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The Witch Makes The Mummy an Actual Mummy

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The Witch Makes The Mummy an Actual Mummy

Love is a beautiful thing that is meant to make us better persons find comfort, warmth,

solace alongside our partners. However, beautiful love seems just like a fantasy to some people.

In year 2020, the University of Chicago held its 30th Graduation ceremony. The final speech was

made by the best student, Katie Blocker, from the Journalism department. Katie was an

exceptionally beautiful lady who had a good heart. She was believed to be dating Alex Couper

who was from the medicine department because they were too close; however, they were just

childhood friends. Alex was yet to graduate since the students undertaking medicine courses

studied for a longer time. After graduation, Katie left for New York, her home city, for job hunt.

On one evening, Katie had just spent the day visiting various media institutions seeking

for employment unsuccessfully. Feeling beat, frustrated and worn out, she decided to head to the

market and make a few purchases then head home. Katie was feeling lost, it had been two

months since she graduated and began the job hunt, following every possible lead but to no avail.

Katie didn’t even realize that it was raining heavily. Her tears trickled down her face mixed with

the rain water. Thunder and lightning were striking so hard yet she was walking aimlessly.

Suddenly out of the blue, a Lamborghini stopped by her side and the guy urged her to get in. She

kept walking absent mindedly so the driver rushed and dragged into her into his car. The driver

then drove her to a cool and silent environment to relax her mind. Seems like that helped a little,

since she let out a big exhale then asked him to take her home. Though she was covered in a

blanket, she was still cold and she needed a change of clothes.

When they got home, Katie invited him over for dinner to show gratitude. The guy made

himself familiar with the house already and went to make tea for Katie while she was having a

change of clothes. Katie appreciated the gesture and took tea while she made dinner. The guy

offered to help and they chatted along. While having dinner, Katie stole glances at him and

realized how handsome he was. His torso, long neck, his adam’s apple moving up and down his

neck, and how tight his shirt cleng on to him revealing his six pack, wow. She craved for him

already. Katie didn’t realize that she was staring, and every emotion emanating from the stare

was clearly projected on her face. Jack, noticed her reddened face and realized that his beauty

charms had got the beauty on his grip.

In a flash of a moment, they were kissing and yeah, they also made love. “Oh My God!”

when Katie woke up the following day, she couldn’t believe that she had already slept with a

man she had met a few hours ago. She didn’t even know his name. While coming from the

shower, she noticed a note on the drawer table. The note was brief. It said, “Hi, am sorry I didn’t

introduce myself, my name is Jack Sandolver. Am sorry, I know I look like a jerk but I had a

good time and I hope you had too. I long to see you again soon.” He had noted down his number,

through which she could reach him. Katie felt her heart soften she wasn’t lose after all she just

loved him at first sight. After a series of outings and meetups for 3 months, Katie and Jack began

dating. Katie was also fortunate to secure a job with the New York Times Magazine. Jack then

asked Katie to move in with him to cut off extra costs.

For the first two weeks all was well but then suddenly heaven turned to hell. Jack began

disappearing for even two weeks without calling or telling her where he was. When he came

back and she asked him about his whereabouts, the answer was through blows and slaps on her

face. Katie thought he was drunk and so she let him and went off to cry her eyes out in the

bedroom. The following morning, when Jack saw her black eye, he apologized and promised not

to repeat it again. However, this became the norm. Bruise after bruise. For her own safety she

decided to leave but Jack gave her no room for that. Jack had become unpredictable. At times he

was the sweetest while other times, he was the villain. Its liked he enjoyed manipulating and

torturing Katie. With the bruises Katie, couldn’t go to the job so she requested her employer to

work remotely for some time. Katie did a background check on Jack and realized that he was a

gas lighter and a jobless man, so he took fancy in manipulating people and then stealing from


Over time, Katie’s heart grew hard and cold. She began taking online Karate lessons.

Since Jack couldn’t let her go, then she would learn to how defend herself and eventually kill

him. She was determined to save herself from the enslavement of the toxic relationship, therefore

whichever opportunity that would come up, she would utilize it best. Finally, Halloween was

here, the season when people put on whichever costumes to represent whichever character of

choice (Forth, 2022). The Halloween was to be held at Mr. Burmers home. Jack, who was

dressed in the mummy costume and Katie dressed as the witch, left for the party. Katie dressed

as the witch showing the darkness that had engulfed her. Katie hardly met any of her friends, so

she took advantage to meet and talk to Alex, who was dressed in a Michael Myer’s from

Halloween costume. However, Jack couldn’t let Katie talk to another man so she kicked them

out of the party. He slapped Katie so hard across the face and forced her into his car.

He then sped off to her house where she could stay prisoner. Katie was so enraged so she

decided that, that day she would put the suffering to an end. Alex was scared for his friend and

therefore he came to check on how she was doing (Solferino & Tessitore, 2021). Since the

house had large windows, from outside, he saw Katie walk into the kitchen cabinet and take a

knife. She then waited for Jack to come out of the bathroom. Since he was unaware, she gave

him a hard kick that made him hit the wall and fall onto the ground. Katie then takes the knife

despite the pleas from Jack, began making many deep cuts in his body. She didn’t want to make

it an easy end for him. Then she finally cut off his neck. She felt relieved. Katie, the witch, had

made Jack the mummy in actuality. Alex watched all this in horror. Katie was so heartless but he

understood his friend and he would support her anyhow. He saw her drag the body, so he got in

and went to help. They picked Jack while still in his constume and tossed him into the fireplace.

Jack had disappeared for some time now but nobody was worried since it was his usual

occurrence. Katie was now a free woman and would give no room for toxic relationships.


Forth, A., Sezlik, S., Lee, S., Ritchie, M., Logan, J., & Ellingwood, H. (2022). Toxic

relationships: The experiences and effects of psychopathy in romantic

relationships. International journal of offender therapy and comparative

criminology, 66(15), 1627-1658.

Solferino, N., & Tessitore, M. E. (2021). Human networks and toxic

relationships. Mathematics, 9(18), 2258.

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