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Practice Teacher: Date:

Cooperating Teacher: Time:

A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Reading and Writing 11

Competency: Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization,

coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics)
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Define the properties of written texts, and
2. Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and
cohesion, language use and mechanics).

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Properties of Written Texts
III. Learning Competency
a. Reference: AIR’s – LM in Reading and Writing
b. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation slides, television
c. Skilled Focus: Cognitive
IV. Procedure:
Preliminary Activities
 The teacher begins the class with a prayer.
 She checks the attendance of the students.
 She greets the students.
A. Motivation
 The teacher groups the class into four and let them play “Arrange to Know
B. Activity
 The teacher gives an activity of “Filling in to Complete Me”.
C. Analysis
 The teacher asks questions to the students.
1. What did you feel about the activity?
2. Why did you come up with those words you fill in?
3. What do you think will be our topic today?
D. Abstraction
The teacher...
 presents the topic about properties of written texts.
 differentiates each type of properties of written texts with examples.
 let the students ask for clarifications.
 asks the students questions to assess their understanding on the
E. Application
The teacher...
 asks real-life questions and let the students reflect on it.
 calls for volunteers to share and exchange their answers in the class.
1. How does your strand today help you organize your chosen course/life
in the future?
2. What did you do to make your writings readable and organize?
V. Evaluation
Instructions: Write “forda go” if the statement is true and “thank u next” if it is
1. Each paragraph must be built around many ideas termed as the controlling
2. Create a topic sentence which is generally written as opening sentence of the
3. An appropriate technique must be employed to develop the topic
sentence/key idea.
4. Use appropriate connectiveness between and within paragraph.
5. The paragraph is essentially a unit of length, not of thought.
6. Strong organization constitutes proper paragraphing and illogical order of
presentations of ideas.
7. Paragraphing is dividing a text into paragraph.
8. To make a paragraph reader-friendly, break the mass of words and use
9. Arguments should not advance from one point to the next.
10. The unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what makes the
VI. Assignment

Instructions: Read the short story “The Witch” by Edilberto Tiempo.

VII. Remarks
Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

Observed by:

Cooperating Teacher

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