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PRÁ CTICA DOCENTE II (plan 2019 – 2022)

Alumno residente: Fernández Mariela

Institución Educativa: Escuela primaria Cardenal Cagliero
Dirección y localidad: Sahiueque s/ número -Pilcaniyeu
Cantidad de alumnos: 11
Edad: 4 -5 años ( sala integrada)
Unidad Temática: ANIMALS
Clase Nº: 4
Fecha de clase:04/10/23
Hora:13 30 a 14 30
Duración de la clase: 60 MINUTOS
Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 27/09/23

Learning aims:

During this lesson, learners will be able to…

_to learn and acquire new vocabulary regarding ANIMALS
-To develop motor and cognitive skills.

Learning focus:

These activities will focus on

_Learn animals vocabulary : Hare,Tortoise,bear,cat,hippo,fox,duck,monkey etc;
-Revisit previous colour knowledge: Orange, red, green, pink;
-Revisit previous fruits knowledge: Banana,apple,orange,kiwi ;
-Revisit previous numbers knowledge: one,two,three,four,five;
-Revisit some verbs: sit down, stand up,listen,go,watch
-New vocabulary: park,excirse,ice-cream,chocolate,race,junk food etc;
-Develop emotional and social well-being between peers and adults; through play,
activities and songs;

Materials and resources:

-Hello song -audio-
-Story book
-Animals flashcards
-Soporte audio visual
-“goodbye video song”
Possible contingencies:
- Children could not understand listening activity much;
-Children could want to take the story book;
-Children could want to use the flashcards animals
- Children talking at the same time when teacher asks questions;
-Children could not understand specific question;
-Children could not understand the game instructions;
-Children could not stay to sit for a long time;
-Children could get boring;

Classroom management strategies:

_ Dancing and playing activities : Interaction time waving her hands.
-1,2,3 silent please,3,2,1 everyone.

Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings

-After class: the information will be collected on a word file, I will take photos, or it
will be recorded;
- be aware : What aspects of specific activities, the teacher will have to take into
account in order to improve next classes.
Lesson stages: Routine; Lead-in & Presentation; Activities; and Closure.
1. Routine
 To sing and dancing “the hello song”
● To greet each other in the English Language.
● To engage children into the class.
Timing: 5 minutes
Activity description:
➔ The teacher gets inside the classroom and greets everyone.
“Hello, Hello everyone, are you ready for today?”
➔ She invites them to do a semi-circle on the floor to sing the welcome song.
“Please come here.
Let's sing the hello song!

“Hello,Hello,how are you?

Hello ,hello how are you?
I´m good! I´m great ! I´m wonderful!

Hello,hello how are you?

I´m tired,i´m hungry ,i´m not so good!
Hello,hello how are you?
I´m good ,I´m great ! I´m wonderful!
➔ At the end of the song, she congratulates them on their performance.
Scaffolding strategies:
● say explicit instructions.
● use prior knowledge about greeting by singing.
● model the song (move your body while singing)
● repeat the song.
Transition comment:
-Ok kids, Great job ! Now she invites them to do a semi-circle and sitting down
in their chairs in order to pass the next activity in the meantime she sings:
-1,2,3 silent please,3,2,1 everyone.

2. Lead-in & Presentation

● To introduce the topic for the class: ANIMALS
● To establish how they are going to work;
● To review prior knowledge : Colours,numbers,fruits;
● To foster relationship between peers and adult;
● To foster reading and listening activity in L2;
● To reinforce questions;
Timing: 20
Activity one
-The teacher asks some questions the kids: Do you remember what things we learned in
the previous class ? For example, she says we learned about some
fruits,colours,numbers. Didn´t? Somebody would you like to tell me what colours do
you remember or what fruits or some numbers that you remember in English?
- After a little interaction with the children she invites children to sing the silent song in
order to pass the next activity. She says ok kids let´s sing the silent song,
_One,two,three silent please,three,two,one everyone”.
-OK kids she says: today we are going to listen a story. Do you like listening stories?.
She shows the story book to kids. She says this story is about “TORTOISE AND HARE
´S RACE”. Then she asks children What animals can you see here in the cover book?
After that we are going to learn how to say these animals names in English.Now,she
says listen kids and she starts reading the story: One afternoon in the park ,Hare sees
Tortoise. Tortoise is exercising.” Why are you doing that ? Says Hare. “I don´t like to
exercise. It makes me tired” The teacher continues reading… “Exercise makes my
muscles and bones strong”, says Tortoise. “I get plenty of exercise ! And I don´t eat
junk food”. After that teacher asks children what animals can you see here ? she says: “
yes, there are “una liebre ,una tortuga ,and una ardilla .Somebody know how to say
these animals names in English ? and she says: Listen kids liebre in English is “Hare”
repeat please “Hare”, then the next animal is Tortuga ,Tortuga in English is “ Tortoise”
and the next animal is ardilla, she points the ardilla and she says it is a squirrel”. Now
she goes to the next page and she continues reading the story.Ok! kids listen ´,please. “ I
don´t have to be in shape”,says Hare. “I can win a race against you any day”-“ Really?
Says Tortoise “ I don´t think you can.Let´s race next weekend”…The teacher continues
reading.All week Tortoise exerciae to get ready for the race.Hare just sleeps and eats
lots of junk food. “I´m fast already” ,says Hare.” I can beat Tortoise any day! After
finishing reading this page,The teacher asks children questions like what animals can
you see here ? She says yes,tortoise,hare, and other animals like oso,gato,pato,mapache.
She points gato on the picture and she says Do you how to say gato in English. IT IS A
CAT.Then she introduces next animals she says for example,oso in English is
BEAR,she points the bear picture and she says IT IS A BEAR.Then She repeats this
same action with the rest of the animals that are on the picture,RACOON,DUCK. And
she makes mentioned about other words,like Ice cream and chocolate.
-She turns the page and continues reading:She says listen kids : One the day of the
race ,Tortoise feels ready. “ I´m so fast,” says Hare. “ This is going to be easy”.Bear
blows a whistle,and the race starts! Hare is fast! At first,he runs far in front of
Tortoise.He runs so far that Tortoise can´t see him anymore.Tortoise says “ Hare is
fast,but i´m good shape .Ican catch up”.After that teacher ask children what animals
they can see ? yes there BEARS,TORTOISE,HARE,RACOON ,and there are others
animals she says. For example here there is un Zorro,Somebody know How to say “
zorro in English. She says zorro in English is “ FOX”. She says look at here
kids,WHAT IS IT ? she points the monkey picture ,yes un mono” she says,mono in
English is “MONKEY” .She repeats this same action with the rest of the animals.
-She turns the next page and she continues reading listen kids she says : “ I am far ahead
of tortoise ,but this is hard” says Hare. “I need something to drink! Hare stops for a
drink and a rest.Hare falls asleep,but Tortoise keeps running.Soon Tortoise runs past
Hare. “ Hare looks tired”,says Tortoise. “ I gues he doesn´t get enough sleep”…Ok kids
let´me know WHAT ANIMALS CAN YOU SEE HERE ? She points tortoise and she
asks children What animal is it ? remember yes,IT IS A TORTOISE ? And this “ She
points to the hare ? WHAT ANIMAL IS IT ? YES ,IT IS A HARE..She points to the
BEAR,now and she asks children WHAT ANIMAL IS IT ? YES,IT IS A BEAR…
Other questions, what happened here: yes,the hare takes a nap because she is tired and
the hare drinks a soda and eats hot dog. She eats a lots of JUNK FOOD. ( She explains
children what that it means) JUNK FOOD means“ Comida chatarra”
- The turns the page and she continues reading the story she says listen kids ,please :
Finally ,Hare wakes up.He sees Tortoise is far ahead of him! . “AHH! Says hare. “
Tortoise is far ahead. I have to catch up! Now Hare has to run FAST!
Hare runs fast,but he can´t catch up with Tortoise .Tortoise wins the race!
“ Can I exercise with you tomorrow? Asks Hare. “ Sure !says Tortoise. “ I can help you
get in shape.But no more JUNK FOOD.
points the tortoise picture ) WHAT ANIMAL IS IT ? She points the Hare ,YES It is a
After that she ask some questions to the kids,well she says what happened here ? how
won the race ? why the tortoise win the race ? what piece of advice the tortoise says to
the hare ?
Yes,you should more excise and no more JUNK FOOD.
Transition comment
_ Great Job kids! Did you like this activity?
-She invites to the children to do a game

● To reinforce previous knowledge : ANIMALS,QUESTIONS
● To establish how they are going to work;
● To foster relationship between peers and adult;
● To foster game activity and foster L2;
Timing: 20

Scaffolding strategies:
● say explicit instruction
● say the answer of a question
● use visual aids
● to develop motor gross skills

Activity two
Now kids we are going to play a game. She asks children would you like to play a game
in order to practice the animals names ? She explains the game to the children She
explains this in Spanish
-Procedure: Children line up against the wall and the teacher stands at the opposite
wall.She shows the children the chosen flashcard and she ask kids questions about the
flashcards,which would get a no response.Every time the students answer no,they have
to take one step forward.
-Where the students are close to the teacher ,she asks them a question about the
flashcard that would get a YES,response.When the students answer Yes,the teacher
chases and she tries to tag out students.Whoever is tagged is out of the game.
Example: Flashcard of a CAT. The teachers shows a picture of a CAT and asks “ IS IT
A FOX ? the students say, “No,it isn´t.” They then move forward one step.
-The teacher continues asking a few more questions to elicit a no response.Each time
the students answer no,they take a step forward.When the students are near the
teacher ,the teacher asks , “ Is it a CAT? The students answer “ YES,IT IS”.
The teacher then chases and tries to tag the students before they reach the wall.Whoever
is tagged is out.

Transition comment :
Great job kids ! you are amazing working! Now let´s sing the song to say “ Goodbye”

timing: 5 minutes
-to say goodbye
Activity description
-the Teacher will invite children to dance and singing the “good -bye”song

_ She sarts singing the song

“ bye ,bye goodbye,bye,bye good bye
I can clap my hands,
I can stamp my feets
I can my hands,
I can stamp my feets
Bye ,bye goodbye,
Bye ,bye goodbye

-Scaffolding strategies
-says explicit instructions
-use prior knowledge about says goodbye by singing
-model the song ( move your body while singing)
-Transition comment
_ Great kids! Give me five ! You are amazing ! see you next class.

Lesson plan Excellent Very Good Good Acceptable
component 5 4 3 2

Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and

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