love demands tremendous and true
sacrifices to someone who is deeply loved; it need not be demonstrated by numerous exuberant
“kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu / aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana”
This poetry also employs personification, a figure of speech in which objects are compared to human
beings. Here, "Rain" and "Clouds" are metaphors of the beloved, while "Wood" and "Fire" are
analogies of the person the poet loves.
“dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada"
'Ashes' and 'Nothing' express the impact of the poet's beloved sacrifice.

A passage from the poem "aku ingin" demonstrates the poet's use of straightforward language to
express his thoughts on love, while a passage from the poem "Do Stones Feel?" demonstrates the
poet's message that life exists in the world beyond just humans and includes things like stones.
"Do stones feel? Do they love their life? / Or does their patience drown out everything else?"
Mary Oliver poses the question of whether stones have emotions and are in love with their life in her
poem "Do Stones Feel?" The poet also wonders if a stone's patience can overcome all obstacles. The
poet picked up a number of white, black, and other colored stones while strolling along the shore. The
poet assures the stones that he will bring them home in his speech, and he does.

“/ heart of the world, itself invisible, / the pit of the shining / peach"

The poet also wonders if the tree, with all of its branches, each resembling a poem, is content. Are the
clouds relieved to be free of rain? The majority of people reply, "No, no, that isn't possible." But the
poet doesn't believe that. He declined to reach such judgment since he believed it to be too awful to be

These two poems convey the most profound ideas about life and love. Despite their disparate styles,
the poems share a common theme of intense emotions surrounding life and love. Sapardi's poem "I
Want" Djoko Damono uses straightforward language to convey love, while Mary Oliver's "Do Stones
Feel?" considers life and the emotions of inanimate objects like trees and rocks. Themes of life and
emotions, as well as the poet's linguistic expression of these ideas, bind these two poems together.

1. topics of life and feelings: The topics of life and feelings in relation to love and life are expressed in
both poems. The poetry "I Want" uses straightforward language to convey love, whereas "Do Stones
Feel?" emphasizes life and the emotions of inanimate objects like rocks and trees.

2. Language used: The poet expresses his thoughts on love in the poem "I Want" by using
straightforward, heartfelt language. The poet employs a variety of linguistic devices in the poem "Do
Stones Feel?", such as vague language and intriguing comparisons between stones, trees, and clouds.

3. Meaning: The two poems express various interpretations on life and emotions. The poetry "Do
Stones Feel?" emphasizes how we may find life and love in everything, including the stones that are
all around us, while the poem "I Want" demonstrates how the love of life can be attained through
sacrifice and effort for loved ones.

The analysis provided presents a comprehensive exploration of two poems, Sapardi Djoko Damono's
"aku ingin" and Mary Oliver's "Do Stones Feel?", emphasizing their thematic connections, linguistic
nuances, and the underlying messages about life, love, and emotions.

These poems, despite their differing styles and approaches, converge on several significant points:

1. Themes of Life and Emotions: Both poems delve into the realm of emotions intertwined with life.
While "I Want" focuses on the simplicity and sacrifice inherent in love, "Do Stones Feel?" extends the
exploration to encompass life's essence in seemingly inanimate objects like stones and trees. They
both underline the depth and complexity of emotions within life's various facets.

2. Diverse Language Usage: Each poet employs distinct linguistic techniques. Sapardi Djoko Damono
utilizes straightforward and heartfelt language to articulate the essence of love in a clear manner,
while Mary Oliver employs more abstract and metaphorical language, inviting readers to contemplate
the emotional lives of seemingly non-living entities.

3. Multifaceted Meanings: Both poems offer multifaceted interpretations concerning life and
emotions. "Do Stones Feel?" prompts readers to contemplate the presence of life and love in
everything, even in seemingly inert objects. On the other hand, "I Want" emphasizes the attainability
of the love of life through sacrifices made for loved ones.

The significance of these findings lies in their contribution to literary and philosophical discussions.
Through hermeneutic and heuristic analysis, the study identifies layers of meaning that extend beyond
the surface, enabling deeper understanding and appreciation of the poetic works. Additionally, the
intertextual approach enriches the interpretation by establishing complex relationships between the
texts, thereby fostering a more comprehensive understanding of universal themes and cross-cultural
literary techniques.

In the realm of literary education, this analysis serves as a valuable tool. It aids in the development of
students' cross-cultural literary comprehension, encourages critical thinking, and enhances their
abilities to analyze and interpret literary works within a broader global context. Moreover, by
dissecting the poems' themes, language, and meanings, this study enriches students' skills in reading,
interpretation, and analysis of literary texts.

In essence, the exploration of these poems not only unearths the intricate layers of emotions and life's
essence within the literary works but also serves as a gateway to broader discussions on philosophical
concepts, literary values, and the enhancement of educational experiences in the realm of literature.


Aprilia, F., & Hidayanti, R. N. (2023). Analisis Struktural Puisi “Aku Ingin” Karya Sapardi Djoko
Damono. Khirani: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 9–15. https://e-
Armstrong, S. L., & Newman, M. (2013). Assessing intertextuality: The development of a
rubric for academic literacy practices in developmental reading courses. Journal of
College Reading and Learning, 41(2), 6–21.
Njonge, T. (2023). Influence of Psychological Well-Being and School Factors on Delinquency ,
During the Covid-19 Period Among Secondary School Students in Selected Schools in
Nakuru County : Kenya. VII(2454), 1175–1189.
Purwaningsih, Y. R. (2023). Figurative Language Analysis of the Poetry “I Want” by Sapardi
Djoko Damono. Journal on Education, 5(3), 9488–9491.
To, O., & To, E. (n.d.). F Rom C Onnections To N Etworks To P Laces. 163–179.

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