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Q.1. (2)


Q.2. (4)
Q.3. (2)
Q.4. (5)
S, A, E, L
Only two words can be formed- SALE, SEAL
S, A, E, L
के वल दो शब्द बन सकते हैं- SALE, SEAL
Q.5. (4)
Q.6. (3)
BJ = BY + JY
12m = BY + 10m
BY = 12m - 10m

Q.7. (4)
Q.8. (5)
A (B C D E F) G
Q.9. (5)
OPT = Select
OPT = चयन
Q.10. (2)

Q.11. (3)

Q.12. (5)
Q.13. (4)
Q.14. (3)
Q.15. (1)
Q.16. (4)
Q.17. (1)
Q.18. (4)

Q.19. (2)


Q.20. (3)
Q.21. (3)
Q.22. (4)
Q.23. (5)
Q.24. (3)
Q.25. (4)

Solution for Question 26
Ans Key: 2
The answer is given in the last line of the first paragraph.
Solution for Question 27
Ans Key: 2
The answer is given in the mid of the first paragraph
Solution for Question 28
Ans Key: 5
The answer has not been given in the passage.
Solution for Question 29
Ans Key: 5
The answer is given in the last line of the passage.
Solution for Question 30
Ans Key: 1
The answer lies in the second paragraph
Solution for Question 31
Ans Key: 2
The answer is given in initial lines of the 1st paragraph.
Solution for Question 32
Ans Key: 1
For other options:
Pervasive (adj.) – present, seen or felt everywhere
Prudent (adj.) – Intelligent showing good judgement.
Scruffy (adj.) – dirty
Stout (adj.) – strongly inbuilt
Solution for Question 33
Ans Key: 1
Exhortation (n) - an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something; encouragement.
For other options-
Desert (v) – to leave the company of someone
Dampen (v) – to depress or discourage
Canny (adj.) – intelligent and showing good judgement
Craving (n) – strong desire
Solution for Question 34
Ans Key: 1
Integrity (n) - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Corruption (n) - the action or effect of making someone or something morally corrupt.
For other options-
Infer (v) – to draw conclusion on given facts
Panacea (n) – a cure for all diseases
Invincible (adj.) – that is impossible to defeat
Solution for Question 35
Ans Key: 2
Cumbersome (adj.) - slow or complicated and therefore inefficient.
For other options-
Elite (n) – wealthy or intellectual section of society
Fabricate (v) – to produce false evidence.
Groom (v) – to train or prepare
Solution for Question 36
Ans Key: 4
To understand the correct answer, kindly go through the sentences given below:

When the assassin fired at the eminent political leader, few journalists were present at the sight.
Traditional providers did not really have competitive offerings in the marketplace.
Looking back at history as a journalist, one can only appreciate the dignity with which the reporting of news was done
Solution for Question 37
Ans Key: 4
To understand the correct answer, kindly go through the sentences given below:

Financialization is a systemic transformation of capitalism that has occurred during the last four decades.
The financial sector outgrew all the real sectors of the economy and profits were accrued through financial channels rather
productivity and trade.
Challers are fully digital outfits that offer branch free banking and customer service at the tap of a button on their mobile
Solution for Question 38
Ans Key: 1
To understand the correct answer, kindly go through the sentences given below:

The apex court has described corruption as a serious malady and one impinging on the economy.
Legislators handle public funds, and there is good reason to keep out those guilty of misusing them.
Disqualification from contest is a civil disability created by electoral law to keep those convicted by criminal courts from
entering elected offices.
Solution for Question 39
Ans Key: 2
To understand the correct answer, kindly go through the sentences given below:

Companies listen to their customers, and design products that support customer’s lifestyle and instils brand association.
Not just India, but dissenters and protesters around the world have learnt how to raise a voice against injustice from
Mahatma Gandhi.
Despite several threats and pressures, the protests continued and the all-powerful head of the firm had to finally bow down.
Solution for Question 40
Ans Key: 4
To understand the correct answer, kindly go through the sentences given below:

The quantity and quality of ineers that India is producing annually are supposedly inadequate at the moment.
A report cites surveys and other sources to suggest that most millennials are not too keen on buying homes.
Many a times there is a vast mismatch in the expectations of work and its reality, which fuels worker discontent.
Solution for Question 41
Ans Key: 4
In sentence I, burst means eruption.
In sentence II & III, Burst (v) – break open or apart suddenly and violently, especially as a result of an impact or internal
It is used only in its basic form or (ing form).
Solution for Question 72
Ans Key: 3
In sentence I and II sentence, forecast (predict or estimate) is used as a verb and it is used in its base from only.
In sentence I, forecast (n) – a calculation or estimate of future events.
Solution for Question 43
Ans Key: 2
In sentence I and II, deluge (n) – a severe flood, it should be ‘deluge’ as it is the place of a noun and ‘deluge’ is a
In sentence III, it should be ‘deluge’ (n) – a great quantity of something arriving at the same time.
We need only noun form in the sentences.
Solution for Question 44
Ans Key: 1
In II: ‘ebbing’ is the correct form.
In III: ‘ebb’ is the correct form, according to ‘to’.
Solution for Question 45
Ans Key: 5
Teeter (v) – move or balance unsteadily; sway back and forth.
Solution for Question 46
Ans Key: 1
For other options-
Restorative (adj): having the ability to restore health, strth, or well-being.
Recursive (adj.) – characterized by recurrence or repetition, in particular.
Rant (v) – fulminate
Retort (v): say something in answer to a remark, typically in a sharp, angry, or witty manner.
Solution for Question 47
Ans Key: 2
For other options-
Scurry (n) – a situation of hurried and confused movement.
Leverage (n.) – grip
Solution for Question 48
Ans Key: 3
For other options-
Urge (v) – desire
Insurgency (n) – rebellion
Solution for Question 49
Ans Key: 4
In (preposition) - expressing a period of time during which an event happens.
Solution for Question 50
Ans Key: 5
Worse off (phrase): in a less advantageous position; less fortunate or prosperous.

Q-51 CA: 4
50  48
 100  4%

50  48
 100  4%
Q-52 CA: 4
Q-53 CA: 2
total passed girls=75%of240=180
passed girls in Art=50%of90=45
Remaining passed girls=180-45=135
total remaining girls=240-90=150
Passing %=  100%  90%
कुल उत्तीर्ण हुई लड़ककय ां=240 क 75% =180
कल में उत्तीर्ण लड़ककय ां=90 क 50% =45
बची हुई उत्तीर्ण लड़ककय ां=180-45=135
कुल बची लड़ककय ां=240-90=150
उत्तीर्ण %=
 100%  90%
Q-54 CA: 5
answer will be can not be determined as we don't know the passing percentage of science students
जव ब निर् णरित िह ां ककय ज सकत है क्योंकक हमें ववज्ञ ि के ववद्य र्थणयों के उत्तीर्ण प्रनतशत क पत िह ां है
Q-55 CA: 3
60  70  50 90  48  18
eng   60  52  8
3 3
60  70  50 90  48  18
hi   60  52  8
3 3
Q-56 CA: 4
total CP =1450 +146 =1596
125 100
Required MP = 1596    2280
100 87.5
कुल क्रयमूल्य =1450+146=1596
अांककत मूल्य = 1596   2280 रुपये
125 100

100 87.5
Q-57 CA: 4
taking quantity of water and applying mixture and alligation
20 75 37.5 75
50 50
25 30 25 12.5
A:C =5:6 and B:C=2:1
Required ratio= 5:2:7
प िी की म त्र लेते हुए औि ममश्रर् नियम लग िे पि
20 75 37.5 75
50 50
25 30 25 12.5
A:C=5:6 औि B:C=2:1
अभीष्ट अिप ु त = 5:2:7
Q-58 CA: 3
5 : 3 : 4 )4 = 20 : 12 : 16
7 : 4 : 5 )3 = 21 : 12 : 15
Change in A and C
then 12 =216
5 : 3 : 4 )4 = 20 : 12 : 16
7 : 4 : 5 )3 = 21 : 12 : 15
कक्ष A तथ कक्ष C में परिवतणि
अतः 12 = 216
Q-59 CA: 3
135 18
Relative Speed    54 Kmph
9 5
speed of train = 54 - 8 = 46
new relative speed = 46 + 14 = 60
total distance=135+150=285
285 18
Required time=   17.1 sec
60 5
स पेक्ष गनत    54 ककमी/घां
135 18
9 5
ट्रे ि की च ल =54-8=46
ियी स पेक्ष गनत =46+14=60
कुल दिू =135+150=285
लगिे व ल समय =   17.1 सेकांड
285 18
60 5
Q-60 CA: 5
Ratio of efficiency of B and C = 5 : 6
11 30
Number of days taken by B to complete whole work alone =  66 days
A+B 24 11

B 66 4
264 5
Required answer =  37 days
7 7
B औि C की क्षमत क अिप
ु त=5:6
11 30
अकेले पूिे क म को पूि कििे के मलए B द्व ि मलए गए ददिों की सांख्य =  66 ददन
A+B 24 11
B 66 4
अभीष्ट ददिों की सांख्य =  37 ददि
264 5
7 7
Q-61 CA: 1
C2 26  25 25
Probability =  
C2 52  51 102

C2 26  25 25
प्र नयकत = 52  
C2 52  51 102
Q-62 CA: 3
Rajesh =100 1.2 1.2 1.2 = 172.8
Sheema =100 1.125 1.125 1.125 = 142.3828125
Difference = 30.4171875 = 19467
Hence 100 = Rs.64000
ि जेश = 100 1.2 1.2 1.2 = 172.8
सीम = 100 1.125 1.125 1.125 = 142.3828125
अांति = 30.4171875 = 19467
अतः 100 = 64000 रूपए
Q-63 CA: 3
taking percentage of water
37.5 100
50 12.5 = 4:1
1=20 so 4=80
initial quantity of mixture=80+15=95
hence quantity of sprit=59.375 litre
प िी क प्रनतशत लेिे पि
37.5 100
50 12.5 = 4:1
1=20 अतः 4=80
ममश्रर् की प्र िां मभक म त्र =80+15=95
अतः स्पपरिट की म त्र =59.375 ल टि
Q-64 CA: 2
7 yrs ago 7:4
9 yrs hence 3 : 2) 3
2 = 16
Required ratio between their present ages = (56+7) : (32+7) = 21 : 13
7 वर्ण पहले, 7:4
9 वर्ण ब द, 3 : 2) 3
2 = 16
उिकी वतणम ि आयु में अभीष्ट अिुप त = (56 + 7) : (32 + 7) = 21 : 13
Q-65 CA: 3
48 45 9
 
D U 2
36 72 11
 
D U 2
From above, D = 24, U = 18
Speed of current = 3 kmph
48 45 9
 
D U 2
36 72 11
 
D U 2
हल कििे पि D = 24, U = 18
र् ि की च ल =3 ककमी / घांट
Q-66 CA: 3


Q-67 CA: 3

Q-68 CA: 5


Q-69 CA: 1


Q-70 CA: 2

Q-71 CA: 4
(381.973 - 241.647 - 143.982 + 52.781)×8 = ?
393 = ?
(381.973 - 241.647 - 143.982 + 52.781)×8 = ?
393 = ?
Q-72 CA: 3
7 4  73  75  7?
?  435  2
7 4  73  75  7?
?  435  2
Q-73 CA: 1
3 11 17 7 9
    ?
2 3 4 3 7
18  44  51 11
?  3 ,?  3
12 12
3 11 17 7 9
    ?
2 3 4 3 7
18  44  51 11
?  3 ,?  3
12 12
Q-74 CA: 5
30 100
 385   350
100 11 (17  ?)
1050  (17  ?)  350
3  17  ?, ?  196
30 100
 385   350
100 11 (17  ?)
1050  (17  ?)  350
3  17  ?, ?  196
Q-75 CA: 2
113  31  122  62 10  52  23  3  ?
?  1444  361, ?  38  19  2
113  31  122  62 10  52  23  3  ?
?  1444  361, ?  38  19  2
Q.76 Ans: 4
Expl: According to Hedgewith Crypto research, India emerged as 7th biggest nation ready to adopt crypto in 2023.
Australia is the biggest country when it comes to the adoption of cryptocurrency in 2023 with a score of 7.37 out of 10.
Expl: हे जववथ कक्रप्टो शोर् के अिस ु ि, भ ित 2023 में कक्रप्टो को अपि िे के मलए तैय ि 7वें सबसे बड़े दे श के रूप में उभि ।
2023 में 10 में से 7.37 के पकोि के स थ ऑपट्रे मलय सबसे बड़ दे श है ।
Q.77 Ans: 2
Expl: Moody's Investors Service raised India's economic growth estimate for 2023 to 5.5 per cent from 4.8 per cent
pegged earlier.
Expl: मड
ू ीज इन्वेपटसण सववणस िे 2023 के मलए भ ित के आर्थणक ववक स अिम
ु ि को पहले के 4.8 प्रनतशत से बढ कि 5.5
प्रनतशत कि ददय ।
Q.78 Ans: 1
Expl: Computer scientist Hari Balakrishnan has been awarded the 2023 Marconi Prize. Dr. Balakrishnan has been cited “for
fundamental contributions to wired and wireless networking, mobile sensing, and distributed systems”.
Expl: कांप्यूटि वैज्ञ निक हरि ब लकृष्र्ि को 2023 म कोिी पुिपक ि से सम्म नित ककय गय है। डॉ. ब ल कृष्र्ि को "व यडण
औि व यिलेस िेटवककिंग, मोब इल सेंमसांग औि ववतरित मसपटम में मौमलक योगद ि के मलए" उद्र्त ृ ककय गय है।
Q.79 Ans: 4
Expl: The government of Bangladesh signed an agreement with the International Solar Alliance (ISA) to increase the use of
solar energy in the country. The agreement was signed between the ISA Director General Ajay Mathur and the Bangladesh
Power Division Secretary Md. Habibur Rahman.
Expl: ब ांग्ल दे श सिक ि िे दे श में सौि ऊज ण के उपयोग को बढ िे के मलए अांति णष्ट्र य सौि गठबांर्ि (आईएसए) के स थ एक
समझौते पि हपत क्षि ककए। आईएसए के मह निदे शक अजय म थुि औि ब ांग्ल दे श प वि डडवीजि के सर्चव मोहम्मद
हबीबिु िहम ि के बीच समझौते पि हपत क्षि ककए गए।
Q.80 Ans: 2
Expl: Senior Indian Information Service officer Rajesh Malhotra, March 1, assumed the charge of Principal Director
General, Press Information Bureau.
Expl: भ ितीय सच ू ि सेव के वरिष्ठ अर्र्क ि ि जेश मल्होत्र िे 1 म चण को पत्र सच ू ि क य णलय के प्रर् ि मह निदे शक क
पदभ ि ग्रहर् ककय ।
Q.81 Ans: 3
Expl: World Civil Defence Day is observed on 1st March to raise awareness about the importance of civil defence
measures in protecting people and their property from natural disasters.The theme for this year is “Uniting the world’s
leading specialists for the safety and security of future generations”.
Expl: प्र कृनतक आपद ओां से लोगों औि उिकी सांपवत्त की सिु क्ष में ि गरिक सिु क्ष उप यों के महत्व के ब िे में ज गरूकत
बढ िे के मलए 1 म चण को ववश्व ि गरिक सिु क्ष ददवस मि य ज त है। इस वर्ण की थीम "भववष्य की पीदढयों की सिु क्ष औि
सिु क्ष के मलए दनु िय के अग्रर्ी ववशेर्ज्ञों को एकजुट किि " है।
Q.82 Ans: 3
Expl: The India Today Tourism Survey has chosen Jammu & Kashmir Tourism for best adventure tourism award.
Expl: इांडडय टुडे टूरिज्म सवे िे जम्मू-कश्मीि पयणटि को सवणश्रेष्ठ स हमसक पयणटि पुिपक ि के मलए चुि है।
Q.83 Ans: 4
Expl: RBL Bank and Export-Import Bank of India (India Exim Bank), have entered into an agreement under the Trade
Assistance Programme (TAP), to support cross-border trade transactions.
Expl: आिबीएल बैंक औि एक्सपोटण -इम्पोटण बैंक ऑफ इांडडय (इांडडय एस्क़्िम बैंक) िे सीम प ि व्य प ि लेिदे ि क समथणि
कििे के मलए व्य प ि सह यत क यणक्रम (ट एपी) के तहत एक समझौत ककय है।
Q.84 Ans: 1
Expl: The Irinjadappilly Sree Krishna Temple in Kerala's Thrissur district has become the first in the country to use a
mechanical, lifelike elephant for temple rituals.
Expl: केिल के त्रत्रशूि स्जले में इरिांजड स्प्पल्ल श्री कृष्र् मांददि मांददि के अिुष्ठ िों के मलए एक य ांत्रत्रक, सजीव ह थी क
उपयोग कििे व ल दे श क पहल मांददि बि गय है।
Q.85 Ans: 1
Expl: On Zero Discrimination Day, 1 March, we celebrate the right of everyone to live a full and productive life, on Zero
Discrimination Day this year,the theme is “Save lives: Decriminalise”.
Expl: शन्
ू य भेदभ व ददवस, 1 म चण को, हम पर् ू ण औि उत्प दक जीवि जीिे के मलए सभी के अर्र्क ि क जश्ि मि ते हैं, इस
वर्ण शन्
ू य भेदभ व ददवस पि, ववर्य "जीवि बच ओ: डडकक्रममिल इ़ि" है।
Q.86 Ans: 2
Expl: Indian market regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has given a nod to the National Stock
Exchange (NSE) to launch the rupee-denominated Nymex WTI crude oil and natural gas (henry hub) futures contracts in its
commodity derivatives segment.
Expl: भ ितीय ब ज ि निय मक, भ ितीय प्रनतभनू त औि ववनिमय बोडण (SEBI) िे िेशिल पटॉक एक्सचें ज (NSE) को अपिे
कमोडडट डेरिवेदटव्स सेगमेंट में रुपय -मल्
ू यवर्गणत Nymex WTI कच्चे तेल औि प्र कृनतक गैस (हे िि हब) व यद अिब
ु ांर् शरू

कििे के मलए मांजूि दे द है।
Q.87 Ans: 2
Expl: The government of Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates, has announced
plans to establish RAK Digital Assets Oasis, the world's first free zone dedicated to digital and virtual asset companies.
Expl: सांयुक्त अिब अमीि त के स त अमीि त में से एक, ि स अल खैम ह (आिएके) की सिक ि िे आिएके डडस्जटल एसेट्स
ओएमसस पथ वपत कििे की योजि की घोर्र् की है , जो डडस्जटल औि आभ सी सांपवत्त कांपनियों को समवपणत दनु िय क
पहल मुक्त क्षेत्र है।
Q.88 Ans: 1
Expl: The Asia's longest-ever cycle race was flagged off from Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir. The race, after covering a
distance of more than three thousand kilometres, will culminate at Kanyakumari.
Expl: एमशय की अब तक की सबसे लांबी स इककल िे स को जम्मू-कश्मीि के श्रीिगि से झांडी ददख कि िव ि ककय गय ।
दौड़ तीि हज ि ककलोमीटि से अर्र्क की दिू तय कििे के ब द कन्य कुम ि में सम प्त हुयी ।
Q.89 Ans: 4
Expl: Madhya Pradesh government presented a green budget of 3 lakh 14 thousand 25 crore rupees. There is no
provision for any new tax in the budget and stamp duty has also been cut in many categories.
Expl: मध्य प्रदे श सिक ि िे 3 ल ख 14 हज ि 25 किोड़ रुपए क ग्रीि बजट पेश ककय । बजट में ककसी िए टै क्स क प्र वर् ि
िह ां है औि कई कैटे गि में पट ांप ड्यूट में भी कटौती की गई है .
Q.90 Ans: 2
Expl: Nigerian electoral officials announced on 1 March 2023 that the ruling party’s candidate in the presidential election,
Bola Tinubu, has been elected as the country’s new president.
Expl: ि इजीरिय ई चुि वी अर्र्क रियों िे 1 म चण 2023 को घोर्र् की कक ि ष्ट्रपनत चि ु व में सत्त र् ि प टी के उम्मीदव ि
बोल ट िब
ु ु को दे श क िय ि ष्ट्रपनत चि
ु गय है।
Q.91 Ans: 1
Expl: Groupe Special Mobile Association (GSMA) has conferred Government Leadership Award 2023 to India for
implementing best practices in telecom policy and regulation.
Expl: Groupe Special Mobile Association (GSMA) िे दिू सांच ि िीनत औि ववनियमि में सवोत्तम प्रथ ओां को ल गू कििे के
मलए भ ित को सिक ि िेतत्ृ व पुिपक ि 2023 प्रद ि ककय है।
Q.92 Ans: 2
Expl: Lieutenant General MV Suchindra Kumar has assumed the charge of the Vice Chief of the Army Staff.
Expl: लेस्टटिेंट जििल एमवी सर्ु चांद्र कुम ि िे उप थल सेि ध्यक्ष क पदभ ि ग्रहर् कि मलय है।
Q.93 Ans: 2
Expl: Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar inaugurated the new Management Development Centre of IIM(B) in Bengaluru. The
new campus in Jigani near Bengaluru is constructed at a cost of 55 crore rupees.
Expl: उपि ष्ट्रपनत जगद प र्िखड़ िे बेंगलुरु में आईआईएम (बी) के िए प्रबांर्ि ववक स केंद्र क उद्घ टि ककय । बेंगलुरु के
प स स्जगिी में िय कैं पस 55 किोड़ रुपये की ल गत से बि य गय है।
Q.94 Ans: 1
Expl: Axis Bank completed the acquisition of Citibank’s consumer business.
Expl: एस्क्सस बैंक िे मसट बैंक के उपभोक्त व्यवस य क अर्र्ग्रहर् पिू ककय ।
Q.95 Ans: 3
Expl: Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela is organized by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) every year and this year it
was organized from 2 to 4 March 2023 in New Delhi.
Expl: पूस कृवर् ववज्ञ ि मेल हि स ल भ ितीय कृवर् अिुसांर् ि सांपथ ि (आईएआिआई) द्व ि आयोस्जत ककय ज त है
औि इस स ल यह िई ददल्ल में 2 से 4 म चण 2023 तक आयोस्जत ककय गय ।

Q.96 Ans: 1
Expl: Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai
and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, the fourth edition of the Gov Games concluded on Sunday, 5 March at the
Dubai Design District (d3).
Expl: दब
ु ई के क्र उि वप्रांस औि दब
ु ई की क यणक ि परिर्द के अध्यक्ष दहज ह इिेस शेख हमद ि त्रबि मोहम्मद त्रबि ि मशद
अल मकतम
ू के सांिक्षर् में , गॉव गेम्स क चौथ सांपकिर् िववव ि, 5 म चण को दब
ु ई डडज इि डडस्पट्रक्ट (डी3) में सांपन्ि
Q.97 Ans: 2
Expl: Vietnam's National Assembly elected Vo Van Thuong as the country's new President, in a reshuffle of the country's
top leadership amid an anti-graft campaign.
Expl: ववयति म के िेशिल असेंबल िे दे श के िए ि ष्ट्रपनत के रूप में वैि व ि थुांग को दे श के शीर्ण िेतत्ृ व के एक
फेिबदल के रूप में एक वविोर्ी अमभय ि के बीच दे श के िए ि ष्ट्रपनत के रूप में चुि ।
Q.98 Ans: 1
Expl: According to the annual World Bank report, which covers 190 countries, the UAE scored 82.5 out of 100 possible
points across 35 sub indicators divided into eight major areas of the report.
Expl: व वर्णक ववश्व बैंक की रिपोटण के अिस ु ि, जो 190 दे शों को श ममल कित है, यए
ू ई िे रिपोटण के आठ प्रमखु क्षेत्रों में
ववभ स्जत 35 उप सांकेतकों में 100 सांभ ववत अांकों में से 82.5 पकोि ककय ।
Q.99 Ans: 4
Expl: Salhoutuonuo Kruse and Hekani Jakhalu both from the ruling Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party, made history
by becoming the first women candidates to be elected in the Nagaland state assembly election.
Expl: सल्हौिुओ क्रूस औि हे किी ज ख लु दोिों िे सत्त रूढ ि ष्ट्रव द डेमोक्रेदटक प्रोग्रेमसव प टी से, ि ग लैंड ि ज्य ववर् िसभ
चिु व में चुिे ज िे व ल पहल मदहल उम्मीदव ि बिकि इनतह स बि य ।
Q.100 Ans: 1
Expl: Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corp Ltd (IRCTC) and HDFC Bank, announced the launch of a co-branded travel
credit card. Known as the IRCTC HDFC Bank Credit Card, the newly launched co-branded card is available exclusively on
NPCI’s Rupay network.
Expl: इांडडयि िे लवे कैटरिांग एांड टूरिज्म कॉपण मलममटे ड (IRCTC) औि HDFC बैंक िे सह-ब् ांडड
े ट्रै वल क्रेडडट क डण शुरू कििे की
घोर्र् की। IRCTC HDFC बैंक क्रेडडट क डण के रूप में ज ि ज त है , िय लॉन्च ककय गय सह-ब् ांडड
े क डण ववशेर् रूप से NPCI
के Rupay िेटवकण पि उपलब्र् है।

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