CCCC November 2023 Minutes

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CCCC Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Meeting 6:00 – 8:00 PM

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Roll Call
Mubina Qureshi
Susan Rottschaefer
Lex Grundorf
Yoorina Roh
Leoni Winter
Sadman Enan
Tracie Myers
Stacey Flanigan
Katy Knudtson

Not Present:
Ruchen Gao

3. Consent Agenda*
a. October Meeting Minutes
i. No questions from members. Sadman motions to approve October 2023
meeting minutes. Lex seconds. All approve.

4. Director’s Report
a. Attorney General and Secretary of State Renewals
i. As a nonprofit we are required to file annually with the Secretary of State
and Attorney General. The AG filing includes our 990 form. Both of those
filings have been renewed and accepted.

b. Enrollment Update
i. Enrollment has improved since the October meeting. The Toddler room
and YP room are 100% full. The OP room still has 1 full time and 2 part
time openings.
ii. Tracie has been allowing some flexibility for which classroom new 3 year
olds can go in.
iii. 3 preschoolers will be kindergarten age next fall.

c. Give to the Max Fundraiser Update

i. Give to the Max day was November 16. CCCC raised $2,500 from 27
contributors. This is down from $3,200 last year.
ii. Contributions came from a combination of previous families, previous
staff, current families and staff, and anonymous donors.
iii. Fewer relatives than usual contributed, we may need to do a better job of
getting the word out next year.
d. Grant Report
i. CCCC received a $3,000 grant from Think Small. These funds will be use
to purchase laptops, a toddler room couch, art easels and a new table for
the preschool classrooms, safety exit signs and outlet covers for the
playground, and books and blocks representing the new languages spoken
by children and families at the center.
ii. Retention grants from the state.
1. 100% must go to wage increases and can be used to cover that
increase in future years as well. The funds can also be used to
offset the increase in payroll taxes resulting from the wage
2. Annual reports for expenditures will be required, it will be
important to keep clear records of how the funds are used.
3. Will need to make decisions about how to use the funds, may be
discussed further in January.
4. Can compare with staff compensation at other centers (data
collected previously) to determine how to use the funds.

5. Board Meeting Structure

a. The board has tried different ways to engage families in the past. Last year the
first 15 minutes of each meeting was opened to families to bring concerns to the
board. This had mixed success because the board did not always know when
people would come, sometimes people said they were coming but then did not,
and some issues are too big to address in 15 minutes.
b. Ruchen suggested that the board chair could email families two weeks in advance
of a board meeting to ask for written concerns/comments. Staff and the board
chair would then review the responses and either bring the issue to the board or
invite the person to attend the board meeting for discussion. Board meetings
would be closed with the exception of non-members invited to discuss their
i. The board agreed that we should try this new process for the January
board meeting.
c. Another suggestion discussed was to solicit anonymous comments/concerns from
families. Tracie noted that families already have the opportunity to do this with
the annual survey.
d. Katy recently reviewed CCCC’s contract with CTC and noted that we should
consider having a CCCC liaison attend CTC board meetings. This is particularly
relevant given recent changes to the CTC board and potential future CTC

6. Adjourn*
Yoorina motions to adjourn. Leoni seconds. All in favor.

*Requires Motion, 2nd Motion, and Vote

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