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Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

 Nurses provide assistance by their borrowed

LESSON 1: HISTORY OF NURSING knowledge from early traditions.
 The deaconess of the early churches served
 Nursing is as old as mankind. the Christian communities, looking after the
 From the annals of the past, women are aged and the sick.
normally taught to take care of the sick and  The Christians wholeheartedly believe on the
the injured. saying, “Love thy neighbor as thy self.”
 Nursing and medicinal knowledge developed  Early Christians often attributed disease as
through instinct, intuition, and basic human divine wrath, for punishment is in the form of
understanding. disease to smite for their sinful transgressions.
 Nursing knowledge is both intuitive and  Moreover, Christians believed they are duty-
borrowed. bound to do good things, similar to the
Parable of the Good Samaritan.
 Derived from the Anglo-French word norice,
which means “to nourish”.  Through intuitive knowledge, many
 Moreover, it also derivied from the Latin word researchers and scientists were able to
notrica, which also means “nourish”. Nursing contribute to the pursuit of medical
nourishes the mind, body, as well as the soul. knowledge.
 Andrea Vesalius, a university professor,
HISTORICAL MOMENTS founded anatomy as a branch of science.
 William Harvey discovered the circulation of
blood within organisms.
 The rise of ancient civilization added new  Gregor Mendel is the father and founder of
dimensions to the search of medicine. genetics.
 In the same time, new professions that revolve  Louise Pasteur and Rober Koch discovered
around the aforementioned search were the bacterial origins of diseases.
made, namely physicians.  Joseph Lister solidified the importance of
 Somewhere around the Babylonian times, the Asepsis in medicine and health and suggested
Code of Hammurabi was published, and way to prevent infection in wounds during and
helped paved the way for medicine. after surgery.
 Hippocratic Writing dictates that health o Asepsis refers to absence of bacteria.
depends upon the stat of equilibrium among  After such significances, health and illness
the various internal factors which govern the became two, clearly different dimensions of
operations of the mind and body. biological life, each to be studied on its own
 In 1258, the Alexian Brothers started the way.
ministry of caring for the sick.  Physicians, while recognizing the importance
 In 1550, the Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of of nursing care, feared that nurses will replace
God was formed in Spain them if they were given too much education.
 Between 1550-1614, St. Camillus de Lellis
founded St. James’ Hospital in Rome for the BEGINNING OF NURSING EDUCATION
sick and dying.
 Pennsylvania Hospital was established
 In 1633, St. Vincent de Paul founded the
during 1751 to care for the sick-poor and insane
Daughters of Charity, which played a big role
in Philadelphia.
in organized nursing.
 In 1798, Valentine Seaman organized an early
 In 1645, a French nurse named Jeanne Mance
course of lectures for nurses who cared for
established the Hotel-Dieu de Montreal in
maternity patients.
Canada. It is also the first hospital in North
 At March 5, 1839, the Nurse Society was
formed in Philadelphia with the intent of
KNOWLEDGE FOR THE SICK recruiting females with well-mannered habits.
 Around the 1860s, Florence Nightingale, after
 Early means influenced by healing traditions serving her time tending to the people during
within society. the Crimean War in Scutari, founded the
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

School of Nursing at St. Thomas Aquinas in  The emphasis was on the role of nurses and
London, marking the birth of modern nursing. what to research.
 In 1873, three hospitals established the first  More nurse leaders embraced higher
three Nightingale schools in America: education and arrived at an understanding of
1. New York Training School at Bellevue the scientific age and that research was the
Hospital path to new nursing knowledge.
2. Connecticut Training School at New  Nurses began to participate in research, and
Haven Hospital research courses were included in nursing
3. Training School at Massachusetts curricula in early graduate nursing programs.
General Hospital  In the mid-1970s, an evaluation of the first 25
 By the 1880s, home care nursing was the usual years of the journal Nursing Research
career path after graduation from the revealed that nursing studies lacked
hospital-based nursing school. conceptual connections and theoretical
NURSING THEORIES  Two significant milestones were made in the
evolution of the nursing theory:
Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory o Standardization of curricula for
nursing master’s education
Interpersonal Relations o Decision that doctoral education for
Hildegard Peplau
Theory nurses should be in nursing

Virginia Henderson Nursing Need Theory GRADUATE EDUCATION ERA

 1950s – 1970s
Faye Abdellah 21 Problems of Nursing
 The era addressed the query: what knowledge
Behavioral System is needed for the practice of nursing?
Dorothy Johnson  The emphasis was on carving out an
advanced role and basis for nursing
Martha Rogers Unitary Human Beings practice.
 The graduation education era and the
 These introduced theories and practiced
research emphasis era developed on tandem.
ushered the way to the development of
 Master’s degree programs in nursing
Nursing Knowledge.
emerged across the country to meet the
 Intuitive Knowledge  Borrowed
public need for nurses for specialized clinical
Knowledge  Nursing Knowledge
nursing practice, which include courses
introducing the research process.
 The baccalaureate degree began to gain
 1900s – 1940s wider acceptance as the educational level for
 This era addressed the query: what content professional nursing, and nursing attained
nurses should study to learn how to be a nationwide recognition and acceptance as an
nurse? academic discipline in higher education.
 The emphasis was on what courses should  Nurse researchers worked to develop and
student take, with the goal of arriving at a clarify a specialized body of nursing
standardized curriculum. knowledge, with the goals of improving the
 By the mid-1930s, a standardized curriculum quality of patient care.
has been adopted by many diploma  Nurse researchers worked to develop and
programs and the idea of moving nursing clarify a specialized body of nursing
education into colleges and universities. knowledge.
 Movement of nursing education from  In the 1970s, nursing continued to make the
hospital-based diploma programs into transition from vocation to profession as
colleges and universities started in this era. nurse leaders debated whether nursing
should be other-discipline based or nursing.
 1950s – 1970s
 This era addressed the query: what is the focus  1980s -1990s
for nursing research?  The era addressed the query: how do these
frameworks guide research and practice?
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

 The emphasis was on the many ways to think

about nursing.
 The proliferation of nursing doctoral programs  A discipline is specific to academia and refers
from the 1970s and nursing theory literature to a branch of education, a department of
substantiated that nursing doctorates should learning, or a domain of knowledge.
be in nursing rather than in other disciplines.
 The 1980s was a period of major developments SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE DISCIPLINE
in nursing theory that has been characterized
as a transition from the preparadigm to the 1. The discipline is dependent upon theory for
paradigm period in nursing. its continued existence.
 One example is Fawcett’s proposal of four 2. The early nursing theories were developed by
global nursing concepts classified nursing educators as frameworks to structure
models as paradigms within metaparadigms curriculum content in nursing programs.
concepts of: person, environment, health, 3. It provides nursing students with the
and nursing. perspective of the patient, environment,
 It became obvious that research without health, and nursing.
conceptual and theoretical frameworks 4. The theoretical works have taken nursing to
produced isolated information. higher levels of education as nurses have
 This era put a strong emphasis on theory moved from the functional focus, or what
development and testing. nurses do, to a knowledge focus, or what
 The theory era accelerated as works began to nurses know and how they use what they
be recognized as theory, having been know for thinking and decision making while
developed as frameworks for curricula and concentrating on the patient.
advanced practice guides. 5. Nursing students will learn what is the
practice of nursing.
6. Master’s students test and validate the
theoretical frameworks in the practice.
7. Doctoral students studying to become nurse
scientists developing the nursing theory, and
contribute in theory-based research.


 A profession refers to a specialized field of

practice, founded on the theoretical structure
 21st Century (present) of the science or knowledge of that discipline
 This era addressed the query: what new and accompanying practice abilities.
theories are needed to produce evidence for
 The emphasis shifted from learning about
1. Theories allow new knowledge to be
theories to utilization, with the nursing
theory guiding research, education, and
2. It leads to evidence-based practice.
3. It is beneficial to patients.
 In this era, middle-range theory and the value
4. It provides contributions to the health care of
of a nursing framework was realized.
the society.
 Members contribute to the general nursing
5. Nursing theories are used as an important tool
literature and communicate their research
for reasoning, critical thinking, and decision
and practice with a certain paradigm model
making required for quality nursing practice.
or framework at conferences of the societies
6. Theories enable the nurse to organize and
where they present their scholarship and
understand what happens in practice.
move the science of the selected paradigm
7. Theoretical works provide a systematic
approach that is focused on the patient’s
 The shift in emphasis to the application of
nursing theory was very important for theory-
8. Philosophies of nurses, conceptual models of
based nursing, evidence-based practice, and
nursing, and middle-range theories provide
future theory development.
the nurse with a view of the patient.
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

9. It serves as a guide for data processing,

evaluation of decisions.
 It is a philosophy of science which believes
CRITERIA OF PROFESSION that knowledge is derived entirely from
1. Specialized education sensory experience.
2. Body of Knowledge  It is sensory, not intellectual.
3. Service orientation  Empiricism approaches knowledge as
4. Ongoing research inductive.
 Theorists experience a phenomenon through
5. Code of ethics
6. Autonomy their senses and their identify concepts and
7. Professional organization they attempt to explain what they perceive.
 Francis Bacon believed the basis for
empiricist approach is to inquire. He also
LESSON 2A: HISTORY OF believed that the scientific root was
PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE discovered through a generalized observation
of facts in the natural world. Moreover,
NOTE: nagbase ako sa lecture, as well as sa tatlong ppt knowledge through reasoning was an
ni maam (kahit hindi tinalakay ni maam lahat) invention of the mind without intellectual use.
 John Locke argued that the mind is a blank
PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE [slate] state and knowledge is formed
through experience and the formation of
 Although science began evolved around the ideas, from simple to complex.
1960s, philosophy started for 3000 years ago.  If it cannot be perceived through the five
senses, then it may as well not exist.
 The term “epistemology” comes from the
Greek words, episteme and logos.  Positivism is a term first used by Auguste
 Episteme can be transtlated as Comte, which emerged as the dominant view
“understanding” or “acquaintance”. of modern science.
 Logos can be translated as “account”.  This approach to the study of society relies
“argument”, or “reason”. specifically on scientific evidence such as
experiments and statistics, to reveal a true
RATIONALISM nature of how society operates.
 Modern logical positivists believed that
 Rationalists believe that the source of
empirical research and logical analysis
knowledge and the source of test or truth is
 It is intellectual not sensory. It primarily PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACH
attaches to logic and mathematics.
 This philosophy emphasizes the importance of (deductive and inductive) were two
a priori reasoning as the appropriate method approaches that would produce scientific
for advancing knowledge. knowledge.
 A priori reasoning utilizes deductive logic by  This was an approach that challenges the
reasoning from the cause to an effect or from positivism philosophy which offers a new
a generalization to a particular instance. perspective of science.
 By means of reason alone, knowledge and  This approach, also known simply as
certain universal, self-evident truth can be phenomenology, focuses on the live meaning
discovered, from which the sciences could be of experiences.
derived deductively.  Schutz argued that scientists seeking to
 Theoretical assertions derived by deductive understand the social world could not
reasoning are then subjected to experimental cognitively know an external world that is
testing to corroborate the theory. independent of their own life experiences.
 You can get knowledge through three ways:  Phenomenology, set forth by Edmund Husserl
deduction, innate ideas and reasoning. proposed that the objectivism of science
could not provide an adequate
apprehension of the world.
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>


b. Explanatory
 In constructing a theory, the theorist must be c. Prescriptive
knowledgeable about available empirical d. Predictive
findings and be able to take these into
 The theory is subject to revision if hypotheses
 A metatheory presents the most global
fail to correspond with empirical findings, or
perspective of the nursing discipline by
the theory may be abandoned in favor of an
identifying and evaluating critical phenomena
alternative explanation that accounts for the
in unique ways.
new information.
 Notable examples are:
 New ways of
o Theory of Nursing Knowledge and
thinking about
phenomena or
o The Nursing Theory of Human Being
new data are
o The Nursing Theory of Social Entirety
introduced to the
during the  A grand theory is a conceptual framework that
discovery phase. defines broad perspective for nursing
THEORY  Notable examples are:
o The Theory of Nursing as Caring
 In any scientific discipline, it is not o Transitions Theory
appropriate to judge a theory on the basis o Health Promotion Model
of authority, faith, or intuition; it should be o Theory of Culture Care Diversity
judged on the basis of scientific o Universality
consensus. o Health as Expanding
o Consciousness
METAPARADIGM o Human becoming

 Metaparadigm is a set of ideas that MIDDLE RANGE THEORY

provide structure for how a discipline
should function.  A middle range theory is a moderately
abstract and has a limited number of
 Notable examples are:
 Nursing Philosophy is the most abstract o The Theory of Chronic Sorrow
structure of nursing knowledge and sets o Theory of Comfort
forth the meaning of nursing phenomena o Post Partum Depression Theory
through analysis, reasoning, and logical o Peaceful End of Life Theory
 It is a framework providing a reference for NURSING PRACTICES
nurses to guide their thinking, observations,
interpretations, and practices.  Nursing Practice Theories have the most
limited scope and level of abstraction and
CONCEPTUAL MODELS they are developed for use within a specific
range of nursing situations.
 Conceptual models are representations of an  Nursing practice theories can be categorized
idea or body of knowledge based on the into four subtypes:
theorists understanding of a phenomenon. A. Descriptive
▪ Identifies properties and
CATEGORIES OF THEORY components of a discipline.
B. Explanatory
1. Metatheory
▪ Identifies how the properties
2. Grand Theory
and components relate to
3. Middle Range Theory
one another.
4. Practice Theory
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

C. Predictive
▪ Conjectures the relations
between components of a  Nursing philosophy is a framework providing
phenomenon and predicts a reference for nurses to guide their thinking,
when the phenomena will observations, interpretations, and practices.
D. Prescriptive CONCEPTS
▪ Addresses therapeutics and
consequences of  A concept is an idea or complex mental image.
interventions.  Concepts are the building blocks of theories.
 Concepts can either be abstract or concrete:
LESSON 2B: THEORETICAL o Abstract concepts are independent of
FOUNDATIONS OF NURSING time or place and they are indirectly
o Concrete concepts are specific to
time and place, and are observable.
 A theory is a system of ideas that is proposed Notable concepts relating to nursing include:
to explain a given phenomenon. 1. Health of houses
 It is a systematic vision of reality; a set of 2. Cleanliness
interrelated concepts that is useful for 3. Ventilation and warming
prediction and control. 4. Light
 A theory is a creative and rigorous structuring 5. Noise
of ideas that project a tentative, purposeful 6. Variety
and systematic view of phenomena. 7. Chattering hopes and advices
8. Bed and beddings
NURSING THEORY 9. Personal cleanliness
10. Nutrition and taking food
 An articulated and communicated
pertaining to nursing for the purpose CONCEPTUAL MODELS
conceptualization of discovered reality in or of
describing, explaining, predicting or  These are representations of an idea or body of
prescribing nursing care. knowledge based on the theorists
 It develops analytical skills and critical thinking understanding of a phenomenon.
 It clarifies values and assumptions.
 It directs the purpose of nursing practice,  It is a body of knowledge concerned with
education and research. specific subject matter and the processes
necessary to provide knowledge.
 It specifies the main concepts that
encompass the subject matter and the  Knowledge is the expertise and skills
scope of discipline. acquired by a person through experience or
 It is the theoretical or practical understanding
 A nursing metaparadigm presents patterns of a subject.
used to show a clear relationship among the  It is the confident understanding of a subject
existing theoretical works in nursing. with the ability to use it for a specific purpose
if appropriate.
 Philosophy is a critical examination of the
grounds for fundamental beliefs and analysis  A phenomenon presents a set of data or
of the basic concepts employed in the experiences that can be physically observed or
expression of such belief. tangible.
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

why they are doing and how they will perform

1. Provide the basis for Professional Nursing
 Nursing theory is comprised of concepts, Practice.
definitions, and propositions. 2. Enhance autonomy (self-governing) of
 This set presents a systematic way of viewing nursing through defining its own
facts or events by specifying relations among Independent Functions.
the variables with the purpose of explaining 3. Focus on the “caring” aspects of patient
facts or events. management.
Notable components include: 4. Provide rationale for collecting reliable and
1. Concepts valid data about the health status of client.
2. Phenomenon 5. Serve to guide assessment, intervention and
3. Propositions evaluation of nursing care.
4. Assumptions 6. Develop analytical and critical thinking skills
5. Conceptual Models that direct nursing practice.
6. Praxis 7. Assist nurses to describe, explain, predict
everyday experiences and prescribe nursing

1. Theories should be simple but generally broad PURPOSES TO RESEARCH

in nature.
2. Theories generate a different way of looking 1. Offers a systematic approach to identify
at a certain fact or phenomenon. questions for study, select variables, interpret
3. Theories can be used by practitioners to direct findings and validate nursing interventions.
and enhance their practice. 2. Assist in discovering knowledge gaps in the
4. Theories contribute in enriching the general specific field of study.
body of knowledge. 3. Offers a framework for generating
5. Theories can be the source of hypothesis that knowledge of new ideas.
can be tested for it to be elaborated.
6. Theories must be consistent with other INTERDEPENDENCE OF THEORY & RESEARCH
validated theories, laws and principles but will
 The pursuit for the development and evolution
leave open unanswered issues that need to be
of nursing knowledge and theories is cyclic.
 You cannot undertake research without
SIGNIFICANCE OF THEORY practice and theory, and otherwise.

1. It prepares the students for membership in

the particular scientific community with
which he or she will later practice.
2. It provides systematic perspective of the
patient, the environment in which nursing
takes place, health and nursing.
3. The use of theory amplifies knowledge
development and enhance the quality of
nursing care.
 Nursing epistemology refers to the study of
1. The appropriate use of theory will guide and the origin of nursing knowledge, its structure
structure the Nursing Curriculum. and methods, the pattern of knowing of its
2. Help nursing students learn the Nursing members and the criteria for validating its
Process. knowledge claims.
3. Prepare student nurses for their professional
practice to understand what they are doing, KNOWING

 Knowing refers to being highly educated.

Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

 It is having extensive information or

 It is the reflection of knowledge, information,  Aesthetics dictate the art of nursing.
and intelligence.  The art of nursing is made visible through the
 Being “knowing” is being possessed with action taken to provide whatever the patient
exclusive information or knowledge. requires to restore or extend his ability to cope
 It is the active comprehension of things, an with the demands of his situation.
action that requires skill. There are 4 types of Aesthetics, which include:
 It is an ontological, dynamic, and changing A. Empathy
process. o vicariously experiencing another’s
There are seven notable ways of Knowing: feelings
1. Personal** B. Understanding
2. Aesthetics** o involves the perception of particulars
3. Empirical** rather than universals
4. Moral/Ethics** C. Creativity
5. Intuitive o envisioning valid modes of helping
6. Somatic the patient with appropriate results
7. Metaphysical D. Patient Satisfaction
** refers to the 4 Fundamental Ways of Knowing o Improvement in patient’s condition
and NPR
1. Personal Knowledge
2. Empirics  Intuitive, or rather intuition, includes feelings
3. Ethical Knowing and hunches.
4. Aesthetics
 Somatic is the - knowing of the body in
 Personal knowledge puts emphasis on the
relation to physical movement. Includes
importance of the total patient, rather than
experiential use of muscles and balance to
looking at one part or aspect.
perform a physical task.
 It involves awareness of self and others in a
relationship that is subjective, concrete and METAPHYSICAL
 It requires empathetic participation.  The metaphysical seeks the presence of a
higher power.
 Empirics dictates the science of nursing.
 The science of nursing is concerned with the  Evidence-based practice is any practice that
objective, abstract, general knowledge that relies on scientific evidence for guidance and
is methodically arranged into theories, models decision.
and principles that govern the profession.  It integrates the best available and current
 It is an aspect of nursing work that is evidence to guide nursing care and improve
concerned with monitoring the disease patient outcomes.
processes and therapeutic response. Evidence-based practice provides the following:
1. It cultivates a spirit of inquiry.
ETHICAL KNOWING 2. It asks clinical questions.
3. It searches for the best evidence.
 It is the moral and ethical aspect of nursing. 4. It critically appraises the evidence.
 Routine ethics are dependent on the everyday 5. In integrates the evidence with clinical
expert ethical behaviors and moral expertise and client or family preferences and
rationalities inherent with the knowledge of values.
active knowers. 6. It implements and evaluates the outcomes of
 Ethical knowing is couched in personal values the intervention.
and in a critical exploration of what is desired
and cherished as one’s moral fiber motives
and goals.
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

hospitals, facilities, reformatories, and

charitable institutions.
There are five steps indicated in the nursing process:  1853 – She became the superintendent of the
1. Assessment Hospital for Gentlewomen in London.
2. Diagnosis  November 1854 – Nightingale was given a
3. Planning request by the Secretary of War to go to
4. Implementation Scutari in Turkey.
5. Evaluation  November 5, 1854 – Nightingale arrived at
Scutari, accompanied by 34 other nurses. As
LESSON 3A: she arrived there, many environmental
FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE problems went unnoticed by her:
o Lack of sanitations
o Presence of filth
o Contaminated water
 Florence Nightingale, is dubbed as the Mother o Contaminated bed linens
of Modern Medicine. o Soldiers experiencing frostbite,
 She was born on May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy, exposure to unhealthy environment,
and died on August 13, 1910. louse infections, and opportunistic
o Her name came from her birthplace. diseases
o International Nurses’ Day is  1856 – As the Crimean War ended, she
celebrated on May 12 in celebration of Nightingale returned to London and was
Nightingale’s contribution to nursing. recognized as National Heroine by Queen
 She is also known as the Lady with a Lamp, as Victoria.
during her time in Scutari she was mostly seen  1859 – She published a book called Notes on
holding a lamp while tending to the wounded. Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not.
 She lived in Derbyshire and Hampshire in  1860 – The Nightingale School of Nursing was
London. founded in London.
 Florence was raised by William Edward  1861 – Nightingale assisted the USA organize
Nightingale and Frances Nightingale. hospitals in their country.
 She has an older sister named Parthenope  1868 – She established the East London
Nightingale. Nursing Society.
 She is known to be adept in statistics and  1869 – Florence Nightingale and Elizabeth
linguistics, with a vast knowledge in Science, Blackwell opened the Women’s Medical
Mathematics, History, Philosophy, Politics, and College.
Economic Studies.  1870 – Nightingale mentored the first
American nurse, Linda Richards. At the same
BIOGRAPHY year, she settled her residence in London, and
remained most productive in a state of illness
 1836 – Paster Theodore Fliedner opened a and isolation. While in her 80s, she wrote 15-20
hospital in a vacant textiles factory with a crew thousand words-worth of letters to friends and
of one patient, one nurse, and one cook acquaintances.
Kaiserwerth, Germany  1896 – Nightingale became bed-ridden.
 1837 – Nightingale wrote in her diary that she  August 13, 1910 – Florence Nightingale passed
was called onto service by God, stating “God away in her room.
spoke to me and called me to His service”.
 1844 – Since then, she continuously visited LEGACY & MEMORY
and cared for the poor and indigent.
 1845 – Nightingale announced her decision to  Modern Nursing Profession
enter nursing.  Nightingale School of Nursing
 1850 – Nightingale visited Kaiserwerth for 14  International Nurses’ Day is celebrated on May
days. 12, coinciding on her birthday.
 July 6, 1851 – She entered the nursing program
at the Kaiserwerth School of Nursing. AWARDS
 October 7, 1851 – She was deemed to be an
 1883 – Nightingale was awarded the Royal Red
educated nurse. Meanwhile, she returned to
Cross by Queen Victoria.
England and was employed to examine
 1907 – She became the first woman to be
awarded the Order of Merit.
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

 1908 – Florence Nightingale was awarded the 9. Nutrition and Taking Food
Honorary Freedom in the City of London. o Refers to nutrition and diets of
PHILOSOPHY DEVELOPMENT 10. Chattering Hopes and Advices
o Refers to giving small talks to boost
 Nightingale’s religious affiliation and belief
their mental health
were especially strong sources for her nursing
theory. Reared as Unitarian, she believed that METAPARADIGM
action for the benefit of others is like serving
God. 1. Person
 In addition, the Unitarian commonly and o They are those who receive nursing
strongly supported education as a means of care.
developing divine potential and helping o An individual who receives the vital
people more toward perfection in their lives reparative process to deal with disease
and in the service of God. Nightingale’s faith and desirous of health but passive in
provided her with the belief that education is terms of influence of influencing the
critical to nursing. environment or nurse.
o Reparative process pertains to:
THEORY DEVELOPMENT ▪ A process of natural healing
▪ The Nature itself can help
 Mortality rate was 42.7% higher from disease
repair or remedy patients
than injury.
from disease or poison.
 Wards were infected with fleas and rats.
▪ Nightingale capitalizes the
 Sewage flowed through the wards.
word “Nature”, suggesting it
 There was a severe lack of ventilation.
can be synonymous with God.
o A person is viewed as a client and
nurses shall perform tasks for the
 Proposed by Florence Nightingale, the theory patient, controlling the environment
entails mainly focuses on organizing and for an easy reparative process.
manipulating the physical, social, and 2. Environment
psychological environment in order to put o These are external conditions that
the person in the best possible condition for affect life and the individual’s
nature to act. development.
The theory included ten concepts: o It refers to a variety of factors, such as
1. Health of Houses food, water, beddings, light, and more.
o Refers to physical sanitation and o An optimal environment makes the
cleanliness reparative process faster.
2. Petty Management o Florence Nightingale considered
o Refers to management for continuous nursing as essential to everyone’s well-
nursing care, creating schedules and being.
plans 3. Health
3. Ventilation and Warming o It refers to being well and using one’s
o Refers to free-flowing of pure air, power to the fullest extent.
proper thermal regulation, odor o It also refers to being well, not to the
4. Light physical aspect, but to be well in the
o Refers to exposure to enough sunlight mind, body, and spirit.
and lighting 4. Nursing
5. Noise o It refers to the provision of optimal
o Refers to lessen the irritative noise conditions to enhance the person’s
6. Variety reparative process and prevent it from
o Refers to small acts of service, such as being interrupted.
flowers, small talks, gifts
7. Bed and Beddings
o Refers to comfortable bedmaking  For Florence Nightingale, nurses should be
8. Personal Cleanliness excellent, keen observers of the patients and
o Refers to hygiene and frequent environment.
assessment of health
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

 Nurses must use common sense in practices

coupled with observation, perseverance, and
ingenuity.  The focus of Watson’s nursing theory is to
 Nurses must provide new and concise provide Authentic Caring for the purpose of
decisions about patient care, such as preserving the dignity and wholeness (mind,
isolation and sanitation. body, and spirit) of humanity.


 In this academe, Florence Nightingale’s  Transpersonal means an inter-subjective

principles of nursing training developed a human-human relationship in which the
universal pattern for how to give a good person of the nurse affects and is affected by
nursing care. the person of the other.
 Nightingale also gave them a curriculum  Human-to-human connectedness occurs in a
regarding nursing care and nursing nurse-patient encounter.
education.  “Each is touched by the human center of the
 In 1874, Florence Nightingale became the first
nursing researcher. note: syempre di ko kinopya lahat dun ano ako si rold?
 Her expertise on inquiry and statistics 1. Formation of a humanistic-altruistic system
continually defined nursing research. of values.
 To quote from Nightingale, the most o Opens to connectedness with others
important practical lesson that can be given and the environment
to nurses is to teach them what to observe. o Models self-care and caring for others
o Validates the uniqueness of self and
LESSON 3B: others
JEAN WATSON 2. Instillation of faith-hope
o Creates opportunity for silence,
BIOGRAPHY reflection, or pause
o Promotes intentional human
 Her full name is Margaret Jean Herman connection with others
Watson. o Views life as a mystery to be explored
 Jean Watson was born in June 10, 1940 in rather than a problem to be solved
Southern West Virginia. 3. Cultivation of sensitivity to self and other
 She married Douglas Watson in 1961, and had o Transforms tasks into healing
two daughters named Jennifer and Julie. interactions
 Watson attended the Lewis Gale of Nursing in o Demonstrates ability to forgive self
1966. and others
 Watson earned her BSN in 1964 at Boulder o Demonstrates genuine interest in
Campus. others
 She then earned her MS Psychiatric Nursing in 4. Development of a helping-trusting
1964, her PhD in Educational Psychology in relationship
1973, and received six doctoral degrees. o Enters the experience to explore the
possibilities in the moment and in the
WORK relationship
o Holds others with unconditional love
 Watson was hired as part of the nursing
and regard
faculty of the University of Colorado Health
o Seeks to work from the other’s
Sciences Center.
 She was a distinguished professor of the
5. Promotion and acceptance of the
University of Colorado.
expression of positive and negative feelings
 She became the Dean of the undergraduate
and emotions
o Acknowledges healing as an inner
o Allows uncertainty and the unknown
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

o Encourages the narrative as a way to o Personhood is tied to notions that

express understanding one’s soul possess a body that is not
6. Systematic use of the scientific problem- confined by objective time and space.
solving method for decision-making 2. Environment
o Integrates aesthetics, ethical, o It refers to a field that forms an
empirical, personal, and metaphysical unbroken violences of all living
ways of knowing with creative, things.
imaginative, and critical thinking for o A caring attitude is not transferred
full expression of caring arts and through genes, it is transmitted by the
sciences culture as a unique way of coping.
o Encourages others to ask questions 3. Health
o Helps others explore alternative ways, o Health refers to the unity and
to find new meaning in their harmony within the mind. Body and
situations or life journeys soul.
7. Promotion of interpersonal teaching- o Health is also associated with the
learning degree of congruence between the
o Actively listens with one’s whole being self as perceived and the self as
to others being to others, telling their experienced.
life experiences 4. Nursing
o Speaks calmy, quietly, and o Nursing consists of knowledge,
respectively to others, giving them full thoughts, values, philosophy,
attention at the moment commitment and action with some
8. Provision for supportive, protective and degree of passion.
corrective mental, physical, sociocultural o It is related to human care
and spiritual environment transactions and intersubjective
o Creates space for human connections personal human contact with the
to naturally occur lived world of experiencing person.
o Participated in caring-healing
o Creates caring intentions
9. Assistance with gratification of basic human o “Caring is the essence of nursing.”
needs while preserving human dignity and o “Nurses are a unique kind they. The
wholeness have this insatiable need to take care
o Makes others as comfortable as for others, which is both their biggest
possible strength and fatal flaw.”
o Helps others feel less worried
o Is responsive to others’ family, LESSON 3B:
significant others, and loved ones
10. Allowance for existential phenomenological
o Allows for the unknown to unfold
o Participates in the paradox of life  Patricia Benner was born in Hampton,
o Surrenders control and anticipates Virginia, and spent her childhood in California,
miracles where she received her early and professional
o Nurses supports hope education.
 Benner obtained a baccalaureate of arts
degree from the Pasadena College in 1964.
 A Caring Moment occurs whenever the nurse  In 1970, she earned a master’s degree in
and others come together with their unique nursing, with major emphasis in medical-
life histories, and phenomenal field in a surgical nursing from the University of
human-to human transaction. California, San Francisco School of Nursing.
 Her PhD in stress, coping, and health was
METAPARADIGM conferred in [1982] at the University of
1. Person
o It refers to the unity of mind, body,
spirit, and nature.
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

 She has a wide range of clinical experience,

including positions in acute medical-surgical,
critical care, and home healthcare.  The person has no background experience of
 She also worked as a researcher and professor. the situation in which he or she is involved.
 Context free rules and objective attributes
PHILOSOPHICAL SOURCES must be given to guide performance.
 There is difficulty in discerning between
relevant and irrelevant aspects of the situation.


 The person demonstrates marginally

acceptable performance.
 Copes with real situations
 Responsible for managing patient care
 Understand the meaning of components of
the situation
PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE  Still rely for help from experienced nurses
 Has clinical experience to grasp aspects of the
 Clinical situations are always more varied and situation
complicated than theoretical accounts;
therefore, clinical practice is an area of inquiry COMPETENT
and a source of knowledge development.
 Benner stated that knowledge development  Consistent in performance of activities
in a practice “consists of extending practical  Observe patient situation as a whole
knowledge (know-how) through theory-based  Manages time properly
scientific investigations and through the  Predictable in her plans and actions
charting of the existent “know-how”  Efficient in her actions
developed through clinical experience in the  Thinks before planning and implementing
practice of that discipline. care
 Ethical comportment
FOCUS  New things are learned from other nurses
 Teaches other nurses
 The model is situation-based and not trait-
based. The level of performance is not an PROFICIENT
individual characteristic of an individual
performer.  Perceives the situation as a whole rather than
 However, it is instead a function of a given in terms of aspects
nurse’s familiarity with a particular situation  Recognizes the most salient aspects and has
in combination with her or his educational an intuitive grasp of the situation based on
background. background understanding.
 The performance level can be determined  Observe changing relevance in a situation,
only by consensual validation of expert including recognition and implementation of
judges and by assessment of the outcomes skilled responses to the situation as it evolves
of the situation.  Focus of action is for the patient, family, and
significant other
CLINICAL EXPERIENCE  Increased confidence in their knowledge and
 Experience is not a mere passage of time, but  Caring to patient
an active process of refining and changing  Involved in guiding patients in decision
preconceived theories, notions, and ideas making
when confronted with actual situations.  Effective in all areas of practice
 It implies there is a dialog between what is  Nawawala yung N hahahahahaha
found in practice and what is expected.  Time-conscious


 Intuitive grasp of the situation

Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

 The expert performer no longer relies on patient, and evolve into fully participating
analytical principle to connect an members of the healthcare team.
understanding of the situation to an  The skills acquired through nursing
appropriate action. experience and the perceptual awareness that
 Identify the region of the problem without expert nurses develop as decision makers
losing time from the gestalt of the situation lead them to
 Know the typical patterns of responses follow their hunches as they search for
 Know the patient as a person evidence to confirm the subtle changes they
observe in patients.
1. Person
o A person is a self-interpreting being,
that is, the person does not come into
the world predefined but gets defined
in the course of living a life.  Katie Eriksson was born in November 18, 1943
o Past experiences helped mold the at Jakobstad, Finland.
current situation  In 1965, she became a graduate of Helsinki
2. Situation Swedish School of Nursing.
o Personal interpretation of the  In 1967, Eriksson completed her Public Health
situation is bounded by the way the Nursing specialty education.
individual is in it.  In 1970, she pursued a nursing teacher
o This pertains to how a situation differs education.
to people and their current
3. Health
o Health is defined as what can be  Caritative caring means that we take caritas
assessed, it is described as not just the into use when caring for the human being in
absence of disease and illness. health and suffering.
o Well-being is the human experience  It also means as a manifestation the love that
of health or wholeness. just exists.
o Well-being and being ill are  Caring communion or true caring occurs
understood as distinct ways of being when the one caring in a spirit of caritas
in the world. alleviates the suffering of the patient.
4. Nursing
o Nursing is described as a caring FOCUS
relationship, an “enabling condition
 In the act of caring, the suffering human being
of connection and concern”.
is introduced to the caring communion,
o Nursing is viewed as a caring practice
where the patients’ suffering can be alleviated
whose science is guided by the moral
through the act of caring in the drama of
art, and ethics of care and
suffering that is unique to every human being.
o Caring is primary because it sets up CONCEPTS
the possibility of giving help and
receiving help. 1. Caritas
o Caritas means love and charity. In
ASSUMPTIONS caritas, eros and agape are united, and
caritas is by nature, unconditional
 In applying the model to nursing, experience-
based skill acquisition is safer and quicker
o Caritas, which is the fundamental
when it rests upon a sound educational base.
motive of caring science, also
 Clinicians at different levels of practice live in
constitutes the motive for all caring.
different clinical worlds, recognizing and
2. Caring Communion
responding to different situated needs for
o Caring communion constitutes the
context of the meaning of caring, and
 Clinicians develop what Banner terms agency,
is the structure that determines
or the sense of responsibility toward the
caring reality.
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

o Caring gets its distinctive character struggle between good evil on a

through caring communion. state of becoming.
o It is characterized by the following: o It implies in some sense dying away
▪ Vitality from something, and through
▪ Intensity reconciliation, the wholeness of body,
▪ Warmth soul, and spirit is recreated when the
▪ Closeness human being’s holiness and dignity
▪ Respect appear.
▪ Honesty 8. Suffering related to life, care and illness
▪ Tolerance o Suffering related to illness is
3. Act of Caring experienced in connection with illness
o The act of caring contains the caring and treatment.
elements. o Suffering related to care is caused by
o It involves the categories of infinity care or absence of caring, it is always a
and eternity, and invites to deep violation of the patient’s dignity.
communion. o Suffering related to life are situations,
o The act of caring is the art of making experiences of being a patient, and
something very special out of the entire life of a human being.
something less special, namely acts of o A suffering human being is a patient
service. or a human being who suffers and
o The elements of Caring: patiently endures.
▪ Faith 9. Reconciliation
▪ Hope o Reconciliation refers to the drama of
▪ Love suffering.
▪ Tending o A human being who suffers wants to
▪ Playing be confirmed in his or her suffering
▪ Learning and be given time and space to suffer
4. Caritative Caring Ethics and reach reconciliation.
o Caring ethics deals with the basic o It implies a change through which a
relation between the patient and new wholeness is formed of the life
the nurse; the way in which the nurse the human being has lost in suffering.
meets the patient in an ethical sense. 10. Caring culture
o It is about the approach we have o Caring culture is a concept that
toward the patient. Eriksson uses instead of environment.
o Nursing ethics deals with the ethical o Caring culture is characterized as a
principles and rules that guide work or total caring reality and is based on
decisions. cultural elements such as traditions,
o Caring ethics is the core of nursing rituals, and basic values.
o Dignity constitutes one of the basic
1. Person
concepts of caritative caring ethics.
o Person refers to a human being.
o Human dignity is partly absolute
o For Eriksson a human being is:
dignity, and partly relative dignity.
▪ Fundamentally an entity of
o Absolute dignity is granted the
body, soul, and spirit
human being through creation.
▪ Fundamentally a religious
o Relative dignity is influenced and
formed through culture and external
▪ Fundamentally holy
2. Environment
6. Invitation
o Environment is synonymous with
o Invitation refers to the act that occurs
caring culture.
when the carer welcomes the patient
o It is characterized as a total caring
to the caring communion.
reality and is based on cultural
7. Suffering
elements such as traditions, rituals,
o Suffering is an ontological concept
and basic values.
described as a human being’s
Reviewer by jl

BSN 1-C | Prelims Reviewer | p.s. galing ito sa notes ko hehe baka may kulang :>

o Respect for the human being, his or

her dignity and holiness, forms the
goal of communion and participation
in a caring culture.
3. Health
o Health is more than the absence of
o Health implies wholeness and
o Health as soundness, freshness, and
o Health as movement implies a
4. Nursing
o Nursing is synonymous with nursing
o Eriksson emphasizes that caritative
caring relates to the innermost core
of nursing.
o Nursing care is based on the nursing
care progress, and it represents good
care when it is based on the innermost
core of caring.
o Caring nursing represents a kind of
caring without prejudice that
emphasizes the patient and his or her
suffering and desires.



Thanks, and credits <3:

Shaznay and Rica sa notes hehe

Tine kasi ang tapang nya mag picture
Ahron and Syd kasi kaka-birthday lng nila HAHAHAHAHA

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