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I Abhishek Singh hereby declare that the information presented is correct to

the best of my knowledge and the analysis is as per the norms and guidelines
provided for the report. I have utilized the requisite concepts and applied the
required methodologies to analyze the primary data collected to reach the
conclusion present in the report.

Abhishek Singh
Roll No. 2207470700001



The project work is pursued as a part of RAJ SMS, Varanasi. I would rejoice
to express emphatically with profound sense of gratitude and highest
veneration, my sincere thanks to Miss. Sakshi Tripathi for giving me
guidance for this project.
Lastly, I am thankful to all the respondents for their corporation & patience
in filling up the questionnaire and to all those who have directly and
indirectly helped me in completing this survey successfully.

Abhishek Singh
Roll No. 2207470700001



Education is the process of sharpening one’s mind and which is given in the
school & colleges in form of various subjects. When any subject is thought
theoretically in class it is known as academics, but when it is studied with
the subject application in real life. It is known as Professional education.
The field of commercial study consists of business administration, which is
the good mixture of both theory subject and practical subject. Thus, it makes
the students familiar with the running of various industries. As a student of
MBA, a professional degree courses, it required having the knowledge about
theoretical as well as practical knowledge. Theoretical knowledge provided
me by the experienced staff of my college and the practical knowledge and

training is provided by the "corporate finance strategy in RAJ TVS

company", Varanasi.
The report contains all the detail about all the products of TVS in Varanasi
city. It involves specification and the analysis of the market with the help of
questionnaire. The report has been made conclusive and suggestive. I hope
that this report will prove to be useful to the organization as and will be able
to provide useful information to its readers.

Abhishek Singh
Roll No. 2207470700001



 Understand the meaning of project risk, its importance in the current

 Identify the various risks in the projects
 Assess and prioritize various risks in the given project for resource
allocation and decision making
 Design the mitigation or control measures to reduce the effects of risks



Internal and external environments pose a wide range of risks to an organization.

Managers should establish strategies to manage dangers for the business’ long-
term survival. This risk management essay tries to analyze how it can be achieved.

The culture of the organization enhances risk management strategies. This can be
maintained by inculcating a culture of good values, beliefs, norms and attitudes.

Changes in the global markets today create a huge risk to organizations, and this
creates the need to have mechanisms to solve corporate problems professionally.
Thus, the importance of risk management is evident as it is a crucial aspect of a
business. Proper strategies need to be established to ensure the safety and survival
of organizations in the turbulent market environments (Jafari, Rezaeenour,
Mazdeh, & Hooshmandi, 2011).

Therefore, risk management entails setting goals and objectives and ensuring that
they are achieved in the most effective manner, managing change that is brought
about by the introduction of new strategies, and managing cultural and
technological diversity, among other tasks. Security measures cover a wide range
of activities and aim at establishing better strategies for promoting the success of
an organization. By finishing a risk management reflection, this essay will
examine the subject in more detail.

Enterprise wide risk management (EWRM)

Enterprise wide risk management involves managing risks and seizing

opportunities which help an organization to achieve its objectives. Managing risks
as opportunities come is very important in maintaining the success of the

organization. Creating value to the shareholders capital is the major bestowed upon
the managers of an organization.

This can be achieved by identifying opportunities available in the business

environment and seizing them actively to ensure the interest of shareholders is
protected. Therefore, EWRM is defined as an approach used to manage enterprises
by controlling risks (Gupta, 2011).

It is important to note that organizations are founded on goals and it is the

achievement of these goals that differentiates successful organizations from others.
There are various risks associated with achieving goals and the management
requires to develop strategies to reduce the effect or evaluate the impact such risks
have on the organization.

Organizations set goals to be achieved and these goals can only be achieved by
proper planning of all resources. Risks are encountered in every situation in an
organization and it is important to put clear strategies to deal with risks as they
occur to avoid losses (Hepworth, Rooney & Rooney, 2009).

Therefore, it is evident that EWRM is an important aspect that determines how

organization succeeds in turbulent market conditions. Managers use risk
management as a benchmark to measure the achievement of an organization. An
organization that is able to manage all the risk elements successfully acquires
better position in the market.

Most successful organizations have ventured in risky businesses and this has
created a lot of wealth to the shareholders. Operating in high risk activities requires
establishing a strong risk management system to ensure that the organization can
not make a lot of losses in case the event of risks occurring (Mbuya, n.d.).

GRC and its relationship with EWRM

Governance, risk and compliance are management tools that comprise of three
aspects. First, governance which refers to the process by which the top
management team apply to control, plan, organize and direct the resources of an
organization to achieve the goals which have been set by the shareholders. It
involves making decisions by the top management by using the appropriate

Secondly, risk management involves the identification, analysis and response to

the risks affecting an organization. To manage risks an organization can control,
avoid, accept, or transfer the risks to other parties. Lastly, compliance deals with
conforming to all requirements stipulated by the concerned stakeholders
(Mohapatra, n.d.).

According to Wilson and Dobson (2008) governance, risk and compliance is

related to EWRM in that the management puts measures to regulate the activities
of the organization to ensure that all rules and regulations are adhered to. By
complying with the rules and regulations of the organization, the management
ensures that it avoids the risks of penalties related to legal systems of a country.

The management evaluates the costs related to the implementation of various

strategies and this helps solve some problems that may affect the smooth operation
of an organization. Compliance enhances the control of risks associated with the
implementation of decisions made by the management of an organization (Mather,
Kumaraswamy & Latif, 2009).

Therefore, we find out that there is a close relationship between GRC and EWRM
because the two interact with each other. However, there are few differences
between GRC and EWRM in that GRC deals with how organizations are managed
and how the organization benefits when all rules and regulations are adhered to by
all stakeholders.

It also explains the relationship between the internal and external environmental
elements and how they interact with each other. On the other hand, EWRM is
based on risk management at the enterprise level and provides little interaction
between the internal and external environments (Mather, Kumaraswamy & Latif,

Opinion about risk management today

Enterprise wide risk management (EWRM) as an assurance tool is increasingly

being mandated; indeed it is embedded as a concept in ISO31000:2009. This
statement is a fair comment on the state of play today. Many organizations have
realized the importance of managing risks and this has been facilitated by the
intensifying number of risks in the market environments today.

To establish better strategy for improving the competitiveness of an organization

can only be made possible by managing all the risks that may be associated with
the implementation of such strategies (Loras, 2010).

Threats and responses to be offered

There are various threats that managers encounter when maintaining values in an
organization. In competitive environment organizations face threats which may
hinder accomplishment of the stipulated values.

Some of these threats may be cause by changes in internal and external

environmental factors such macro and micro economic variables, legal factors,
technological changes, political environments among others (Champoux, 2010).

The response to these threats determines the success of an organization. The

management responds by studying the changes in the market conditions as well as
other factors that may affect the activities of the organization.

Some examples of the responses that can be offered to these threats are change
management, making better decisions, establishing stronger strategies,
collaborating with consultants and other measures (Klein, 2011).

Change management is an important aspect that managers need to learn when

dealing with threats and responses. Moran and Brightman (2001, pg 111) have
defined change management as “the process of continually renewing an
organization’s direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing
needs of external and internal customers.”

Change is the opening through which people or organization focus the future by
bringing new systems which create success. Change can be introduced by an
individual person or organization or it can be happen by itself. Change brings
opportunities for growth and improvement.

The management of an organization should become fast in introducing and

implementing change since the world is changing at an alarming speed. Jennings
and Haughton (2002) explain that the need for change has been caused by
“revolutionary technologies, consolidation, well-funded new competition,
unpredictable customers, and a quickening in the pace of change hurled unfamiliar
conditions at management.” (P. 212).

Change management focuses on developing future structures of a business to

improve the performance as well as introduce new technologies which improve the
performance of the organization. The path towards establishing future structures
should be well monitored to create a smooth transition for the organization to
achieve the desired changes as well as manage risks.

Crisis within the organization create the need for organizational change and the
management should be prepared to handle all changes that might be required by
the organization. The internal and external business environments are changing at

an alarming rate and change management is an essential tool for capturing new
developments being introduced.

Competition in the global markets has increased and this is forcing managers to
introduce innovation in the management of the systems within an organization in
order to catch up with the changes (Luecke, 2003).

Many changes introduced within an organization fail due to poor preparedness as

well as management of the entire process. The lack of appropriate frameworks to
support the implementation and management of change within an organization are
the main causes of failure by many changes introduced by the management
(Burnes, 2004).

The nature of organizational change has been assumed for a long period of time by
managers and contemporary studies have indicated that strict measures should be
introduced to cater for the gap between the success and failure of the changes
being introduced by an organization.

According to Edmonstone (1995) “many of the change processes over the last 25
years have been subject to fundamental flaws, preventing the successful
management of change” (p. 16).

Contemporary studies have identified that the pace of change management has
increase in the recent years and managers are becoming more responsive to the
changes in the environment (Burnes, 2004). There is no organization or industry is
immune from change since change is caused by many internal and external factors.

The introduction, implementation and monitoring of change requires the

collaboration of all stakeholders to an organization. Change cannot be achieved by
an individual department, or sector. The management should respond quickly to

internal and external changes required by the organization. Delays in response can
retard the achievement of appropriate change.

Since new technologies are being introduced in the global markets each day, delay
in establishing change may result into the organization adopting old systems which
are not beneficial. Adequate research should be done into the recent changes in the
market. There are no universally acceptable processes of creating change in an
organization. The management should apply the best structures relevant to the
organization (Burnes, 2004).

Inculcating culture in EWRM and/ or GRC

According to Kotter and Heskett (1992) culture refers to the beliefs, attitudes,
values and norms that a given people have. The organizational culture is defined
by the stakeholders and this is reflected in the nature of activities the management
sets. The culture of an organization is inculcated in the GRC by creating systems
of compliance.

Culture establishes the norms to be observed by all stakeholders and this creates
the basis of compliance. Culture explains the extent to which the management can
take risks while managing the resources of an organization (Klein, 2011).

There are organizations which are risk-averse while others are encourage taking
risks as the basis of operation. This differentiates the decisions to be made by the
management during the operation and implementation of the strategies (Burnaby &
Hass, 2009).

To achieve appropriate governance the management requires establishing better

strategies of promoting the cultural morals of an organization. Cultural morals
have become a major concern in the business world today because organizations
are operating in multicultural environments.

Working with people from different cultures requires understanding the cultures of
each person in the organization Global human resource management involves
dealing with people from different cultures and different backgrounds. There are
several advantages and disadvantages of operating global human resource

Some companies have failed while others have acquired great success after
extending their operations across the borders. Proper strategies are required in the
management of employees with diversified cultures.

The political, legal and social environments in the global labor markets are
different and the management should be very accurate in establishing the
appropriate strategies which match the particular needs of the different employees.
With the increase in globalization many people are seeking employment across the
borders of their domestic markets.

However, organizations dealing in the international scene face some challenges

when relocating employees from one country to another. There are several barriers
which hinder managers of multinational companies from relocating their
employees from one country to another. These barriers relate to the physical
conditions, legal aspects, economics, and cultural barriers (Golembiewski, 1995).

Complexity in the diverse cultures makes is difficult to operate in many countries.

Several companies have failed in their strategies to operate in the global scene due
to due to poor integration of the ingredients required in multinational human
resources management. Global human resource management is a strategy that is
gaining a lot of importance especially after the spirit of globalization started.

Several companies have improved their performance after establishing proper

strategies to manage their employees while others have failed due to poor
integration of the required aspects of global human resources management.

The need to understand the cultural differences, the diversity in economic, legal
and political environments is very important when dealing with global human
resources management (Burnaby & Hass, 2009).

The culture of an organization dictates the shape taken by the management goals
and objectives. The success or failure of organizational change is determined to a
great extent by the culture in the organization

Cultural change is required for the achievement of successful change management

strategies. The globalization of many organizations has created a scenario where
multinational organizations are operating in diverse cultures where many people
are involved. The integration of each cultural aspect into the processes of the
organizational change is essential for the success of the organization.

The global business requires applying the best strategies to achieve a competitive
edge. Many global organizations have failed to venture into some countries due to
poor analysis of cultural aspects of the people it is involved in. the management of
change is a very important aspect in achieving success in accomplishing global

The management of an organization must analyze the cultural needs of all

consumer groups. This will enable the management to match the cultural needs of
the various consumers into the products being manufactured by the organization.

In addition, the employees of the organization need to understand the cultural

aspects of the organization in order to establish goals which are achievable and
which will create success to the organization. Both the internal and external
environmental factors should be well analyzed when integrating a culture that will
create successful change management strategies (Schein, 1992).

Changing culture is a systematic process which requires proper strategies to ensure
all stakeholders internalize the required changes. This process is affected by
factors such as the complexity, ambiguity and powers the cultural aspects of the

The main architects of an organizational culture are the top management

individuals.The culture of an organization is developed by the people working
there as well as all other internal and external stakeholders (Schein, 1992).

Is it simply too expensive for value?

It is not too expensive to maintain values in an organization because there are more
benefits accrued from operating in an ethical manner. Values provide an
organization with the guidelines to be applied in the implementation of strategies.

When an organization conducts business unethically there are many costs incurred
and these can only be avoided by applying the best values possible. Maintaining
values improves the public image of an organization and this makes an
organization achieve a competitive edge (Thompson & Martin, 2005).

Organizations which fail to establish a good system of values they end up

incurring many losses which could have been avoided. These costs may include
loss of customer trust, legal action, bad corporate image and others.

The cost of failing to maintain values in an organization is too high not only in the
short run but also in the long run. Organizations which focus on existing in the
market for a longer period of time use strategies which promote a good image
which will attract more customers, they maintain legal ethics and other activities
which improve the position of the company in the market (Cunningham, 2001).

Conclusion of risk management analysis

Risk management is an important process that managers should maintain in an
organization. It is inevitable to have risks and managers should have better
strategies to deal with risks. The long-term survival of an organization depends on
the ability to manage risks. The intensifying competition in the global markets has
forced managers to focus on maintaining a strong risks management program by
establishing values.

Complying with the values and cultural aspects of an organization is important in

achieving the goals and objectives of an organization. The culture of an
organization determines its success in the market environment. It is a reflection of
the beliefs and attitudes that people have towards the organizational systems.

Culture is developed and shaped by the stakeholders of the organization. Change

management is very important to an organization and managers should possess the
required skills of carrying out this process. Therefore, risks management is an
important activity for organization in the modern market environment and all
managers should embrace it for the long-term survival of their businesses.



All approaches to project risk management strive to maximize project efficiency and

effectiveness. Although the details of risk processes may differ depending on the project,

risk management has three important parts: identification, analysis and action. Before

risk can be properly managed, if must first be identified, described, understood, and

assessed. Analysis is a key component, but it is not sufficient alone; it must be followed

by action. A risk process that does not lead to actions to deal with identified risks is

incomplete and useless. The ultimate goal is to manage risk, not simply to analyze it.

Project risk management is the process for conducting risk management planning,

identification, analysis, responses, monitoring, and controlling the project. The objectives

of project risk management are to increase the probability and impact of positive events

and decrease the probability and impact of negative events. Project issue management

includes utilizing the outputs from the risk management planning. There are six steps to

risk management.

Plan Risk Management

Planning risk management is the process of defining how to conduct risk management
activities for a project. The plan risk management process should start when the project
starts. Members of the project team meet to develop a risk management plan that
categorizes risks, defines probability and impact, includes a probability and impact
matrix, and sets forth stakeholder tolerances. Other portions of the plan will define the
tools, approaches, and data sources needed to manage risks; roles and responsibilities of
the risk management team; the costs necessary to perform risk management; how often
the team will review risks and perform risk management; and the methods of reporting
and tracking. By planning how you will manage risks, you increase the probability that
your risk management methods, as well as the project itself, are successful.

Identify Risks
Identifying risks is the process of determining which risks may affect a project and
documenting their characteristics. The process is an iterative one, as the team will need
to perform it several times throughout a project’s life cycle. Upon identifying risks, you
will need to input them into a risk register. The risk register is a list of all identified risks
and their potential responses.

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

Performing qualitative risk analysis is the process of prioritizing risks for further analysis
or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and impact.
Through qualitative analysis, you will be able to rank and categorize risks and distinguish
which ones are high priorities. You can then identify which risks require responses in the

near future, which ones need additional analysis, and which low-priority risks to keep on
a watch list.

Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

Performing quantitative risk analysis is the process of numerically analyzing the effect of
identified risks on overall project objectives. At this point, you will need to gather and
analyze information about how likely a risk is. You will also quantify risk impacts on
project objectives like cost and schedule. The results of this analysis will go into the risk
register along with the results of the qualitative analysis.

Plan Risk Responses

Planning risk responses is the process of developing options to enhance opportunities and
reduce threats to project objectives. Taking priority into consideration, you assign an
owner to take responsibility for a specific risk.
There are four ways to address a negative risk.
 Avoid: You can avoid a threat by making changes to the project itself to prevent the risk
from impacting it.
 Transfer: You transfer a threat to a third party. In this case, the risk is still
present, but another party will have ownership and responsibility of it (like
 Mitigate: You mitigate a threat by taking steps to lessen either the likelihood that
it will happen or the impact it will have on project objectives. Taking action to
prevent or reduce the probability of an event is typically more effective than
fixing a problem after it occurs. If it is not possible to reduce or prevent a risk,
developing a response to mitigate the impact may be helpful. In this case, the risk
still occurs, but using the risk response will decrease the severity of its impact.
 Accept: You accept a threat by deciding not to take any action. This approach
leaves the team to address the risk if it becomes real, typically through a
contingency reserve.

There are also four ways to address a positive risk.

 Exploit: You exploit an opportunity by doing everything possible to ensure that the
event will happen.
 Share: You share an opportunity by allocating some or all of the ownership and
responsibility to a third party who can best use the event to the benefit of the
 Enhance: You enhance an opportunity by increasing its probability or its positive

Accept: You accept an opportunity by taking advantage of an event when it occurs, but

does not actively pursue it.

Monitor and Control Risks

Monitoring and controlling risks is the process of implementing risk response plans,

tracking identified risks, monitoring residual risks, identifying new risks, retiring risks

and/or issues, contingency modification, and evaluating risk process effectiveness

throughout a project. Continuous risk monitoring ensures risks are detected and managed

and that risk response actions that are implemented and effective. Risk monitoring

continues for the life of the project.

Communication and Accountability

Although communication and accountability are not actually steps, it is extremely
important that the project team practices them throughout the life cycle of a project.
Communication and consultation with a project’s sponsor and stakeholders is critical to
executing successful risk management and achieving project outcomes that are broadly
accepted. This interaction helps everyone understand the risks and trade-offs that must be
made in a project and supports the project manager’s efforts.

Regular reporting is an important component of communication. Reports on the current

status of risks and risk management ensure that all parties are fully informed and

understand the risks, thus avoiding unpleasant surprises.



Around the turn of the 20th century, bicycle racing was big in the USA Bicycles

would race around big curved tracks called velodromes aided by pacing machines

powered by internal combustion engines. These pacers were made in Europe and often

broke down. A young designer named Oscar Hendee, who had his own American pacer.

He met up with a racer named George Hendee who had his own bicycle manufacturing

plant in Springfield, MA. The two combined forces and created a bicycle powered by an

engine developed by Hedstrom. Thus was born the Hendee Manufacturing Company and

the Indian motorcycle. They chose the name Indian since it would signify an American

product. George Hendee became known as the Big Chief (B.C.) and Oscar Hedstrom

became known as the Medicine Man. The factory was called the Wigwam and the dealer

network was called the Tribe.

The company finally changed its name from the Hendee Manufacturing

Company to the Indian Motorcycle Company in 1923.The first V-twins from Indian were

produced in 1907.Hedstorm left the company after a dispute in 1913, never to work in the

motorcycle industry again. In another dispute within the newly formed company, Hendee

also left the company in 1916.The company grew at a rapid rate but had many

competitors, most notably Harley-Davidson. Indian competed with Harley-Davidson in

the showrooms, on the tracks, and on the streets to determine which brand was better .The

second part of this article gives details about this war for bragging rights. The war

continues to this day even though Indian was to go out of business for all intents and

purposes in 1954.

Indian began making motorcycle in 1901 as the Hendee Manufacturing

Company. The first production model was in 1902 and 143 units were produced.

In 1903, 376 motorcycles were sold. It continued production through 1953 when

it no longer made the classic Indian. In 1999 Indian motorcycle were again produced, this

time by the Indian Motorcycle Corporation. This was not the same company but it did

have rights to the Indian name and trademarks.

We present here a look at Indian models from the first prototype model in 1901

to the present as provided by members. A gallery called “58 years of Indian “

is provided that gives a picture and description for each model year from 1901 to 2003.of

this article discusses the founding and early growth of the Indian Motorcycle

Company .Note the spelling here of “motorcycle “ instead of “motorcycle “. The term

“motorcycle “ was an archaic word used in the nineteenth century to denote any horseless

carriage. Indian wanted to distinguish itself from the competition by using the older word.

Historical Industry Development

India is the second largest manufacturer and producer of two-wheeler in the

world. It stands next only to japan and China in terms of the number of two-wheelers

produced and domestic sales respectively. This distinction was achieved due to variety of

reasons like restrictive policy followed by the Government of India towards the passenger

car industry, rising demand for personal transport, inefficiency in the transportation

system etc.

The Indian two-wheeler industry made a small beginning in the early 50s when

Automobile Products of India (API) starts manufacturing scooters in the country. Until

1958,API and Enfield were the sole producers.

In 1948, Bajaj Auto began trading in imported Vespa scooters and three-

wheelers. Finally, in 1960, it set up a shop to manufacture them in technical collaboration

with Piaggio of Italy .The agreement expired in 1971.

In the initial stages , API dominated the scooters segment ;Bajaj Auto later

overtook it. Although various government and private enterprises entered the fry for

scooters, the only new player that has lasted till today is LML.

Under the regulated regime, foreign companies were not allowed to operate In

India. It was a complete seller market with the waiting period for getting a scooter from

Bajaj Auto being as high as 12 years.

The motorcycles segment was no different, with only three manufactures viz

Enfield, Ideal Jawa and Escorts. While Enfield bullet was a four stroke bike, Jawa and the

Rajdoot were two-stroke bikes. The motor cycle segment was initially dominated by

Enfield 350cc bike and Escorts 175cc bikes.

The two-wheeler market opened to foreign competition in the mid-80s, and the

then market leaders-Escorts and Enfield- were caught unaware by the onslaught of the

100cc bikes of the Indo-Japanese joint ventures. With the availability of fuel-efficient low

power bikes, demand swelled, resulting in Hero Honda- then the only producer of four

stroke bikes(100cc category), gaining a top slot.

The first Japanese motorcycles were introduced in the early eighties. TVS Suzuki

and Hero Honda brought in the first two-stroke and four-stroke engine motorcycles

respectively. These two-players initially started with assembly of CKD kits, and later on

progressed to indigenous manufacturing. In the 90s the major growth of motorcycle

segment was brought in by bicycles, which grew at a rate of nearly 25 percent CAGR in

the last five years.

The Industry had a smooth ride in the 50s, 60s, and 70s when the government

prohibited new entries and strictly controlled capacity expansion. The industry was a

sudden growth in the 80s. The industry witnessed a steady growth of 14 percent leading

to a peak volume of 1.9mn vehicles in 199.

The entry of Kinetic Honda in mid-eighties with a variometric scooter helped in

providing ease of use to the sooter owners. This helped in including youngsters and

working women, towards buying scooters, who were earlier, inclined towards moped

purchases. In the 90s, this trend was reversed with the introduction of scooterettes. In line

with this the scooter segment has consistently lost its part of the market share in the two-

wheeler market.

In 1990, the entire automobile industry saw a drastic fall in demand. This resulted

in a decline of 15% in 1991 and 8% in 1992, resulting in a production loss of 0.4mn

vehicles. Barring Hero Honda, all the major producers suffered from recession in FY93

and FY94. Hero Honda showed a marginal decline in 1992.

The reasons for recession in the sector were in the incessant rise in fuel price, high

input costs and reduced purchasing power due to signify\cant rise in general price level

and credit crunch in consumer financing, Factors like increased production in 1992, due

to new entrants’ couple with the recession in the industry resulted in companies either

reporting losses or fall in profits.

India is one of the very few countries manufacturing three-wheelers in the world.

It is the world’s largest manufacturer and seller of three-wheelers, Bajaj Auto Commands

a monopoly in the domestic market with a market share of above 80% the rest is shared

by Bajaj Tempo, Greaves Ltd and scooters India.

The total number of registered two-wheelers and three-wheelers on road India, as

on March 31, 1998 was 27.9mn and 1.7mn respectively. The two-wheeler population has

almost doubled in 1996 from base of 12.6mn in 1990.



TVS Group

The TVS Group was established in 1911 by Sri. T V Sundaram Iyengar. As one

of India’s largest industrial entities. It epitomizes Trust, Value and Service.

TVS Motor Company

TVS Motor Company Limited is the Third largest two wheeler manufacturer in

India and amongst the top ten in the world.


The company has been in the fore front in the Indian two wheeler market right

from the launch of the first moped on Indian roads to many new products launched this



At the helm of the company is Mr. Venu Srinivasan, Chairman and Managing

director of the Company.


TVS is the only 2 wheeler company in the world to have received the coveted

Deming prize. All our processes are Deming Certified.

Net Work

TVS Motor Company has one of the most extensive net works with over 500

dealers and 2500 customers touch points.


The TVS Motor company R & D team has a strong pool of technical talent

supported by state of the art infrastructure capable of developing new and innovative



At TVS Motor Company Quality is a Way of Life.

Information Technology

TVS Motor Company has established an e-business system, which maximizes

company values and profits through transformation.

Social Responsibility

To give back to society, TVS Motor Company has formed and funded the

Srinivasan Services trust to undertake all activities relating to community development.


The TVS Group was established in 1911 by Shri. T V Sundram Iyenger. As one
of the India’s largest industrial entities it epitomizes Trust, Value and Service.
Today, there are over thirty companies in the TVS Group, employing more than
40, 000 people worldwide and with a turnover in excess of USD 2.2 billion. With steady
growth, expansion and diversification, TVS commands a strong presence in
manufacturing of two-wheelers, auto components and computer peripherals. We also
have vibrant businesses in the distribution of heavy commercial vehicles passenger’s
cars, finance and insurance.
TVS Suzuki, a joint venture between the TVS group and Suzuki Motors of Japan,
was the first Indo-Japanese motorcycle venture in India. The TVS Group has been in the
business of auto components since the 70’s.
It started manufacturing mopeds in the early 80 as a part of Sundram Clayton Ltd,
a group of company. The moped business was transferred to TVS in 1987 at a
consiradation of Rs 320 mn. The company passed through a host of problems such as cost
escalations, teething problems with new product, labor problems(100 day lockout in
1990), marketing short comings etc., the problems were compounded by a severe
recession in 1991-92. The company made one of the most remarkable turnaround with the
help of a management consultant. The restructuring involved pruning of labor force,
major cuts in fixed overheads, value engineering dealer network revamp and a number of

new models. It started manufacturing Suzuki 100cc motorcycles in 1984. The TVS
employees around 1800 workers. The JV with Suzuki has been called off in FY02.
TVS belongs to Madras based TVS Group founded by T V Sundram. Sundram
Clayton, the flagship company of the group is in the business of auto components and
owned a controlling stake of 32.47 percent in TVS. The Suzuki Motor Company held
25.97 percent stake. TVS has acquired Suzuki’s 25.97 percent stake after the fall off of
the JV at a price of Rs 15 per share for Rs 90mn. TVS Group now holds about 58 percent
of the Rs 230mn equity of TVS Motor Company.
TVS has one subsidiary Lakshmi Auto Components Ltd. Which has facilities for
matching and manufacture of some parts like crankshaft, Connecting rods and gears?
LAC manufactures mainly for the parent company. TVS has a 65 percent stake in the

Plant Locations
TVS first plant is located at Hosur, in the state of Tamilandu. Recently after
parting ways with SMC The Company has planned to enhance the production of ‘Victor’.
Its first indigenous motorbike at its Hosur plant. TVS has setup a second plant at
Byathahalli village near Mysore about 70kms from Bangalore (Karnataka) for
manufacture of scooters. The facility is equipped to produce 5, 00,000 scooters but with
the sales hovering at 1.45 lakh units a year, the consiradable spare capacity at the plant is
being used for the production of scooters.


World Class Facilities

TVS Motor Company Ltd, the flagship company of the USD 2.2 billion TVS
Group, is the third largest two wheeler manufacturer in India and among the top ten
in the world, with an annual turnover of over USD 650 million.
The year 1980 is one to be remembered for the Indian two wheeler industry, with
the roll out of TVS 50, Indian first two seater Moped that ushered in an era of affordable

personal transportation. For the Indian Auto mobile sector, it was a break through to be
etched in history.
TVS Motor Company is the first two wheeler manufacturer in the world to be
honored with the hallmark of Japanese Quality – The Deming Prize for total quality
In the future, TVS Motors Company will be one among the top two 2-wheeler
companies in India and one among the top five 2-wheeler companies in Asia. We will
have profitable operations overseas, especially in Asian markets, capitalizing on our
expertise in the areas of manufacturing, technology and marketing. The company will
hone and sustain its cutting edge of technology by constant benchmarking against
international leaders.
TQM will be a way of life and guide all our endeavors.

The erstwhile TSL (transferor company), under a scheme of amalgamation,
amalgamated with Sundaram Auto Engineers (India) Limited (transferee company).
The scheme of amalgamation was approved by the shareholders of both the
companies. The scheme was approved by the High Court of Madras by its order dated 10th
December 1999. As per the scheme, all these assets and liabilities of erstwhile TSL
together with all obligations and contingent liabilities were vested in Sundaram Auto
Engineers Ltd with effect from 22nd April 1999. The transferor company also dissolved by
an order of High court of Madras dated 16th March 2000.
The scheme has become effective from 24th April 2000, the day on which the
order dissolving the transferor company was filed with the register of companies, Tamil
As per the order of the High Court, the company has also changed its name from
Sundaram Auto Engineers (India) Ltd to TVS-Suzuki Ltd by a special resolution passed
by the shareholders of the company on 24th April 2000 which was approved by the
register of companies and a certificate of name change was issued by the Register of
companies, Tamilnadu on 25th April 2000.
As per the scheme of amalgamation, the entire business of the transferor company
namely, erstwhile TSL was vested in the transferee company with effect from 22 nd April
1999. During the period from 22nd April 1999 to 31st March 2000, the business was
carried on by the transferor company as agents and trustees of the transferee company.

The operations of the transferor company for the period 1 st April 1999 to 21st April 1999
which resulted in a net profit of Rs 193.8mn has been separately shown in the head, Profit
and Loss Account.
The record date for issue and allotment of equity shares of the company to the
shareholders of transferor Company viz, erstwhile TVS-Suzuki Ltd in the ratio of one
equity share for every one share held by them in the company was fixed as 6 th June2000.
The new share certificates were issued for those who surrendered their old certificates.

India’s first 2 seater 50cc Moped TVS50, launched in Aug 1980.

First Indian company to introduce 100cc Indo-Japanese motorcycles in Sept 1984.

Launched India’s first introduce Scooterette (sub 100cc variomatic scooters), TVS

Scooty in June 1994.

Introduced India’s first catalytic converter enabled motorcycle, the 110cc Shogun in Dec


Launched India’s first 5-speed motorcycle, the Shaolin in Oct 1997.

Launched TVS Fiero, India’s first 150cc, 4 stroke motorcycles in April 2000.

Launched TVS Victor , 4 stroke 110cc motorcycle, in August 2001, India’s first fully

indigenously designed and manufactured motorcycle.

Launched TVS Centra in January 2004, a world class 4-stroke 100cc motorcycle with

the revolutionary VT-I Engines for best-in-class mileage.

Launched TVS Star in Sept 2004, a 100cc motorcycle which is ideal for rough terrain.

TVS Motor Company (TVS) launches new 125cc, 4-stroke Victor GLX motorcycle in
Chennai on May 02, 2004

TVS Motor Company introduced its entry-level 4-stroke motorcycle - TVS Star - in the
Kerala market on 2005

TVS Motor Company launches TVS Centra VT-i, a variant of its four-stroke 100cc model
TVS Centra on May 6,2005

TVS Motor rolls out two motorcycle variants named Victor EDGE, StaR City and Scooty
Pep plus on 2006.

TVS Motor Company launched a new version of 125 cc Victor GLX with an electric start
option on 2007.

TVS launched TVS APACHE 160 on 2007.

TVS Motor Co has rolled out seven new vehicles, including its first three-wheeler and a
new 125 cc bike, aimed at gaining lost share in a highly competitive market on 2007.

TVS launched TVS FLAME 125 on 2008

TVS Motor Company launched Scooty Streak, which is its latest scooterette targeted at
girls of 16 to 20 age group on 2008.

TVS Motor Company entered the 110 cc segment by unveiling 2 brand new products, an
auto-clutch motorcycle and an automatic scooter on 2009.

TVS launched TVS APACHE 180 In the year of 2009

TVS Motor Company has launched India's first auto-clutch motorcycle- TVS Jive, in
Chandigarh 2010.

TVS Motor Company has developed an engine that is 20 per cent more fuel efficient and
is usable both in scooters and motorcycles in 2014.

TVS introduced for TVS MAX4R in the year of 2015.

TVS launched JUPITER and WEGO on 2015, these models for the purpose of the laddies
under the year of 16 to 25.

Launched STAR CITY, SPORT is introduced year of 2016.

Launched SKOOTY PEP +, XL HD-STROKE on 2016.


Mr. Venu Srinivasan, was conferred with the prestigious JRD Tata Corporate
Leadership Award for the year 2004.
The Deming Prize
TVS Motor Company is the only two-wheeler company in the world to be
awarded the world’s

Technology Award 2002 from Ministry of Science, Government of India for the
successful commercialization of indigenous technology for TVS Victor.
TPM Excellence Award-First Category by Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance

Star of Asia Award to Mr. Venu Srinivasan , CMD TVS Motors Company bu
Business Week International.
Venu Srinivasan, Chairman and Managing Director, TVS Motor Company was
Honored with Doctorate in Science by University of Warwick, United Kingdom.

Asia Network For Quality Award 2004

TVS Scooty Pep won the Prestigious ‘Outstanding Design Excellence Award’
from Business world and National Institute of Design.
TEAM TECH 2007 Award - TVS Motor Company bags TEAM TECH 2007
Award of Excellence for Integrated use of Computer Aided Engineering technologies.

SAP ACE AWARD 2007 - The company won the SAP ACE 2007 Award for
Customer Excellence in the Most Innovative Netweaver Category.
The 'Good Advertising' award by Auto India Best Brand Awards 2009.

TPM Excellence Award 2008 - First category by Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance
(JiPm) .
Progressive Manufacturer 100 Award - TVS wins coveted 2009 Progressive
Manufacturer 100 Award for end-to-end automation of the entire business process of its
lubricant brand, TVS TRU4.

TVS Motor Company Ltd is a winner of the CII ITC Sustainability Awards 2015,
Certificate of Commendation for Significant Achievement.

Emerging Corporate Giant in the Private Sector awarded by The Economic
Times and The Harvard Business School Association of India.
Best Managed Company Award from Business today, one of the India’s
leading business magazines.
Most Investor Friendly Company from Business today, one of the India’s
leading business magazines.


1. Name and Address of the company : SRI SAI AUTO MOBILES

2. Name and status of the Contact person : JAYA SIMHA RDDY

3. Year of Establish : 1996

4. Our Banker : State Bank of India

5. No of Workers : 70

6. Raw Material: Spare parts

The company was started in the year 1996. The company has used modern techniques in

marketing like financial loans with help of Ashok Leyland, TATA, Cholamandalam etc.,

At the same time the company had the motto of achieving the optimum quality.

Under the leadership of present Marketing Director, Sri G. Jaya Simha Reddy and his

committed staff, the company’s business was progressed and a new marketing strategy

was introduced such a promotion of products in creating good will on quality.

OBJECTIVE: To sell quality products at responsible price.

1. Set full Tank

2. Meter Assy combination

3. Puller Assy magneto

4. Battery Assy

5. Frame Assy AT

6. Wheel Rim Plated

7. Fender FR Black

8. Set Front RR Visor

9. Light Assy Head

10. Wheel Hab front

11. Key Set

12. Cushion Assy

13. Rim wheel

14. Shok Absorbers

15. Pump Assy oil

16. Needle Jet

17. Tool set

18. Plate Clutch

19. Pipe Steering Handle

20. Shoe Comp Brake

21. Gear Compressor Speedometer

22. Cable Camp

23. Clu Chain

24. Seal Value Steam

25. Mirror Assy Rear Back

26. Lever Left Strong Handle

27. Boot FR Fork

28. Cable Camp. Throttle

29. Key Black Type 1

30. Contact Assy Natural

31. Spring Break Pedal

32. Front Fork Oil seal

33. Tool Bag

Organization Chart of SRI SAI TVS







Marketing research is systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about

marketing problems to facilitate decision maker.
The American association has given the same definition but they also emphasize
on the systematic research rather than convenient research. The data are
objectively and accurate gathered, record and analyzed.
There are research are done for the solving any type the problem there are not
done any types of the research so defining the problem is the first step for any
type of the research.
Then there are taken the literature review about the solving the problem that
which research design is useful to solve out the problem.
By that data there are done analysis & after that there are we get the result to
solve out the problem so this is the process of the research.
By this way process we can solved out the problem which is accurse into the any
type of the firm & best and positive results from this research process.

Research process
 Formulating the research problem
 Preparing the research design
 Determining the sample design
 Collecting the data
 Analysis of the data
 Preparation of the report

A research design is a frame work or blue print for conducting the marketing
research project. Research design is an important and the vital part of the
research. It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the information
needed to structure or solve marketing problems. Research design provides an
excellent framework for the research plan of action.

Types of Research Design

Exploratory research helps determine the best research design, data

collection method and selection of subjects. It should draw definitive conclusions
only with extreme caution. Hence my research design is exploratory design.


Data collection is the main thing for doing the research. It is main thing that now
we can get the data from the market. If we can collect right and effective data
than our research plan and objective are easily satisfied and we can get the
positive result.
But there are some mistakes in the research for data collection than we cannot
find the right conclusion and we can get the negative result.
For the data collection, I have used the questionnaire instrument. A questionnaire
consists of the set of the question presented to the respondents for their answers.
From the questionnaire we can get perfect feeding of the consumer.
The data are the 2 types which are as under.
1) Primary Data

2) Secondary Data

Sources of Data

Primary Data Secondary Data

1) Primary Data: Primary data is the data which are fresh and collected for the
first time, and are original in character. There are various Primary data collection
techniques, which have helped in data gathering.

The primary data collection techniques used in the project is as follows

 Personal Interview Method
 Survey Method
 Questionnaire Method
 Observation Method
 Experimentation Method

2) Secondary Data: Secondary data are those data, which have been already
collected or published for the purpose other than specific research need at
hand .This data is simply used up by the researcher for his purpose of collected
the data and its use is now not the same.

The secondary data sources here in this project are:-

 Magazines
 Websites
 Review of Literature

For this research report, I have collect the primary data base because through
the primary data base we can conclude or get the exactly or final result for our
Primary Data: Questionnaire
Secondary Data: Journals, Review of literature

Meaning Of Population: The aggregate of all the elements sharing some
common set of characteristics, comprising the universe for the purpose of the
marketing researcher problem.

For this research report I have taken the population of Thaltej, Memnagar,
Satelight, Bodakdev, Bopal, Navrangpura, Prahlad Nagar, Narnpura, Aashram
Road, and Paldi.

Meaning of Sample: A subgroup of the elements of the population selected for
the participation in the study.
My research work sample size is 100 because my project information provider
Mr. Krunal Odedara has assigned me this number of sample size.

In probability theory and statistics, the chi-squared distribution (also chi-
square or χ²-distribution) with k degrees of freedom is the distribution of a sum of
the squares of k independent standard normal random variables. It is a special
case of the gamma distribution and is one of the most widely used probability
distributions in inferential statistics, e.g., in hypothesis testing or in construction
of confidence intervals. When it is being distinguished from the more general non
central chi-squared distribution, this distribution is sometimes called the central
chi-squared distribution.

The chi-squared distribution is used in the common chi-squared

tests for goodness of fit of an observed distribution to a theoretical one,
the independence of two criteria of classification of qualitative data, and
in confidence interval estimation for a population standard deviation of a normal
distribution from a sample standard deviation. Many other statistical tests also
use this distribution, like Friedman's analysis of variance by ranks.

Definition of Chi- Square:

If Z1, ..., Zk are independent, standard normal random variables, then the sum of
their squares,

is distributed according to the chi-squared distribution with k degrees of freedom.

This is usually denoted as

The chi-squared distribution has one parameter: k — a positive integer that

specifies the number of degrees of freedom (i.e. the number of Zi’s)
The chi-squared distribution has numerous applications in inferential statistics, for
instance in chi-squared tests and in estimating variances. It enters the problem of
estimating the mean of a normally distributed population and the problem of
estimating the slope of a regression line via its role in Student’s t-distribution. It

enters all analysis of variance problems via its role in the F-distribution, which is
the distribution of the ratio of two independent chi-squared random variables,
each divided by their respective degrees of freedom.

Following are some of the most common situations in which the chi-squared
distribution arises from a Gaussian-distributed sample.

 If X1, ..., Xn are i.i.d. N(μ, σ2) random variables,

then where .

 The box below shows some statistics based on Xi ∼ Normal(μi, σ2i), i = 1,

⋯, k, independent random variables that have probability distributions related
to the chi-squared distribution:

Name Statistic

chi-squared distribution

noncentral chi-squared

chi distribution

noncentral chi distribution


Q. 1 what is your educational qualification?

1. Under graduate
2. Graduate
3. Post Graduate
4. Other

3 4
2 4% 4%


From the sample size of 100, 76% if the people are Under Graduate, 16% of
the people are Graduate & 4% of the people are Post Graduate & other
category. This shows the literacy ratio of our country. Most of the people in
village area are illiterate.

Q. 2 What is your occupation ?

1. Business
2. Service
3. Profession
4. Student



From the sample size of 100, 4% of the people are having their own
business, 16% of the people are doing service, 4% of the people are
professionals & 76% of the people are studying.

Q.3 Have you prefer to watch an advertisement ?

1. Yes
2. No



From the 100 samples surveyed, 96% of the people watch the
advertisements, which is a good sign to concentrate more on advertising,
which is one of the major sales promotion tools to create the awareness as
well as to increase the sales. While only 4% of them are not interested in
watching the advertisements.

Q.4 If yes, from the following parameters which do you prefer in
an advertisement ?

1. Color Combination
2. Brand Ambassador / Model
3. Advertising Theme
4. Product Quality / Features
5. Price

5 1
16% 12% 2


From the above chart shows that 40% of people give first
preference to advertising theme while 24%,16%,12%,8% of people
give second, third, fourth, & fifth preference to price, color
combination, brand ambassador / model respectively.

Q.5 Do you have any bike ?

1. Yes
2. No



The above chart shows that 84% of the people are having two wheelers
while only 16% comes in the category of not having two wheeler.

Q.6 Do you watch an advertisement of RAJ TVS.

1. Yes
2. No



The above chart shows that 92% of the people have watched the
advertisement & 8% of the people still don’t watch the advertisement of RAJ

Q.7 If yes, from the following parameters which one of the parameter
you like in an advertisement of RAJ TVS.?

1. Color combination
2. Brand ambassador/ Model
3. Advertisement theme
4. Product quality/ Features

4 1
24% 16%


From the above chart we can get idea about the parameters that 40% of the
people like the advertising theme while 24% of the people like the product
quality in the advertisement of RAJ TVS.. 20% & 16% of the people like
model & colour combination.

Q.8 Do you think language is more important in any advertisement ?

1. Yes
2. No



From the above chart we can see that 76% of the people believe that
language is more important in any advertisement while 24% of people
believe that language is not more important in any advertisement.

Q.9 From where have you heard about RAJ TVS. ?

1. Friends & Relatives

2. Advertisement
3. Demonstration
4. Show Rooms

0% 3


As Television is the most effective medium of advertising, we can see that
the major part of the samples surveyed i.e. 76% have seen the advertisement
of RAJ TVS. on Television, 24% have heard about it from their friends,
while no person ever seen the demonstration of RAJ TVS. anywhere.

Q.10 During which time would you prefer to see an advertisement of RAJ
TVS. ?

1. Morning
2. Evening
3. Afternoon
4. Night

0% 2

60% 3

Time is as important factor to be considered at the time of deciding any
advertisement plan. So out of the total samples surveyed, majority of the
people i.e. 60% prefer to see the advertisement of RAJ TVS. during night
while 32% want to see the advertisement in the evening & 8% want to see
the advertisement in the afternoon and morning follows by 0% of the sample

Q.11 From the following channels in which channel would you like to see
an advertisement of RAJ TVS. ?

1. Star Plus
2. Zee
3. Sony
4. Espn
5. Star Sports
6. Other


4 2
8% 12%

From the above chart we can get idea about the channel in which the
consumer would like to see the advertise of RAJ TVS.. 28% of people would
like to see the advertise in Star plus, 24% in Sony, 16% in Other, 12% in
Star Sports & Zee, 8% in Espn.

Q. 12 From the following parameters which parameter do you not like in an
advertisement of RAJ TVS. ?

1. Color
2. Picture
3. Language
4. Theme
5. Slogan

4 8%


From given sample size 44% of people don’t like the picture while 24%
don’t like the colour, 16% don’t like the theme & 8% don’t like the slogan
and language of the advertisement of RAJ TVS..

Q.13 What should be the class of customers to whom the appeal of an
advertisement of RAJ TVS. ?

1. Lower Class
2. Middle Class
3. Upper Class



The above chart makes it clear that out of the total samples surveyed, 56% of
the people say that advertisement of the RAJ TVS. would be more effective
if the appeal is make to the Middle Class people. While 36% believe that
appeal should be make to the Upper Class people & Lower Class follows by
just 8%.

Q.14 How is the over all quality of an advertisement of RAJ TVS.?

1. Effective
2. Not Effective
3. Some What Fair



From above chart shows that 48% of the people say that advertisement of
RAJ TVS. is some what fair. 44% of the people say that advertisement is
effective while 8% of the people say that advertisement is not effective.

Q.15 Advertisement policy of RAJ TVS. Company is good ?

1. Strongly Agree
2. Strongly Disagree
3. Agree
4. Disagree
5. Neither Agree Nor Disagree

5 1 2
16% 8% 0%


Out of the total samples surveyed, majority of the people i.e. 68% agree that
advertising policy of RAJ TVS. is No. 1. 8% people extremely agree this
while 16% of them are neither agree nor disagree about being the advertising
policy of RAJ TVS. No. 1 & 4% of them are totally disagree about this while
0% are strongly disagree & do not believe that advertising policy of RAJ
TVS. is No. 1.



From the above company analysis study, the following findings were identified.

1. Larger market share

2. Wide variety of promotion strategies

3. Good advertisement strategies

4. Rural customers / consumers are more

5. Large number of satisfied customers

6. Good record of market share

7. Large number of new products



Risk management is an important process that managers should maintain

in an organization. It is inevitable to have risks and managers should have
better strategies to deal with risks. The long-term survival of an
organization depends on the ability to manage risks. The intensifying
competition in the global markets has forced managers to focus on
maintaining a strong risks management program by establishing values.

Complying with the values and cultural aspects of an organization is

important in achieving the goals and objectives of an organization. The
culture of an organization determines its success in the market
environment. It is a reflection of the beliefs and attitudes that people have
towards the organizational systems.

Culture is developed and shaped by the stakeholders of the organization.

Change management is very important to an organization and managers
should possess the required skills of carrying out this process. Therefore,
risks management is an important activity for organization in the modern
market environment and all managers should embrace it for the long-term
survival of their businesses.


Galai, Mark, Crouny , Risk Management, second edition.

Bhole L. M, Financial Institutions and Markets – Structure, Growth
andInnovations, fourth edition.
Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Risk Management
as Applied to Corporate Finance – Greg Shields
Continuous-Time Models in Corporate Finance – Santiago Moreno-
Bromberg and Jean-Charles Rochet
Company journals
Magazines and News papers



1. Name :-

2. Address :-

3. Age :-
( ) 18 to 20 ( ) 30 to 40

( ) 21 to 30 ( ) Above 40

4. Education :-
( ) Under Graduate ( ) Post Graduate

( ) Graduate ( ) Other

5. Occupation : -
( ) Business ( ) Service

( ) Profession ( ) Student

6. Have you prefer to watch an advertisement?

( ) Yes ( ) No

7. If yes, from the following parameters which do you prefer in

( ) Color Combination ( ) Brand Ambassador/Model

( ) Advertising Theme ( ) Product Quality/Features

( ) Price

8. Do you have any bike?

( ) Yes ( ) No

9. Do you watch an advertisement of RAJ TVS?

( ) Yes ( ) No

10.If yes, from the following parameters which one of the parameter you
like in an Advertisement of RAJ TVS
( ) Color Combination ( ) Brand Ambassador/Model

( ) Advertising Theme ( ) Product Quality/Features

11.Do you think language is more important in any advertisement?

( ) Very important ( ) Not important

( ) Important

12.From where have you heard about RAJ TVS?

( ) Friends & Relatives ( ) Advertisement

( ) Demonstration ( ) Show rooms

13.During which time would you prefer to see the advertisement of RAJ
( ) Morning ( ) Evening

( ) Afternoon ( ) Night

14.From the following channels in which channel would you like to see
the advertisement of RAJ TVS ?
( ) Star plus ( ) Zee

( ) Sony ( ) Espn

( ) Star sports ( ) other

15.From the following parameters which parameter do you not like in

the advertisement of RAJ TVS?
( ) Color ( ) Picture ( ) Language

( ) Theme ( ) Slogan

16.What should be the class of consumers to whom the appeal of

advertisement of RAJ TVS should be made?
( ) Lower class ( ) Middle class

( ) Upper class

17.How is the over all quality of advertisement of RAJ TVS?
( ) Effective ( ) Not effective

( ) Some what fair

18.Advertising policy of RAJ TVS is good.

( ) Strongly agree ( ) strongly disagree

( ) Agree ( ) Disagree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree



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