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Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Tân Bình

1. Our neighbors are very___________. They never care about other folks.
2. Do you know the reason for __________ Mother’s day. (CELEBRATE)
3. Speech ________ human beings from the animals. (DISTINGUISH)
4. Tuan has been nominated as the most effective _________in the town charity
program. (ACTIVE)
5. We think that Father’s Day should be celebrated __________. (NATION)
6. She looked with _______ at the result of her work. (PROUD)
7. They were _______ to learn that their son had not been injured in the accident.
8. We find advertising on TV sometimes very ________. (EFFECT)
9. People sang Auld Lang Syne _________ on New Year’s Eve. (JOY)
10. Thu is not _________ with her preparations for Christmas. (SATISFY)
11. Children’s Day __________ in Japan for hundreds of years. (CELEBRATE)
12. It’s still not possible to accurately predict the ________ of earthquake.
13. She was invited by him to various _________ events (FESTIVAL)
14. He was surprised to find his name on the list of _________. (NOMINATE)
15. She was involved in many ________ organizations. (CHARITY)
16. Her friends take advantage of her __________. (GENEROUS)
17. That’s not a _________ good idea. (TERRIFIC)
18. The young have little _________ with real life tragedy. (ACQUAINT)
19. His latest film is __________ as a “romantic comedy”. (DESCRIBE)
20. I’m sure these problems can be __________ resolved. (SATISFY)
21. A lot of people and buildings were carried along on the ______ wave. (TIDE)
22. A person who studies science or works in science is call a _________.
23. _________, the typhoon didn’t cause any damage to the village. (LUCKY)
24. A tidal wave brings death and _________ in its quake. (DESTROY)
25. Floods and earthquakes are __________ disasters. (NATURE)
26. It’s difficult to give a speech without ___________. (PREPARE)
27. The hurricane swept in ________ without any warning. (ABRUPT)
28. Those pollutants have ___________ the lives of many seabirds in the past few
years. (DANGER)
29. The building was __________ damaged by the fire. (EXTEND)
30. Our _________ turns out to be correct. (PREDICT)
31. The two teachers have different _________ of their students. (EXPECT)
32. ________ food is very convenient for campers. (CAN)

Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Tân Bình

33. Scientists have made many important ___________. (DISCOVER)

34. The roof _________ under the weight of snow. (COLLAPSE)
35. This volcano has ________ five times during the last 20 years. (ERUPT)
36. There have been more floods because of _________. (FOREST)
37. All the children were ________ taken out of the building when the fire started.
38. We live in ____________ Vietnam with my family. (CENTRE)
39. Thousands of people were _________ by natural disasters. (HOME)
40. A leader must be able to communicate __________ in order to be successful.
41. We suggest __________ the light bulb. It is broken. (REPLACEMENT)
42. ___________ are very demanding. They want products that are both cheap and of
good quality. (CONSUME)
43. They have many _________ in the field of electrical engineering. (INNOVATE)
44. Televisions, dishwashers, and freezers are ____________ appliances.
45. They spent a _________ weekend at a country hotel. (LUXURY)
46. The residents got no _________ from the company about the _______ sewage
discharge. (RESPOND/ TREAT)
47. He got an electricity shock because of his ___________ catching of fish. (CARE)
48. Many factories still allow __________ such as toxic waste, to flow into our river.
49. It is very difficult to find Mrs. Linda’s shop because it was __________ from all
others on the street. (DISTINGUISH)
50. You’re __________ for not taking the children to school. (RESPONSIBLE)
51. Consumers always want cheap and good ___________. (PRODUCE)
52. For the more ____________ people, we offer windsurfing and diving.
53. They are too young and __________ to recognize the danger of drugs.
54. Some people have very firm __________ in the existence of UFOs. (BELIEVE)
55. People are talking about the _________ circles on the fields in Great Britain.
56. Do you believe in the ________ of UFOs? (EXIST)
57. UFO is an __________ flying object that has been recognized as a possible or
actual alien spacecraft. (IDENTIFY)
58. Is there any _______ for the existence of life on another planet? (EVIDENT)
59. I think UFOs are just the ________ of some people. (IMAGINE)
60. Environmental pollution has led to the __________ of many species of plants and
animals from our planet. (APPEAR)

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