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Module 1 – Using Word Processors

Video 9 – Bullets and numbers

Welcome to Module 1 – Video 9

In this video we look at bullets and numbers in documents.
Open your Japanese Tea Ceremony document and your web browser. Now you’re going to add
some more information to the document.
Go back to the Simple English Wikipedia entry for the Japanese Tea Ceremony. If you can’t
remember how to do this, watch video 1 again.
When you have the page open in your browser, select the text about ‘Materials needed’, copy it
and paste it into your document.
Select the first sentence: “People need many different things for a tea ceremony:” and make it
bold or make it into a title using the ‘Styles’, or by choosing a font and a font size and colour.
Don’t forget, you can also use the ‘format painter’ to copy the style of the first title to this one.
Try that now.
Select the rest of the text and use the format painter to make it the same size and font as the
other paragraphs.
Select the names of the things in the list, one by one: ‘tea bowl (called chawan)’, ‘Tea scoop
(called chashaku)’, etc., and make them bold – they are important things in the ceremony
Now, this is a list of things that people need for a tea ceremony, so we’re going to turn it into a
list. Click and drag your mouse to select all of the text under the heading. Now look for the bullet
list icon – choose a bullet style you like.
Now you have a list, but they are all very close together. Choose the ‘Line and Paragraphing
Spacing’ icon and change the spacing to 1.5 lines. This spaces the list out a little better.
Finish up by adding some questions for your learners to answer.
Add a new title under the list. Type ‘Questions’ and use the format painter to make it the same
as the other titles in your document.
Now type these example questions:
Where does the Japanese Tea Ceremony take place?
How long does it take?
Do people wear special clothes for the tea ceremony?
What is the wine called?
This is a list of questions – so it’s a good idea to make sure they have numbers so you can ask
for answers – “What’s the answer to question 3, Gabriel?”
Select the four questions and click on the ‘Numbering’ icon at the top. This makes the questions
into a numbered list. Use the ‘Line and Paragraph Spacing’ icon to change the line spacing to
1.5 lines.
Your document will look something like this. 2

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