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Promote the Transition to Electric Vehicles

Growing concerns about the environment and the need to address climate change require us
to take bold steps to reduce our carbon footprint. In this context, the obligation of consumers
to purchase electric vehicles stands as a necessary solution, which entails a series of benefits
for both the planet and the economy.

Firstly, electric vehicles are considerably more environmentally friendly compared to their
internal combustion counterparts. They massively reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
contributing to the fight against climate change and improving air quality in our cities.
Imposing the purchase of electric vehicles, therefore, would be an effective measure to meet
emissions reduction targets.

Furthermore, the transition to electric vehicles would boost innovation and investment in
green technologies. Forced demand would generate incentives for research and development
of more efficient batteries and more advanced charging networks. This would not only
improve electric vehicle infrastructure, but also encourage job creation in the renewable
energy and technology sector.

Another key factor is reducing dependence on fossil fuels. By forcing consumers to opt for
electric vehicles, the volatility of oil prices would decrease and ensure a more sustainable
source of energy. This would strengthen energy security and reduce vulnerability to oil-
related geopolitical crises.

Additionally, the energy efficiency of electric vehicles makes them more cost-effective in the
long term. Although the initial cost may be higher, the savings in fuel and maintenance over
the life of the vehicle offset this additional expense. The purchase obligation could facilitate
the adoption of electric vehicles, allowing more people to enjoy these economic benefits.

In summary, requiring consumers to purchase electric vehicles represents an essential

measure in the fight against climate change, promoting technological innovation and creating
jobs in sustainable sectors. In addition, it reduces dependence on fossil fuels, ensures energy
security and provides long-term savings to consumers.

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