Ict - Narh Bita

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AUTHOR: Reuben Henskel Kwaku Gokah


1.IT and ICT?…………..……………….…………......…..……………..…..…………..……...

2.Classification of Computers ……………………………………………....….………....

3.Components of a Computer ………………………………………….…...………......

4. Software Components of the Computer………………………………..……..…

5.Groups of Hardware Devices ……..…………………….……………..………….…..

6.Information Processing Cycle ……..…………………….……………..……………..

7.Storage and Memory …………………………………………………….………………..

8.Booting a Computer to the Graphical User Interface ……………..……...

9. Files and Folders………………………………………………………………………………

10.Computer Networks and the Internet ……..………………………….…….…

11. General Internet Knowledge…………………………………………………………

12. Search Engines………………………………………….……………….………………....

13. Microsoft Word………………………………………………….……….……………….



Course objectives:

By the end of the course, the student should be able to:

1. State what Information Communication is, and the technologies used in communicating information.

2. Identify the Computer System as the main technology in information communication, and state its
main components.

3. Differentiate between Hardware and Software. Take measures to secure their data.

4. Apply knowledge acquired on Software by using the computer in a software environment.

4. Describe the Information Processing Cycle, and identify the Hardware devices used at each stage of
the cycle.

5. Use the Internet effectively as an education and communication tool.

Course contents:

Introduction to ICT and the technology tools used. The Computer and its role as a technology tool. Main
components of a Computer. Powering up and Booting the computer. Hardware and Software. Groups of
Hardware devices – Input devices, Processing Devices, Output Devices, and Storage Devices, Types of
Software – System and Application Software. Virus and Antivirus Programmes. Using the computer in a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) or Desktop environment. Files and Folders.

The Information Processing Cycle (IPC): Data – Processing - Information. Hardware devices used during
the IPC. The Internet. Using the Internet as a research tool to enhance education. The role of search
engines. Downloading searched information in various file formats. The internet as a communication
tool: E – Mails, Real Time Modes of communication: Online chatting, Instant messaging, Internet Relay
Chat etc.



Course objectives:

By the end of the course, the student should be able to:

1 Use Microsoft Office Word in creating and editing professional looking documents like letters, reports,
tables, notes memorandum, etc.

2. Use Microsoft Office Excel in performing calculations and analyzes numerical data in spreadsheet

3. Use Microsoft Office Powerpoint in creating and editing presentations for slideshows, meetings and
web pages.

Course contents:

Microsoft Word: Creating and Editing Text. Using the Title Bar, Menu bar, Standard toolbar, Formatting
toolbar to edit and format documents. Using Tables to organize and present data in a document.

Microsoft Excel: Creating and manipulating numerical data. Using the Title Bar, Menu bar, Standard
toolbar, Formatting toolbar, and the Status bar to organize, analyze data entries. Using Tables,
formulas, functions and graphs to represent data in a numerical environment.

Microsoft PowerPoint: Creating and editing slides for on-screen presentations. Adding visual effects,
audio, and animations to Customize slides for presentations.



I.T. is an abbreviation – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY which is the use of computers and software to
process and retrieve information. E.g browsing of the internet, blutoothing a file with a computer or
phone, downloading of info, installing software, writing data onto storage media etc.

ICT is an abbreviation – INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY which is the use of all

technologies to communicate information. E.g sending and receiving sms, radio communication,
television communication, mobile phone communication, telecommunications, fax, , satellite
communication system, computer networks and internet communication, etc.

There are two technologies used in communication. They are:

1. Analog communication technology

2. Digital communication technology

Analog communication technology – is a communication technology which transmits informationusing

measurable physical qualities presented in continuous signals to represent data, such as an analog
clock, thermometer etc. Analog computers use physical qualities like temperature, voltage, rotation etc
as their input data to produce information.Their information mostly is represented by numbers. Analog
technology is an old form of communication which is rapidly being replaced by digital technology of

The disadvantages of analog communication technology is that its bandwith is infinite or not
measurable. As such it uses large amount of space in transmitting information. Their data transmission
also easily degrades or loses quality, since they get easily affected by external effects like weather
conditions, electronicdistortions introduced by other communication channels or devices e.g tv – phone
call,fine tuning a particular channel on analog tvs etc. Some examples of Analog mode of
communication are:

1. Radio transmission
2. Tv transmission
3. Clock
4. Hospital diagnostics machines – thermometer, X-ray and other scanning machines etc.
5. Analogue computers

Digital communication technology – is a type of communication technology which transmits data

directly using numbers. The digital technology is a modern form of communication which transmits
information in Digital signals which are represented by binary numbers, "1" or "0". The advantage of
digital communication technology is that it is finite, definite or measurable in data transmission, as it
uses only a small amount of space to transmit information. Since the mode of transmission is definite or
measured, their data transmission quality is high and not easily affected by external pressure like

electronic noise and distortions introduced by other communication channels or devices (e.g tv – phone
call,fine tuning a particular channel), weather condition, etc.

Digital communications technologies are easy to manipulate by the average users. (EXAMPLE:
more tv stations can be licensed to operate etc).

Some examples of Analog mode of communication are:

1. Radio transmissions
2. Tv transmissions
3. Clocks
4. digital computers

Learning with ICT tools:

ICT tools are devices used to communicate information.


Computers can be used for research on the internet

Television can be used as a learning tool when viewing news, and other educational programmes e.g
national geography or quiz competition

A calculator can be used to learn calculations

Some computer games help us to develop our thinking faculties

Computer educational software can be used for learning

Radio can be used to listen to news or educational programmes

Computer graphics software can be used to learn how to draw

Mobile phones can be used to share information through text or phone call

Some examples of ICT tools are:

1. Computers
2. Mobile phones (smartphones)
3. Radio
4. Printer
5. Photocopier machine
6. Television
7. Digital cameras
8. Calculator
9. Telephone
10. Projector
11. Satellite
12. Scanner
13. Digital camera
14. Speakers
15. Clock

Health hazards associated with use of ICT tools: although ICt tools are useful, there are dangers that
result from long or over use of them. Some of these ICT tools and the dangerous effect they can have on
us are:
1. Radio – can result in hearing impairment
2. Television – its radiation can result in poor vision/ neck pains/vision impairment
3. Mobile phone – its radiation can result in hearing impairment as well as its radiation can
cause cancer
4. Computer – long use can result in backache, poor vision, wrist pains etc.
5. Public address system – hearing impairment
6. Photocopier machines – its radiation can cause cancer
7. Monitor – can result in poor vision/vision impairment/poor eyesight
8. Keyboard – can result in wrist pains
9. the radiation from a projector can cause cancer
Safety precautions in using ICT tools:
1. Do not sit too close to the television
2. Do not overly increase the volume of your radio set
3. Do not keep the mobile phone close to your body, and do not overly increase its volume
4. Do not make or answer phone calls when charging your phone
5. Do not sit too close to loud speakers at the church, in the school, or at parties and weddings
6. Maintain a good body posture when using the computer
7. Do not overload electrical sockets/switch it off when not in use/or do not use a faulty socket.
8. Do not plug ICT tools into damaged sockets
Computer Ethics
It is the acceptable rules and regulations of using the computer. Some computer ethics are: do not
share viruses, do not disclose or hack into someone’s private information, do not use a copyrighted
Safety precautions in using the computer:
1. Use a good desk and a comfortable chair
2. Sit in an upright position
3. Keep your wrist straight when typing
4. Rest your eyes occasionally
5. Take frequent breaks when using the computer

Effective use of the Computer LAB

A computer Laboratory is a room or building installed with computers for use by people. Computer Labs
can be found in several places like:
Workplaces or Offices
University Campuses
Community Libraries
Internet café
Rules and Regulations in Using the ICT Lab/Measures to ensure the effective use of an ICT LAB
Bags should not be allowed into the lab to prevent items from missing
Keep the lab neat and tidy
Computers must not be turned on and off without permission
Noise must not be made in the lab in order not to disturb others
Unauthorized downloads must not be avoided
Entry and use of the lab must be by permission
No viewing of pornography in the lab
Do not use removable storage media without permission.



A computer is an electronic machine which accepts input as data, and processes it into information.
Computers are generally classified by:

Classification of computers

By capacity

By function

By size

By type

However the commonest classification is according to TYPES and CAPACITY. In this chapter, we shall
therefore consider these two types of classification.


Analogue Digital Hybrid

AN ANALOGUEcomputer is a computer whichuses measurable physical quantities presented in

continuous signals to represent data. Analog computers use physical qualities like temperature, voltage,
rotation etc as their input data to produce information. Their information mostly is represented by
numbers. Examples are analog clock, Analog Super Computers for international weather forecasting,
thermometer, hospital diagnostics machines like X-ray and other scanning machines.

A DIGITAL computer is a computer which processes and represents data directly in the form of numbers
or digits. Examples are Digital Super Computers, personal computers like desktops, laptops, notebooks
and net books.

A HYBRID computer is a computer which is capable of both digital and analog ways of processing data.


1.Super Computers
2.Mainframe Computers
3.Mini /mid range Computers
4.Micro/Personal Computers

An IBM 704 mainframe


Analogue Digital Hybrid

Micro Computers
Super Computers Mainframe Computers Mini Computers

A supercomputer is the most powerfulcomputer used for scientific and engineering purposes, performs
intense numerical calculations in areas such as weather forecasting, nuclear/weaponresearch, and
complex scientific computations at an unimaginably highest speed. A Supercomputer processes data in
trillions of instructions or commands per second. And its speed is measured in Floating Point Operations
Per Second or FLOPS. Floating point operations involves precise additions, subtractions, and
multiplications to present reports such asinternational or worldwide weather forecasts, earth/space
communication for astronauts and other scientists, nuclear/weapon simulations or calculations and test
etc. In terms of computational capability, memory size and speed, I/O technology, and topological
issues such as bandwidth and latency, supercomputers are the most powerful, are very expensive, and
are therefore not cost-effective to use to perform transaction processing. Supercomputers are not
computers designed for individual use, but for Government and multinational agencies.

Mainframe computers These are the largest size of computers which are capable of processing large
amounts of transactions quickly. They are used primarily by corporate and financial institutions for data
transactions like goods inventory between national and internationalbranches, consumer and staff
statistics, airline reservations and services, critical applications accessed by thoundsands of users at a
time,andfor banking services etc. Mainframe computers can respond to 100s of millionsof users at the
same time. Their data transmission is measured in MIPS (million instructions per second). The term
mainframe computer was created to differentiate large, institutional computers serving multiple users
from the smaller, single user machines. Eg large international industry’s computer, social website
servers like yahoo, Google, Facebook, International media houses like CNN, BBC, DW TV, etc.

A mini/midrange computers are computers which are used by multiple or many users at the same time.
These computers are used mainly in network environments and can serve hundreds or thousands of users
at the same time, with files and applications. Mid range/mini computers are in between mainframe
computers and micro or personal computers.

Micro/Personal computers: They are computers which are designed for individual use. Micro or
personal computers come in two main forms.. They are:

1. Desktop personal computers

2. Portable personal computers

A Desktop personal computer is a computer comprising ofa separate monitor, a separate, system unit,a
separate, keyboard and a separate mouse, and which is placed ona desk.

THE SYSTEM UNIT of a desktop computer: Is the part of the computer to which all peripherals are
connected and in which the processing of data takes place.

The system unit has several components inside it: some are Motherboard; cpu; hard disk drive, optical
rom drives; memory chip, power supplier, slots and electronic chips. etc.

System Units come in two main types. They are:

1. Desktop System Unit

2. Tower System Unit

The Desktop System Unit is square in shape and lies flat on a desk. Its disadvantage is that it can take
only a maximum of two optical drives, and has few buses or slots on its motherboard for cards upgrade.

The tower system unit stands straight and upright on a desk. Its advantages are that it can take many
optical drives, and has many buses or slots on its motherboard for cards upgrade.

There are three main types of tower system units. These are:

1. Mini Tower
2. MidiTower
3. Maxi/Full Tower

The mini tower is short in height; the midi tower is medium in height; whiles the maxi or full tower is
the tallest among all the tower System Units.

A portable personal computer is a type of computer which is mobile and can be hand held during use.
Examples are:

1. Laptop computer
2. Notebook computers
3. Netbook computer
4. Palmsize computers – Portable and mobile all in one computers designed for personal use. They
come in varying…
5. Tablet computer – Like laptops, but with a touch-screen, sometimes entirely replacing the
physical keyboard.
6. PDAs (personal digital assistants) – Small handheld computers with limited hardware.

Server Computer: its a computer that is dedicated to sharing files and resources to other individual
computers on a network. For example, a computer dedicated to a database may be called a "database
server". "File servers" manage a large collection of computer files. "Web servers" process web pages
and web applications. Many smaller servers are actually personal computers that have been dedicated
to provide services for other computers.

Workstations or Client computers: are computers which serve one user and is a part of a network.
Workstations in particular may contain special hardware enhancements not found on a personal

A laptop computer is a personal computer for mobile use. A laptop has its screen or monitor, keyboard,
mouse and speakers all integrated into one unit. A laptop is powered by via an AC adapter, and can be
used away from an electrical socket because it has a rechargeable battery inside it. Laptops are also
sometimes called notebook computers.

Notebook Computer: A notebook computer is the same or has the same feature as a laptop, except that
its smaller in physical size.

Netbooks are small like notebook computers which are capable of wireless network connection. Netbook
computers are light in weight, economical and energy-efficient. Its primary focus is given to web browsing and e-
mailing, and so they are generally less powerful client computers. A common distinguishing feature is the lack of
optical disk (i.e. CD, DVD or Blu-ray) drives.

A tablet computer, or simply tablet, is a mobile computer which is larger than mobile phone, and is
equipped with a touch screen as the primary input device and uses a modified desktop OS like iOS from
the Apple company and Android from Google.


They are mobile

They use less cables

They consume less energy

They can store power to function when there are power outages

They are capable of wireless network connections

They can be used for taking notes or records electronically

They are less heavy

They take up less space on a desk

They are ergonomic - designed for easy use


They are not portable

They are not easily mobile or are designed for use at a fixed location

They use several cables

They consume more energy

They cannot be used during power outages

They take up much space on a desk

They are less ergonomic - designed for ease of use


They are used to input or accepts data

They are used to process data into information

They are used to output information

They are used to store data and information


Used to store information

Used for calculations

Used for entertainment

Used for education

Used for research

Used for communication

Used to make work easier

Used for creating or writing software.


They make work faster

They make work easier

They make long distance education possible

They make education interesting and easier

They make calculations easier

They provide quality multimedia entertainment

They can store larger amount of information


It can break down or get damaged

Its data can be corrupted or attacked by a virus

It requires computer literacy or training to use

It requires electricity to use


Computers are electronic in nature

Computers respond to specific instructions

Computers are very fast in processing data

Computers can store large amount of info

Computers are easy to access

Computers can preserve data for a very long time

Computers can break down or get damaged

Computer literacy is having knowledge and understanding in the use of computers.

Computer Threat

It is any activity that has the potential to cause harm to the computer. Such activities can either be
intentional or accidental. Some examples are:
Hacking – intentional

Virus attack – accidental

Human imposed damage (improper shut down, falling etc)

Natural disaster – fire outbreak



A COMPUTER has two main components. They are:

1. Hardware
2. Software

Liveware is the human user of the computer.

Hardware is the physicals parts of the computer which we can see and touch.

SOFTWARE are programmes or sets of instructions which perform tasks on the computer and can be
seen but cannot be touched.


A computer has four main hardware parts or hardware components. They are:

1. Monitor

2. Mouse

3. System unit

4. Keyboard

MONITORS: Its an output device which displays information from the computer. Another name for the
monitor is Visual Display Unit (VDU). There are two main types of monitors. They are:

1. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

2. Flat PanelDisplays.

The Cathode Ray Tube is an old type of monitor which uses a thick glass and electronics to project
images onto a screen.

The Flat Panel Displays are modern types of monitors which are flat and light in weight. There are
different types of FPDs. They are:

1. Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)

2. Light Emitting Diode (LED)
3. Gas Plasma Panel (GPP)
4. Thin Film Transistors (TFT)

The LCD is a type of monitor which uses a thin glass and liquid chemical to project images onto a screen.

The LED is a type of monitor which uses light emissions to project images onto a screen.

The TFT is a type of monitor which uses tiny film elements to project images onto a screen.

Portable computers like laptops, palm size, notebook computers, net book computers, all use the flat
panel types of display as their monitors.




Less heavy or light in weight Very bulky in weight

They have a sharper screen resolution They have a poorer screen resolution
They emit more harmful radiation
They emit less harmful radiation
They consume more amount of energy
They consume less amount of energy

Monitor screen sizes are measured in inches.The sharpness of an image on a monitor screen is determined
by the number of pixels.

THE MOUSE: is an input and a pointing device which is used to send commands into the computer in a
graphical user environment. There Are Three Main Types of Mouse. They are:
1. Mechanical: This is a type of computer mouse that uses a hard rubber ball to touch internal
rollers to cause movement of the pointer. The rubber ball and rollers come into physical contact
with each other as the mouse is moved on the desk, to cause the pointer to move on the screen.

2. Optomechanical: the optomechanical mouse uses a hard rubber ball and light sensors to
cause movement of the pointer. The ball uses the optical sensors to roll two wheels inside the
mouse, instead of the rollers used in the mechanical mouse. This mouse is much more accurate
than a mechanical mouse that uses only wheels and rollers. A mouse pad is usually required to
place the mouse on for smooth movement.

3. Optical: This is a type of mouse which uses light signals to cause movement of the cursor. It
does not have a ball under it and does not depend on mechanics to move. Optical mice do not
have any mechanical or moving parts. The mouse relays a signal wired to the computer's mouse
port through a laser which detects the mouse's movement. Such mouse does not need a mouse
pad though one can use a mouse pad particularly made for optical mice. The optical mouse
responds more quickly and precisely than the mechanical and optomechanical mice and are the
current technology in mouse production
Connections used by the mouse:

Computer mouse have different ways of connecting to the computer. Some are:

Serial mouse:

PS/2 mouse

USB mice

Cordless mouse: These types of mouse do not use cables to physically connect to the computer. They
use infrared or radio signals to connect to the computer through a receiver. The cordless mouse
requires electronic power, which comes in the form of batteries. Cordless mouse use optical technology
to function and are more expensive than both the serial and bus mouse.


1. A mouse with many buttons: The extra buttons can be programmed to do specific things, such as navigate
the Web or turn pages when you’re reading a document. The typical button-ified mouse has about five

2. Stylus mouse: Another mouse mutation enjoyed by the artistic type is the stylus mouse, which looks like a
pen and draws on a special pad.

3. Cordless 3-D mouse: This kind of mouse can be pointed at the computer screen like a TV remote.

4. Trackball mouse: Like an upside-down mouse. Rather than roll the mouse around, you use your thumb or
index finger to roll a ball on top of the mouse. The whole contraption stays stationary, so it doesn’t need a
lot of room, and its cord never gets tangled.


A mouse skill is a particular tecqnique in using the mouse to execute commands on the computer.

There are four skills or functions of the mouse. They are:

1. Clicking
2. Double clicking
3. Right clicking
4. Dragging or Drag and drop

Clicking is the act of pressing and releasing the left button once. Clicking selects an icon, a file, or folder.

Double clicking is the act of pressing and releasing the left button twice. Double clicking launches or
opens an icon, a file, or folder.

Right clicking is the act of pressing and releasing the right button once. Right clicking opens or launches
a context menu.

Dragging/Drag and Drop is the act of clicking the left button on an objectand moving it to a different
destination. Dragging moves a file or folder.

In most cases the mouse locates and then clicks. For example: the steps in launching the paint
application are listed as:

Locate and click on the start button. The start menu will appear
Locate and click on “All programmes”. A sub menu/cascading menu will appear.
Locate and click on “Accessories”. Another sub menu/cascading menu will appear.
Locate and click on “Paint”. The paint window will launch.


The computer mouse has two main buttons. They are:

1. Left button
2. Right button

Most mouse has an additional button or wheel in between the two main buttons. It is called a scroll
button or scroll wheel. The scroll button or wheel is used for scrolling.




HYPERLINK/HAND Links or opens a user to another webpage or website


VERTICAL RESIZE Used to expand or reduce the size of a window vertically

HORIZONTAL RESIZE Used to expand or reduce the size of a window horizontally

BEAM Shows where a text will be typed

DEFAULT POINTER Used to select or double click files and commands

BUSY Busy – shows an application or a command is loading

Shows where a text will be edited in a document

Used to select a row of text in a document

THE KEYBOARD is an input device which sends data into the computer through typing. There are
different types of keyboards. Some are:

The Standard QWERTY keyboard ………………….. 104 keys

The Windows keyboard………………….. 104

The Enhanced keyboard………………… 101

The Multimedia keyboard

The internet keyboard

The standard qwerty and windows keyboards are the keyboards with the normal layout of keys and
have 104 keys on each of them.

Multimedia Keyboards: These are designed for playing media files like audio, music, or video and have
media control keys on them, like volume keys, play and pause, stop keys, and mute keys.

Internet Keyboards: These are keyboards which are designed for browsing /surfing the Internet. They
have keys dedicated for the home page email, inbox, forward, back etc.

General Functions/Basic uses of the keyboard

Feeds data into the computer
Commands/instructs the computer
Edits the screen
Controls the movement of the cursor

COMPONENTS OR GROUPS OF KEYS ON THE KEYBOARD: The keyboard has 5 main groups of keys or
components of keys. They are:






THE ALPHANUMERIC OR TYPING KEYS: These are the keys which contain the alphabets, numbers, as
well as other language symbols on the keyboard. Examples of its keys are: alphabets, numbers,
punctuation marks, enter key, backspace key, spacebar key, shift key, alt key, ctrl key etc. The
alphanumeric keys also has 3 components/can also be put into 3 groups. They are:

1. Home row keys – ASDFGHJKL;

2. Qwerty/Top row keys – QWERTYUIOP
3. Bottom row keys – ZXCVBNM.

control the movement of the cursor in a page. They include the arrow keys, insert, home key, end, pg
up, pg down, delete key, tab key, backspace key. When using the arrow or directional keys, the
movement of the cursor is in smaller or single stages. However when using the other control keys like
insert, home, end, pg up, pg down, delete, the movement of the cursor is in bigger stages.

THE CONTROL KEYS OR SPECIAL PURPOSE KEYS: these are keys which are combined or used alone to
perform particular tasks on the computer. Some of its keys are the two control keys, the two alternate
keys, escape key, the windows key, the two shift keys etc. the right mouse equivalence key, the print
screen keen, scroll lock key, pause /break.

THE FUNCTION KEYS: They are the keys labeled with an F and followed by a number which are located
on the top section of the keyboard. These keys are used for issuing specific commands to computer
programmes. Example:F1, F2, F3, etc.

THE NUMERIC KEYPADS: This is a set of 17 keys located on the right-hand side of the keyboard which
can be used for typing numbers. It is controlled by a numlock key which activates the number portion of
these set of keys, when it is on. And when it is off the entire numeric keypads can be used for
navigation/scrolling or as arrow keys.



TOGGLE KEYS: its a key which can perform more than one function. Examples are:
caps lock
scroll lock
num lock
Caps Lock is the most commonly used toggle key, and capitalizes all letter input when turned on. The
Insert key toggles the text entry mode between insert and overtype. Num Lock is another toggle key
which makes sure numbers are input from the numeric keypad and navigates and Scroll Lock allows the
arrow keys to scroll through the contents of a window.

Manipulative keys: are keys which are used independently or in combination with other keys to
perform specific functions on the computer. Some examples of manipulative keys found on the
keyboard are:

Insert key
Shift key
Tab key
Enter key
Delete key
Backspace key.

Functions of Some individual keys on the keyboard:

Enter/Return Key: it is a key which moves the cursor to the next line when typing or creates a
paragraph. It is also used to issue/execute commands to the computer and is known as a return key.

Shift: it is a key which enables the top character of a key to be typed. It is also used to type in lowercase
or uppercase letters, and for selecting text.

Backspace: it is a key which erases text to the left direction of the curser or the insertion point.

Delete: it is a key used to erase text to the right direction of the cursor or insertion point. It is also used
to remove a selected file or folder into the recycle bin.

Insert key: it’s a key which allows text to be put in between a word without erasing the immediate
Tab key: it’s a navigational key used to create an indent or letter spacing in a word processing
application, and for navigating within other applications.

The page up and page up keys: are used for page to page scrolling.

The home and end keys: positioning the cursor at the beginning and end of a sentence.

Print screen key: it’s a key which copies the current page displayed on the screen for saving.
The control keys are used for executing keyboard shortcut commands.

Layouts of Keyboards – it is the arrangement of the alphanumeric keys on a particular keyboard. The
most common layout of the keyboard is QWERTYUIOP. Other layouts of keyboards are DVORAK,
Ergonomics: it’s the condition where the equipments and environment in a place are convenient and
healthy for human use.

Ergonomic Keyboard is a keyboard specially designed for convenience to reduce health risk to the user.
Factors like comfort of the hands and wrists, comfortable body posture/position, are taken into consideration
when designing an ergonomic keyboard. Most ergonomic keyboards have a split center that separates the
keys, and an arm rest.

Virtual Keyboards
The virtual keyboards are software types of keyboards used by electronic devices like tablets and smartphones.
These keyboards are not physical in nature.

Some keyboard shortcuts used in word processing environment:

CTRL + S …………………..SAVE
CTRL + N …………………..NEW

CTRL + O …………………..OPEN

CTRL + P …………………..PRINT

CTRL + X …………………..CUT

CTRL+ C……………………. COPY

CTRL + V …………………..PASTE

CTRL + B …………………..BOLD

CTRL + I …………………..ITALICS


CTRL + Z …………………..UNDO


CTRL + L …………………..ALIGN LEFT



CTRL + J …………………..JUSTIFY




CTRL + SHIFT + F …………………..FONT








ALT + F4………………………….. CLOSES A WINDOW





F1…………………. HELP



SOFTWARE is the programme or sets of instructions which tells the computer what to do, and can be
seen but cannot be touched. There are two main types of software. They are:

1. System software
2. Application software

System software is the programme or sets of instructions which control the hardware components of a
computer and provide the platform for application software to be installed. System software can be put
in two sub groups:

1. Operating System
2. Utility programmes

Operating system is a type of system software used to boot a computer and is responsible for the basic
operations of the computer. The Operating System is loaded into the main memory/RAM when a computer

Utility software is a programme which maintains the operating system and helps it to function fully.
Some of the work or functions of a utility software is disinfection of viruses, maintaining storage media
through checkdisk, Disk Defragmentor, and Disk cleanup etc.

Utility software – is a program used to manage files and folders/data storted on a disk. Examples are: disk
defragmentor, check disk, disk compression, file synchronization, backup software, disk partition, antivirus, disk
cleaner, etc.


1. Disk Operating System

2. Windows (windows 95, windows 98, windows ME, windows 2000, windows XP, windows vista,
windows 7, windows 8, windows 10)


4. Mac OS.

DOS is a Character User Interface (CUI) operating system which uses text commands instead of
graphics which are typed at the dos prompt. The interface of this type of Operating System is plain black
and accepts text only. This o.s is also known as command line o.s. DOS COMMANDS: MD,RD,DELTREE

Windows is a GUI Operating System which uses images rather than text commands to represent
information. The company which produces this O.S is called Microsoft.


Used for booting and shutting down the computer

It provides the GUI and the desktop
It controls all the hardware components of the computer
Allows application software to be installed
Processes data into information
Controls data storage
Used for copying, deleting, and renaming files and folders
Manages and allocates memory for all programs
Controls the power management resources

Application software are computer programmes or sets of instructions which perform specific task for
the user. They can be installed only when there is an Operating System already installed on the
computer. A computer user can always choose which application programs to install, depending on his
or her needs.

MAIN TYPES OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE ARE: graphics application e.g Corel draw, paint, ms publisher,
MS powerpoint, Photoshop etc. database application, e.g. dbase applications, visual basic, ms access
etc. Word processor applications, e.g. ms word, wordperfect, word star, open office, Microsoft write
etc. Multimedia application, powerdvd, vlc player, game programs, windows media player. Spreadsheet
application, e.g. ms excel, open office math, lotus 123, visual calculator, apple iworker, Gnumeric.
communication application, ProComm, cross talk, we browsers, etc.

Functions of application software:

For graphics designing

For creating documents
For learning
For browsing the internet
For playing music
For showing movies
For playing games
For performing calculations


They are tangible They are logical

Takes instructions from the software Instructs the hardware

Less bulky to carry
Bulky to carry
It is stored on the hardware
It stores the software

Using Educational software in ICT

Educational software is an application software used in learning

Examples are: Microsoft Encarta

Mavis beacon typing tutor




Importance of educational software

For teaching and learning

For making research

It makes learning easy

It makes learning fun

Installation is the process of putting software onto a computer system. Both system and application software are
installed onto a computer before they can be used by the user. Most software are found on storage media like,
on a CDS or DVDS external HDD, pen drive, from a network resource, a remote computer, local computer or from
the internet.

Typing tutor: it’s software which teaches a computer user how to type. A user must first learn how to typewith a
typing tutor before he or she can type with a word processing application like MicrosoftOffice Word. These skills
are two skills that a typing tutor can equip a typist with. These are:

1. Accuracy in key Location.

2. Speed in typing.

Accuracy in key location refers to using the right finger to type the right letter on the keyboard. This is normally
done without looking on the keyboard.

Speed in typing refers to how fast or slow a person types using the right fingers on the keyboard. This is also
done without looking on the keyboard. The speed of typing is measured in number of Words Per Minute (WPM).

Examples of Typing Tutor are:

1. mavis beacon
2. Kiran typing tutor
3. Typing Master
4. Learn Typing quick and easy
5. KTouch programme
6. Bruce Typing Tutor



Computer hardware can be grouped into four main groups. They are:

1. Input Devices
2. Processing Devices
3. Output Devices
4. Storage Devices

Input devices are hardware components which are used to send/feed data or instructions into the
computer. Data sent into the computer by input devices comes in the form of a command by the mouse
or keyboard, typing of text in the form of letters and figures, or graphics or images, sound etc. Some
examples of input devices are:
Light pen
Digital camera
Bar code scanner/reader

A Joystick is an input device which is used to play and control video games on the computer. Without
input devices, the computer would just be a display machine without any user interaction.
Processing devices are the group of hardware devices which transform data into information. The
Central Processing Unit (CPU)/micro processor/processor is the main Processing device in the computer.
It is located on the motherboard inside the system unit, and it is described as the heart and brain of the
computer because of its importance in the computer.


The CPU is made up of four main components/parts/units:



THE ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC UNIT (ALU) is the part/component/unit of the CPU which performs all
mathematical calculations and comparisons. (ALU CC)

THE CONTROL UNIT is the part/component/unit of the CPU which interprets and executes all
instructions during processing of data. (CONTROL I.E.I)

THE MEMORY UNIT: it is part/component/unit of the CPU which stores data while it is being processed.
(before it is sent into RAM).

All commands and data fed into the computer are processed by the CPU before output is given.

Examples/types of CPU are Intel, Celeron, AMD - Advanced Micro Devices, PowerPC for apple
computers, etc. The CPU determines the speed of a computer, which is also known as the data transfer
rate of the computer.

The unit for measuring the CPU/ the speed of the CPU/the speed of a computer, is HERTZ. EXAMPLE:
100 MHZ – megahertz; 400 MHZ – megahertz; 900 MHZ – megahertz; 1GHZ – Gigahertz; 2.8 GHZ –
Gigahertz etc. Megahertz is a speed of one million data transfer per second, Gigahertz is a speed of one
billion data transfer per second, Terahertz is a speed of one trillion data transfer per second.

OUTPUT DEVICES: are the group of hardware devices which bring out information from the computer.
Output information is brought out from the computer in the form of visual, audio, text or hardcopy.
Some output devices are:

Input and output devices are collectively referred to as I/O Devices. Some devices can perform both
input and output functions. Examples are:
Touch screen
Facsimile (Fax machine)
Network Card

BIOS is an ICT acronym which means Basic Input and Output System

STORAGE DEVICES are the parts of the computer which read, write and store data onto a storage
medium. Examples of storage devices are:
Floppy diskette
Compact Disc Read Only Memory
Digital Versatile Disc
USB flash drive/Pen drive
External and internal Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
Zip diskette
Magnetic tapes
Memory cards
RAM chip.

A device is any electronic tool that can be connected to a computer. Apart from the four main groups of
hardware devices, there are additional groups. These are:

Imaging Devices:

Communication Devices

Pointing Devices

Scanning devices:

Imaging Devices/scanning devices: are input devices which use laser beams to capture data in the form
of graphics into the computer.

Examples of imaging devices are Digital cameras, Scanners, Web camera, Photocopiers etc.

Scanner: is an input and imaging device used to capture data in the form of graphics into the computer.
Some examples of Scanners are: Flatbed Scanner, Optical Scanner, Handheld Scanner, Character
Recognition or Bar Code Scanner.

Communication Devices: are devices used to channel information from the computer to a user.
Examples of communication devices are g, modem, speaker, headphone, microphone, router, .

Pointing Devices: They are devices used to identify and select objects in a Graphical User Environment.
Examples of Pointing Devices are Mouse, Stylus, Light pen, Touch pad, Trackball etc.

Motherboard: it is the main circuit board to which internal hardware components are connected inside
the system unit. Some of the components connected to the motherboard are: cpu, hdd, RAM, Power
supply, CPU fan, optial drive cmos battery etc. the motherboard contains slots or buses for connecting
these devices.

CMOS is an acronym in ICT which means Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-conductor.

The least number of input devices that a computer system can have is ONE. And that is the keyboard.

ROUTER: it’s a hardware device used for networking and can share internet access wirelessly.

MODEM (Modulator Demodulator): it’s an input and out device which gives internet access.

WIFI /: Wireless Fidelity. A communication system which connects and shares information wirelessly.

HIFI: High Fidelity. It is a sound system which gives out a higher sound quality.

INFRARED: A wireless communication system which uses light signals to transmit data. Television
remotes, sound system remotes, ship docking stations, air traffic controls etc all use infrared to

BLUETOOTH: Is a wireless communication method between two or more devices in a short range. Some
devices like, mobile phones, tablets, Netbook computers, mouse, keyboard, etc, use this
communication method.

PERIPHERAL: is an external device connected to the computer to perform a particular function.

Examples are: mouse, keyboard, scanner, printer, modem, etc.

Printer is an output device used to transform/convert/generate softcopies into hardcopies.

The plotter is a type of printer used for large size printing. Most office and home printers print onto
small sizes of paper like A4 and A3.Large or wide printing requires a bigger type of printer, and that is a

Plotters print documents and graphics onto papers and materials of sizes starting from 2 feet onwards.
They are usually used by companies that print advertising posters, banners, architectural firms for
printing large drawings, and government agencies for printing maps and town planning documents.In
the past, plotters used a special pen for their vector drawings, but modern plotters no longer use pens,
rather, modern plotters use inkjet, laser, or thermal technologies for theirwide-format printing. These
work similarly to the common office laser and inkjet printers.


It is smaller than a plotter It is bigger than a printer
It prints onto smaller sheets of papers It prints onto larger sheets of papers and other
It is less expensive It is more expensive

A port is a hole or an opening at the back and sides of a system unit used to connect external hardware

Slot/bus: it is a hole or an opening on the motherboard of a system unit which is used to connect
internal hardware devices.

UPS it’s a device which stores and gives constant flow of power from to the computer.

UPS: it’s a device used to save and supply electric power to the computer when there is power outage.

Advantages of UPS

It allows a user to save data before shutting down

It prevents damage to the computer during sudden power outages

It regulates a constant flow of power to the computer

STABILIZER it’s a device which ensures constant flow of power to heavier electronic appliances like deep
freezers, air conditioners etc.

STEP UP TRANSFORMER it’s a device which increases electric power from 120V to 220V.

STEP DOWN TRANSFORMER it’s a device which decreases electric power from 220V to 110V.



THE INFORMATION PROCESSING CYCLE is the steps or methods the computer uses to
transform/change data into information.

Data is the raw or unknown facts fed into a computer which is processed into information. Data on its
own has no meaning unless it has been processed into information (As an example there are lots of data
on any individual like their names, food he likes best, where he grew up, which hosp of birth, favourite
color, etc. OR of a particular students in a class – how many are boys, girls, how many in each section,
how many stay in at where, which number took a particular breakfast, etc OR patient goes to hospital
and doctor asks questions like symptoms – all are data before they become information to him).

Forms/Types/Elements of Data:

Data comes in different forms or types. Some are:

1. Text /documents
2. Images/graphics
3. Video/motion picture
4. Sound/audio
5. Software /programs.

Information: It is data that has been processed, organized or put into a meaningful form.

Sources of information







the internet

Characteristics of information

Information is:


Accurate /Verifiable: The information must be correct and free from errors
Complete: It must be a whole truth, not partly true.
User-targeted: The information must have a targeted audience.
Relevant: The information must relate to the needs of its receipients.
Timely: Information should be communicated at the right time so that receiver of the information has
enough time to decide appropriate actions based on the information received.
Easy to Use: Information should be understandable to the users.

Accessible: The information must be easily reached by users at any time.

Understandable by the user: Information must be clearly understood by the end user

There are five stages in the information processing cycle.

1. Input stage
2. Processing stage
3. Output stage
4. Storage stage
5. Distribution stage

Input stage– it is the stage of the IPC where data is fed/entered/sent into the computer. The hardware
devices used at this stage are called Input devices.

Examples of input devices are: (SSMMBCJKL)

Digital camera
Light pen
Bar code scanner/reader
Blu tooth device
Processing stage– This is the stage of the IPC where is transformed or changed into information. The
hardware devices used at this stage are called Processing devices. The Central Processing Unit
(CPU)/micro processor/processor is the main Processing device of the computer. It is located on the
motherboard inside the system unit, and it is described as the heart and brain of the computer because
of its importance in the computer.

Output stage – it is the stage of the IPC where processed data or information is brought out of the
computer. Processed data or information can be in the form of letters or text displayed on the monitor,
music brought out through speakers, or words printed onto on a paper by a printer. The hardware
devices used at this stage are called output devices. Examples of output devices are:
Speaker (3 Ps, HMS)
Storage stage–This is the stage of the IPC where information is stored for future use. The hardware
devices used at this stage are called storage devices. Examples of storage devices are:

Floppy diskette
USB flash drive/Pen drive
External and internal Hard Disk
Zip diskette
Magnetic tapes
Memory cards

Distribution stage – This is the stage of the IPC where the information is used and shared by the user.
The hardware devices used at this stage are called storage devices. Examples of storage devices are:
Mobile phone
Fax machine

Devices that are both input and output

touch screen
facsimile(Fax machine)
Network card


Database is a centralized storage system of related files or information within an institution or

company. A company might use database to store information about their products, employees or their
financial information.



Storage is the keeping of data for future use. There are two main types of storage on the computer.
They are:

1. Primary storage
2. Secondary storage.

Primary storage media are hardware devices which store data temporarily. These media are always
supported by electronic power and loses the data stored on them immediately the power goes off. This
group of storage media is also known as volatile storage media. An example is RAM. The sooner a
computer is turned off or restarted, anything being stored in RAM is lost. The more RAM a computer
has, the faster the computer will operate.

Secondary storage media are hardware devices which store data permanently. They are also referred
to as non-volatile storage media. All data stored on these media can always be accessed whenever
power is restored. Examples of storage media are: Floppy Diskette, Compact Disc Read Only Memory,
Digital Versatile Disc, pen drive/USB flash drive, external and internal Hard Disk, zip diskette, magnetic
tapes, memory cards.

A computer’s main storage medium is the Hard Disk Drive, which stores the OS and all other application
programmes as well as the user and system files and folder.


When it comes to storage, there are storage devices and storagemedia.

STORAGE DEVICES are the parts of the computer which read, write and store data onto a storage
medium. One example of a storage device is the CD/DVD drive in which you place your CDrom Disc or
the DVD disc, or your USB flash drive reader. This medium can then be put into a storage device like a
DVD player or phone to read this data. You usually find these two parts to be separate pieces, making
the storage medium removable. Some storage devices can be found inside of the system unit, while
others are plugged into an external port.Examples of storage devices are:

Floppy DISK drive

CD ROM Drive







Storage Medium is the hardware part of the computer, which physically or directly stores the data.
Examples of storage media are, Hard Disk, Floppy diskette, Compact Disc, Digital Versatile Disks, Blu Ray
Discs, USB flash Drive, Zip diskettes, magnetic tape, memory card, etc

Importance of data storage

For creating backups

For future use

Memory refers to the state in which data is stored. There are two types of computermemory. They are:



RAM is temporal storage. As such the information stored in RAM is stored temporarily. Information in RAM
can always be edited, altered or deleted. You can always read information from RAM and write to RAM.The
storage medium which does RAM or temporal storage is called Memory chip, or RAM chip. RAM can
also be referred to as Primary Storage Media.

ROM is permanent storage. As such the information stored in ROM is stored permanently. Information in
ROM cansometimes not be edited, altered or deleted. You can always read information from ROM
butsometimeswrite to ROM.The storage media which are used for ROM or permanent storage are, HDD,
Floppy diskette, Optical storage media – e.g CDs, DVDs, Blu Ray Discs, etc, USB Drives, Zip diskettes
etc.ROM can also be referred to as Secondary Storage Media.


RAM or Primary storage stores data temporally ROM or Sec. storage stores data permanently.
RAM or Primary storage is Volatile storage ROM or Secondary storage is non-volatile storage.
RAM can be written onto by a user ROM cannot be written onto by a user.

(Volatile means data can be lost whenever there is power outage editing is done only when the file has
been launched into ram).

used by Storage Devices to store data onto a storage medium: These are:

1. OPTICAL storage devices

2. MAGNETIC Storage devices

OPTICAL STORAGE DEVICES are the types of storage devices which uselaser beams(a lighting system) to
read and write data. Optical devices use a form of small bumps and dips to imprint data onto the
surface of the disc for storage. Examples of optical storage media are: CD ROM, CD RECORDABLE, CD
reading/writing medium that accesses the data on their media. The laser within the drives used to write
data onto the blank discs are more powerful than the reading types – as it ‘burns’ the data onto the
bumps and dips of the disc during the writing process.


The newest form of optical disk is the Blu-ray disk (BD), which was officially announced on February 19,
2002, and was first available to consumers on April 10, 2003.[25] Blu-ray gets its name from the blue laser that
reads it (as opposed to the red laser that reads DVDs). BDs have more storage capability than its
predecessor and also has a variety of new functions that DVDs did not have, such as the following: record
high-definition television without losing quality, record one program while watching another at the same time,
automatically search for an empty space on the disc to avoid recording over a program, and access the Web
to download subtitles and other features. The way BDs achieve this is by having smaller pits, so more data
can be stored, and having a laser with a shorter wavelength, a blue laser, that can read more precisely.
DVDs could not fit more information because a red laser is not precise enough to read pits that are packed
together as close as the pits on a BD. Pits on a DVD could be a minimum of 0.4 microns, while BDs pit
minimum is 0.15 microns. Also, the track pitch on BDs has been reduced from 0.74 microns to 0.32 microns.
Because of all these improvements, a BD can hold more than 25 GB of information, which is five times the
amount that a DVD can hold.[26]Ripping CDs or DVDs: its the process of copying audio files from an optical
storage medium unto the computer. E.g from an audio CD to the computer; from an audio DVD to the

While Optical Discs may be excellent media of storage, their necessity has now come into question with the
ever advancing of technology. Floppy disks used to be what everyone used to store information and that
soon became obsolete. As the cycle of technology inevitably catches up to optical discs, they may no longer
be as useful as before. First, there’s the rise of technologies that no longer make use of optical discs because
of the size. Most tablets and laptops no longer having optical drives because they take up space and may
make the device less portable. Next is the fact that there are many more storage options that have become
available that are much more convenient. Cloud storage has been on the rise as well as regular flash drives
have had an increase in storage capacity as compared to optical discs. Then there’s the fact that many media
companies have moved to a disc free environment. Streaming services have made renting CDs and DVDs
obsolete. Gamers no longer buy physical discs but rather just download a digital copy. Even music has
moved to a streaming service that makes buying physical albums and LPs more of a novelty. Finally, there is
the fact that consumers want what’s convenient and optical discs are no longer as convenient as they used to
be. However which way you look at it, the advancement of technology will eventually make anything obsolete.

Burning CDs or DVDs: the process of using an optical drive to write data from the computer onto an
optical storage medium. e.g from the computer to a cd recordable; from the computer to a DVD

Ripping CDs or DVDs: the process of using an optical drive to copy audio files from an optical disc onto
the computer.

MAGNETIC Storage devices are the types of storage devices which use magnetic patterns and a read
and write head to store data. This technology works by recording the data onto the surface of a round
metal disc which spins inside the drive. Examples are: Hard Disk Drives, Magnetic Tapes, floppy
diskettes, and cassette tapes.

DISC CRASH/HEAD CRASH: It is the dropping or falling of the read /write head of a magnetic disk drive
on to the surface of the disc plate.( instead of standing erect or straight it falls onto the surface of the
disk.) Disc Crash is therefore a physical damage/failure of the drive.


They can store larger amounts of data.

They can be read from and written to many times over.

They are faster in accessing data.


They can be used for data backups.

They are cheaper in price.

They are easier to handle or carry.


They use magnetic patters to store data They use laser beams to store data

They use a read and write head to read and They use a lens to read and write data
write data
They are slower in reading and writing
They are faster in reading and writing data data
Data can be read and written on them
Data can be read and written on them many only once or few times. E.g Recordable
times CD or DVD, and rewritable CD or DVD.

They store larger amount of data They store lesser or smaller amount of


They write or record data They store data

They are usually fixed They are removable

They are usually internal They are usually external
Refer to scheme for more


It is an alphabet used to identify storage devices on the computer.




UNIT OF DATA MEASUREMENT: The basic unit for data storage or data measurement in the computer
is BYTE. 8 bits make a byte.

ORDER OF DATA MEASUREMENT: BYTE – KILOBYTE(1000 bytes of data) – MEGABYTE (1 million bytes
of data) – GIGABYTE (1 billion bytes of data) – TERABYTE (1 trillion bytes of data) – PETABYTE – EXABYTE

To move or to convert from one unit of data measurement to the next, you always count up to an
interval of a 1,000 byte, before it will change to the next unit. For example: from 10 bytes 100 bytes,
200bytes, 300 bytes, 500 bytes, 600 bytes, 800 bytes, 900 bytes 990 bytes, then 1,000 bytes which is
the same or equal to 1kb. From 10 kilobytes 100 kilobytes, 200 kilobytes, 300 kilobytes, 500 kilobytes,
600 kilobytes, 800 kilobytes, 900 kilobytes 990 kilobytes, 1,000 kilobytes which is the same as or equal
to 1mb. From 10 megabytes, 100 megabytes, 200 megabytes, 300 megabytes, 500 megabytes, 600
megabytes, 800 megabytes, 900 megabytes 990 megabytes, 1,000 megabytes which is the same as or
equal to 1gb. From 10 gigabytes, 100 gigabytes, 200 gigabytes, 300 gigabytes, 500 gigabytes, 600
gigabytes, 800 gigabytes, 900 gigabytes 990 gigabytes, 1,000 gigabytes which is the same as or equal to
1tb. Another example: 1,000 gh, 2,000gh, 20,000gh, 100,000gh, 200,000gh, 400,000gh, 500,000gh,
800,000gh, 900,000gh, 950,000gh, 980,000gh, 995,000gh 1,000,000gh (we don’t call this figure a
thousand, thousand Ghana cedis but we say 1 million gh cedis). Another example: 1.2mb = 1,200kb;
12mb = 12,000kb; 120mb = 120,000kb; 1,200mb = 1.2gb. ARRANGE THE FF: 1TB; 1200KB; 12MB; 5,000

From terabyte (2to 40th power or tebibyte to pebibyte 2to 50th power) to petabyte, from petabyte to
(bibytes are exact whiles rabytes are approximations of the 24 bytes difference) exabytes to (2to 60th
power or exbibytes, to zebibytes 2to 70th power) zettabytes,from Zettabyte to yottabytes 2to 80th
power or yobibytes.

Differences in reading and writing speed and data storage capacities: Currently YOTABYTE is the
largest unit of measurement for data storage in the computer. Among all storage devices and media,
the hard disk currently stores the largest amount of data, and is also the fastest from which to access
information. In both speed and data storage capacity, the hard disk is the highest, and is followed by the
USB flash drive (Pen drive).

Among Optical storage devices and media, the Blu ray discs stores the largest amount of data in
hundreds of Gigabyte – e.g 200GB, and is also the fastest. This is followed by the DVD disc which stores
a minimum of 4.7GB and a maximum of 16.7GB, and is the second in speed to the Blu ray disc. The
Compact Discs or CD is next with a data storage capacity from 1 Mb to a maximum of 700MB. However,
the floppy diskette is the least of them all in both speed and data storage capacity. Its maximum data
storage capacity is 1.44MB. The last version of a floppy disk was released in 1987 by IBM.

Reading: is the process of retrieving or transferring information from a storage medium into RAM.

Writing: is the process of recording or transferring information from RAM onto a storage medium.

File system/File Allocation Table (FAT): it is the process used by a computer to control how data is
stored and retrieved./It is the structure and logical rules which manages data stored on a storage

DATA Backup: it is the process of making a duplicate of data onto an external storage medium for safe
keeping. DEVICES that are used for data backup include: CD ROM, CD RECORDABLE, CD REWRITABLE,
DVD ROM, DVD RECORDABLE, DVD REWRITABLE, Blu Ray Discs, External Hard disks, Floppy diskettes,
USB flash drives etc

DISC: The British spelling of disk – usually used for optical discs. There are 3 types of optical discs: CD

Disk Formatting: it is the process of erasing and preparing a storage medium for use. During disk
formatting, a File Allocation Table (FAT) is created on the surface of the disk or storage medium. During
this process, unseen tracks, sectors and……..are created on the surface of the disk to be used for data

Storage devices according to access speed in descending order:

Hard disk – pen drive – Blu ray – DVD –Compact disc

Storage devices according to storage capacity in descending order:

Hard disk – pen drive – Blu ray – DVD – Compact disc

The time taken by a hard disk to access data is quite fast. By contrast, the time taken by random-access
memory is far faster. This is because RAM is a solid state or flash type of storage – where its data is kept
in a solid state and does dot require any movable part of the drive to access its data. This illustrates the
significant access-time difference which distinguishes solid-state memory from rotating magnetic
storage devices: hard disks are typically about a million times slower than memory. Rotating optical
storage devices, such as CD and DVD drives, have even longer access times. With disk drives, once the
disk read/write head reaches the proper placement and the data of interest rotates under it,
subsequent data on the track are very fast to access. To reduce the seek time and rotational latency,
data are transferred to and from disks in large contiguous blocks.

Flash Memory Cards and Readers[edit]

USB Flash Drives[edit]

Hardware Encrypted USB Flash Drive

USB flash drive

USB drives are the perfect devices for transporting data and files. They are easy to use and their portability
makes them incredibly convenient. In addition to storing files, they can also be used to run portable apps.
Certain applications can be turned into portable versions of themselves. You can have access to various
software applications to use on any computer. Free programs exist to convert applications to portable ones
to, in essence, create a portable PC on a thumb drive. USB drives range in storage capacity from 2 GB to
256 GB. With 256 GB of storage in such a portable size, the limits to their use are virtually endless.

USB drives can be password protected, or some can even be secured using biometric features, like a finger
print. There are some concern related to USB drive security. They can contain large amounts of information,
and given their portability, they can be used for transporting files secretly. Anyone with access can simply
plug a USB drive into a computer, copy files onto it, and remove them from the premises. USB drives carry
an additional security risk in that they can contain malware that can be launched using AutoPlay as soon as
they are plugged in.http://www.howtogeek.com/203061/don%E2%80%99t-panic-but-all-usb-devices-have-a-
WORM MEDIA: Are optical storage media which represent Write Once Read Many. The main difference
between worm media and other optical storage media like CD’s and DVD’s is that Worm media are read
only by the drives that read them, thereby providing security to the data it stores. Also they are capable
of holding larger data and are therefore used by industries for data backups. However they are very
expensive in comparison with cds and dvds.



BOOTING is the process which loads an operating System when a computer is turned on through the
power button. During the booting process, the computer’s operating system is loaded into the
computers RAM to be made ready for use by a user. There are two types of booting:


COLD BOOTING is the act or process of turning on a computer that was completely off.

WARM BOOTING (Reboot/restart) is the act or process of restarting a computer that was previously on.
Warm booting can be done through any of the following methods:

1. Press the reset/restart button on the system unit

2.Press ctrl + alt + delete keys simultaneously.

Reasons for warm booting a computer:

When the computer freezes (frozen operating system)

During installation of software

Upgrading of a hardware device

Power outages


1. Check if all power and peripheral cables are well connected

2. Remove any removable storage medium from their drives

3. Gently press the system unit power button.

4. Gently press the monitor power button.

5. Wait for the computer to boot to the desktop


1. Close all launched/running application/ programmes

2. Remove any removable storage medium from their drives

3. Click on the start button to launch the start menu

4. Click on the turn off/shut down tab on the start menu.

5. Gently press the monitor’s power button.


It can result in loss of unsaved data

It can corrupt system and application files

It can damage the hard disk and other connected storage media


STANDBY/SLEEP STATE: it is a power saving state of a computer or an option on the shut down menu in
which launched/running applications are saved into RAM, and the computer is put into a low power
state. Parts like the hard disk, CPU and graphics card are turned off. To get the computer back on from
stand by or sleep, a user has to press any key or move the mouse or desktop computers, but must press
the power button for lap/notebook computers.

HIBERNATION: it is a power saving state of a computer or an option on the shut down menu in which
launched/running applications are automatically saved onto the Hard disk before the computer is
completely turned off. To turn the computer on again from hibernation, it must be booted from the
power button (cold boot). On most computers, pressing the shift key on the keyboard will activate the
HIBERNATE option on the shut down dialogue box.



SHUT DOWN: it is a power saving state of a computer or an option on the shut down menu in which
launched/running applications are closed before the computer is completely turned off. In this state, no
part of the computer is sustained by running power.

RESTART: it is a power saving state of a computer or an option on the shut down menu which closes all
running applications, turns a computer off and immediately boots it again.

LOG OFF: It is an option that closes all running applications and ends the session of a user on a

LOG ON: It is an option which starts the session of a user on a computer.

The Desktop is the viewable area of the monitor screen where one uses the computer to work. It
appears when the computer finishes booting. The desktop offers the Graphical User Interface where
programmes and files are represented by small pictures or images called icons.

GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE is a software environment where users interact with the computer or
other electronic devices like phones, tablets etc, using images or icons.

ICONS: these are graphical representations of programmes on the computer. Icons are be used as
shortcuts to launch the programmes they represent. Examples: my computer/computer – it displays the
storage devices of the computer; my documents/documents – it’s a folder which stores the user’s
documents; recycle bin – it’s a folder which stores deleted files from the hard disk; my network
places/network – it displays computers and other devices which are connected to a network.

START BUTTON: This is a button located at the bottom left corner of the desktop which is used to
launch the start menu and applications. It has two divisions or parts – the left pane and right pane.

WALL PAPER: this is a graphic file or picture which is used to beautify the background of the desktop.

TASKBAR: long horizontal bar located at the bottom of the desktop which displays opened applications,
the start button, notification icons,and the computer’s time and date.

Notification area/system tray:it is the area of the taskbar that displays small icons of some programs and pop
up alerts to the user. Some of these are system clock, volume, network connection, virus alerts, updates
alerts etc.

quick launch is an area on the taskbar which contains shortcuts to icons and programs for easy launching.

MOUSE POINTER: it is the white arrowlike object which moves on the desktop according to the
direction of the mouse.

Functions/uses of the start menu:

Launches programmes
Adjusts the computer’s settings
Launches commonly used files
Launches the help programme
Turns off or shuts down the computer
Logs off users and switches to different user accounts
Launches the search programme

Customizing the Desktop

It is the process of making changes to your desktop settings. Some of these changes include, changing
your wallpaper, screen saver, screen resolution, the location of the taskbar, etc.

Steps in changing your wallpaper

1. Right click an empty space on the desktop

2. Select personalize
3. Select Desktop background
4. Select your preferred wallpaper
5. Click save change
1. Click on start button
2. Select control panel
3. Select users and appearance
4. Select desktop background tab
5. Select your preferred wallpaper
6. Click save change

Steps in changing your screen resolution

1. Right click an empty space on the desktop

2. Select personalize
3. Select Display
4. Select adjust resolution
5. Select your preferred resolution
6. Click ok, apply
1. Click on start button
2. Select control panel
3. Select adjust resolution
4. Select your preferred resolution
5. Click ok ,apply

Steps in changing the default location of the taskbar

1. Unlock the taskbar

2. Click on an empty space on the taskbar and drag to your preffered location

A Window is a rectangular box or frame which displays information for an application or a programme.
A Computer Window has the following parts:

The Title bar

The Menu bar
The scroll bars
The Status bar
The working space or display area.
The title bar is the topmost bar of a window which displays the name of the file, the name of the
application, and the Control box buttons. The control box buttons are used to control a window. They
are a total of four buttons. However, only three are displayed on a computer window at a particular
time. They are:
1. Maximize button
2. Minimize button
3. Restore button
4. Close button

THE MENU BAR: is a bar which contains menus or options on a window in the form of words. When one
clicks on a menu, it will generate a drop down list of options for the user. Examples of some common
menus found in a window are File, Edit, View, Help, and Tools etc.
THE HORIZONTAL SCROLL BAR It’s a bar used to move to the left or right direction in order to access
the unseen content of a window.

THE VERTICAL SCROLL BAR: It’s a bar used to move to the top or down direction in order to access the
unseen content of a window.

THE STANDARD TOOLBAR is the bar whichcontains the common buttons used for editing a document.
Some of the buttons or tools found on the standard toolbar: save, open, new, print, print preview, cut,
copy, paste undo, redo, spelling and grammar check, draw table, etc.

THE FORMATTING TOOLBAR is the bar which is used to make changes to the appearance of the text in
a word processor programme. Some of the buttons found on the formatting toolbar are: font, font size,
color of font, bold, italics, underline, text alignment buttons, strike through, subscript, superscript, line
spacing, shading, border and shading, etc.

THE STATUS BAR is a small area at the bottom of a window which gives helpful information about the
window to the user. This information may include the number of items or files in the window, number
of selected objects, (in some applications like ms word number of words, zooming options, number of
pages, document view layout, etc.

WORKING AREA OR DISPLAY AREA: it’s the large space within the window where the user works.

DIALOGUE BOX: It’s a small frame which allows a user to communicate with the computer by offering
options. A dialogue box has on its title bar two buttons, which are help button and a close button. The
help button comes in the form of a question mark, On the bottom of a dialogue box are found options
like cancel, ok, and apply. Unlike a window, a dialogue box is smaller and does not have the control box
buttons on its title bar.

Examples of dialogue box

Dialogue boxes are usually identified by their names. This name is located on the title bar of the
dialogue box. Some examples are:

1. display properties dialogue box

2. Print dialogue box
3. Save as dialogue box
4. Open dialogue box
5. Word art dialogue box
6. Folder options dialogue box
7. Word options

Differences between a window and a dialogue box

A window is bigger than a dialogue box

A window has all the control box buttons whiles a dialogue box has only one

A window does not have the ok, apply and cancel options but a dialogue box has

A window has no help button but a dialogue box has

MENU: is a list of options which are displayed as a result of the immediate past action performed by the
user.Usually, theseoptions are related to theselected object.(context menu)

SUB MENU /CASCADING MENU: They are additional related options which are displayed as a result of
the immediate past option chosen by the user.

POP UP MENU: It is a list ofcontext-related options which displays when a user moves the mouse on an
object or sub menu. It is always not visible until it is accessed by the user, and is sometimes indicated by
an arrow in a particular direction.




FILES: A Computer file is a collection of data stored as a single unit.

TYPES OF FILES: Some types of files are:

Document/text file
Sound/Audio file
Graphic/Image file
Multimedia/Video file
Programme /Application file

FILENAME: it is a set of characters used to identify a computer file. Every computer file is
assigned/given a name. This is known as a filename. A filename makes identification of files possible
and easier. Files can be stored and transferred on both permanent and removable storage media.

FOLDERS: A folder is an assigned area on a storage medium used for storing files and sub folders.
Folders have a yellowish colour and look like an envelope. Folders are used to keep files organized on
the computer. There are two main types of folders on the computer. These are:
1. System folders and
2. User folders.
System folders: are folders which automatically created on the computer programmes are installed.
Examples of system folders are
Program files
Documents and settings etc.

User folders are folders which are created by a computer user. User folders have the default name ‘new
folder’, and can be renamed by the user with any other name.

A sub folder is a folder within another folder. Dragging a folder from one drive to another drive is equivalent
to a copy operation. But dragging a folder from one drive to a window on same drive is equivalent to a cut or
moving operation.

Importance or reasons or advantages of folders

It organizes files in an orderly way on the computer
It makes identification of files easy
It allows quick or fast access to files

Importance or reasons or advantages of filenames

It organizes files in an orderly way on the computer
It makes identification of files easy
It allows quick/fast access to file locating

Similarities between files and folders

Files and folders are both created
Files and folders can both be renamed
Files and folders both have names
Files and folders can both be deleted



Files are data or information It stores files and sub folders

Takes space on a storage medium Does not take space on a storage

Does not have a name extension
Has a name extension
Does not require application to create
Requires application to create

General rules of creating files and folders

The name of the file or folder should reflect its contents
They both accept letters and numbers as part of their names
They do not accept the following characters as part of their names:/\:?*<>

Steps in Creating a new folder

1. Right click on an empty space on your desktop or within a window. A menu appears.
2. Locate or move the mouse pointer to ‘New’. A sub menu appears.
3. Click on folder
4. Type a new name and press the enter key or click on an empty space.

Steps in Renaming a file

1. Right click on the file. A menu appears.
2. Locate and click ‘rename’. A sub menu appears.
3. Type the new name
4. Press the enter key or click on an empty space.

Steps in Renaming a folder
1. Right click on the folder. A menu appears.
2. Locate and click ‘rename’. A sub menu appears.
3. Type the new name
4. Press the enter key or click on an empty space.

Steps in Deleting a file/folder

1. Right click on the file/folder. A menu appears.
2. Locate and click ‘delete.
3. Click yes on the dialogue box

Steps in Restoring a deleted file/folder

1. Launch the recycle bin
2. Right click on the file/folder.
3. Click on restore OR
1. Launch the recycle bin
2. Select the file/folder.
3. Click on restore this item

Steps in Emptying the recycle bin

1. Launch the recycle bin
2. Click on empty the recycle bin OR
4. Right click on the recycle bin
5. Select empty the recycle bin

Using the search tool to locate files and folders

The search tool is a help facility used to find missing files and folders. This tool is found on the start

Steps in using the search tool to find files and folders (WINDOWS XP)

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.

2. Click on ‘search’ on the right pane of the start menu.
3. Click on all the files and folders command on the left side of the search window.
4. In the filename field, type the filename or a word or phrase in the content of the file.
5. Select the location to search from in the ‘look in’ field under the filename field.
6. Then click on search and wait for the results to be displayed in the right pane of the search

Steps in using the search tool to find files and folders (WINDOWS 7/8)
1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.
2. Click on ‘search’ on the right pane of the start menu.
3. Type the filename or a word or phrase in the content of the file.
4. Click on the displayed file to launch it.

Steps in launching Applications

Applicationsare software, programmes or sets of instructions which perform specific task for the user.
Before an Application can be used, it must be launched or opened by the user.

Steps in launching Wordpad application

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.

2. Locate and click All Programmes. A sub menu appears.
3. Locate and click Accessories. A sub menu appears.
4. Locate and click the Wordpad application

Steps in launching Paint application

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.

2. Locate and click All Programmes. A sub menu appears.
3. Locate and click Accessories. A sub menu appears.
4. Locate and click the Paint application

Steps in launching Windows Media Player application

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.

2. Locate and click All Programmes. A sub menu appears.
3. Locate and click Accessories. A sub menu appears.
4. Locate and click the Windows Media Player application

Steps in launching internet explorer

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.

2. Locate and click All Programmes. A sub menu appears.
3. Locate and click internet explorer

Steps in launching google chrome

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.

2. Locate and click All Programmes. A sub menu appears.
3. Locate and click google chrome
Steps in launching Microsoft Office Word application

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.

2. Locate and click All Programmes. A sub menu appears.
3. Locate and click Microsoft office. A sub menu appears.
4. Locate and click the Microsoft Office Word application

Steps in launching Microsoft Office Excel application

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.

2. Locate and click All Programmes. A sub menu appears.
3. Locate and click Microsoft office. A sub menu appears.
4. Locate and click the Microsoft Office Excel application

Steps in launching Microsoft Office PowerPoint application

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu.

2. Locate and click All Programmes. A sub menu appears.
3. Locate and click Microsoft office. A sub menu appears.
4. Locate and click the Microsoft Office Powerpoint application



COMPUTER NETWORKS: It is a group of computers which have been connected together to share
information. There are four main types of networks: LAN, MAN, WAN and INTERNET. There

1. LAN – Local Area Network.

2. MAN – Metropolitan Area network.

3. WAN – Wide Area Network.

LAN – is a group of computers which are connected within a particular geographic area. Such networks
are usually made up of a few number of computers.

MAN – is a group of computers which are connected within a particular metropolitan area. These
networks are usually larger than LANs.

WAN – is a group of computers which are connected across a wide geographic area. These networks are
very large.

ARPANET –– first name of the internet

INTERNET: The internet is a group of networks connected globally to share information. The internet is
therefore made up of LANs, MANS and WANs. It originated in 1969 then known as the ARPANET.
ARPANET is the first name of the internet – which means ADVANCE REASEARCH PROJECT AGENCY
NETWORK. It was originally designed for use by the American military service. Some of its major
managers who are actually major ISPs include: MCI WorldCom, Sprint, GTE, ANS, and USNET. The
internet has several aspects or components or services it offers. These are:

1. World Wide Web

2. Electronic mail
3. File Transfer
4. Internet Relay Chat(Instant messaging)
5. Video Conferencing/Communication


There are two ways of connecting to a network or the internet. These are CABLED CONNECTION and

To connect to the internet, a user needs three basic things: they are:

1. Modem
2. Internet Service Provider
3. Web Browser Application

A modem is a hardware device which is used to connect a computer to the internet. Every modem
receives its internet access from an internet service provider.

A router is a hardware device which is used for wireless network connection. A router can also share
internet service if it has it as the source or if its connected to a network which has internet access.

An internet service provider is an organization or company which owns and sells internet service to
clients (customers).

An Intranet is a private network with internet service on it and used only by members of that

Extranet is a private network with internet service which is used by members of that
organization and other authorized users from outside. Such people from outside the company
are permitted mainly for business or education purposes. You can access an extranet only if
you have a valid username and password, and your identity determines which parts of the
extranet you can view.”

Comparison between LAN and Intranet:


Usually located in a single building Can be a Lan and a WAN

Can be without internet service Always has internet service

Web Browser application: It’s a program which connects a user to the internet and displays web pages
for viewing.

Examples of Web browsers applications are:

1. internet explorer
2. Mozilla Firefox
3. Netscape navigator
4. Google chrome
5. Opera mini etc.
6. UC Browser
7. Safari


It can be used for education

It can be used for communication

It can be used for research

It can be used for entertainment

It can be used for business transactions

For sending and receiving information


it is cheaper

It is more convenient to use

Its information is limitless or vast

Its information is more current

It makes communication and learning easier

It is faster to use

It can be used for distance education

It can be used for business/online transactions

It can be used for bulk messaging

Disadvantages of the internet

It exposes one to pornography

It can be a source virus attacks

It can be used for fraudulent activities

It needs electric power to use

It requires computer literacy to use

Netiquette (Internet Etiquette)

It is the acceptable rules and regulations when using the internet.

Examples of Netiquette
Do not give out your username, password and other personal information to unauthorized people

Do not visit pornographic websites or upload pornographic files onto the internet.
Do not download copyrighted programs from the internet

Do not flame on the internet by using insults or indecent language

Do not spy, phish or hack into computers on the internet

Do not engage in fraudulent transactions online, or become guilty of cyber crime

Do not send spam or unsolicited e-mails.

Do not impersonate or use someone’s personal details.

Do not shout by typing in capital letters on the internet.

Golden rule of netiquette

Do unto others online as you would want them to do to you.

Technologies used to access the internet are the equipments and communication methods used to
connect to the internet. Some are:

1. Computers
2. Mobile devices
3. Telephones
4. Satellite

Computers: they are electronic machines which is capable of connecting to the internet through a cable
or wirelessly.

Mobile device is a small, handheld device which uses application programmes to connect wirelessly to
the internet. Most mobile devices are touch-screen interface. Examples are: personal digital
assistant (PDA), Smartphones, tablets, ipads, palm size computers etc.

Satellites are machines which are placed into space to orbit or scan the earth and give communication
services. The services offered by a Satellite include processing hundreds of millions of voice, text, and
video data transmission across Earth. Machine satellites are sometimes called artificial satellites so to
distinguish them from natural satellites such as the Moon.

Telephone is a telecommunications device which makes communication possible via voice or in other
forms through a phone line.

Edge devices EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution or EGPRS) is a wireless communication
technology which transmits data through mobile phones.

General packet radio service (GPRS) is a mobile data wireless technology which processes
information on a speed known as 2G, 3G, and 4G.

2G is the second generation or standard used by mobile communication devices to access and
transfer data at a speed of 56–114 kbit/second.

Services offered on GPRS technology:

 SMS messaging and broadcasting

 "Always on" internet access
 Multimedia messaging service (MMS)
 Instant messaging
 Internet applications for smart devices through wireless application protocol (WAP)
 Point-to-point (P2P) service: inter-networking with the Internet (IP)
 Point-to-Multipoint (P2M) service[citation needed]: point-to-multipoint multicast and point-to-multipoint
group calls

##### If SMS over GPRS is used, an SMS transmission speed of about 30 SMS messages per minute may
be achieved. This is much faster than using the ordinary SMS over GSM, whose SMS transmission speed
is about 6 to 10 SMS messages per minute.

######GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, is a mobile data transmission technology
which runs on 2G (second generation) standard used by cellular phones. (digital). The GSM standard
was developed as a replacement for 1 G (first generation) analog cellular networks, and originally
described digital voice only transmission, but was expanded to include data communications.

3G is the third generation or standard used by mobile communication devices to transfer data at a
speed of about 200 kbit/s. Some services offered under the 3G standard include mobile
Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls, mobile TV etc The 3G standard has ranges
like 3.5G and 3.75G,

######A new generation of cellular standards has appeared approximately every tenth year
since 1G systems were introduced in 1981/1982. Each new generation or standard is characterized by
new frequency bands, higher data rates. The first 2G system started to roll out in 1991, the first 3G
system first appeared in 2001 and 4G systems appeared in 2012.

4G, is the fourth generation or standard used by mobile communications devices to transfer data at a
very high speed. Some of the services offered under 4G include: ultra-broadband Internet
access, mobile web applications, multimedia gaming, high-definition mobile TV, video conferencing, 3D
television, and cloud computing.

5G (5th generation mobile networks or 5th generation wireless systems) denotes the next major
phase of mobile telecommunications standards. 5G is also referred to as beyond 2020 mobile
communications technologies. 5G does not describe any particular specification because it is yet to be

########Types of satellites:

There are different types of Satellites used for different purposes. Some types are security
satellites, communications satellites, navigation satellites, weather satellites, and research satellites.

Satellites are propelled by rockets to their orbits. Usually the launch vehicle itself is a rocket lifting off
from a launch pad on land. In a minority of cases satellites are launched at sea (from a submarine or
a mobile maritime platform) or aboard a plane (see air launch to orbit).

#######Mobile satellite systems

Mobile satellite systems help connect remote regions, vehicles, ships, people and aircraft to other parts
of the world and/or other mobile or stationary communications units, in addition to serving as
navigation systems.
######Scientific research satellites (commercial and noncommercial)

Scientific research satellites provide meteorological information, land survey data (e.g. remote sensing),
Amateur (HAM) Radio, and other different scientific research applications such as earth science, marine
science, and atmospheric research.

#####Communications satellites are satellites stationed in space for the purpose

of telecommunications.

WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW): It’s a collection of websites which offers general information on the
internet in the form of text, graphics and audio. Such information are hosted or kept by huge server
computers and made available to users when browsing or surfing the internet. A single part of the
WWW is known as WEBSITE. And a website in turn contains several webpages of the information it is

A WEBSITE is a collection of web pages which contains related information about an individual,
organization or company on the internet. A website can contain from 1 to 1,000 or more webpages. The
first page of a website is called: a home page, which serves like the table of content of a book. Just like
using a book to advertise an organization or a company, websites do the same, but in an electronic

A WEBPAGE is an electronic document which is part of a website. ######

HOMEPAGE is the first or default page which appears when a website is launched.


The World Wide Web is a collection of websites or the entire websites on the internet whiles a WEBSITE
is a collection of related web pages in a single or particular website.

PROTOCOL: it is the set of rules which control how computers communicate on the internet. There are
different types of protocols or rules. Some are:

1. TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

2. FTP – File Transfer Protocol
3. HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
4. POP – Post Office Protocol
5. IMAP – Internet Messaging Access Protocol
6. VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol
7. SMTP – Simple Messaging Access Protocol

TCP/IP: it’s a set of rules and regulations which makes it possible for computers to communicate across
a network.

FTP: File Transfer Protocol is the set of rules which allows the exchange of files between a remote and a
local computer on the internet. E.g downloading and uploading of files online etc.

HTTP: Is a set of rules which control and transfer web pages or hypertext across the World Wide Web.
For example: moving from one website to another website or from one web page to another web page.

Post Office Protocol (POP) is the set of rules which allows the sending and receiving of electronic mails
on the internet. This protocol is used by local e-mail clients to retrieve and send e-mail from a remote
server over a TCP/IP connection.

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is the set of rules which allows the sending and receiving of
electronic mails on the internet. It is a more modern protocol than POP because it allows multiple
clients simultaneously connected to the same mailbox, and through flags stored on the server, different
clients accessing the same mailbox at the same or different times can detect state changes made by
other clients.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the set of rules which allows the sending and receiving of
electronic mails on the internet.

FILE TRANSFER: File Transfer is a service or component which allows files to be exchanged between
remote and local computers on the internet. E.g downloading, queries and results of surfing the
internet, etc.

Voice Over Internet Protocol: it’s a set of rules and regulations which makes it possible for computers
to communicate by voice on the internet. Special Applications like skype, imo and instagram, whatsapp,
are needed to enable this type of communication on the internet.

INTERNET RELAY CHART/ INSTANT MESSAGING: A communication service on the internet in which
messages are typed and received in Real Time mode or instantly.

VIDEO CONFERENCING: A service on the internet in which communication takes place between two or
more people from different locations in multimedia form. A web camera, microphone, speakers or
headphone must be connected to the computer being used on the internet before video conferencing
can take place.

ELECTRONIC MAIL: Is a service which allows users to send and receive electronic messages on the
internet. Electronic mail was introduced in the year 1960. For an internet user to send and receive
email, he will need an email address.

Components/features/parts of an email address: (UAWD)

An email address is a string of characters used to access an email account.

An email address has four main components/parts/features:

1. Username
2. At sign
3. Webmail server name
4. Domain name.

USERNAME – is a unique name which identifies an individual and grants him access to an electronic

WEBMAIL SERVER: it’s a website/organization which provides electronic mail service on the internet.

Domain name is an internet group naming system which identifies a particular aspect being used at a
time when online. ####

EXAMPLE: coconut@yahoo.com


Usernames – rhgokah/coconut – the name used to identify the owner of the email address.

@ - at sign – its the character that links a username, a webmail server, and the domain of an email

.com – commercial domain on which one’s email address is registered on the internet.

When signing up (registering for) an email address, the webmail server will ask the user for a password.
Thus the password is meant to secure or prevent unauthorized access to a user’s email account.
Whenever a user wants to access or use his email account, the webmail server will always ask for the
password to be provided before access will be granted.

Steps in signing up/creating an email account:

1. launch a web browser application

2. log into the w Bebmail server’s website
3. locate and click on sign up/create account
4. fill the electronic registration form
5. submit the form

Steps in signing in/logging into an email account:

1. launch a web browser application

2. log into the webmail server’s website
3. locate and click on sign in
4. enter your username and password
5. press the enter key or click on sign in.

Logging in is the process of entering a user id and password to access an electronic account.

To use the electronic mail service on the internet, a user needs an email client or email reader or email
An Email client or email reader or email software is an application which is used for sending and
receiving electronic Emails on the internet. Some popular email clients include:
1. Microsoft Outlook,
2. Mozilla's Thunderbird,
3. Apple Inc.'s Mail
4. Gmail
5. Yahoo mail
6. Hotmail
An email client is only active when a user runs it. The most common arrangement is for an email user
(the client) to make an arrangement with a remote Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) server for the receipt and
storage of the client's emails. The MTA, using a suitable mail delivery agent (MDA), adds email messages
to a client's storage as they arrive. The remote mail storage is referred to as the user's mailbox.
Emails are stored in the user's mailbox on the remote server until the user's email client requests them
to be downloaded to the user's computer, or can otherwise access the user's mailbox on the possibly
remote server. The email client can be set up to connect to multiple mailboxes at the same time and to
request the download of emails either automatically, such as at pre-set intervals, or the request can be
manually initiated by the user.
Advantages /importance of email

It can be used to send other electronic files as attachment

It is cheaper than the post box system

It is faster

It is reliable

It is more convenient

It can be used for bulk messaging

Its delivery is safer

A user can always get backup copies of sent messages in from the sent folder


Can be attacked by viruses

It cannot be accessed without electronic power

It requires an internet service to use

No other person can access it bcos of the use of password

Owners of emails can be bothered by spam


Post Office Protocol (POP)
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)


My account: it’s a command button which helps a user to view or change his registration details and
other user settings.
Compose: it’s acommand button which opens a dialogue box for users to type an email message for
sending on the internet.
Attach: this command button enables users on the internet to include files from their local computer as
part of their email message. (some of these files can also be sound, graphics or or multimedia files)
Sign up: this command button enables users to register/create a new email account on the internet.

Spam: its unwanted or unsolicited electronic mails sent for advertisement or claims.

Cc: Carbon copy – it’s a bar in an email client used to send copies of a message to other recipients.

Bcc: Blind Carbon Copy - it’s a bar in an email client used to send copies of a message without other
recipientsknowing that copiesweresent to recipients in the Bcc field.It is good netiquette to use the Bcc
when copying a message to many people. This prevents people’s email addresses from being known by
people they might not want to give their email addresses to. That can result in they being spammed.

Difference between Cc and Bcc

Recipients in the CC field can beseen as receiving copies of the message. But recipients in the Bcc field
cannot be seen as receiving copies of themessage.

Inbox: it’s a folder which contains all your received email messages.

Trash: it’s a folder which contains all your deleted email messages.

Sent:it’s a folder which contains copies of mailssent to recipients.

Subject: it’s a summary or topic or heading of the email message being composed.

To: it is the field where the primary recipients’ email address is typed.

Draft: it’s a folder in an email application which is used to save yet to be sent messages.

Send:it’s a command button which delivers or transfersa composed mail to recipients.



HYPERLINK it’s a file or document which links a user to related information in a webpage or a website.
Hyperlinks change the mouse pointer into a small palm when the mouse is placed onto it.

There are two types of hyperlinks

1. Hyper text
2. Hyper media

Hypertext is a word or groups of words which links a user to a website or webpage when clicked.
Hypertext is usually blue in color.

Hypermedia is an image which links a user to a particular website when clicked. Hypermedia is usually
brown in color.

Downloading – is the process of transferring information from a remote computer on the internet or a
network onto a local computer.

Uploading is the process of transferring information from your local computer onto the internet for
public use.

Podcast is a media or multimedia file uploaded onto a website for download by others

A Password – is a secret code, or string of characters which is personally used to protect data or an
account. Passwords generally verifies a user whiles usernames identifies a user. Passwords must be
kept secret and not given to unauthorized people, because they can use it to access or steal your data.
Passwords work like the key to a locked door.

Firewall an application or a hardware device which checks information coming from a remote computer
to either block or allow it into a local computer. Firewall is a good security tool to use when one is
connected to any computer network.

Twitter is an online social networking and micro blogging service which enables users to send and read
short messages called “tweets”. To access and read tweets, a user has to register or sign up or create a
new account with the twitter website. Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered
users can only read them.

Differences between Tweets and Emails

There are some considerable differences between tweets and emails. Some are:

1. Tweets can be read by the general public but emails are private.
2. Tweets are short messages but emails can be very long.
3. Communication between two twitter account holders can take place in Real Time Mode or
instant messaging form, but emails do not.

Social networking are online communication service which are used to build social relations or
friendships among people who share interests, activities, backgrounds. A social network service consists
of a representation of each user (often a profile), his or her social links, and a variety of additional
services. Examples of social network websites are:
1. Facebook
2. Google+,
3. YouTube,
4. LinkedIn,
5. Instagram,
6. Twitter
7. Pinterest,
8. Vine,
Chat room, is a multimedia form of communication between two or more people which takes place
instantly or in Real Time Mode on the internet. This form of communication takes place through Instant
Messaging (via text), and with video support through web cameras. Whiles instant messaging is done
only on one-to-one communication, chat room communication is done between many or a group of

A blog is an on-line diary where people share their thoughts, activities and passions with the general
public. It is a truncation of the expression web log – which actually depicts people logging information
via text into a website. Blogs are generally about discussions or information sharing, which are posted
by individuals or institutions like media houses, universities, think tanks, social organizations, etc.
Twitter, Instagram, facebook, are smaller examples of blogs – also known as “microblogs”. Blog can also
be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

REAL TIME MODE is a form of communication which takes place instantly or immediately on the
internet or across a network.

SKYPE: Skype is a software which uses the internet to make phone calls, send instant messages, and
communicate through video conferencing.A Skype user must have a username which other users will
use to communicate with him. Calls to other Skype users are free of charge, while calls to non skype
users are charged at cheaper rates.It can use a big quantity of bandwidth. For this reason,

some universities have banned the use of Skype. The name was derived from “sky” and “peer”.Skype
was first released in August 2003. It was created by Janus Friis(Denmark). Skype had 663 million
registered users as of the end of 2010.[17] It was bought by Microsoft in 2011 for $8.5 billion. Microsoft’s
Skype division headquarters is located in Luxembourg.

Domains Found On The Internet

There are several types of domains on the internet. Some are:

Commercial domain - .com

Military domain - .mil

Governmental domain - . gov

United states domain - .us

Networking domain - .net

Educational domain - .edu

Organizational domain - .org

Informational domain - .info

South African domain-.sa

Yahoo is an acronym which means: Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language is the writing method used to create web pages with the help of a
special software on the internet. HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like<h1> and </h1>. The first
tag in a pair is the start tag, and the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening
tags and closing tags). The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and compose them
into visible or audible web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to
locate, interpret and display the content of the page. HTML elements form the building blocks of
all websites.
Internet fraud: it is the practice of using the internet to commit theft and other dishonest commercial

Newbie is a term used for a novice or new user in a profession or activity like a new user of computers
or the Internet. However it is an informal term.

CYBERCRIME: it is the criminal activities committed by evil people on the internet. This includes
fraudulent business transactions, stealing of personal information, distribution of malware (virus), and
uploading of pornographic material.
HACKING: unauthorized access to a remote computer on the internet.

PHISHING: Phishing is a cyber crime in which ones personal information is requested and used for
fraudulent purposes. Phishers often state purposes like commercial transactions or loterrey win. The
primary motive however is to “fish” or steal your personal information. Phishers usually mimic
legitimate websites with slight unsuspecting differences in their URL – E.G WWW.YAHOO.WIN.COM.

PHISHING FILTERS: An internet based security program that detects Phishing websites and prevents or
filters them from accessing your e-mail address. It does so by comparing lists of websites to legitimate
ones provided by Microsoft and other trusted sources, analyses sites you visit to verify if they have
features of phishing websites, and reports to Microsoft to further check online the integrity of sites you
request to surf.

Pharming: is a cyber attack which redirects a website’s traffic to a similar but wrong websites. Pharming
can be conducted either by changing the hosts file on a victim’s computer or by exploitation of
a vulnerability.

ADWARE: Adware, or advertising-supported software, is any software package which automatically

renders advertisements in order to generate revenue for its author. The advertisements may be in the
user interface of the software or on a screen presented to the user during the installation process. The
functions may be designed to analyze which Internet sites the user visits and to present advertising
pertinent to the types of goods or services featured there. The term is sometimes used to refer to
software that displays unwanted advertisements.[1]

CYBERSPACE: the communication and activities that take place over the internet.

CYBERSETHICS: netiquette

VIDEO CONFERENCING: Videoconferencing is the conduct of a videoconference (also known as video

teleconference) by a set of telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to
communicate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions. It has also been called a type
of groupware. Videoconferencing differs from videophone calls in that it’s designed to serve a
conference or multiple locations rather than individuals
Telecommunication: the transmission of sound or pictures across a distance using radio signals or
electrical cables.

BOOKMARK/FAVOURITES: In the context of the World Wide Web, a bookmark is a Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI) that is stored for later retrieval in any of various storage formats. All modern web
browsers include bookmark features. Bookmarks are called favorites or Internet shortcuts in Internet
Explorer, and by virtue of that browser’s large market share, these terms have been synonymous
with bookmark since the first browser war.[1] Bookmarks are normally accessed through a menu in the

user’s web browser, and folders are commonly used for organization. In addition to bookmarking
methods within most browsers, many external applications offer bookmark management.

PLUG IN: In computing, a plug-in or add-on is a software component that adds a specific feature to an
existing software application. When a plug in is installed, it processes special types of web contents or
files. The common examples are the plug-ins used in web browsers to add new features such as search-
engines, virus scanners, or the ability to utilize a new file type such as a new video format. Well-known
browser plug-ins include the Adobe Flash Player, the QuickTime Player, and the Java plug-in, real player,
shockwave, windows media player, google update, vlc etc.
Flaming is the posting or using of hostile and profane messages on the Internet. Flaming usually occurs
in the social context of an Internet forum, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Usenet, by e-mail, game and
on video-sharing websites. It is frequently the result of the discussion of heated real-world issues such
as politics, religion, and philosophy, or of issues that polarize sub-populations, but can also be provoked
by seemingly trivial differences.
CRACKING: Unauthorized access of a software through manipulating it decoding it at basic level.



A Search Engine is an online software which locates information from the internet for a user. This is
done by entering a key word which the search engine program will use to find the requested
information from different websites.

Types of search engines

There are different types of search engines. Some are:

1. Web based/Crawler based/indexers search engine

2. Directory search engines
3. Human powered search engines
4. Meta search engines
5. #####Hybrid search engines

Web based/Crawler based / indexers/ search engines: They are online software which locate
requested information from individual websites based on key words entered by the user.









The advantage of crawlers are:

 They contain a huge amount of pages.

 Ease of use.

 Familiarity. Most people who search the Internet are familiar with Google.

There are several disadvantages to crawlers:

 Sometimes, it's just too much information.

 It is easy to trick the crawler. Websites have hidden data that can be manipulated to make the
page appear like it's something it's not. So, that search result for Descartes might actually take
you to a porn site.

Directory search engine: are online software which locate requested information in categories or
groups for a user. This category could be based on subject, country, region, or location etc. In this type
of search engines, website creators (webmasters) submit their website to the human editors for
approval before they are included in the directory list.
Internetpubliclibrary.org (ipl.org)

Directory search engines usually give more relevant and accurate results on a search topic.


 Each page is reviewed for relevance and content before being included. This means no more
surprise porn sites.
 Less results sometimes means finding what you need quicker.


 Unfamiliar design and format.

 Delay in creation of a website and its inclusion in the directory.

 May have trouble with more obscure searches.

Human powered Directory search engine: are online software which locate requested information
from a database of approved websites for a user. (Check on the internet to be sure).
Pay for view search engine: are online software which locate requested information from websites
which have paid for their keywords to be given top spots in a search results.

Metasearch engine is an online software which locates requested information from other search
engines for the user. Metasearch engines assumes that the WWW is too large for any one search
engine to search an information for a user. This also may save the user from having to use multiple
search engines separately.
The term "metasearch" is also used to describe the paradigm of searching multiple data sources in real
time. Metasearch engines create what is known as a virtual database. They do not compile a
physical database since they take a user's request and pass it to several other search engine’s databases
and then displays the search results. The first commercial meta search engine is called Mamma.com. it
was created by Herman Tumurcuoglu in Montreal, Quebec in 1996, and has become known as the
mother of all search engines.

ways of searching for information on the internet

by using search engines
by using the address bar of a web browser application
by using the search bar of a website

Hybrids are a mix of crawlers and directories. Sometimes, you have a choice when you search whether
to search the Web or a directory. An example of this is Yahoo Directory. Other times, you may receive
both human powered results and crawler results for the same search. In this case, the human results
are usually listed first.

Table 1 summarizes the different types of the major search engines.

Search Engines Types

Google Crawler-based search engine

AllTheWeb Crawler-based search engine

Teoma Crawler-based search engine

Inktomi Crawler-based search engine

AltaVista Crawler-based search engine

LookSmart Human-Powered Directory

Open Directory Human-Powered Directory

Human-Powered Directory, also provide

Yahoo crawler-based search results powered

Human-Powered Directory powered

MSN Search byLookSmart, also provide crawler-based
search results powered by Inktomi

Provide crawler-based search results

AOL Search
powered by Google

Provide crawler-based search results

powered by Teoma

Provide crawler-based search results

HotBot powered
by AllTheWeb, Google, Inktomiand Teoma,

“4-in-1” search engine

Provide crawler-based search results

powered by AllTheWeb

Provide crawler-based search results

Netscape Search
powered by Google

From the table above we can see that some search engines like Yahoo and MSN Search provide both
crawler-based results and human-powered listings, therefore become hybrid search engines. A hybrid
search engine will still favour one type of listings over another as its type of main results.


1. Launch a web browser application

2. Type the search engine website address
3. Type the key word for your search
4. Press the enter key or click on search


Word Processing applications: are programmes used to create, edit and format documents. Word
processing applications were preceded by Text editor applications. Word processing applications can
perform more functions like process words and paragraphs, and also have more formatting options
than text editor applications like redo, spelling and grammar check, draw table, email sending, edit
header edit footer, borders and shading, insert hyperlink, insert page and breaks, document page setup,
paragraph processing etc.

Examples Of Word Processing Applications:

1. Microsoft Office Word

2. wordperfect
3. word star
4. open office
5. Microsoft write
6. Wordpad

Features of Microsoft Office Word

Title bar
Menu bar
Standard toolbar(quick access toolbar)
Formatting toolbar
Horizontal scroll bar
Vertical scroll bar
Drawing toolbar
Status bar
Typing area/text area

Using the Formatting tools in Microsoft office word application

Office button: it is a tool located at the top left corner of a Microsoft Office word window which offers
options or menu.

Font: is a given sizes and designs or typeface of characters displayed in a word processing document.

Font size: it is a command on the formatting toolbar which increases or decreases the size of a text.

Font colour: it is a command on the formatting toolbar which changes the colour of a text.

Bold: it is a command on the formatting toolbar which deepens or makes a text thicker.

Italics: it is a command on the formatting toolbar which makes a text diagonal or slanted.

Underline: it is a button on the formatting toolbar which rules a line under selected text.

Text alignment buttons: they are four buttons on the formatting toolbar which change the position of
text in a document. Their names are align left; center; align right; and justify.

A Justified text is text that is evenly aligned or adjusted to meet both margins.

Line spacing it is a command on the formatting toolbar which determines space between sentences or a
line of text.

Shading: it is a command on the formatting toolbar which colours the background of a text .

Border: it is a command on the formatting toolbar which encloses a text in a table form.

Text Highlighter: it is a command on the formatting toolbar which places a colour on the surface of the

Indent: it is a command on the formatting toolbar which sets paragraph in a document.

Bullet: it is a button on the formatting toolbar which uses a symbol to list points in the document.

Numbering: it is a button on the formatting toolbar which allows items or points to be numbered.

Using the Editing tools in Microsoft office word application

Copy: it is a button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which duplicates a text from a source
to a destination.
Cut: it is a button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which moves a text from a source to a

Paste: it is a button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which transfers a copied or cut text
from a source to a destination

Open: it is a button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which launches an existing document.

Print: it is a button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which produces a hardcopy of a

Print preview: it’s a command/ button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which shows how a
document will look like or appear when printed.

Undo: it’s a command/ button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which reverses the last
editing or typing made.

Redo: it’s a command/ button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which repeats the last
editing or typing made.

Save: it is a button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which stores a document for future

New: it is a button on the standard toolbar/quick access toolbar which opens a new blank document.

Save as: it is an option which stores an already saved document under a new name.

Difference between Save and Save as: Save stores the changes made to a document under the same
name. But Save as stores the changes made to a document under a new name.

Steps in saving a document file

1. Click on the office button. A menu appears.

2. Click on ‘save’. The save as dialogue box appears.
3. Select the location and type the filename.
4. Click on save on the save as dialogue box or press the enter key.

Steps in re – saving or renaming a document file

1. Click on the office button. A menu appears.

2. Click on ‘save as’. The save as dialogue box appears.
3. Select the location and type the filename.
4. Click on save on the save as dialogue box or press the enter key.

Steps in launching a new or blank a document

1. Click on the start button to launch the start menu

2. Click on all programs
3. Click on Microsoft Office
4. Click on save on Microsoft Office word


Steps in launching a new or blank a document

1. Click on the office button

2. Click on new
3. Select blank document
4. Click on create

Steps in launching an existing or already created document

1. Launch the Microsoft Word application

2. Click on the office button
3. Click on open on
4. Select the location of the document
5. Double click on it or click on it and select open

Advantages of the save as dialogue box

1. It can be used to rename files

2. It can be used to chooses the location of files
3. It can be used to secure files
4. It can give information on the type of file being used

Quick access toolbar/standard toolbar: it is a toolbar which are used to edit or make changes to a
document. It contains the most frequently used commands in the application that. Some of its
commands are save, undo, redo, open print, print preview, new copy, paste etc. (CCPOPPUS)

Editing document: editing is the process of making changes to a document. The toolbar used for editing
a document is the standard toolbar/the quick access toolbar. Some of the buttons found on the
standard or quick access toolbar which are used in editing a document are: copy, paste, cut, undo, redo,
spelling and grammar check, new, open, print, print preview, table, save etc (CCPOPPUS). In word
processing application, you edit a document but format a text.

Text formatting: it is the process of changing the appearance of a text in a document. The toolbar used
for formatting text is called formatting toolbar.

Formatting toolbar: it is a toolbar used for making changes to the appearance of text in a document.
Some of commands found on the formatting toolbar are: 3FBIUT.

Word Wrap: It is when a text automatically moves to the next line at the end of the margin in a word processing

Automatic underlining in MS Word:

Red wavy line – wrongly spelt word or an unknown word in the application’s dictionary.

Green wavy line – grammatical error

Blue wavy line – wrongly used word. To correct each of these, right click on the word and select the
right option from the menu or suggested options.

Types of Letter cases in MS Word: There are five types of letter cases found in MS Office Word. They

1. lower case
2. upper case
3. sentence case
4. toggle case
5. capitalize each word

WordArt: it’s a decorative text with already-made effects found in a word processing programme.

Clipboard it is a temporal memory in word processing application which stores copied images before
they are pasted.

Page orientation: it is the layout of the page on which the document is typed and will be printed. There
are two main types of paper orientation. They are: 1. Portrait orientation
2. Landscape orientation
Portrait orientation: it is the vertical layout of the page. (default orientation)
Landscape orientation:: it is the horizontal layout of the page. A single document page has FOUR 4
margins – top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.

Headers: it is a feature in word processing applications used for auto repeating text at the top of every
page. Such text could be a title, author’s name, and page numbers.

Footers: it is a feature in word processing applications used for auto repeating text at the bottom of
every page. Such text could be a title, author’s name, and page numbers.

Superscript is a character which is positioned slightly higher than the text on the line.

Subscript: is a character which is positioned slightly lower than the text on the line. For example, a
footnote or endnote reference is an example of superscript, and a scientific formula might also use
subscript in its text. To make a superscript or a subscript:

1. Select the text that you want to format as superscript or subscript.

2. Do one of the following:

3. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Superscript. Or superscript

Double clicking on a word in word processing application, selects the word.

When a user drags a selected or highlighted text or word to a different location within the same
document, it moves the text.

The ribbon is the collective term used to describe the entire toolbars and menus offered in a
Microsoft Office word window. As such, it is located at the top and provides quick access to all the
commonly used buttons and menus. For example, the Microsoft Word ribbon includes Home, Insert,
Page Layout, References, and other tabs that each display a different set of commands when selected.


MS WORD: Used in creating letters, reports, notes, booklets etc.

MS ACCESS: Used in creating Database and programs for a company or institution to meet their need.
MS EXCEL: Used in performing calculations and analyzes numerical data in spreadsheet form.
MS OUTLOOK EXPRESS: Used in sending and receiving e-mails, manage contacts, schedules and tasks
and to your record your activities.
MS ONENOTE: Used to gather, organize, find and share notes within an institution.
MS INFOPATH: Used in designing and filling out dynamic forms to gather and reuse the information
gathered within an organization.
MS PUBLISHER: Used in creating newsletters, brochures, flyers, and Websites.
MS POWERPOINT: Used in creating presentations for slideshows, meetings and web pages.
MS GROOVE: Used in creating collaborative workspaces that enables colleague staff to share files on
common assignments or projects.

The drawing toolbar is a toolbar used in creating and editing images objects in a word processing

Tools on the drawing toolbar:
cliparts etc.


 BD-R a Blu-ray disc that is recordable

 BD-RE a Blu-ray disc that is rewritable
 BD (Blu-Ray disc) a disc with a high storage capacity of approximately 25 or 50 GB. Commonly used in
HD movies
 CD a disc with a low storage capacity of approximately 650 MB. Commonly used in music and software
 CD-R a CD disc that is recordable
 CD-ROM a CD that can only be read from but not able to write over
 CD-RW a CD that is rewritable
 cluster a sector that is the smallest addressable area of a disk
 cylinder a collection of hard drive tracks
 disk access time how long it takes to locate and read data from some storage medium
 disk cache memory that improves the time it takes to read from or write to a hard disk
 DVD a disc with a medium storage capacity of approximately 4.7 GB or 8.5 GB. Commonly used in
software, movies and games
 DVD-R/DVD+R a DVD that is recordable
 DVD-ROM a DVD that can only be read from but not able to write over
 DVD-RW/DVD+RW a DVD that is rewritable
 embedded flash memory flash memory chips used in products
 file anything stored on a storage medium
 filename the name given to the file
 flash memory nonvolatile memory that can be found in a computer or used in a storage medium

 flash memory card a flash memory medium often found in digital cameras and other small devices
 folder a named place on a storage medium where files are kept
 hard drive a storage system found in most computers
 holographic storage a medium that stores data in three dimensions using multiple blue laser beams
 hybrid hard drive a hard drive with both flash memory and magnetic components
 magnetic hard drive a hard drive with one or more metal magnetic disks, an access mechanism and
read/write heads
 magnetic tape storage media that stores data as a series of magnetic spots
 network attached storage (NAS) a high-performance storage device individually connected to a
network to provide storage for computers on that network
 online storage remote storage devices accessed via the internet (i.e. cloud storage)
 optical disc a storage medium that reads and writes using a laser beam
 optical drive a drive used with optical discs (e.g. CD, DVD, BR)
 RAID (redundant arrays of independent disks) the configuration of several hard drives working
together to improve performance and/or reliability
 remote storage a storage device that not directly connected to the computer that uses it (e.g. cloud
 sector a small piece of a track
 smart card a small card-sized circuit piece that can store data
 solid-state drive (SSD) a hard drive that uses flash memory (rather than metal magnetic hard disks)
 storage area network a network of hard drives or other devices that provide storage for a computer
 storage device hardware in which a storage medium is inserted to be read from or written to
 storage medium the part of a storage system where the data is stored (e.g. CD)
 track a circular path on the surface of a disk where data is recorded
 USB flash drive a storage device, that uses flash memory, that is inserted in a USB port

 The WYSIWYG PRINCIPLE: What You See Is What You Get helps computer users when working
with the buttons of a window.

 ICT – Information Communication Technology

 IT – Information technology
 WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get
 GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out
 CDROM – Compact Disc Read Only memory
 UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supplier
 IPC – Information Processing Cycle
 USB – Universal Serial Bus
 CPU – Central Processing Unit

 DVD – Digital versatile Disc
 LAN – Local Area Network
 MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
 WAN – Wide Area Network
 LCD – Liquid Crystal display
 INTERNET – International Network
 VDU – Visual display Unit
 LED – Light Emission Diode
 TFT – Thin Film Transistors
 RAM – Random Access Memory
 ROM – Read Only Memory
 VGA – Video Graphics Array
 PS/2 – Personal System 2
 EDGE – Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
 GPRS – General Packet Radio Service
 ¾ G – third Generation
 IO – Input and Output
 GHZ – gigahertz
 GB – Gigabyte
 MB – Megabyte
 TB – Terabyte
 HP – Hewlett Packard
 .COM – Commercial Domain
 .EDU – Educational Domain
 .US – United States Domain
 .MIL – Military Domain
 .NET – Network Domain
 .ORG – Organizational Domain
 .GH – Ghanaian Domain
 .INF – Information Domain
 WWW – World Wide Web
 IRC – Internet Relay Chat
 IDE – Integrated Device Electronics
 SATA – Serial ATA
 IM – Instant messaging
 TCP – Transmission Control protocol
 IP – Internet Protocol
 FTP – File Transfer Protocol
 POP – Post Office Protocol

 HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
 IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol
 MODEM –Modulator/demodulator
 HDD – Hard Disk Drive
 FDD – Floppy Disk Drive
 PDF – Portable Document Format
 ADSL–Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
 PDA – Personal Digital Assistant
 HTML – Hyper Text MarkUp Language
 EBOOK – Electronic Book
 EPUB – Electronic Publication
 DOS – Disk Operating System
 GUI – Graphical User Interface
 OS – Operating System
 MS - Microsoft
 MP3.- Media Player 3
 MP4 – Media Player 4
 JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group
 GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications


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